How to move past cheating in a relationship?

Would you be happy if a man treated your daughter this way? Why are you letting this jackass treat you like this? Where’s your self worth
You don’t need a toxic person like this in your life or your kids life
I’m sorry but you need to grow a pair
You are worth so much more than this fool

I would move on with my life because with out trust u don’t need him once trust is broken it never the same believe me if they Brock your trust they do it again don’t put your self throw that because also if he did that to her then u be next tell him go on u can do it on your on us women stick to geather

You need to walk away. You need to do it for you and for your kids. How would you feel if your daughter came home and told you the story that you just told us? What advice would you give her? Do you want your kids to see you in a marriage like that? You can’t say that the kids don’t know what’s going on because as they get older they certainly will know.

He is being selfish and not understanding if he thinks you should should jist drop your emotional pains.

How you react to him is going to affect how your daughter expects to be treated when she is an adult.
Try couple’s therapy.
If it works, awesome.
If it doesn’t, leave.
There are better men out there. Don’t teach our daughter to be loyal to the disloyal.
If he becomes abusive, physically, mentally, verbally, leave immediatly.
Don’t teach her to tolerate that.

Once a cheater, always a cheater! I wouldn’t trust him any farther than I could see him.

Walk away once a cheater always a cheater

You should have lost him in the beginning. Its your bad you allowed it now get over it or get out. Harsh but true.

Id leave , hun. The relationship I had with my sons father taught me that you can love someone with all your heart and all the love , support , and effort in the world wont make them be a better person. If he was truly remorseful he’d understand your feelings and work his ass off everyday to make it up to you.

What many seem to be missing is the fact that he “hit” his other girlfriend. Forget that he is a cheater…he’s an abuser…Leave NOW! And don’t look back!

Walk away. I’m telling you right now that your intuition is screaming at you. Listen to it. For you and your kids’ own good.

I’d have left by now. Eff that

Nope because he will eventually do it again