How to help with morning sickness?

I heard ginger works.

Peppermint numbs the stomach

I was sick my whole pregnancy. I did take zofran at times but not daily. I did the pressure point bracelet that actually helped a little. I had to drink ice cold tea in morning lol

Pink Stork Nausea Sweets: Liteā€¦

These are my FAVORITE, 10/10

Preggy pop drops, ginger ale, soda water, vitamin b6, unisom, chewing ice, smelling lemon juice, chewing gum, constant snacking

I got my daughter n law the sea band bracelet and they helped her a lot

Zofran helped me somewhat, but the only thing that really helped me was Mary Jane. I was in and out of hospital with sickness and I know some people are against it but it was the only thing that helped my nausea and helped me keep anything down. I only smoked till my 4th month and my son was born healthy!!


Gingerale was my go to for the nausea with this pregnancy. Always communicate with your ob/gyn.

Try to graze instead of eating big meals. Never being overly full or hungry helped a little bit I lived on toast and lifesaver mints (and vitamins) for awhile. If theyā€™re giving you meds itā€™s bc you need them. Itā€™s better to take them than end up hospitalized over and over for dehydration.

They. Would. Not. Give. You. Anything. That. Would. Hurt. The. Baby


I was prescribed Bonjesta and my now almost three year old is 100% healthy.

I found high alkaline water the only thing that helped me through morning sickness, I wish I knew about it with my previous pregnancy

Iā€™m pregnant with #2 & With my daughter i took zofran no problems with her at all. Right now Iā€™m 21w & taking it still bc how bad my morning sickness gets. I tried b6 & unisom it didnt help. Sea bands work only for so long. & peppermint makes it a tiny bit better but not always.

Suck of sour patch kids

Drink LOTS of water
Peppermints/oil helps
Having small meals throughout the day helps a lot

Iā€™m the same as you just turned 8 weeks and my sickness was real bad too, only thing that helped was the medication my doctor prescribed. I had the same thing my last pregnancy and trust me itā€™s a life saver until the sickness goes away, I wouldnā€™t be too concerned because I doubt theyā€™d give you anything thatā€™ll harm the baby.

Bonjesta is made for pregnant women. It works wonders. However if you canā€™t keep taking that then you can take B12 and a sleeping aid (any work i used the Rite Aid Brand) at night and it helps the next day

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They make a candy called preggie pops they taste good and help with morning sickness

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I was sick for nine months. But my daughter in law was so sick that she had to have a compound pharmacy to put her nausea medicine in a paste to put on her arm. She put it on thirty minutes before she got out the bed. She was very sick and that the only thing helped her.

My last pregnancy i was like that I started dropping so much weight I had to turn to medicine the only thing I could use was suppositories because I couldnā€™t keep medicines down. Eventually my mom bought me ginger chews (candy) and eucalyptus oil which I dabbed under my noise with coconut oil. It was the only thing that would allow me to eat small snacks all day long. I came off all medicine even though the nausea lasted until the day he was born lol

Zofran is amazing. My sister and I both took it during our pregnancies.

Call your pharmacist and ask when you can start taking this. Or your doctor. But you take a sleep aid and B 12 together. Itā€™s a certain brand. But you take it at night and it helps with Nausea for the next dayā€¦ Itā€™s a life saver for most ppl. But call them and they will tell you the brand and when to start

I took bonjesta for both my pregnancies. It was a life saver

I have a daughter and daughter in law that were terribly sick when they were pregnant. I was desperate one day when my daughter was really having a bad day and I thought maybe she could keep something cold down. I bought her a box of popsicklesā€¦it worked ā€¦the best help without meds she had. When daughter in law was sickā€¦did the same thingā€¦it worked again. No drugs just relief.

Eating saltine crackers and water, just before you get up from bed. Helped me alot with morning sickness when I was expecting my first daughter.

Didnā€™t find out till my 7th pregnancy why I was so sick. Turns out my digestive system shut down. Anything that went in eventually came back up. Had to take medication to stimulate my digestive system. No idea what it was and it messed with my mind so I was basically bed or couch ridden. But at least I was able to keep from starving.

Never let your stomach be empty, 3-5 small meals a day snacks. If you are taking prenatal vits. Take them when you go to bed

Iā€™ve been treating my morning sickness the same way I treat my motion sickness: mints, saltines, water, tums, and keeping myself from over heating

Are you losing weight? I was so sick with my first that I couldnā€™t function. I had lost 15 ponds by the beginning of my 4th month, and I donā€™t weigh much to begin with. Turns out I had Hyperemesis gravidarum ( the same thing Kate Middleton had, I believe) anyway, it took a long weekend in the hospital on I.Vā€™s to turn it around.

I had all day nausea for several months (Iā€™m at 22 weeks now) and my doctor recommended B6 and high protein diet.
Hard candies did not work for any decent period of time. I didnā€™t find much that worked well, so itā€™s just trial and error. Because every pregnancy is different, so is the treatment for each womanā€™s nausea.
Good luck and I hope it passes soon!!

