How to help my girlfriend stop smoking during pregnancy?

So… her OBGYN would probably recommend her to not quit completely as it would cause more stress to the fetus to go through withdrawal than the 2 cigarettes a day…


Ok, as a former smoker, she needs to get the ashtray ready, then smoke a pack one right cig after the other. Ask her to smell the ashtray, tell her that is not what you want to kiss every day. Then smile and kiss her on the cheek. Try to burn her taste buds out. Put that dirty ashtray in a freezer bag, save it for temptation days. DO NOT WASH IT. Then go shower, rub down arms and legs with lotion, get her hair cut, a nail job, then get her dentist to clean her teeth. Maybe ask for a good cleansing mouthwash. You rinse your mouth before cleaning with floss, Listerine original. Brush your teeth after each meal to get all food particles out and keep your tongue clean too. Look in the mirror, looking good. Bet she needs something to do with her hands…get her very own hammer, nails, you decide how big a bag, and a 4x4x4ft long. Instructions from the moment husband goes to work till the husband gets home: Every time you think you want to smoke, go to the porch and pound nails into that board until the urge passes. If she runs out of nails, instructions: Honey, you have plenty of nails, now just pull one at a time out until the urge passes. Each and every day she goes nicotine-free, you run her back and legs down with lotion after her shower at night. Drink plenty of water each day and keep a slice of lemon cut and ready to chase any taste urges out of the mouth. All that was nothing more than trying to get her to realize how often she might have the urge, then sooner or later the neighbors are going to ask her did she get her building project done when the daily pounding stops. Only she will know when to quit…says the 73 yr old lady on oxygen who used to smoke.


At this point she may be advised to just cut back. Not only will she go through withdrawal, so will the baby and that is a storm no one would want to endure.


Leave her be with the 1 or 2. Forcing someone to quit isn’t as effective as them wanting it for themselves. Don’t control her, it’s her body not yours.


Her body her choice if she wants to quit she will if she doesn’t want to then that’s her choice

I switched to vaping and my doctor was fine with that. You can get low to no nicotine. I firmly believe the biggest problem with cigarettes is the thousands of other chemicals in them, not nicotine alone. But if she can get down to one or two a day and then quit from there she’ll be good.

You cannot force someone to quit when they don’t want to. I smoked both of my pregnancy’s and my babies are totally healthy and we’re when born.

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When I found out I was pregnant with my first son I quit cold turkey. Never picked one up through the whole pregnancy. With my second, I tried to quit but couldn’t. Both of my boys were delivered full term and healthy as could be.

I quit cold turkey after 50 years, but only after the dr told me I have COPD…don’t let this happen to you hon, you have a newborn, my children are all grown up…my son in law constantly has a tooth pick in his mouth…that is how he quit…good luck

I’m sure it might help if you take her to the nearest cancer center for children and then for grownups!! It might not make quite BUT it will make her more aware of it and once a week or if she gets to know one of the kids at the center pretty good and then when she comes back a## of times and then poof they’re dead!!! If she doesn’t quit smoking by then I’ll bet she’ll be donating a bunch of money from then on.!!

There is literally no excuse for continuing to smoke once you find out your pregnant and decide to keep the baby. I know women who started smoking in elementary school and were 2 packs a day but stopped cold turkey the second they found out they were pregnant. It’s pure selfishness and irresponsibility for those women that put their unhealthy desires before the health and safety of their innocent unborn child. That poor child will have life long health issues if the mother doesn’t quit.


I couldn’t stop with my oldest who is now 3 & healthy! I’m due to have my 2nd in 11 days & quit when I found out easy as can be this time. The habit is hard & some days I still want it BUT withdrawal is real & harder on the baby than the mom so her cutting back is the best thing she could have done, slowly is best in this situation but sometimes the habit is too much & as mom’s we put more guilt, pressure & stress on ourselves than some people realize. Work with her not against her.


