How to move on from a relationship?

This is literally why some people will not post in this group. You all look past what she is asking and see only the negativity and name call and talk her down. She is not the only one at fault and you all should be ashamed of yourselves for being so judgey, which in your book is just as bad as adultery. Honey you have done the right thing, what you need now is to focus on yourself. Maybe get counseling to give you someone to vent to regularly. Ignore all of the negative nancies commenting and name calling. You can not control who you fall in love with because it just happens sometimes. I hope you figure out where to go from here.


Move on. He was never fully available to you anyway

He’s “not physically attracted” to his wife but he was able to conceived multiple children with her? Yep, that math isn’t mathing. You willingly became involved with a married man. Regardless of what he said his relationship was like HE WAS MARRIED, period. If his culture dictates arranged marriages then it likely forbids divorce. Which means you knew from day one what you had was all you were going to get. You brought this on yourself. I don’t care if he hated his wife, he should never have stepped outside of his marriage and you should have never engaged with him. So honestly, I hope you never move on and he also reaps what he sowed. :woman_shrugging:t4:


I have been in a very similar situation however not a cultural thing but he and i spent time together, he is separated from his wife, they live apart etc but his ADULT children have threatened to stop him from seeing his grandchildren, so i walked away, it has almost killed us both and tbh i dont know how to move on either other than to just concentrate on getting through one minute after another not hearing his voice, not seeing his face and not texting him but i cant be the reason they stop him from seeing his grand babies because i know how much mine mean to me… its sooo f$@king heartbreaking and earth shattering…


Im sorry, but you have always been his second choice. If he loved you he wouldn’t have gotten married and move on with you, but he did, and you stayed with him to be treated like a mat. He had kids he has a house and a life. You dont choose who to love but that doesn’t mean you have to have a relationship with a married person.

I hope you do move on and the same heartbreak happens to you that happened to his wife. If you knew he was married when you got together then you are completely at fault bc you knew what you were doing. He had no intention of leaving his wife he just wanted a whore on the side. How embarrassing for you…

No sympathy, when you first met him and seen the ring on his finger your should’ve walked a way. Instead you’ve spent years attempting to destroy the family. Get counseling if you need to but stay away from married men. Move on, find someone of your own and build a life together that you can be proud of…:slightly_frowning_face:


God will never send you somebody else’s husband.


So disgusting of you to do. Especially knowing he was married. Get some therapy.


He has multiple children with his wife, so believe that lie to make yourself feel better. He’s attracted to her… you willingly and knowingly done this, ONLY she deserves sympathy. Karma will find her way back, she always does. What you done to her will come back 10 fold.


Maybe it’s just Karma biting you in the ass. Never ever touch a man who’s married. Imagine what pain that would case his family.

Arranged or not he was never and will never be available for you. If he married as a family belief be absolutely certain he will NOT divorce either.

Young one - learn from this - if nothing else - what you want in a partner. Our heart doesn’t listen to our heads - you will get past this. It will take time - I suggest being alone for a little while - so you can discover “you” again. After each relationship we tend to grow ( at least most do) and interest change. If you want to start healing - you need to possibly break all contact off. Trust n believe it’s easier that way. :heart::rose::v:t4:


What’s done is done and I hope you realize by now that you f’ed up. You get over someone by eliminating all reminders of them and pursuing new things that make you happy. For the future reference: you absolutely CAN help who you love by not associating romantically with married men. Regardless of how happy or unhappy his marriage is, you don’t get involved. If you find out he’s married after you’re involved, leave immediately and ghost him. You made some poor decisions and I hope you learned something from it. My condolences to his wife though. She deserves to know about his infidelity so she can protect herself. If he was cheating with you he’ll cheat again and she could end up like my friend whose cheating husband gave her HPV which caused her cervical cancer.


Culture also says no divorce As much as it hurts, you were right to leave. There is no future for your relationship. Counseling for you to move ahead


Sorry you are just a side piece

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Find a damn man who is single would be my first suggestion!


Stick to your will power. Fives years is a long time to waste on someone

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Yeah… I. Got. Nothing.
You will never find a happy ending with someone else’s spouse!


You can actually help who you love in this situation. When you find yourself starting to form that connection you step away. Period. I don’t understand how a Woman could justify doing this to another Woman. He’s obviously a snake, and you’re not any better. I also hate to break it to you I think the story about him disliking his wife so much went down the drain once you stated he had multiple children. Grow up and find an available Man. Wtf.

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You kinda deserve the heart ache. You were a SIDE PIECE. you both are something else

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Been there…I wasted 8 years…Yes, you will get over it and your life will be amazing when you allow someone else in❤️

You Should have got your emotional ass outa his face when u first caught the feelings
None if this ye can’t help who ye fall in love with business .
You can you nope the fuck outa there as soon as ye get the first tingle

As someone who was on the other side of this, trash…

Hopefully not. You deserve the heartache.