How to naturally start labor?

Do NOT take castor oil, it can cause the baby to poop and it’ll make the baby very sick if not fatal and you sick also. Could result in a emergency c section.

Have sex, might not be comfortable but it usually brings on labor.

Sex, that’s what my midwife told me, It worked, I went in naturally at 40 weeks and 1 day

Please do not do castor oil. It can be so dangerous.


Refuse induction, babies come when they are ready xx


My doctor told me to eat eggplant parmigian or something really spicy and have sex… worked for me!

Walking walk walk walk


Mop your floor on your hands and knees.

If you plan to.breast feed you can start pumping ?

I wouldn’t try to many ideas, babies no when they want to arrive

Start labour’s the same way you got pregnant


Walking, dancing, sex

Walk, hot bath, red wine, and sex

When I was ready I would get someone to walk with me all day. I would get up when the mall opened and window shop until the mall closed. Go home take a shower and lay across the bed. Within hours my water broke or I went into labor with all 3 of my pregnancies.

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Just wait… no sense stressing yourself out with “hacks” to have the baby. My little man didn’t come until 3 DAYS LATER than my due date… and I did “everything”


I was induced at 39 weeks… I tried EVERYTHING (minus castor oil-please don’t try that) and absolutely NOTHING worked for me. Even at 39 weeks and The induction medicine, she did not want to come. They broke my water and it put my baby is major destress- they ended up having to put water back in me through a catheter. I ended up with a c-section after almost 20 hours. Everyone is different and I didn’t have a choice but to be induced bc of my husbands job. Good luck. I hope your labor and delivery goes smooth. Just remember baby will come when ready, we can try everything in the book and it will only work if that baby is ready to come.


I would see if they would be willing to do a membrane sweep before induction. If your body is close to labor, a sweep will do it for you.

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Bounce on a ball those exercise balls that’s how I induce my own labor…

The same way the baby got in there… Sex. Nipple simulation really helps.

Idk if it’s a thing but I just had my first and no indication of labor at an appointment at 36.6 on a Thursday but my next appointment was the next Tuesday. They told me to prepare to possibly get induced. I sat at home that night and (what I think) worried/stressed myself into labor. Had baby less than 12 hours from appointment time. In labor about 2.5 hours

Sex worked both times for me

You can tell him no. And wait for labor to start on its own. YOU! the mama can decline hospital policy. It is YOUR Delivery
They are there to help YOU have YOUR baby. YOU are the boss. But also sex can induce labor. It worked for me.

My daughter drank oj and castor oil mixed in it…put her into labor within 12 hrs

Raspberry leaf tea really got my mucus plug coming out lol :sparkling_heart:

Nipple stimulating!! Have sex!

Try lots of sex and walking …

Primrose oil capsules
Long walks
Warm baths
They say pinaple juice
These are the safe once
I wouldn’t recommend anything else xxx

Your doctor most likely wants to induce you because either you or the baby could be in danger with a normal pregnancy.

Most of the time they want to induce do to medical reasons. So actually listen to your doctor and let me be honest, having an induction date is actually nice. You get to know a set date of when you need to have your stuff together and ready.
But seriously, thw doctor wants to induce at 39 weeks… how about ask why???
Both of my littlest ones was because I have a medical condition, my oldest I was able to go until 39 weeks naturally but I asked to go naturally and I could have cost both of us.

Sex induces labor faster and better than anything on this feed.

You can try everything in the book to try and induce labor but if baby is not ready then baby will not come. The last few weeks of pregnancy are so crucial for babies lung development.

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Why do they want to induce

Walking, squats, sex, ask for a membrane sweep instead. Look up labor dance on YouTube there’s a Dr and patients who have had success with it.

Talking and telling 1 of mine to come see everyone then sleep helped me.

As others have said ask for their reasoning and evidence for why they want to induce. Ask them for all of the info and the benefits/risks.
Also, please don’t drink castor oil, it’s outdated and dangerous.

Just say no to the induction. You have a choice.

Did they tell you they could do a membrane sweep I had 2 and my labor started right after its very natural way of starting labor