How to make a marriage work after cheating?

I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13461 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


Where to start…

You were Prego so it’s even more detrimental to your self esteem

But if you want to make it work you’ve got to change your way of thinking…

It’s probably hard af going through life only having experienced one person honestly. And if you were given the opportunity to hook up with a person and actually went through with it then y’all would have another obstacle to get over…

So when my husband hooks up with someone else the rules are no pregnancy scares and he’s not allowed to like them… For me it would just hurt more if he got feelings for someone else…

If you feel as though you aren’t in love any longer, find a peaceful solution that allows the man you say is a great father to continue doing so to your babies…and hopefully along the way you are able to love yourself and feel beautiful again. Although he is showing you he wants to continue to improve your relationship and that’s amazing to hear… choosing someone who won’t give up on you is an incredible find…no matter what life throws your way… he is learning who he is in life as well. y’all will either adapt to the new versions of yourselves youll meet along the way or crumble to pieces…mainly from lack of communication…

Nope. He cheats, you leave. :woman_shrugging:t2: Pretty simple.

You deserve better. He made his decision to be with someone else. He chose her over you. He knew that what he was doing would ruin everything you two had built up together. His fault. 1000%. No recovering. If you stay, you’ll always doubt him, you’ll never feel fully confident, you’ll never trust him, you’ll regret it. Don’t waste your precious limited time on this earth with a piece of garbage like him. :face_vomiting:

Move on and enjoy your life, find someone who respects and cherishes you and would never think to betray or hurt you. :heart:


Well said i raised my 2 sons alone and when they were old enough they asked i simply said mom and dad couldn’t get along and we both thought i would be best that i raised them they met her when they were 15 and 16 i never spoke badly about her they stayed with her for 3 months and never wanted to see her again​:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

I was cheated on after being in a relationship for 7 or 8 years…granted we werent married or had kids yet but I felt like it was such a turning point. Like you, I struggled with what to do but in the end decided that a one time choice can be a mistake, twice would be a habit I couldnt live with and thats what Ive stood by since. Healing takes a long time and its still something we are now able to joke about openly but it took time.

Allow the Lord to help you heal and get past this.

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If it’s worth spending the next several to all of your years trying to fix it, talking through it, seeking help and trying to put it behind you, do it. These thoughts unfortunately like death numb with time but the thought of it will randomly creep up on you like it happened yesterday and that doesn’t ever stop occasionally happening. He selfishly took something from your relationship that will take many years to try to replace again. Trust, love, etc…if your own happiness is worth anything you’ll work through it how you see best and not society. Not staying because you have kids. And he’s a better husband for the last year after he cheated ? That’s not a better husband that’s someone getting caught and scared you’ll leave.


It sounds like couples counseling and individual counseling will help you get over everything you’re feeling. Hopefully, it’ll help you regain your sense of worth, that regardless of what your husband did, it does not negate your beauty and value. It can also help get over the feelings of betrayal. It does sound like you still love him and maybe therapy can help you reignite what made you fall in love with him in the first place.It does sound like he’s trying very hard for his family. The affair aside, the way you describe him, your husband sounds like a good man who made a horrible mistake. Therapy can help you determine if his betrayal is too much to continue the relationship. Maybe time will help as he consistently proves to you that he isn’t the same man who cheated on you. He sounds like he has some amazing qualities, qualities that aren’t very easy to find. Wanting to have an intact family unit is wonderful and not something many people care about. However, despite all this, at the end of the day, YOU have to be happy. You deserve to be happy. But give family therapy and individual therapy a try, you may find yourself able to forgive. I’m sorry this happened to you and I wish you the best of luck.


l get paid over $135 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18745 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

I would suggest going on a Retrouville weekend. It is through the Catholic Church but you don’t have to be Catholic. 3 couples lead the weekend and one couple has had one of the partners has had an affair. It can put the marriage back together again. Good luck I think they’re in every state.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with another person. It’s a tool for you to let go of the emotional burden you attach to something. You’re only holding yourself back. Emotional independence doesn’t come from other peoples attitudes and behaviors. Work with your individual therapist to stop letting other peoples attitudes and behaviors control your emotions, and develop some self esteem.