If she was a pack or more day she is already doing amazing it’s hard to quit but give her credit on cutting back


I would suggest finding a vape with little to no nicotine. It’s as much a muscle memory as it is an addiction.

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Honestly l am a non smoker. Always have been. My mum had a two pack a day habit whilst pregnant with me… You should be praising your girlfriend for cutting down to only a couple a day. Yes its not ideal, but neither is your attitude. What is just as important is her mental health. Don’t put your issues of your parents problems.on your girlfriend. Be grateful she is having your child and doing the best she can.


My doc told me quitting cold turkey causes more stress and harm than good at that stage. Maybe switch the American spirits. There is less additives in there and because they’re a little stronger I ended up smoking less of them


I smoked with all 5 of my kiddos & they were all healthy as can be my two biggest were 9.3oz.


I don’t get it. Been there 5 times and quit cold turkey every single time I found out I was pregnant. If anyone truly wants to quit they will.


You should be happy she cut down to 1 or 2. Where when sje has the baby the baby won’t go through withdrawal. I smoked with my pregnancies none of my children withdrawal from nicotine and are healthy smart amazing children. I didn’t smoke more than 5 a day I went from a pack a day to about 5 pregnant.


The stress of trying to quit will be worse than the 1 or 2 cigarettes a day. I stopped cold turkey with my first two pregnancies and haven’t smoked since…16 yrs. But I do know stress causes a ton of problems in fetuses…just be supportive and give grace when she does smoke those 2 cigarettes. Read up on 2nd and 3rd hand smoke for after baby is born.


I did smoke w all three of mine. I did only smoke one to three a day. All mine were born healthy and weight 8 pounds and up. The baby will go through withdrawal . My Dr told me to slow down but not to cold turkey. Do not vape. It’s worse for pg ppl. Those metals are not good and they r too new to know all the long term effects. My ob said smoke cigs if ur going to smoke no vaping. Candy works keep ur hands busy and mouth. Part of the addiction is holding it in ur hand so suckers help. I know lots of women that smoked during ory and their babies were fine. Pregnancy is hard cut her some slack. She feels bad enough ab it. I tried cold turkey got really sick threw up all this orange stuff went to er they said I was too far along to try the baby will stress bc of withdrawal. They said to sleep down but form cold turkey.


I can’t lie, i smoked with all my pregnancies. I cut back, but still smoked.

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Ask her doctor they may give her someone to help curb the want to smoke. They did me when i was pregnant

Hubby was a lifelong smoker and quit almost 6 years ago by switching to an e-cigarette permanently. At first he used to still want real cigarettes and cheated a couple times but now he thinks it’s as disgusting as I do and hates even the smell. You can also start with a nicotine level equal to cigarettes and back to down to literally zero. Most of the negative press about e-cigarettes is actually from using illegal thc oil for them and/or cartridges made that way. Reputable businesses sell safe products

Tell her to not be selfish and stop putting her addiction before her child. As soon as i found out I was pregnant I quit cold turkey. It can be done. She needs willpower.


Look at all these perfect people…


Some drs will tell you that its more stressful on moma and baby for her to quit in her 2nd trimester as long as she’s not smoking more than like 5 a day… still smoking sucks but if its 1 or 2 a day thats not as bad as it could be.


Smoking in the second trimester isn’t nowhere near as bad as in the first trimester if she quits cold turkey she will stress the baby out! If cutting down is all she’s managed to do I take my hat off to her!!! Don’t be so hard on her your a male you have no idea how hard pregnancy alone can be let alone the stress of giving up smoking on top of that


She can’t. Has to do it with drs watching and help. Baby is already addicted. You quit, she could lose the baby.

