How to move on from a relationship?

Wow karma is all I got to say and there is no way you can justify what you did. And if he truly wanted to leave her and pursue you he would have you need to do some soul searching and work on yourself.


no physical attaction?..i iwonder how those babies were made


It’s really sad how many of you were failed on so many topics from culture, to arranged marriages, to sex, to sexuality. :person_facepalming:t2:

Yes op you’ll be fine once you find someone whom is actually available.

So you left cause he won’t leave his wife or did the wife find out about you and told him he must get rid of you…I’m sure you will move on easy and look for another married man or you can just stand on a corner at nightime in a red-light area


Leaving was the smart thing … you have to be strong now. Time will lessen the pain . Start doing things for yourself . Take yoga or something that interests you . Keep busy and find yourself . Maybe a journal for your thoughts. You did the hardest part already …. Now it’s all up hill to better days !! Be proud of yourself for waking away from a situation that was going no where .


Or so he says he doesn’t have a physical or emotional connection with wife… You look so dumb right now.


Yes you will
You wasted five years with a man who would not commit the pain will pass and you can and will move on


you will, it will be hard for sure. the fact is you didn’t have any loyalties to his wife, he did. you didn’t marry her, you didn’t say vows to be with her… he did. just think about all that time you wasted? you’re right, you can’t help who you love, shit happens. you’ll get there, it may take time but you will. everyone saying “how did they have kids if be wasn’t physically attracted to her” it happens, a lot. most people in arranged marriages only have sex to have kids, weather they’re attracted to their other half or not because it is their “duty” people talk about home wreckers a lot… but that’s bullshit. if he didn’t leave the door wide open for you then it wouldn’t of happened, but it would’ve happened with someone else. that’s his doing, let it go. let him go

You had an affair with a married man, pick up what’s left of your pride and keep this to yourself.


You can help who you love. You do not allow yourself to get in a situation like you allowed yourself to get into. You have finally left and done the right thing, move forward…


Yes, you will move on, and cringe a little :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Wait… arranged marriage INSIDE THE FAMILY??? So… he married a relative??? :flushed::flushed::flushed:


I think you should probably look for a man who isn’t married with kids. Gag👀


Disgusting thing to do to another person. Hope you are ashamed of yourself


So he has no emotional or physical attraction towards his wife yet his got kids with her lmao u got played by him, this line is always said by a married man :rofl: id say good riddance to bad rubbish


Stop being a home wrecker and move on. You can if you have the will power. If you don’t have the will power then I guess we will add you to the home wrecker fan page.

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SMH all cheating married men run that same line to their side chicks about how they are so unhappy and not attracted to the wife anymore. That’s just a tactic to get some side ass. But in the same breath they’re sitting home with their family bragging how happy they are and don’t want to leave and don’t make an attempt to leave. Y’all side chicks need to smarten up. If a man is so unhappy with his current situation he would get out of it before starting something else. I had a man try the same thing with me. He was an ex and claimed he wanted to be with me again but he was with someone else (not married) they have a baby together and he kept saying how he was unhappy and complained about her the whole time and said all they did was fight every day. He would want to come see me and take me out and all that good stuff. I told him if he wants me he has to dump her I refused to see him even if it was just to say hi. Needless to say he’s still with her we never hooked up and I didn’t stand around waiting I told him I won’t be waiting around for him and I also told him just because he says all that stuff doesn’t mean I believe it. I’ve been through the same shit with my ex husband we was good at home and seemed so happy and he was telling other women how he was so unhappy and all that crap. Anywho homeboy is still with the woman he claims to be so miserable with and I am with the love of my life and we are getting married on Valentine’s Day. You wasted all that time being the damn side chick thinking that man wanted you because he threw you a few crumbs. Lol I bet your ass was skinnin and grinnin the whole time he was stepping out on his wife to see you.

Girl you tell yourself he has no physical or emotional attraction to his wife to justify you being his side piece. Stop it.


Women like you are what’s wrong with the world ! Disgusting, home wrecker.


There is NO JUSTIFYING what you both have done!!!


There’s no justification for being his side piece, but I was friends with and Indian man who dated a girl he absolutely loved and wanted to marry. He had to break up with her because his parents had chosen his wife. He tried to talk his way out of the marriage but his parents wouldn’t accept her because she was American. Its kind of sad because a lot of these marriages are loveless and full of resentment.