I feel like we have the same marriage. My husband cheated while away for work right before Christmas. I was pregnant with our 2nd going through college, while at home taking care of our 1st son, I was about 6-7mns when it happened to me as well. The hurt of not knowing,why, and him not explaining other than saying “he was dumb and stupid, and yada yada” it’s been over a year for us as well, and i still think about to daily. We’re constantly back and forth on wether or not we’re going to split up, or stay. Some days are great,other days suck. He’s stepped up slot in the last year to be here for us, but in the marriage department it all sucks. It’s hard to leave, specially when you have kids, and then on top of it all, everyone else has always left my life,and him being in it the longest, is what makes it harder to leave, cause your comfy and don’t want to be back to square one. It sucks, and I feel your pain alot. Having kids you want to know you didn’t fail them, which why you keep trying to make it work no matter how hard it is. It’s a daily fight,mentally, physically and emotionally, depression on top of it,and not having much support sucks the most. Feel free to message me, and we can talk and go through it together. Believe me, it’s a constant fight with your own mind and body.

People don’t hurt the ones they love your spouse purposely made a decision to cheat knowing the consequences he was selfish and cared about his needs at the time , so I would never stay w someone who cheated !! But to each their own but it’s not worth all the energy it would take from me mentally …


It’s a decision you make to forgive him and open your heart upto him again and move on. If you cannot truly forgive him which it seems you can’t then the marriage has ended. You taking another sexual partner will not make you feel any better. It will most likely make you feel worse. Do you know why he did it what was his.reason ? Then maybe you could understand and forgive him. At the moment you are just oozing resentment and frustration and anger these are not the emotions of forgiveness . Maybe in your heart you know it’s over you just don’t want to be the one to end it.but you have two children in all of this and the situation is bubbling and boiling away it could explode so make a decision on what is best for you and then stick to it for the sake of the kids. And.remember marriage break ups are never easy or pleasant but sometimes necessary.


He put not only you but his unborn child’s health in danger!!! Great dad I think fuckn not!! Vile on another level

I wouldn’t want to teach my kids that staying after being cheated on is acceptable. Also I hate hearing you say if you did it he’d leave you - well then honey - leave.


He needs to make the effort and make u fall in love with him again.
My ex and I couldn’t do this I couldn’t get the does she do this better then me out of my head.


Seek counseling for yourself and together. It takes years, sometimes, to heal from an affair, but it can be done. It takes a lot of work, mainly from the betrayer, but it is possible. Feel your feelings, talk to him about them, but try to not let them consume you.


He didn’t just cheat honey, he had an affair. It was a blinded by alcohol thing. He did it over and over. Everyone knows how cheating will make the other person feel and he STILL did that to you. And he can continue to be a good father without you around. :woman_shrugging: My advice is to love yourself the way he isn’t and grow. Cause no matter what counseling you take you won’t trust that he won’t do it again.


If you really really want to try to help get past it, try suggesting couples therapy and individual therapy. I personally know that once it happens, it will always be a what if in the back of your head. Like what if he does it again or is doing it right now. It’s hard and a lot of people leave because it’s one of the worst things someone can do to mentally break your trust. Also maybe sit down with him and tell him exactly how you feel. Good luck! I hope things work out for you.:heart:


Both couples and individual therapy for you. Give it your best effort and if you are still this tortured a year from now, perhaps separation or divorce would be the best thing. You are too young to live the rest of your life feeling this way.


it can be done with the will of u both this can be done - together u both should go and see and seriously talk to an "counselor , i would say the most real question would be why did u cheat on me when i was 6 months pregnant? i;m sure u both will be able to handle this - and to trust him again that is something u both will have to work on and just a little either. i mean really work on i’m sure u now have 2 beautiful kids that even daddy loves very much and your 3rd , that daddy also loves very much - honey all i can say to u about this right now is work with your husband again u will learn to trust him maybe even more than u did before - who honestly knows - “GIVE THIS ALL U GOT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE /KIDS AND HUSBAND AND YOURSELF - GOD IS WITH U ALL - U WILL GET THROUGHT THIS-” AMEN


You need couples counciling / sex therapist to help you reconnect emotionally and physically if you don’t think that you can do it on your own.

Team work and effort gotta have faith to take some chances

Trust me when I say your kids are worth the try. I went through this & wish I was strong enough to really try to get through the hard things. My story is different from what you say but ultimately it destroyed my life. If after a few years you can’t work through it then I say in your case it may not be better for you or your kids.

prioritize your mental health, leave.
he will still be a great father regardless, your kids won’t lose dad.

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Try counseling it may help, it may not but at least you can speak your mind and try to find a solution that works best for you

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As a child of divorced parents, seeing them find partners with whom they were compatible, happy, and loved was far more beneficial to me then them “staying together for the kids” ever would have been. Kids need to see happy loving relationships. Not suffering for some insane sense of honor.

