How to help my girlfriend stop smoking during pregnancy?

I had to quit with mine because the taste and smell was horrendous to me. Literally made me gag.


How about trying to move onto vaping? Of course everyone is different I appreciate that, but I have twice successfully quit smoking through vaping - the first time I went back to smoking through making the silly decision to just have the one cigarette on a night out. Iā€™m now smoke free again via vaping. I truly believe it is something that works while still giving off the effect of smoking. Of course vaping is something that has very controversial opinions so if in doubt research it first before making a decision, but itā€™s worth a try especially if she is pregnant. My partner and I aim to expand our family and are actively trying to do so, but refused to still be smoking when it happens. Best to nip it in the bud now. As he always tells me: ā€œpreparation prevents piss poor performance.ā€

Hope all works out for you and you can come to a solution best for all.

My ex best friend didnā€™t quit smoking for her pregnancy her babies were in ICU for forever and still til this day couple years later are constantly in and out of hospital on breathing tubes. Thereā€™s a reason sheā€™s my EX best friend :sweat_smile: itā€™s extremely selfish. Not to mention your placenta is going to come out BLACK when the baby is born the doctor is gonna know right away she was smoking. Placenta filters most of it etc but in turn it will be black / dark instead of light / pink


MOST doctors will tell you NOT to suddenly quit and to ween youā€™re self down as much as you can till after birth.


I was told not to when I was pregnant before cos to much stress for baby and to be fair she has to do it for her self and u being understanding will help her loads as u know how it feels same as I do was bloody hard and I started again 4 years later thanks to stressful life xxx just be there for her try have one and when she wants the next one do something with her to make her go a bit longer and once she done one day she think I did one day letā€™s see if she can do 2 she get there in the end xxxx

I quit cold turkey for each child right after I found out. I have so much stress happening and believe me, I want to smoke but I wonā€™t. I want to give my child the best beginning I can. If she can get down to one or two a day and then one or two in a week, etc, she can do this without causing extra stress on herself or the baby. Support her for sure. I know people that vape instead, no nicotine. Not sure if thatā€™s better though. She can do this.

There is a ton just a ton of info ligitiment real scientific info on this topic do ur researchā€¦ur concerns are valid but not supported by science please do ur homework try to enjoy the pregnancy instead of worrying ur doing something to screw up the baby before its even hereā€¦ull have plenty of time for that lol


When shes in the hospital giving birth, she wont have a want or need for a cigarette. Dont nag her or keep reminding her as that will make her smoke more. Just give suggestions.


Should have quit before you got pregnant! Selfish!!!


100%. Speak to the doctor about it. Theyā€™ll find away both non and baby are healthy.


Itā€™s a mind set thing I was a heavy smoker found out I was pregnant with my 3rd baby didnā€™t smoke with my first and second picked it up after I had my second again and smoked for 6 yrs when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd though I quit as soon as I had that positive pregnancy test :slight_smile: and didnā€™t pick it up again till a yr later I was going through a rough patch with post partum depression and some other things Iā€™m in the midst of quitting again though :slight_smile:


So basically what Iā€™m saying she has to want it for herself

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If she feels that way then she would stopā€¦ I was a heavy smoke and when I was pregnant I quiet immediately because it was for the safety of my own child


I smoked for 6 years and found out I was pregnant and quit cold turkey. It can be done.


Quitting would actually cause more stress and do more damage quitting than it would be just to keep smoking smoking. The stress would overrule everything. And I tell you what Iā€™m pregnant with my first and im 30 weeks. And my doctor told me donā€™t quite. Even when it comes to breast feeding, I just canā€™t smoke 1-2 hours before feeding. But the baby would go thru horrible withdrawal. If I ended up quitting. But they did to say to cut back. Ive been smoke since I was a 10. And bout a pack a day maybe pack Ā½ a day depending on the day. I now have like 5 cigs a day. And my baby is super healthy and I havenā€™t had any problems!

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Smoking isnā€™t good, obviously, but she probably DOES already feel terrible, especially if she immediately cut back that much (she wouldnā€™t bother if she didnā€™t care, because a couple a day is still a BIG change). Smoking one to two cigarettes a day is nothing like drugs and alcohol. Obviously support and encourage her to try her best, but it sounds like sheā€™s already trying really hard. 1-2 cigarettes a day for a normal pack a day smoker is extremely tough! A lot of older doctors recommend not quitting cold turkey because the stress can cause miscarriage, though Iā€™ve heard since then that this isnā€™t true, so Iā€™m not sure. I think if there are other things sheā€™s quit, too, such as drinking, pot, psych meds, etc., at the same time, that it could be too much for her body at once, though, as well as her mental state. I wouldnā€™t shame her for it, or put her down, but definitely try to tell her that you believe in her and she can do it, if thatā€™s what sheā€™s trying to do and is capable of doing. Other than that, thereā€™s nothing else you can do, besides putting her down, which isnā€™t going to help either of you, or the baby. Some people (people who donā€™t care, or feel terrible about it) donā€™t try to cut back at all, let alone to 1-2 cigarettes a day. Thatā€™s a pretty huge sudden adjustment for a regular smoker, as Iā€™m sure you know, having been one. Who knows, maybe after cutting back that much, she will get there.