Omg, leave her alone she has to give up everything else let her have her one vice for these 9 months


1-2 a day is already an awesome job and pretty much for the habit/routine at that point and not much for the nicotine


If the health and well being of her baby isn’t enough to make her stop than she never will. Sorry and I pray the baby is born healthy


Only she can do that…

If it is such an issue for you, why did you get her pregnant? You knew she smokes, you know first hand how hard it is to stop, and your being ungrateful to the fact that at least she reduced how much she is smoking…js


Honestly if you keep pushing it it will only make her feel worse. She’s aware of the situation. She feels bad. She’s trying her best. Maybe talk to the doctor and see what her options are to help her quit.

No cigarettes a day is ideal, however only 2 or 3 a day is actually pretty fuckin good for someone having trouble quitting. She’s trying so maybe try focusing more on her successes. That way she’ll have more confidence and feel less like a failure. She will see and feel her progress and want to keep making more progress.

Everyone saying if she wanted to she would… Seriously STFU. It’s not always that easy. My first time quitting was when I found out I was pregnant in 2018… That was ridiculously hard during the hormonal insanity. I unfortunately started back eventually in 2019 when she was like 6 months old… my pregnancy this year was a lot harder, and I never managed to quit until our newest baby was a month old. I cut down to 3 or less a day, but could never manage to completely quit when I was pregnant. On top of being a crazy hormonal person, I had 4 kids to raise, I was put on bedrest at FOUR months along and felt like a worthless miserable mess, my mother-in-law AND my brother died in the months before she came, and I just couldn’t do it. I was insanely depressed and couldn’t stand how mean I got when I added nicotine withdrawal on top of everything else when I tried to quit completely. Stressing her when she’s a hormone casserole isn’t going to help. Just saying. And 1-2 a day is a lot better than a pack a day…

My ob told me not to quit whole pregnant because of the stress it puts on the baby when the mother goes through withdrawal


I went through this personally… it’s hard to admit that I never fully quit… but I stopped the out of boredom I stopped out of habit… but my doctor told me the same … don’t stop out of stress if she needs one or two… let her be her … she is already doing a lot for “not her”


It’s more up to her and her willingness to quit for for unborn child because I quit straight up when I was pregnant with my daughter (without anything )but I started back up when she was 2 and smoked my entire second pregnancy …It was also easier with my first cuz my daughters father didn’t smoke but my sons dad did and both were healthy babies and only weighed a ounce apart…You gotta change ur whole mindset,retrain your brain and fight the urge to smoke …

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Hard candy can help if she’s willing


I never left a book out of my hands or my tablet. It worked in a week

Have her try nicotine free vaping!

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Vaping might be an option, lesser of two evils imo.
When I quit I had I had throw away my lighters and matches too.
I also went to the dollar tree and got sunflower seeds, gum, hard candy and suckers. I would try to replace my cigarette urges with something else that was oral.
Cutting down to one or two a day really is a great job so please do go easy on her and try to feel proud of the progress.
Addiction is no easy monster to defeat.
And congrats to you for quitting as well! Huge accomplishment :two_hearts:


Then just back off…she knows it’s not good and she already knows what needs to be done. Be supportive be a good example. Be patient, and love her through the struggles. I’m personally proud she’s made it down to a couple a day. That’s better then many others do and I feel like in no time she’ll be done altogether :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:t3:


Vaping is just as bad- don’t go there. Stand with her, don’t pester only makes it worse- “been there done that”


I cut back a lot when I pregnant it was more than 2 most days but that was good for me. She was a happy and healthy baby. We will be celebrating her 6th birthday Tuesday.

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Being younger and immature on my first I was a smoker she was healthy on my second older and wiser I didn’t smoke the second child was asthmatic but not my first try give up but sometimes what will be will be stressing her out won’t be good for her or the baby either


I managed to quit for every one of my 5 pregnancies. After delivering you bet your butt I was out smoking. Licorice (red vines), tootsie pops, just gotta find that perfect thing to stop the urge. Fidget toys work too. Keeps the hands moving. 2012 I quit smoking completely by the grace of God.