If you can stay together and be happy, hooray! If not, there is no honor in pointless suffering.


You will never forget

Leave it in God’s hands :pray: :raised_hand: :raised_hands: but don’t beat yourself mentally over it bc you will never find peace and be happy chose wisely if you’re not a happy mum then your kids are not going to be happy think of yourself and your kids 1st GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND GOOD LUCK

You are a realky young couple by the sounds of it…being each others first…you both need counselling to heal and then counselling together…
Since you caught him having an affair it probably would have kept on going…but you hope its over…he probably found someone because he wanted to experiment not ever having been with anyone but you and yes when they cheat its all about lust in the beginning until feelings start happening so otherwards you caught him before that happened
You dont feel beautiful because he strayed and you have to get that feeling back again
Get out of this rut you are in…Try going to a gym and working out getting into great shape will make you feel good about your body
Plus alot of guys hit on women in gyms and that alone will make you feel good…sometimes its not enough to hear it from your hubby
Going to therapy will help immensely to deal with your emotions
If you want to work on your marriage you have to really work on it otherwise it will just cause him to stray feeling you dont love him
So go out on dates do things together that are fun
Change up in the bedroom so it doesnt get boring
Try oils, blindfold him sexy massage…wear sexy lingerie
Just putting on matching bra and panties that are sexy in the morning nakes us feel good about ourselves
Sitting down talking about everything and anything start communicating alot of relationships fall apart because of poor communiating
Fridays put kids to bed and order food in and light candles have just you 2 time…you need to find your way back to each other without resenting him for his mistake
You can do this with alot of hard work

l get paid over $155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17412 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

I wouldn’t be able to do it.

Have you gone to therapy to try to help you get through all your feelings?

Get some marriage counseling. They may be able to help you get back to that. I’ve been doing it and it’s been a help so far. I’ve felt the same way

Therapy is the only way you might find peace.
The betrayal of the person we love Is the most painful thing.
You both need marriage counseling.
Time alone won’t work to heal. Your imagination and your own thoughts will eat you alive every day of your life.

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If you’re not in love with him anymore definitely leave. I don’t blame you

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Being with someone who cheats is just desperate

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I would encourage you to check out the marriage advice of Mark Gungor

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I would encourage you to check out the marriage advice of Mark Gungor

Cheating is not always about sex . Often times people cheat because they aren’t getting attention , and attention doesn’t mean sex . It could simply be a lack of appreciation , or control issues . Most women fall in love with the man of their dreams and marry him and then immediately want him to change into the kind of guy that they would have friend zoned . I would encourage you to seek counseling from a qualified person instead of seeking useless advice from people on here that can’t manage their own failed relationships .

I’m sorry that happened to you​:broken_heart:. I would absolutely not be forgiving. I would be gone. I watched it growing up and vowed to myself never to be mistreated in such an utterly disrespectful way. I hope you do what’s right in your heart and it works out whichever way you choose :two_hearts:


They always do it again


I have been there. My kids were teens. Trust me when i say you will never forget! However you can forgive if you love him enough. But it is only a 1 time forgiveness! You areso hurt by his betrayal and thats why you don’t know if you even love him anymore. Your children do deserve to have a whole family life, but not at the expense of their mom if dad keeps on cheating. Perhaps you need some time apart to work things thru. He should be the 1 to leave for a trial separation. This will give you time to clear your mind and decide if you can forgive him or not. I wish you all the best of luck.

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I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to touch him again!!! Sorry this happened and I hope you find real happiness again. :pray:

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You either need to leave or figure out a way to forgive him. You seem to believe in faith so why not forgiveness. We are all sinners

I lived it too honey. I’m glad he’s trying to make the marriage work because so many times they DO NOT change. As for your feelings I’m not quite sure what to tell you sweetie. You may never get passed it and you have every right to feel that way. I stayed for almost 40 years and I hated him. Now I’m 57 and trying to start over. I left at 54 almost 55. I can’t see myself even dating again


I’m going thru something very similar just weeks ago I found out and I’m trying to work thru it too it’s the worst feeling being betrayed by the one we love the most and trying to forgive him and it’s something you can never forget ever

Honestly, do stuff to bring that spark back! Go on dates, get real deep into each other again, find what made you absolutely adore him in the first place. What he did sucks, I wish we could go back and change it! But unfortunately that isn’t the reality anymore😞

Cheating happened a lot in my life time, family and relationships, the only thing I saw actually help was both parties figured out the issue, resolved it together, and moved on better and stronger.


