I’m sure it’s different for all… my son is 17 now and doesn’t have to be on meds anymore. he has learned how to cope or handle himself better. Lots of counseling learning coping skills, redirection, Lego’s, playdough, hot wheels, and black coffee. Running laps helps too. He sometimes reminds me to calm down😏…
Praise her for when she does good. Focus on how to redirect her when she feels like she is lost in her own mind. Cut out red 40 from her diet.
You’re punishing them for their disability. Try calmly sitting down and saying their name before you speak to them. Tell them it’s important they listen why you don’t like them doing x. Use a warnings system. Explain that there will be a consequence if they continue to do x. Don’t punish for things related to their ADHD though…just give a kind reminder in that instance.
Talk to her doctor and see what can be done.
Counseling is my best advice along with no sugar, only fruits, juices, milk, and water. Also, keeping her busy helps a lot; like dance or some sort of sport or just getting her to do something outside.
Chore chart for tasks and behavior; busy, regular schedules; plus lots and lots of activity/exercise helps. Stress balls and fidget spinners, and get two of everything because we lose stuff all the time.
If she has trouble reading and comprehending, try having her listen to an audio version while she reads from a book or e-reader. Watch her diet for red dyes. Be prepared to switch gears often, use timers (the old fashioned crank ones so she can easily see how much time is left) for tasks be it homework, household chores, or behavior goals. Switch things up often: 15 minutes of homework, then 10 minutes of running around outside, then 15 minutes of homework, then washing dishes, then 15 minutes of homework etc….
My ex and I used to take turns redirecting our son to his homework problems in the he early grades so we could alternate getting him back on track with taking walks outside fir us to calm down, though ODD also made him complain-y & stubborn.
Work with a mental and behavioral therapist.
Recommend anything by Sari Solden— she works with women and girls with ADHD because it can present so differently than in boys. Also read the book “You mean I’m not lazy, stupid or crazy?”
We don’t mean to be annoying, forgetful and unfocused: we’re just wired differently.
When talking to her, get to her level, look her in the eye, hold her hand, arm, face, or touch her in some way to get her attention. Then make sure she focuses on you and have her take a few deep breaths before you deliver whatever it is you want to say. Also write it down to help her remember.
Talk to her teachers, the school counselor, any coaches, and get an IEP and whatever other services the school offers.
Take her to her doctor and discuss different medications. Better yet take her to a naturopath for natural treatments.
I am a adult in my 40’s with ADHD (still on my medicine) and 2 of my sons had it growing up and one still struggles with it … Being consistent,having a routine and discipline works wonders… As far as discipline goes what ever punishment you choose it’s best for it to be for THAT DAY ONLY … EVERYDAY IS A NEW DAY AND NEEDS TO BE TREATED AS SUCH ! Our brain are wired for in the moment not long term… So we get that someone is upset with us and we have done something wrong but minutes later we have forgot about it and moved on to whatever else … And reminding you will have to remind them over and over again and it will feel like the kid is not listening but keep reminding because sometimes we hear you but we just can’t pay attention and process it because are focused on whatever else … Don’t sit the child down when trying to explain or get their attention it only makes it worse those with ADHD need to be able to move around to help focus … Try standing the child in front of you with no distractions such as tv or people… Don’t give long explanations be short and to the point … we can not focus on conversation to save our own damn life lol … Also I don’t give a damn what anyone says MEDICINE is THE KEY but the key is also finding the right one and not giving up … DONT let the doctors add any meds with it because the roller coaster it puts you on only makes things worse … Hope this helps and good luck!
Change diet no sugar aswell
There are some great books for foods I used when my kids were littlies tried medication too changed alot when the whole diet was changed there’s a book someone Greene wrote About ADHD changed our lives
Physical activity is huge. I had undiagnosed adhd as a child it sucks you have so many emotions and feelings that you don’t understand. Creates place in the house and Select one to two hours where she can play/sit/dance in this area however she needs to. A lot of times she will want to sit upside down in chairs because it can make her brain feel calm. Listening, lots of incentives, don’t have to be huge but like hey you earned an extra 10 minutes of whatever. A big thing most don’t understand with adhd is it is very painful to do things we aren’t interested in even though we know there will be consequences if there isn’t something else motivating us.
Maybe her meds aren’t working for her?
