How to kick family out of my house?

Quisiera ayudarte. Pero no puedo. El error lo cometiste tú al poner en las escrituras una hermana que no conocías. Pero tú eso lo sabes.Lo único que no tiene remedio es la muerte. Tu ayuda la tienes que buscar en un abogado. Ya verás que el té dará la solución. No te desesperes.y mucha :four_leaf_clover:

Can’t you go to a lawyer and change the deed and a red flag should have went off when you moved into their house and then two weeks later the house was condemned you should have knew there was something up people always feel sorry for other people and end up with s*** why you would put somebody else on the deed I don’t know but you need to get a lawyer and take them off before they take the house away from you and they get mad because you want them to help with the bills and the mortgage o f****** well let him be mad get that deep changed and kick them the f*** out before they do it to you

If you put her on the deed, you’re kind of screwed.

First talk to a lawyer about how you can get out from under the house and get as far away from your stinky situation as you can

Stupid is as stupid does

What do you mean you willingly gave up the house in the country? Can you move back there?

Contact a lawyer and get your house appraised as is. If your sister and bf are ruining the house you maybe able to find a loophole. Pull the records showing they have a pattern of living like they do. Pull all your records showing you are the one paying for the mortgage. Keep receipts/documents in a safe deposit box.

If they are on the deed I am sure the loan states they are financially responsible for the house. If they have not been contributing that could be a breach of contract and you can get the deed in your name only. It depends on your State though.

Keep your nose in your own business my brother costs me to meet much money my husband and I saved his home from going into foreclosure now we are dirt!!!

Sell your portion to a coyote to dump illegals !

Set clear boundaries!

Can you sell the house?

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Quit taking care of them. That’s a starting place. And hire an attorney


Consider this house as your “stupid tax” and just move. Let them have it! But make sure u sign it over to them so you aren’t responsible for the taxes and the city can’t take your to court for repairs.


Tina Miller Oleander tea


I like the idea to say u cant afford it to c if theyll step up. U could do that. Or just go ahead and stop paying it. Save up and move. They cant sale it without ur signature anyway. Let it get condemned and change ur number so they cant hit u up for money/housing.

Lawyer up, sell the house. Just keep in mind you will be having to split it equally. In the future NEVER put anyone but you or your spouse on things like this, it’ll always bite you in the asparagus.


Cut your losses and run as far as you can.

If you can’t sell it. I would stop paying for it. You can save up money by the time it’s foreclosed on you should have enough money to rent a place… Or quit claim it to them and move out now.


I say, find a lawyer and remove your name from the deed, find a place to rent and remove your name from all the Bill’s and move into the rental and take your stuff. They will be stuck high and dry. That’s karma at it’s best because they will loose the house for not taking care of it and paying the bills. And if the mortgage is In your name hire and attorney and evict them if they dont pay you their portions. And if the mortgage is in everyone’s name then your mostly screwed I would still hire and attorney

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Save yourself, sell the house and buy a smaller one with less stress.

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Remember both are on deed. Cannot sell without both signatures

Stop doing things for them.


People are loved and helped, but who thinks of buying a house and putting people they don’t know into writing, no matter how siblings they may be, lucky for those who get into trouble for free.

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Quit Claim Deed the property over to your sister… get yourself an RV and move on sister.


Offer to buy them out or they buy you out. Or sign it over to them And move. Be sure u take ur babe of everything. Ave dont let them talk you into staying. Obviously changes won’t be made


Quit paying the bills. Let them get shut off and go stay at a friend’s while they’re shut off. Like you said nobody can kick anybody out, so they will either sit there with no utilities, pay the bills, or leave and go mooch off someone else. :woman_shrugging:


Not much you can do since they’re on the deed!!!

Tell your NIECE that they are her problem! Tell them to either buy you out or you are selling your half!


Sell sell sell…leave them to deal with the new owners!

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Get a lawyer for advice about the deed .remove your name from every bill and move …

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You might want to check in to your laws there, I think it only takes one to day sell it. Go talk to a lawyer,

NEVER put other people on Deeds and Titles before you REALLY get to KNOW them.

