Drop him like a bad habit.
Walk away and find your happiness elsewhere.
Sounds like there’s a lot more to the story to me
He’s not the one for you.
There’s only one reason to be legally linked to someone…
Leave. You are wasting your time. He’s probably cheating.
Stop fighting, it’s not worth it.
This situation sounds really sketchy
He’s just not that into you.
He’s toxic and chicken. I’d move on. Not exactly someone you want to be married to. My first husband was that way so we split. Best decision ever!
Cause he already married
If you want marriage, and he’s not given that yet or doesn’t want it ever then move on. Seriously. Don’t waste your time and energy on someone who doesn’t want the exact same thing as you do.
Leave him, he’s stringing you along
Navigate? Abandon ship. LoL
You don’t. You walk.
Wasting your time…sorry sis
Get out! Don’t invest anymore energy!
Heather Johnson Jenny from 90 day fiance vibes
Exit stage left 🏌🏼♀️
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to navigate through a fiance who doesn't want to get married?
Do you know what is worse than wasting 5 years? Wasting 5 year and 1 more day. If being married is something you want to do in life and he is clearly stating he doesn’t want to, then he is telling you where it stands. Believe him.
My ex did this to me. He had commitments issues and swore he wouldn’t and couldn’t get married again and when we split he married another women 8 months later. I literally went around the world for this man and even compromised my values of wanting to wait to have a baby until three years after marriage. He insisted that he had to because he wanted one right now and he did not want a big age gap between his other child. I did not have any children at the time. me and him had already been together two years and he swore me and him would get married. He even proposed to me twice and ended up leaving me a single mom with a four-month-old to later abandon our child and sign over his rights. He ended up getting married to another woman and having two kids with her. So it’s not He’s not ready for it, he just don’t want to with your anymore. Move on sis.
Honestly if he wanted to be married to you he would be already. You shouldn’t force marriage on someone who clearly doesn’t want it. Also if your Goal was to get married you shouldn’t be giving “ husband” privileges to a boyfriend. I hope u meet someone you can be on the same page with.
If he wanted to marry you, he would have already. If this wasn’t mutual decided between you, 5 years is way too long to have wasted on him to make up his mind
You want two different things , so how’s that going to work ? Why would you want to be with someone who clearly doesn’t want to get married and it’s doing just for you ? I wouldn’t want that for myself knowing he didn’t want to marry you .
One question…would you want your daughter/son to sacrifice in the same way you are? Knowing how important marriage is to them to settle with someone who doesn’t want the same goals in life?
Sounds like he’s leading you on. It maybe hard but don’t sacrifice what you want and deserve. Time to give him an ultimatum and if he can’t commit I’d leave
I don’t know how old you are, but my generation isn’t into marriage anymore. The commitment still stands without a legal document. Most of the comments are harsh, though true, I think you need to figure out the reasons why you both feel the way you do. But either way if marriage is what you want you can’t make it happen, go find someone that values it as much as you do.
Sounds harsh but stop wasting your time playing house with someone who doesn’t want the same future as you! Some people want to get married and other don’t and that’s perfectly fine but you can’t make someone get married to you if they don’t want to. You’ve wasted 5 years hoping he would come around and he didn’t. Time to move along and fine someone who wants the same things you do, without fighting about them.
Stop talking about marriage. He knows how you feel and you know how he feels. You’re ruining your relationship over it. If it happens it happens and if not and your happy then that’s all that matters.
It sounds like you want more or another ring gees. You do not have to be married to be with someone gees.
It sounds like you want different things in life. Time to decide if you want to stay the lifelong girlfriend, or if you want the title more, bc that’s all it is in the long run
You say he stated at the start he didn’t want to marry and you accepted that.
Why should he have to change his mind now.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know it’s tough. Stay strong. Show him that you are stronger then he thinks and walk away… maybe then he may realize what he lost. But don’t sit there and fight for someone who isn’t going to do the same for you. You are better then that!