Well hunni what would you think if the shoe was on the other foot.what if you were her??? Shame shame shame on both of you crossing the line. Adultery is unforgettable. Poor children are in the middle. Adulting is the key


You’ll be alright, man. It’s not like you were married and had kids with the dude then he spent five years cheating and giving another woman everything he doesn’t give you… Lucky you.


This page is so ridiculous. People only come on here to rip each other apart. It sounds like you are upset and tearing someone down when upset obviously isn’t going to help anything or anyone. My advice is to block him in every sense of the way, because you shouldn’t have a relationship with a married man. It sucks that his culture is like that, but you should respect the marriage even if he doesn’t. Going from there, I would say to work on yourself. Like very seriously work on who you are as a person, and focus on your own life.


Well if he was never physically attracted to his wife then how come he has kids with her :unamused: side chicks remain side chicks forever…these men don’t leave their wives for them no matter what…this relationship was a disaster from the very beginning you should have prepared yourself for it


You don’t have to act on it though!

Does the wife know I hope she beats both of you for disrespecting her. You better be careful that’s a lot of bad karma coming for you 5 years worth.


You typed all this out and still pressed send? :woozy_face:


People are so quick to condemn but we ALLL SIN, like the saying “don’t judge me because I sin differently than you.”We are human, we LEARN and move on, to hopefully be better next time, and make better choices. Unfortunately it takes a really stupid decision to see we were wrong but can’t go back and do things differentlyThere’s some nasty hateful people in these comments. And yes men will say anything to make you feel sorry for them. They lie lie lie. I don’t want any part of it. If a man wants to continue to lie to other women then obviously there was a problem in the marriage from the beginning and he’s a douche bag. That’s the reason why marriages fail, because someone inside the marriage wants to fuck around. Not what the other lady said, hold the man accountable for ONCE. But just say NO THANKS for now on and don’t believe the pathetic shit they say.

do you even feel bad? did the wife know? I assume not. big yuck

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: No when he said Married you didn’t think hmm :thinking: you should Always be the main event not the sideshow . In time u will move on just prAy u don’t end up being cheated on


You cant justify sleeping with a married man by saying you can’t help who you fall in love with. You can help having some morals. Regardless of how their marriage started he is married and you are just wrong all the way around as is he.


You and the guy are both in the wrong. He for not following his vows and commitment to his wife and kids, arranged marriage or not. And you for knowing he was married but still continue on with the affair.


Girl bye, most ppl are not gonna say… you can’t help who you fall in love with, they gonna say …you are a home wrecker and he played you for 6 yrs


Its hilarious that you’re trying to justify being a side piece to a married man and then want sympathy too😂 Girl sit down somewhere


Yall mad cause he was forced to marry someone he didn’t want to be with so he went with someone else? Idiots.


We can’t help who we love but you participated in committing adultery and that is just awful. More than likely you will never find true love after that as it’s going to be taken away from you. You always have the choice to make the right decision. I hope after this you find your way and learn your worth and pray that it never happens to you. Karma is beast and it comes back around. Not trying to hurt ur feelings but you cannot find happiness in hurting other ppl to gain it.


Your justification is pathetic. Yes you can definitely help it by not engaging with a married man. Shame on you. Plenty available to love who are single. Your betrayal is horrid and so are you!


Sorry but whether he was happy in the marriage or not doesn’t mean the infidelity is justified. Maybe in your mind but the rest of the world doesn’t see it like that. He cheated and you were the tool to do so. You should block him in every sense and move tf on. If I were you I’d hope and pray that the next serious relationship you are in, you dont get cheated on. Karma has a way of finding us, even if we think we are in the clear.

Work on yourself and maybe answer the question, Why was I okay being the side piece and not the main event.


For all of you being so cruel I hope that none of you live in glass houses…

You will get over this, just like any other break up. It sucks, but with time it will get better. Work on yourself, take yourself on vacation, make a journal of your thoughts… Good luck.