Faithfulness doesn’t have to be a core value in a relationship, but that has to be a decision made by both partners. If you can’t get last it, you have to move on. He can still be a wonderful father and you can be happy again. Marriage counseling first, but if you can’t move on, you have to forgive yourself for that and go on with your life.


You can try for a while to fix it, but eventually it will be too much. Especially since he did it during your most vulnerable time. Leave now don’t waste anymore time.


Going through it now…its extremely extremely hard

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This is not the place to be asking answers for something so complex as this. Most do not know the Lord as their Saviour and from your comments, I think you do. You kneed to seek a pastor who knows Gods word to help you and show you from His word what you need to do to forgive and bring your hurt back in balance with your life. If you need guidance as to who to call, I can refer you to Pastor Chris McNally from Bethany Baptist church. Church phone number is 860-627-7031
Leave a message if no answer. Pls don’t delay.


Outside of religion. To be honest it’s something you will truly never forgive or forget. You just learn how to move forward. My husband cheated once which I know of during our marriage and a few times when we dated. I choose to marry him and move on then it happened during our marriage. I had to make him move out and we started over again. Date nights and trying to find out who we were again. Every day we change as people and we fall out of love.


he destroyed his family making that choice, not you choosing to leave him. it’s a hard situation but if you don’t want to leave then you’re just going to have to figure out how to forgive him & move on

Your gonna be divorce when you hit the 20 yr mark and your kids are raised.
Work it out financially and
slerp with whoever you want.
You meet someone who can really be marriex MOVE ON. !!

Deniese Jackson’s book ( Alan Jackson’s wife) maybe her perspective will help. You can choose to forgive. Forgiveness is for you so you don’t suffer . It’s like holding on to a hot stone and expecting him to get burned. If you set the hot stone down you won’t continue to burn yourself! You won’t ever forget. It will take a long time to build trust back .


I totally understand. I hate to tell you but you may always have that doubt in your head. I’m sorry

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I have literally been in this exact spot and I am still with my husband after 5 years. DM if you want to talk!! I feel your pain!

My husband cheated on me when our baby was two months old with his ex wife. I found out he lied still to this day says he didn’t do it but there was proof and tbh what helped me was I turn to God. I still has issues since all that happened but it gets better. It’s been two years ago since it had happen and if both of y’all want to work it out then y’all can do it. It will take time and patience. Keep your head high and you can hit me up anytime

I went through about 5/6yrs of cheating. I drove myself insane. I always wondered what he was doing while he was away, working, ect. I wondered why I was never good enough, what I did wrong, ect. Everyone kept telling me to leave, even his own family. But I couldn’t, not until I was ready. I finally left. I was unhappy and so worn out over constantly thinking and overthinking. I was tired and my kids deserved better. I finally left. I could never trust him again and I was completely disgusted with his very being. It’s been 3 years now. I’ve been single the entire time and I’m ok and happy with that


It depends if you surely can get past it. From your posts it seems like this is the object of your suffering, insecurity, feeling not good enough… He may be trying now, but it doesn’t negate the fact that he did what he did. Have you brought up the fact that he would be more hurt if you did that? Personally I haven’t seen any relationships recover after cheating. It’s always going to be something in the back of your mind. Here it is here later and it’s still very present on your heart. You said that you’re not in love with him anymore, it’s not a bad thing to move on. He can be a great father and you all can split custody without courts… but a great husband? I can’t agree. He made a big mistake. He made a vow to you and broke it. You may be able to piece it back together but you’ll see all the cracks.


Well unless he’s deep in therapy and you are in therapy it’s not going to work. You both need to process how and why he did it truly not the nice version of why, you need to work through the trauma of it and really decide if you want to be with a man that out you and your babies lives at risk so willingly, who didn’t respect you nor love you enough to be open with where he was struggling in the relationship. Has he even taken full ownership of what he did and was that bc he was caught or be he’s truly remorseful? At the least remove yourself from his presence so you can actually work it out with yourself.


Since you have small kids I say get professional help before making any decisions

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Ur nor in love with him anymore. U will leave when ready, unfair u must feel like this when its not ur fault. Do u think u deserve better? Would God want u miserable? Sometimes it’s not a lesson for u but for him. Sounds like he lost a good thing

I have learned that you forgive people for YOU not for THEM. This is going to take a LOT of soul searching from you, you need to figure out if you can continue this relationship and if YOU can get over his lack of fidelity. If you can forgive him and truly let go of the resentment and push forward your marriage will last it will take so much work! If you can’t forgive him and push forward you need to leave. Sending huge hugs.