Stop bugging a man to validate ur relationship with marriage obviously he doesn’t see u as his long term . If that makes sense
I’ve been with my husband 15 years and he proposed to be 18mths together and married 3 years to the day. If they want to marry u they will they don’t put it off I would be turfing the guy. I put everything on the line at the beginning of our relationship what I wanted and if he didn’t then goodbye. He didn’t want kids and I said that’s a deal breaker he changed his mind and we have 3 so if they love and respect u they are all in
I made that mistake of staying engaged to someone for 7 years of my life. Only to have him turn around and cheat on me. If he doesn’t want to commit after that long run because he’s not going to. My biggest mistake was wasting my time on a man who wouldn’t commit and had insecurity issues. After we broke it off I met my now husband and we’re happy as can be. Everything happens for a reason thank it for its lesson and move on hun.
Yall aren’t on the same page, not even the same chapter…close the book and move on. Either you’re going to resent him for not marrying you and wasting your time or if he gives in he will likely resent you for making him get married. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Hot n cold with his feelings emotionally easily manipulated by other ppl needs to learn to think for himself
He has doubts and here you are just waiting for him to decide what he wants to do with his life and yours. Decide what you want now and if he wants to be a part of it good, if not, then let him go.
Sounds like you guys have different goals. You’ve wasted five years, time to go out and find someone who actually shares your goals.
Just leave him and move on , then maybe he will change his mind or you just wasted 5 yrs with him .right now you need to decide what you want and if it’s the same thing he wants .it doesn’t sound like you want the same thing in life .It’s time to move on.
Sweetie, as harsh as this sounds get out now. If he wanted to get married he would. Don’t put yourself through this any longer. The right one is out there.
It sounds like he’s not wanting the same things as you maybe it’s time to part ways
I think it’s time to move on… if he’s not sure after 5 years, he’s never going to be ready.
Don’t marry someone that doesn’t want to marry you
You want to get married and he doesn’t. He knows what you want and you know what he wants. Stay or go. Don’t make it more difficult than it is. You can’t make a man marry you just because you want to get married.
Red flags everywhere. Girl Run run
He’s sounds like he’s using a tiny argument to pin the blame on you for not getting married. He’s manipulating your emotions because he doesn’t want to do it. I seriously doubt he bought a ring. He’s looking for a way out but is trying to let you down easy.
If you wish to be married and he doesn’t… its time to reevaluate whether this is the man for you
he doesn’t want to marry you, Either you deal with that fact & live happily with him, Or you disagree, & be miserable & leave
So I was once in his shoes. I got engaged because it felt like the next step and the right thing to do. Every time my ex would ask me to set a date I wouldn’t. I would come up with one reason or another as to why I couldn’t at that time. In all honesty I think I just knew deep down that I shouldn’t be and didn’t really want to get married to him. He was 100% not the one. I wasn’t even sure I ever wanted to get married at all. 6 1/2 years together and 6 years of it engaged before We actually put an end to it. I met my now husband less than a year later. Turns out I wanted to get married and plan forever with someone after all….it just wasn’t with the ex.
It sounds like you both want different things, and that he’s likely unsure or knows that he doesn’t want forever with you. Take his reluctance as a sign that you aren’t meant to be together. If what you want is to get married then you need to leave. You will find the person you are meant to spend forever with, this guy just isn’t him. It may hurt at first but you’ll be thankful later. The one you are supposed to spend your life with will make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else before him.
He will drag you along for as long as you let him.
Don’t let him. You deserve better.
Cut your losses and move on.
If he didn’t want to get married, you should not have pushed for it because it always causes tension and it’s not fair to force him into a legal marriage if he doesn’t wanna be in one. His marriage is more important to you than your relationship, you need to figure out if you want to be in this relationship or if you would rather be married. Not everybody wants to be married and you should see whether the relationship or having that little piece of paper is more important to you
So sorry. It’s time to walk away. There seems to be more going on than he’s saying.