And than he left his wife for you and you lived happily ever after…:heart::heartbeat::kiss: SIKE


Wait let me get this straight you actively engaged in a 5 year relationship with someone you knew couldn’t fulfill a commitment to you going into the whole 5 year shebang and now you are questioning the ending? I think you’ll get over it as a lesson learned. If you’d like a commitment you have to start with a solid base for it, which would be not starting a relationship with someone who you know will never be able to commit. Short answer is yeah you’ll get over it if you give yourself time and do a little self work on why you thought this would end differently. Not being mean but want you to ask yourself honestly did you go into it thinking he would leave her for you? If so why? Are you trying to prove you are better than her? Are you trying to figure out your worth and value based on if he’d pick you? There’s gotta be a reason why you put yourself in that situation knowingly for 5 years and once you find the ugly truth to it you’ll find what you need to heal from therefore finding the way to get over the situation. In addition you only know one side of the story, his. Which could all be one big lie. It might not be arranged marriage at all. You have no idea her narrative here. And take a moment to ponder how you’d feel in her shoes. That’s a lot of potential pain you inflicted on another woman you don’t know and her children. So get digging for answers as to why you did it so willingly and start to heal those traumas as you go.

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No sympathy for you. You have no clue what their marriage is u only know what he told you…you are never going to find love with someone else’s husband.


He will find someone else to sleep with…that’s sad, he’s an adult if he’s unhappy he needs to get a divorce end of story

Im sorry …but you dont get to have those feelings …not being mean …being honest

So sad reading all of these comments. People just don’t understand. I was dated a man who was “a single dad”. I found out that he was married to 2 women (one lived in his home country and one lived in the US with but was from his home country). They both knew about me but when I found out about them I ended it. His wife who lives in the US called me and then came to see me asking if I would reconsider because we are all one big family and he was looking for an “American wife”. I declined but things like the OP do happen and it’s acceptable in some cultures. She is most likely not a home wrecker and other things that she has been called. My advice is to move on and eventually find someone who can and will commit to you and only you.


Dang it. The comments. People make mistakes. I know this hurts but staying with an unavailable man would be way worse. 5 years of your life is a long time to give to someone. Breaking it off was the right thing to do. I imagine his wife has an inkling that there’s been someone else. Let’s say in a “perfect” world, he met you first and broke his family’s traditions and was disowned by his family- that would take a huge toll on the relationship- I know people who have been through that- let’s look at the other he has kids- he leaves his wife- his whole family would pressure him on how he’s failing the family and God- his kids would hate you and blame you. There’s no way a situation like this has a win to it. Even if, being apart he decides on his own and leaves his wife, you’ll always know he was unfaithful to his wife that he had sex with (physical attraction to) enough to have children with. If I were you, I’d work with a cognitive behavioral therapist to get to the root of your thoughts, patterns, and behaviors- to understand yourself and these choices and make peace with yourself so that you can move forward. You’re in a difficult situation loving someone you can never really have not fully. It’s terrible. When I was 20 I met a man I had no idea was married- we were together for about 6 months when I figured it out. I left him bc that wasn’t acceptable to me that he lied about soemthing so important. His wife deserved more and so did I. I could never build a life with someone who lied to me like that. Just beware he’s probably not going to leave you alone: which will only make it harder. Unfortunately this man has taken lots of time and life from Two women. His wife now wears shame bc I’m sure she knows of the infidelity even just in he spirit and he’s wasted 5 years of your life with no promise of any future. This is very sad for everyone involved. Stay the course.

Good for u to realize you deserve better. You deserve a whole love, not one shared wit another woman. One day at a time, give urself time. It gets easier as time goes, be patient n’ kind to yourself. Best of luck moving forward


It will take time. The wounds will heal but you will never forget.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. That was enough for me to know I wouldn’t have anything nice to say to you. People like you aren’t worth it.


You can’t help who you love. But you can be emotionally responsible and not pursue a relationship with someone unavailable to you. You don’t have to choose to vacation with a married man. I’m not trying to judge but you actively pursued this and kinda buried yourself in this mess. He should of been more of a man than to keep being married and have kids with one woman and also spend so much time and effort and vacation with a woman on the side. Therapy. Therapy. Therapy.


A sidechick for 5 years???
You should have known he’s not leaving his wife after the first year.


You’ve been able to justify the situation?! There is no justification sleeping with a married person. Smdh


Hummmm but you KNEW he was married. Lol you don’t know anything about how he feels about his wife. Remember- men have two heads - they both talk about different things :wink:


Why do people keep saying “you can’t help who you love?” This woman knew this man was married. She continued this relationship for 5 years, well knowing exactly what she was doing? And her saying “oh I know he’s not attracted to her and doesn’t have feelings for his wife” Have you met her? What’s her story? Did she know about you?