Omg the op ? Was what can he do to help her and also support her but yet their are a ton of replyā€™s saying I quit immediately, she is selfish , I did this and that. Their may be a few actually supported responses that are in connection to the ? Asked good griefā€¦to the op I donā€™t have any advise except your amazing for trying to help and also just being supportive thatā€™s huge!


Get nicotine gum or patches for her. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll make her quit ,but could be helpful to ease the cravings

She is doing her best. Had much as I wanted to quit with both children I just couldnā€™t, I didnā€™t have the mindset. One pregnancy I smoked about 5 a day and the second pregnancy I CRAVED smoking so I was smoking more than ever. I had a scare and had to go to the cardiologist and he said donā€™t you dare quit! Quit when the baby is born! 1st baby decent size healthy as can be and is 13 now. My second baby was almost 9 lbs and guess what healthy as a whistle. Dont get me wrong I totally believe in quitting if your strong enough to do but I also think itā€™s not the end of world.


I actually did the same as her. I only smoked up to 3 a day or less and I did anything to keep busy to not smoke. Dr told me not to go cold turkey but to slowly and over time quit. I vape now and only do 6mg of nicotine, going to 3 soon and then 0. Iā€™ll be with 0 for awhile then quit completely. Thatā€™s the plan anyway. It is one of the hardest things to do. Addiction is a bitch

I have 4 babies, and smoked with all of them, my mom has three smoked with all of themā€¦ everyone Ive known that smoked cigarettes while pregnant all their babies are fineā€¦ drugs are a completely different storyā€¦ none of my babies were considered small. My smaller being 6.11 at 37 weeks my biggest 7.15 at 36 weeks, so they both could have been bigger if I went full term, all of my babies are thriving and smart, as long as she slows down I would keep reminding her shes Doing the best she can, pregnancy is hard.


What did her physician recommend?

My doc weened me off. Once I was down to one a day, it was one a day for a couple weeks. Then half of a cig a day for two weeks. Then I stopped. The first few days with out one is hard but then it passes. I couldnā€™t be around people who smoked or for a month without wanting it if I smelt it. I would also talk to the doc to see if there is a natural supplement to help relax her and take the edge off during the first week or two of having none.
This worked great for me. And it didnā€™t put any stress on the baby by weening off.

I recommend nicotine patches. This is what I did when I was pregnant. I was able to quit and stop wearing the patches after a few days. It helped with the withdrawal symptoms. Once it had been about 2 days without a cigarette I was able to tell myself ā€œI can do this!ā€
My husband was a big help (heā€™s never smoked) as he made a big deal by how much time I had been without a cigarette. The first few days heā€™d have a mini celebration with me. Then heā€™d do it weekly. Then monthly.
It really helped me cope and feel good about myself. Especially that he took the initiative to celebrate with me.
As far as people talking about the unborn baby going through withdrawals, quitting smoking does not increase your risk of premature birth or miscarriage, but smoking does. As well as a higher risk of SIDS and stillbirth.
Smoking decreases the circulation in the umbilical cord that is providing oxygen and nutrients to the unborn child. This is why it has also been linked to low birth weights and other defects.

I smoked during my first pregnancy and when I had my daughter she shook as if she were shivering. When I asked why she was doing it they asked if I was a smoker. I said yes and they said that was her going through withdrawals.
To watch my poor baby shake like that and it was nothing I could do about it broke my heart and made me feel so guilty.
The sooner you quit smoking, the better!!!

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Allen carr the easy way! You can get it as an audible, smoking ā€˜withdrawalsā€™ arenā€™t actually that bad, itā€™s the drs and media that scare you into thinking that quitting is horrible when in fact itā€™s not! You donā€™t get sick or headaches or muscle aches and pains like they say you do, because youā€™ve been told thatā€™s whatā€™s going to happen, thatā€™s what your brain is telling you will happen! Allen explains it all and she will put them down by the time sheā€™s finished the book!

What a wonderful and supportive person you are :blush:best way I can suggest is patches or talk to doctor good luck :blush:

You are wonderful for supporting herā€¦ I think itā€™s quite selfish of these women continuing to smoke during pregnancyā€¦


All in all if you decide to go with nicotine gum or patches, I would most definitely make sure theyā€™re safe for her and baby. I know you want your baby as heathy as possible, but I agree with others, she has cut down tremendously. That is a huge accomplishment in itself.