Ya"ll are already arguing and y’all ain’t even married yet. Of course he doesn’t wanna marry. I wouldn’t wanna do it either.
If he tells you he’s not sure, he’s not sure about you…
Decide what you want - a legal marriage or a common one.
If you want to be married, you need someone else. Not someone who strings you along. I bet he never bought that ring.
Any one who tells you that “it’s just a piece of paper” is misleading you. The most important thing to remember about a marriage license is that it is a LEGAL CONTRACT between two people. That’s why you have to go to court to undo it. It has financial and other consequences (if there are kids, for example).
No one can tell you what to do, but I smell something with this guy.
If a man doesn’t want to marry you, leave while you can. You should have the self worth to find someone who’s in love with you enough to want to make the full commitment. My older family members said “why would he buy the cow when he gets the milk for free?” And I hated them saying that but now I see the point!
From a godly standpoint sex before marriage is and feels wrong. And I don’t see why this generation wants to not be committed. Find someone who meets your highest standards not your lowest
I’m going on 22 years…
And yes it’s just a piece of paper…enjoy what you have, and you can legally change your name to his…
As long as you love him and he loves you…no worries!!
Therapy, counseling, real genuine communication & all in all when that doesn’t work it’s time to close that door and open a new one. Sending love & hugs
You cannot successfully be with someone if you want to be married and he doesn’t or if you want kids and he doesn’t. There is no middle ground or compromise. If that’s what you want then there is no navigation. I’m married and in my opinion, it’s all just paper and would have been absolutely perfectly fine without it. my husband has old fashioned values and I did it for him but in reality I shouldn’t have had to. So, if it is that important to you, you may have to move on from this relationship. He shouldn’t have to change his preferences to accommodate yours and vice versa.
It’s hard enough to make a marriage work when both people are all in. Impossible if one is being coerced into it. Walk away.
Trying to force your significant other into something you know they don’t want is toxic. He deserves better.
so he tried to manipulate you by saying that he already bought a ring and now ur not having it, cause u had an argument?
sounds like a toss pot !
leave and find someone Worth ur life
Sounds like he doesn’t want to get married and may be questioning the relationship future. I say don’t push it and find someone with more similar wants
The sooner you get outta there and get under some different dudes, you’ll feel better. If he doesn’t leap for fucking joy at the thought of being legally contracted to you for the rest of his life, he ain’t worth it. And for anyone that needs it: Do not ever sit around and wait for a man to let you know his feelings. Don’t let these men play with you. It’s a waste of your best days and is far below standard, period. People will show you who you are if you just watch. And people know what they’re doing.
Stop pressuring people to marry you.
You shouldn’t marry this man
I don’t know how old you are, but I assume you’re probably much younger than I am. I’m almost 42 and got married at 21. We were divorced before 2 years had passed, as he was unfaithful. I’ve been in a few relationships, a handful were very serious, and with age and experience I have learned that marriage isn’t really that important or necessary to me. It’s not that I’m against marriage because I absolutely am not. I’ve been in an awesome relationship now for 4 years and I can’t imagine ever being with anyone else. I don’t care if we ever get married. I have a ring, we are 100% committed to each other, and a piece of paper isn’t going to change anything. Maybe he just doesn’t want to get married and that’s his right. If that’s something you feel you must have in a relationship then maybe it’s time to sever ties and move on. Don’t try to nag or guilt him into getting married when he clearly does not want that. It’s not a bad reflection on you to be unmarried, but if it’s something you really want, maybe you just aren’t right for each other. If that’s the case, don’t waste your time because you can’t get it back. I wish you happiness and the best of luck.
Go with your gut, if it doesn’t feel right then it’s not right. Relationships between 2 people who love each other aren’t hard work, you should be a team, and it doesn’t sound like you are.
Yes,Get Out now!!@!!