OP absolutely could help it but decided to be this person. You were never the first choice. He’s having his cake and eating it too.


He fed you a line of bs saying what he knew you wanted to hear. You can get past this and find real love


Why are you making it seem like you were the "good person " for breaking it off. You were selfish in the first place for letting it go on so long and even letting it happen. Sorry but you thinking you or this situation was justified, is just making yourself believe y’all didnt do anything wrong. It doesnt matter if it was an arranged marriage. Its still marriage. Find someone single and leave the married men alone.


Gosh. Maybe we should tar and feather her or better yet a beheading? Hope everyone that is being negative is perfect. Heart break is heart break. She made a huge mistake. This is the exact reason people don’t share and hence the reason many people take to harming themselves. Listen without judgement offer helpful advice or move on. Smh


Love heals wounds give it time stay busy

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this is very sad, on your part., So just say, you got married & a woman met your husband & he had an affair with her for 5 yrs, Told her a bunch of bull shit, just how would you feel,??? Arranged or not, you cheated with a married man, End of story, And you are right, one can’t help who they fall in love with. But having a relationship with a married man wasn’t right, Being a friend with a man, is fine, as long as it doesn’t go any farther

My mom always said God don’t send you someone else’s husband or wife that’s all I know good luck to you though


Sounds like my great aunt…she was married to a man with that culture. He had another wife with 5 kids. She was married to him for the longest time…they all got along. It was all strange to me but he lived with his wife and kids…she had her own place. They would even come visit my aunt. It’s allowed they can have up to several wife’s. Just a big no for me but to each their own I guess…my aunt passed away from cancer a couple years ago.

“You can’t help who you love”



I was with a married man for roughly 6-9m… he was “separated” from his wife which turned out to be true but there was WAYYYY more to the story and I didn’t need more bs in my life. He was my best friend. Fast forward and now I’m in a happy healthy relationship. Was it right? NOPE! But you can’t change it now. Learn from it and do better in the future :slight_smile:


Man, I don’t get how you think your actions were justified! He’s married and told you exactly what you wanted to hear! I get you’re hurt, but honestly you brought that upon yourself! I do wish you luck and even though you knew what you were doing, you need to know your worth and sorry you won’t find it in someone’s husband. :wink:
Hope you learned your lesson.


You have to want better for yourself.
Time. Cut all contract with him and dive into your interest. Get to know yourself again.
Accept that it is not going to be easy.


It’s never a good idea to mess around with a married man…no matter what the situation!


When you do find and marry someone, I hope he cheats on you after you’ve had his children :slight_smile:

Maybe then you’ll understand how wrong it is what you’ve done behind this woman’s back.


hes married and clearly wants to stay that way if it’s been 5 years. he has a connection with his wife and kids and strung you along for the ride. I hope it’s more obvious to you now. I am not here to bash you for decisions you cant take back now, but for future reference, that’s what all married men who want to sleep around tell their mistress(es).
and yes, you will move on and find a healthy relationship and look back at this one with much different eyes.


Thats what u get for messing with a married man. I Don t feel bad for u 1 bit and no one should.


Men lie to reasure you so you will stay right there on the side.girl leave that family alone he not leaving her.


Don’t sleep with married men, problem solved. :woman_facepalming:


Regardless of the situation, heartbreak is hard.
My advice is BE STRONG; stay away from him now (delete/block his number and from all social media etc)!
Allow yourself time to grieve, and embrace those feelings. The end of a relationship is a big emotional loss after all. Cry as much as you need to, just try not to wallow in it.
And finally, focus on you! Watch your favourite movies, read your favourite books and really throw yourself into learning all about you.
Good luck on your journey :blush:


You will move on and it will get better :heart:


Arranged or not, they’re still married. Wtf.


You’ll move on.
Hopefully you find a loyal man.

Dating a married man is a game and not a good one.

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I believe that “What God’s got for you is FOR you” No one else can take it away.

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Arranged marriage or not he made that commitment so he should never of strayed else where


Yes… you’ll move on and find the love of YOUR LIFE… you’ll marry… Hopefully he’ll find his true love in someone else… while married to you… And karma will come knocking.


Never had a physical attraction to her yet has kids with her,…you a homewrecker looking for sympathy? wth? not from me. you got what you deserved now move on, be smarter next time.


Oh no, the married man broke your heart? :joy: No excuse for what you did. Please stop justifying the fact that you were a side chick to his wife for years. It’s gross.