Go to GOD! Pray for your spirit to be healed.


Tell him that to his face . Ask him how he’d feel if the shoe was on the other foot . I almost did it back last night . I took off from work , went to the bar . Went inside ordered a drink , looked around and the utter feeling of shame flashed over me . I shook it off and got into my car and went home . I was mad as hell that I couldn’t go through with it . Although I know I have much more self respect than he could ever wish to have . One day his karma will creep up on him , last night wasn’t his night though . Nor is it mine to dish out .


My ex husband cheated on me a few times…. I finally found the courage to leave after 14 years and 3 kids. After the divorce and a few years later, I found a wonderful man who sees me for me. He loves me just the way I am. We have been married for 18 months now. I have never been so happy. I’m not saying to leave. But search deep down and decide if this is worth saving. You can’t live like this forever.


Professional help is the only think that will help you both. Many issues for you both to work out, individually and as a couple.

ITS ALWAYS your choice to make it work or not, when you are no longer IN LOVE WITH HIM it all changes , you have to be happy yourself… an find out who you are , Not what he has done … BE YOU AN LOVE WHO YOU ARE … :heart::rose::heart: Good Luck …

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I don’t have the answers unfortunately, but I came here to say I support you and whatever decisions you decide to make! And my heart goes out to you, I’ve been in your shoes, and let me tell you… forgiving and forgetting are two wayyyy different things, and that is completely okay. You will work through it in your own way, in your own time, and all I will say is that you get to have that, don’t let anyone rush you or tell you that you have to be over it in a certain amount of time. Because it’s grief and everyone deals with grief differently and it is totally justifiable to feel grief over the loss of the relationship you had while also working on what you want the relationship to be from this point forward. Sending you all the love :orange_heart::orange_heart::orange_heart:


The trust will NEVER come back! It made me constantly wonder what he was doing .I was miserable for a long time after he cheated . I finally left my marriage to find my happiness again .

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It’s impossible to get it out of your head every time you go to touch him or him touch you, you’re going to be wondering how their experience was together, how he perceives your intimacy with him now. If I had real proof my partner *ucked another person I would be done. Good luck.


Yeah divorce him …leopards don’t change their spots

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Look up ester perel on you tube. She’s amazing

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Get over it… Or it will never work


It’s really difficult, you can try for years after to make it work, but in the end it just doesn’t work, no such thing as forgive and forget.

Counseling… the answer is Counseling. Together AND separate. If you truly want to be together, it will help.

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It will never be the same and you will never fully trust him again. It takes time. Lots and lots of time. You can find a new normal though.

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You said it was one time? Was it one single fling or was he with her over a period of time?

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Many people who have stayed together for 50 years or so have dealt with all kinds of things with each other throughout those years.

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I would definitely try counseling, that could help a lot. But you also cant just stay together because you have children. I mean you could but if your not happy it will start to show, and that will also effect your children. You both have to do what you can to fix your marriage, and I do believe it can be fixed. People make mistakes, we’re all human that way. Now if yall do everything you can to fix it and it still doesnt workout and your still not happy, then at least you can say you tried. Talk to a professional, maybe try talking to someone by yourself first, then talk to your husband, and bring him in. And I have a question, you mentioned earlier that you dont feel like your in love with him anymore, did that start before or after his affair? You dont want to go through life with someone your not in love with.

You said it yourself your not in love with him so why stay just for the kids it never works out in the end you have to think of yourself i left my daughter’s father after he cheated on me there was no coming back from that i know it’s hard but you don’t just stay because he’s the father of your kids.


The fact that you are even asking this question should tell you what you need to know. Can’t force it, girl. And you should NOT stay together for the kids Thats a horrible idea.

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It’ll never be the same again. Cheating is a deal breaker. He doesn’t respect you if he cheated.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I don’t think it’s something I can ever get over but best of luck to you.

You will never trust him the same way but if you want to try to make it work you both need to see a marriage counselor. It will either help or make you realize that you absolutely cannot forgive him.