Either text message everything or record it. Words can be denied by no one then.

Why would you put other ppls names on a deed for a house you paid for? Kind of late to ask advice now.

Lie and say you’re gonna sell the house to buy them a bigger one. Once they sign over that they’re selling the house run!
Be as nice as possible


Sale the house and move oon only option i think

Hope use get it sorted not nice what your going through

You know they say you can kill people with kindness but it sounds like you are as kind as you can be so try the other way and ignore them start living for you don’t do anything extra for them don’t go out of your way don’t make them comfortable anything you do to make their life work stop doing maybe they will get the idea.
Where ever the food comes from don’t give them yours try and separate everything if you have to put your food under lock and key. There are ways to deal with people like that you just have to think about yourself and what your missing out on.


I find this story very hard to believe!!! No one in their right mind, no matter how much they were badgered, would put a “long-lost sister” on the deed to a house that they were buying!!! Get a DNA test, then go see a lawyer and find out your options!! I wouldn’t even put my full-blood sister, that I grew up with, on a deed to a house I was buying!! I’m finding it difficult to have sympathy for you!! You did this completely to yourself!!


Borrow against the house then do a quick deed, deeding your half of the house to them, then move. Then quit trying to help others.


Well right off Stop cooking, cleaning n baby sitting the pets… put them outside. They aren’t on the deed. Stop going to THEIR appointments… Walkings free n the road ain’t crowded. Stop buying food n soap powder n soap n definitely no TP :roll_of_toilet_paper:. You need to stop catering to them. Take care of yourself. They don’t take care of you…


Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I feel sorry for you, but really, research should have been done

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You must see an attorney immediately. He/she will advise you on what you need to do. Don’t inform your sister on what you are going to do. Keep it to yourself. STOP waiting on them, they need to care about responsibility. I wish you luck and hope you are able to settle this problem.

Well here’s my encouragement. Go to the doctor and get your head examined because something isn’t normal here.

The sisters house was about to be condemned, but you left your nice one in the country. Just wondering why you couldn’t have had your sister, her BF and niece move in with you, sell the other place and get them into another living situation? I’m sorry you’re having issues. Consult legal advice, save your money, but don’t ruin your credit by not paying bills. Keep up the mortgage, but let others know you are having some temporary financial issues and ask for reduced payments for a few months so you can save. Do not let your niece in on any of this. Until you are ready to confront your sister, you need to keep her daughter out of it. Good luck.

Sounds like they need to be in a nursing home and in my state if their on the deed when they die the kids can make you buy out their half or sell you are not in a very good position right now

I only see one way out of this situation. You need to stop making the mortgage payments and save the money to move out and start all over. Yes, it will hurt your credit, but I know people who lost their homes to foreclosure and were still able to buy a house a couple of years later. Once you move out, they will have to make the payments or find a place to live. They can probably get government subsidized housing. Also, make sure all your other bills are paid on time and that will help to rebuild your credit. It sounds like you have been taken advantage of. You’re the only one who can put a stop to it. In the meantime, I wouldn’t cook for them or do anything for them. I know it won’t be easy, but you have to think about yourself and your husband. Life is too short to be miserable.

Its called kick them the fuck out. Just cause they names on the deed dont mean shit. If they aint helping out. Kickem the fuck out

you started off wrong…

Sell the home. If they refuse, you can legally go to court and the judge will either make them sell it OR if they want the house, they will have to buy out your portion. I was in a similar situation and this is exactly how it works. By law, you are not forced to live in a home if you do not want to!!

Can you take them off the deed

See if the bank will buy her mortgage out

Have them buy y,ou out or you buy them out , she will need lawyer

Talk to a lawyer. IMMEDIATELY!!!

I would pack my bags get out & file for bankruptcy. Take your loses & run.

Contact a lawyer and see what your options are

probably talk to an attorney

You are paying the price of stupidity. Sorry this is your fault.

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Better talk to a

Check with a lawyer!!!

Cannot believe no one advised you NOT to do this.!!!

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