I personally think the husband is more to blame. HE is the one who has a “responsibility” and “obligation” to stay loyal to his wife… she didn’t cheat on the wife, HE did. Yea it’s wrong that she continued the relationship knowing he was married. But in the end HE is the cheater.


Arranged or not… HE’S MARRIED!!!.. Also, there was some kind of physical attraction, you said KIDS not Child so on more than one occasion he had some physical interest. Collect yourself, respect yourself, and get to stepping.


Lol his dick got hard enough to get her pregnant multiple times id say he’s attracted to her. Now to your question “will I ever move on from this” maybe if you can see what’s wrong with your disgraceful disgusting actions you can.

When you find acceptance in interfering with a family because he’s not attracted to his wife anymore.


I hope that you are able to move on :disappointed: I may be wrong but it sounds like maybe the man is from an Eastern background? If this is correct then you already know that the chances are high that he will not leave his wife no matter how much he loves you or you love him.

It will be painful for you but hopefully time really heals all wounds. If you’d like to have a chat you’re welcome to DM me :blush: Good luck. :two_hearts:

He was married. Stop trying to justify being a homewrecker.


Expect that you made a choice to be the other woman.

Expect that you should have better.

And take it day by day.


You’re crazy. Karmas a bit*h.
You knew he was married and continued this for 5 years. Someone in the comments said they hope when you marry that your husband does this to you too. I have no sympathy for you. Have some respect for yourself and respect for other peoples relationships. Period.


Ok like I could understand…until I got to the KIDS part. W. T. F…he had a relationship with her. Period. Girllllll…smh do better


I might sound heartless but I have zero pity for a woman who knowingly put herself in this position to begin with. He was married and you didnt care because HE told you he wasnt attracted to his wife. Cheaters will say anything to cheat. Use it as a lesson. Other than that, again, I do not pity you at all.


Sorry, but you TOTALLY choose who you love. People choose not to go out with certain types of people - why they ate attacted to some and not others in 1st place. Skinny vs fat. Blond vs Tall vs short, etc. Add married men to that list. What were you thinking would happen?


KIDS, as in multiple….girl he played you for 5 years. You weren’t in a relationship, you were played. Obviously he was physically attracted and active enough to make more than 1 kid. He lied to you. The whole relationship was a lie. The quicker you accept that the easier moving on will be. This wasn’t a real relationship. It was a lie. Repeat that to yourself every day. Also, regardless of if it’s arranged or not, she deserves to know if she doesn’t already.
To other commenters, yes what this woman did was wrong….but she’s not the homewrecker here. HE IS. He is the one that made vows and children with his wife. He is the one that chose to step out on his wife. He is the home wrecker.


Is she in the wrong, yes but you guys are coming at her like she is a horrendous witch and acting like she is the ONLY one at fault. she is NOT a homewrecker. Homewreckers DO NOT exist. Someone had to open the door. Period. They are BOTH wrong. Stop calling her a homewrecker. Equal guilt equal responsibility, they need to come clean to. Arranged marriage or not, no love or not, wife deserves to know. And “inside the family” you need to clarify, like was he forced to marry his cousin or something? Idc of its Religion or culture or whatnot, thats disgusting.


A married man once told me, he cheats for the thrill of it. Not because he dosent love his wife. He was very aggressive about it and was always on the hunt. Really gross .

You have done the most difficult part by walking away Now move on be kind to your self and take one day at a time


Therapy, you most definitely need it, you seem to think you’re the one here that needs sympathy, when it’s the wife that’s the only victim here, get your own life, you’re just sharing the crumbs of someone else


GOOD F***ING JOB! I have absolutely no sympathy for you. What an absolute POS, the pair of you. Karma will come knocking one day, brace yourself. You reap what you sow.


My suggestion… talk to his wife. Be honest about what happened… your emotions and feelings of everything involving you both. Give her a chance to decide too… she might have always wanted to leave that man… maybe, she felt unattractive about him too…but stuck on just because of the kids and social pressures. She might thank you for giving her that opportunity to move on too!


You should tell his wife about the affair… She has every right to know the type of man she really has as a husband and father to her kids.
She deserves to know the truth so she can make a decision as to whether she wants to be with a chronic liar and cheater or move on considering the way her husband feels about her.
If she kicks him out you can have him and perhaps he wil do this to u too. You deserve him

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