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I went through the same exact thing, and I stayed.
My husbands mistake was when we were 4 years married, and we had a 2 year old.
Now we are happily married for almost 11 years with 2 kids and I am so thankful I didn’t leave.
Things really can get better :white_heart:


I am a firm believer of second chances. Everyone makes mistakes. It was a huge mistake on his part. If you decide to stay with him, you must find a way to forgive him. You will never forget about the affair, and it will always be in the back of your mind. However, you can learn to trust him again.

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Sounds like you want to leave, and the leaving , be validated….

Maybe try couples counseling together so you can go together and get your feelings heard between one another


Take the time to focus on yourself and how you feel about yourself and work to do what you can to make you feel better about you for you. Don’t connect everything to how he’s feeling and thinking. Time will help heal you and or bring clarity for you in what you need to do for you.


Honestly this is a very complicated situation with simple but hard answer, you will need to find a way emotionally and physically to let go of what was before the cheating, grieve the loss of the marriage to the man you thought you knew, then begin your marriage to the man you know, definitely counciling as a couple to find ways to cope together, understanding that it will never be the marriage you had before is the hardest part of the hurdle, building trust will feel impossible and this is where you must both decide if you can remain married and fall in love again flaws and all, otherwise the results will be devastating to both of your mental and emotional health. If you are able to trust again after that you may have the person for you who made a poor choice, and you both will have to work to understand and love each other through the process. Lol im terrible at love as Ive been married 2xs and im still learning and healing and you never know if anything will work out at the end, give it your best shot and if it works bless you, if it doesnt you tried your best and will know you did so that you can begin your healing process independently. Best of luck sweetheart :heartbeat:


Same story basically. Question is do you still love him? Way deep down because your going to go thru A lot to find forgiveness. If you can’t leave. Kids don’t need to live with his mistake if you are not able to forgive. Sorry it sucks.

Therapy. Satan has a way of tearing a family apart, you know this. He will blind you from everything you know is right.(I mean your husband) If you have stayed thus far, please continue to try. If you are not happy with your appearance, do something. Go to the gym, eat healthy, start power walking with the baby carriage <3 You need to make you happy again. Sounds like he loves you and is desperate to make you happy again. You’ve forgiven him, in some ways, now you need to get past this. It will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done but you can do it. <3 Please seek council

Do you love him? If you do, don’t think about the bad he did… focus only on the good and start looking at yourself, you are beautiful love you and who you are…

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If you stay & you feel like it’s the right thing to do, don’t let anyone else judge you. But remember this:
if you left him today you’d find a list of dudes who’d lick the soles of your feet by the weekend .

He cheated, he messed up & there is a chance it will happen again - as they usually aren’t sorry for doing it, they’re sorry they’ve been caught.
He should be the one feeling unattractive to you after this, if anything not you feeling unattractive. It’s not your job to feel sexy or be available for that all the time either. Don’t rush back into physical intimacy & bedroom stuff, he will feel like he’s gotten away with it & there are no real consequences.

Try to find a hobby out of the house & preferably with a gal pal, otherwise you will probably end up devoting all your free time to feeling insecure and overthinking the situation

Go to couples counselling or find a psychologist that you can see alone & include him only on certain sessions.


You can try
But it’ll never remain the same. Wish u luck tho!


First thing my grandmother told me was to close my eyes. See him on our wedding day that moment when you saw him and he saw you?that very first look he gave you ?
You see that?,you feel that?
Ok now picture every special moment in your life with him just like that.
only the very first look though no more.
If you still feel good about that and have the same reaction when you did that day you can forgive him and move on with him.
Third get a pin and paper maybe a notebook you must write everything down I mean everything from start to finish I’m mean feeling the hurt everything. After you have done the writing put it under your pillow or mattress you must sleep on it for one week. if you need to add to the the book then add but you must sleep on it for a week every night, you must also remember all the happy days y’all have had the big ones and the little one but only the first site of him not everything else just the first site of him
Every times the thought or the pain comes back you call him text him go to him tell him you love him kiss him walk away take a deep breath smile and tell yourself I won that one.
You can do that forever,
But after a week of sleeping on that book do not read it just simply talk to it like it was him you must burn it . so if you are in a place that you can’t burn you need to find one that you can there is healing in the burning of it.
While you stand there watching it burn just keep saying I forgive you
I can not explain this I have used this in every era of my life even with big decisions that I need directions on it truly does work
I’m not saying you will feel like you did before this or that there is something that will make it go bake the way it was he broke you in ways that one can know if it’s not happened to them you can’t explain it nor should you we know that pain
But what I am saying is there is healing for you and what happens after that is totally ok yes this sounds ridiculous I know