Honestly , it’s up to her if she wants to quit… if she really wants to quit because of concerns with the baby then she would. I smoked for 4 years got pregnant & I smoked the first 2 or 3 months & then looked into all the side affects it has smoking while pregnant & decided that day I wasn’t gonna touch another cigarette again while I’m pregnant. I quit cold turkey! It was definitely hard but I kept telling myself it’s what’s better for the baby & that’s all I had cared about.


I think that you are amazing for supporting her and trying to find ways to help her. I applaud you for that. Finding a partner that supports you and is honest and faithful is hard to find these days. I wish you all the very best. I would have her ask her medical doctor to see what they recommend. Congrats on your bundle of enjoy. Being a parent is the best and most rewarding title you will ever hold. I wish y’all the best

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I stopped with both my children before I even started trying , found that’s the best way ! So it was out my system before they even entered :heart:


Babies have a higher chance of dieing from sids if mom smokes

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Let her chew gum. I know it’s not healthy but….
It helped me quit when I was pregnant but I went through a lot of gum cause every time I craved a smoke I had to chew gum to try distract my mind and keep my hands busy.

I smoked during my pregnancy with my daughter … I went from around 20 a day to 2-3 a day … even that was sooo difficult I knew the risks etc but I honestly felt that was my only option I did have a day or 2 with none and I honestly felt I would have a mental break down :exploding_head: as soon as my daughter was born I stopped straight away … of course I do feel guilty that I didn’t do it when I was pregnant but my daughter is healthy and happy, of course we know the risks it can impose on unborn children etc but to be fair 30 years ago you could have a child then the nurse would take you to a smoking room with your new baby to smoke a cigarette :flushed: … I’m not saying what she is doing is right but let her know you are there to help … it’s hard enough growing a child without feeling like you have more eyes watching you making you feel more under pressure… good luck and I hope yous manage to get things sorted :crossed_fingers:t3: xx

The fact she’s down to 2 a day is really good right now and that’s probably a big step for her. My sister was a heavy smoker and went cold turkey and she got so stressed and ill she had to start and when she contacted her doctor he said it’s probably better if you just minimise your intake and wean yourself of like that instead of just quitting because it puts your body under stress. If she is stressed and her body it’s more likely to cause problems than the actual one or 2 cigarettes a day. Obviously ideally I no smoking isn’t ideal but just support her as long and it’s not increasing then I’d say that’s a great start xxxxx


As a medical professional who’s has 4 years in ob. Sometimes the benefit of smoking out weighs the risk of withdrawals.


I stopped cold turkey with both pregnancies and it is not easy to do at all… Im 32 weeks into my second pregnancy and i still crave the cig almost everyday. Be supportive try buying her favorite non sugar candies or fruit… Something to have on hand. I hope mom is good and has a healthy baby girl congrats !!

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If she’s only smoking 2 a day leave her be.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my girlfriend stop smoking during pregnancy?

My doctor also advised me not to quit while pregnant as it can make baby go through nicotine withdrawal. Her going down to one or two a day is the wisest thing she can do. I smoked with all 5 of my children and had all healthy pregnancies and babies. My only complication was with my last child and it was that he was breech. Doctor said that was most likely due to me having back to back pregnancies. No complications due to smoking with none of my 5 kids.


Talk to her doctor. They may have ideas to help her quit

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I know a lot of cigarette smokers switched to vaping to stop smoking cigarettes. Not sure if it’s any better for the baby, but she could try that to ease the cravings.


I quit smoking cold turkey at 19 weeks pregnant with my first. Best thing I ever did :heart: be encouraging, tell her she can do it. That you believe in her. Try not to shame her, it already sounds like you are actively trying to be very supportive so props for that. Just let her keep trying and help her, but don’t put too much pressure on her either because obviously her emotions are already running high and with fair reason. Good job

A dr will flat out tell you not to quit this way while pregnant and any patches or gum is worse you may have fought off your addiction but you were never growing a child at the same time lay off and let her decide what she can handle


I cut down as much as i could with all 3 of my kids.
Theyre all perfectly healthy…no low weights. No asthma.
Better she doesnt stress herself about it too much.
1 or 2 a day is pretty freakin good for cutting down
My dr always advised me not to quit cold turkey and cut down as much as possible without putting stress on myself.