Iā€™ve called Bonjesta my miracle drug. Nothing else kept me from being sick. Nausea stayed, but my food stayed down. Use the Walmart discount plan to get the cost down as it is not a cheap drug. Good luck!

I had morning sickness all 9 months with my 4th , parade gum saved my life I dont know why, but it made my sickness manageable.

I feel your pain I was like that on my third the whole 9 mths nothing workedā€¦but he was my easiest labor if thatā€™s any consolation. X

My husband cooked breakfast for us. Big help

Sip warm flat coke! It must be a regular Coke stir the fizz out and sip it. Itā€™s life changing for hyper ends is in pregnancy.

Peppermint hard candies and tea also ginger. There is also a topical oil you put behind your ears itā€™s by the Dramamine in the store I canā€™t remember the name

Why would you not trust your health care worker - use what they gave you!

Try ginger tea or ginger Candy. Helps nausea for cancer patients

I sipped 7-up an nibbled crackers.
Sip and nibble key words
Ease it into your system.

My doctor prescribed me with both my girls Zofran seemed to work. Both babies are healthy and no birth defects :smiling_face:

If your nausea is 24/7 itā€™s not more ing sickness - its hyperemesis and you need to tell your doc. If its mild you can use zofran. If its kore intense - - you need IV fluids and IV nutrition.

Dry toast and black tea first thing in the morning . I hope you find something that works for you

Ginger. They have ginger candies in the pregnancy stores. They will be your best friend. Didnt find them until my second pregnancy. I managed to rack up a hernia by vomiting during my first, I couldnā€™t get it under control. My second started and those candies helped a lot.

It sounds crazy but the only thing that ever helped me was to peel a raw potatoe and eat it.

If you will hold peppermint candy in your mouth it will help.ive used it so I know it works,

I feel your pain! With my 2nd I had sickness all day every day from the beginning until around 27wks :pleading_face: the only thing that helped was something called avomine that the doctor gave me but it makes you drowsy so have to take it as you go to sleepā€¦ go see your doctor hun though cos you need to try different things. What works for some, wonā€™t work for others. I tried to tough it out and ended up in hospital on a drip :see_no_evil:

Try seabandsā€¦ I used them on my second pregnancy.m there are wristbands you wear and they have like plastic pieces on them and they use acupuncture points in your wrist to to relieve nausea

Slice ginger very thin and place under your tongue. Learned this from my asian co workers. We were RNs

Sometimes just plain saltine crackers with or without ginger ale.

I used to find that eating pretzels, not crackers, helped. And plenty of clear liquids. Fats and red meat made me sick until the second trimester.

Bonjesta is advertised for use to help with morning sickness in pregnant women. Why do you think itā€™s not safe to take?

Unisom and b6 mixture um I got prescribed reglan eat something easy on the stomach before u even get out of bed try to drink more hydrating things water gatorade Pedialyte

I have hyperemesis gravidarum and have since day one of my pregnancy partly how I found out at 3 weeks pregnant

Keep saltine Crackers by your bed, eat some before getting up

I was ill 24/7 for 9 months. Ginger in any form. Biscuits. Ale. Lollies. Also lemon.

Your lacking vitamin B6 or B 12. Not sure ask your doctor that should help you. It helped several of my friends when they were pregant.

Frostiest from Wendyā€™s helped me- chocolate :thinking:

Preggo popsā€¦ anything gingerā€¦ saltinesā€¦ and chicken and rice soup ā€¦ helped me the most but I was so bad I was also getting weekly shots and had a script for promethazineā€¦

Half a unisom (tablet not the gems) and half a b6 before bed. Not only will you sleep good but you should wake up feeling good!

Small meals & snaks helped me

Shr wouldnā€™t have given it to you if it was not safe. Better than a shot everyday.

Ginger biscuits helped me

Ginger candy can help.

Keep gum handy and anything peppermint

Sea bands really helped

B12 vitamin. ABSOLUTELY works!

Amanda you might get some advice from this

Preggy Pops. They are suckers

Ginger root powder. Saltine crackers. A dark room. No TV

Popcorn no butter or salt

Crackers (soda) and gingerale

Warm flat 7up and soda crackes

Eat crackersā€¦ this may seem a bit crazy put a little bit rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and smell it if you become nauseated. Donā€™t stop until it goes away. Thatā€™s what my had a nurse for during a C-section and it worked. It prevented me from vomiting like I did my 1st C-section.

Raspberry or ginger tea.

they are a hard candy

Ginger-ale and crackers.

Soda crackers helped me

These right here are :sparkles:AMAZINGā€‹:sparkles: for nausea, Iā€™ve got chronic nausea and these work better than any medicine Iā€™ve found. Theyā€™re chewy and all natural ginger candies you can find them at Wal-Mart or Amazon.

Depends if you literally canā€™t keep anything down. with my son I would take a sip of water and puke, it was like 2 months like this and God knows how much weight I lost. The Dr. Put me on meds they give to cancer patients to help with the nausea. I donā€™t remember what it was and I didnā€™t really care cu it worked and honestly if it helps you keep food down so that you can keep your baby healthy who cares .

Lay on your left side if you can.

Check out ginger tea or candied ginger, which does help some women ease their nausea.