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I Love you For Loving Like you do And asking For Help. I wish I could Help you. Iā€™m battling that as Same addiction myself. I Just called The quit smoking hot line. Google it ā€¦ Thier sending me to patches and I get supportive daily text. IDK if the patches Will work with her pregnant. Itā€™s Only been 3 dayā€™s. Iā€™m supposed to have 24/7 access to a quit counselor. The info coming in the postal Mail

Get over it. I quit smoking with my first born and put him into withdrawals from nicotine addiction. If sheā€™s been smoking and cut down thatā€™s all you should ask of her. All of my babies turned out just fine with me smoking the only problem I had was my first born when I quit. Leave her alone.


If sheā€™s been smoking for a while and her body is used to it she could put the baby at Jeopardy by quitting now. Think about that. Her cutting back to one to two cigarettes is wonderful and instead of coming on here honestly I think you should be telling her how wonderful and great she is. Two a day is a huge win!!


It comes down to if she cares about her childā€™s health or not. Educate her. Smoking is extremely carcinogenic and if she cared more about her baby than her own selfish addiction, then she would quit, as many have before, so itā€™s not impossible unless she has a weak mind. Just a FEW of the ingredients in cigarettes: Acetone,
Acetic acid, Ammonia, Arsenic, Benzene, Butane, Cadmium, Carbon monoxide,Formaldehyde, Hexamine, Lead, Naphthalene, Methanol, Nicotine, Tar,Toluene. ALL of these are being given to the fetus with each cig break she takes.

I was a smoker and quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Tell her low birth weight and issues with babyā€™s health should be enough of a motivator. Holy guacamole wtf. Sorry for being harsh but I seriously donā€™t have any tolerance for it. Like thatā€™s the life inside of you depending on her to help in any way possible to be as healthy as possible. She is hopefully taking pre natals and eating the superfoods for pregnancy and all of that but dadgum your childā€™s future depends on her quitting smoking. Itā€™s really not that hard.

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Lungs donā€™t develop until the 17th weekā€¦ She has until then. I was a smoker. If I can do it, she can do it.

Patches! And itā€™s lovely to see how supportive and loving you are to her!

My friend was a heavy smoker and only went down to one a day. Her dr said it was fine. And now sheā€™s 6 and super smart and healthy.

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I struggled with this as well and the stress of others only made me not be able to quit. Just be supportive. I did rewards like ice cream night if I didnā€™t smoke for a week lol. My body just quit on its own when I was like 4 months along. I tried the patch but it didnā€™t stick on my skin well.

I was down to 1 or 2 a day with my son/firstborn. It was easier with my daughter/second born maby 1 a month. Iā€™m a non smoker now. Just be supportive. Being pushy will only stress her and baby out. 1 or 2 a day isnā€™t optimal butā€¦ itā€™s not going to be life treating to baby. Some drs say to cut back instead of quitting during pregnancy because the stress of quitting is harder on the baby than 1 or 2 cigarettes a day.

I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant with my 1st (I was 3 months). I started back up before she was 1 year because the people I hung out with smoked. I smoked for 12 years and ended up pregnant again. I found out I was pregnant (6 weeks) by using the patch. I was able to give up the patch within 2 or 3 weeks and I was smoking almost a pack a day due to my environment.

I lost 255lbs for my kids, ull do what u have to do for ur kids. Had i not lost my weight, i wldnt be here today for my 4 kids. She has to do it in her own timing, anything u say against it will only make ot harder for her to quit. She has to be ready to do it herself and in her own timing. As bad as cigarettes are for an unborn baby, its an addiction for its momma and has to be dealt with as an addiction. Just be there for her and keep supporting her best u can. Addictions arent the same for everyone, some of us dont know our strength. I struggle with food addiction daily and my bf reminds me of where i dnt want to go bk to everyday and i can promise u i dont resent him 1 bit for the reminder. Good luck

My dr had told me that quitting cold turkey wasnā€™t good when I found out I was pregnant ( at the time I was almost 3 packs a day, I was extremely stressed out and didnā€™t drink and had been 6 years clean and sober so cigarettes were my go to ) he said nicotine, caffeine is like a drug to your body. If I would quit cold turkey as much as I smoke I would go through heavy withdrawals and what you go through so will the fetus. So he advised me to slow down and cut back to the point of staying busy, gave me a bunch of pamphlets to read and a stress ball and said try to hold out until the craving gets really bad and smoke just enough for that craving and put it out. In 2 weeks I went from 3 packs a day to 2 cigarettes a day. He told me that vaping was worse than a actual cigarettes. Now almost 6 months pregnant and I do not smoke at all nor can not stand the smell. The one thing I absolutely hated hearing is from friends and family was you need to stop doing that, you need to quit smoking its unhealthy. Well yea duh thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to quit. What I didnā€™t hear was, hey how can I help, is there anything bothering you? Except one person and with her help was what helped me quit. I had someone to talk to that wasnā€™t judging me and was actually willing to listen to me and help me through it instead of belittling me.