My Dr. said do not quit cold Turkey. She suggested cutting back and try to get down to the least amount possible. My daughter is 15 now and has always been healthy.


I know it’s not exactly ideal but Maby she could try vaping to quit the cigarettes… then once she’s of the cigarettes she could quit the vape. I dunno it’s really hard and I feel for you :yellow_heart:

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She knows she needs to quit. Best she can do right now is cut back as much as possible without going through withdrawal.


If she can cut down to just a few a day it’s not going to hurt the baby. I smoke one cigarette a day (organic, not that it matters) when I was pregnant and when I went to the doctor, completely guilted with shame, the doctor just chuckled and said it’s not going to affect the baby at all. Now if she’s smoking a pack a day, that’s a different story. And no smoking in the house! Now or after the baby’s born!


I’m pregnant n in my third trimester.I used to be a heavy smoker and during my first trimester I couldn’t smoke because I was vomiting heavily but when I was in my second trimester I started smoking again.I can smoke up to 5 or 6 a day then it went down to 2 then to one then I finally gave up before I reached my third trimester.Whenever I feel the urge to smoke I eat something sweet like chocolate n it helps me not want to smoke.Im at the last month of my pregnancy n I’ve never touched nor smoked ever since.I know it’s not easy but if she can put her mind to it n think more about the baby she can do it.

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I quit as soon as I got a positive on the the stick. It’s something you have to really want in order to make happen. U can’t make someone quit if they don’t want to.

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Honestly I know alot of people just quitting because it wasn’t about them anymore it was about the baby, and honestly she should quit if she can’t then cut back and talk to her obgyn that can help

If she hasn’t quit already I doubt she will. Just encourage her as much as you can. Mine was always a hand to mouth thing not just the nicotine so I got a fidget block.

My daughter was the reason I quit. It wasn’t about me anymore. It’s was all about her. Honestly I just kept this mental image of my baby sitting in a smoke filled sac. I couldn’t shake that image and it made me disgusted. She’s 4 now and I’ve never looked back. Don’t miss it at all! Maybe tell her something like that?


I cut down as much as I could while pregnant but couldn’t quit… through two pregnancies and still a smoker/vaper now… trust me, she has enough guilt going on about it internally. My brother said to me I was way more stressed when trying not to smoke so after awhile I accepted that I’d still smoke, but only when I really felt like it, not just all the bloody time carelessly. Not sure about vaping while pregnant but that’s a hell of a lot less chemicals if she’s going to anyway. The one time I ever gave up 20 years ago was hypnosis.

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Nicotine gum or patch’s might help or e cig ( low doses) until she can stop completely you could try getting into hobbies that use her hands so she doesn’t feel weird about the empty hand movement’s

In the 3rd trimester my mom couldn’t smoke at all. The smell would make her throw up even smoking just made her sick.
So maybe with pregnancy smells. She’ll dislike it. I don’t smoke at all. Idk if it’s cuz of what my mom cuz she could smoke with my brother and he’s a smoker.
But honestly 1/2 a day is very good.

I quit smoking cold turkey, the second I knew I was pregnant. I also gave up coffee, anything with alcohol in it, and whatever else doctors were saying was bad for the baby. All I could think about was the health of my baby. Vaping is worse for you than cigarettes. It’s just a money maker for tobacco companies. They don’t care which one of their products kills you. So please don’t substitute vaping for smoking.

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I smoked 4 years then once found i was pregnant with my youngest I quit. It really sucked but I felt guilty knowing the effects of smoking during pregnancy & then to do it? Nope.
My Dr actually told me its not true about the “dont quit cold turkey”. My daughter actually me quit overall! Bc if I can go that long might as well stop!. You have to want to stop smoking. If you don’t youre not going to.

Some of you are SO judgemental !!! As a pregnant woman trying to stop cold Turkey myself it’s actually really bloody hard even though you know it’s harmful and you feel guilty. Some people just don’t have fantastic will power

Sunflower seeds helped me. Now I’m not perfect when I was extremely stressed I would smoke one. But other than that I just ate the hell out of sunflower seeds.

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Talk to her dr I was advised by my high risk not to as quitting could cause to much stress on my body and the baby and cause complications or a miscarriage.


You just put them down it’s not the cigarette it’s the nicotine do you want something in your mouth get a pencil or a candy cigarettes I think they still make them good luck every time you have a cigarette your baby has a cigarette end it and never has a tiny little lungs

I was told not to quit just slow down as much as possible. I carried both my babies to term and they’re both healthy. I was also high risk. Maybe talk to doctor and see what’s actually best for her and baby.

I had a hard time quitting as well. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until 4 months in. I cut back to 3 a day. My baby is perfect no health issues and weighed 7 lbs.

My dr told me 1-2 a day really wasn’t doing harm.

The baby already has to much nicotine now stopping could actually hurt the baby.

Oh good freaking gosh. Leave the girl alone. If she has cut back tremendously you should be happy. If she has quit you should be happy but forcing her or pushing her to do something will only make someone do the opposite. Let he quit or slow down at her own pace. And if she doesnt quit but slows down to like 1 a day then just be happy she even tried. Most people either wont try or cant quit fully and thats fine. But stop stressing her out even more. I did my best when i found out i was pregnant and barely smoked at all but sometimes when i was super stressed i just had to have one. So its a struggle.

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Not pregnant, but I have an anxiety disorder and wanted more children. They put me on Busperone. According to my Dr it’s safe during pregnancy. One side effect… I want to vomit any time I light a cigarette. Maybe look into it and talk to her ob?

Would you guys consider a hypnotherapist??? Its non evasive :woman_shrugging:

I wouldn’t keep reminding her how important it is because she’s beating herself of over every day already whether it shows or she tells it’s definitely happening. Just keep supporting her. Sit down in a calm setting and ask her things that may help her once she gets a craving.


Try 2 glasses of oj a day with a tablespoon of cream of tartar - look this method up on google to see about drinking it while pregnant. Cream of tartar is a natural nicotine blocker after about 2 weeks the cravings will be gone


A few a day is a good compromise.

Unfortunately your trauma and history cannot dictate her life, this is her body and you cannot even comprehend the pain, changes, stress and exhaustion she is experiencing.

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It shouldn’t even be about her at all period!!! It’s about that unborn child!!! So her saying that your making her feel worse about not stopping smoking is the victim card being pulled on u no the real victim here is ur unborn child who she refuses to try harder to protect that Child from coming out sick etc keep speaking your mind be that baby’s voice and if she’s mad that’s her problem. If you try hard enough to stop something you can do it period!!!

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im going into detox soon (so dont have a choice, no vapes allowed) gum, patches and spray.

smoking tobacco or something else?

Dr’s recommend to continue smoking because quiting can cause more stress on the baby.


It’s hard to quit, it can be that one little thing to help you cope. I know smoking isn’t great but her having that one or two a day then one or two every few days is better then her putting stress on her baby.

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Drs will tell you not to try to quit but to slow down to barely any because the withdrawal from quiting can stress and harm the baby. I’m not saying its a good thing but keep that in mind. With her being down to smoking so few its a better


she won’t quit, nor will this be a big problem, What would be the problem is when she is smoking while holding the baby, & his little baby lungs is inhaling all that smoke, But this is something she has to do by herself. This is a addiction & most people don’t stop until it’s too late