I was on pills as well and once off them I felt 100% better therapy also helped with learning how to control my emotions etc. I’m now 31 and still use some of my therapy methods
Get her really active… like run & play for a few hrs… see if that doesn’t wear her down…
Sorry. No easy answer for any of the parents who care.
You will both need to learn all you can about ADD and ADHD, and how to parent children who have learning and behavioral challenges.
It is MUCH MORE than just “discipline”; no matter how much you want it to be that easy. Suck it up. Find a family therapist and child psychologist, and make sure the diagnodis and meds are correct.
Then the involved adults can start working on themselves, and how to arrive at a cohesive parenting plan together.
You need to take her to a child psychologist and figure out how to help her. I speak from a well if experience in this, because I’m in the same boat.
Routine routine routine. If his medication isn’t helping it’s time to go back to the drawing board. If he’s not on fluoxetine then try it. That helps with autism. Concerta… risperidone… maybe all three. I’m sure there’s many others out there.
Prayer n get her a theraphist. I prayed for my son n taht helps so much. His therpahist train me to train him. Also remember that they need an specific diet for the brain n regularly double the exercise that regularly lowers urges, how much will they lower it I don’t know it depends but having a professional team will help u so I suggest seing an adhd theraphist, n using some kind of reward systems, have a strong consistent schedule, make sure u edify her a lot for a person who is acknowledged for their good they regularly like to do even more good stuff. also I didn’t knew this but my son was hiding that he was super sad bwxuase he was the worst student at math n he broke down crying (he confess this after we started to study way more time together ) I help him study xtra , he received an award for being #1 math student n his self steem whent up thru the roof n he less disobedient. So I would pray n ask God for u to find out if she is going thru something that you don’t know about thar she needs help with. Ps when I used to have really bad ADDany situations I could control myself, I used to feel electricity running thru my body n would get strong urges n would not had piece till I finish doing what used to urge me even thoug I didn’t want to do it. I used to have medicine n q medical team n it help but I hated being high . Medicine from concentration would only allow me to focus on what u was concentrating on, n even thoug I was aware of the things going around me I just didn’t register it. People would talk to me. Some times people would talk to me but I would just ignore them becucause my mind would not register it becuase it was already concentrated on that one other thing. I don’t know if maybe yoir daugther goes thru the same? I told my psikiatrist this n he said is not normal but it can happen. So maybe she is too high n not trying to ignore you on purpose
. Thansk to Gos tehu years of prayers, exercise, brain diet n drinking kinkobiloba I don’t get those urges , I’m of my meds n after 7 years of not passing my classes I’m finally passing my classes at college n I don’t get those horible urges to do things I didn’t want to do. Ps also my medicine would give me fits of rage if I didn’t pray enough. U have to be aware of her side effects because it may be her brain under medicine n not her so investigate n pray over everything. I’m doing the same for my kid.
I have a 7 year old who has severe adhd! Only meds that I could get to work was adderal ( I was reluctant to do at first) you need to change her meds until you find one (and right dosage) that works for her. Stimulate her brain and get her physical activity! A color chart for the day to show good/bad. and a treat if she’s good can help (his 1st grade teacher taught me) push her into wanting to try to be good. But you have to remember it is not completely their fault. Caffeine helps, sugar helps, stay away from red 40 dyes in food and drinks. Also with my son it helps to have a routine everyday!
She probably has another undiagnosed issue. It may not even be her fault at all
Speak to her pediatrician and therapist. Work towards cognitive behavioral therapies and such.
Stick with it
It’s possible the medication isn’t working properly.
Vyvanse is a nice one that doesn’t seem to give too many side effects.
But as stated above, I’d look into a psych dr for her, just to see if there’s anything else that may be going on.
Every answer you get here is going to be different. As a mum with 3 children who all have adhd odd asd anxiety sleep insomnia & others still being diagnosed what works for 1 child may not work for another what sets 1 child off may be what calms another adhd doesn’t have a set category of what will work what won’t work what will set them off or what will help. My oldest daughter needs quiet & calm she hates noise & when she gets extremely worked up or having 1 of her bad days i get down to her level & talk to see what she thinks will help her & help the situation where as my son he is extremely fidgety when he sets off not alot will calm him he climbs things hits throws things screams etc but most days give him some thing that peaks his attention & he will self calm fidget toys & outdoor equipment have become must haves in our house where other daughter shes still young shes not yet regulated on any medication & she struggles to self regulate or have help regulating her emotions moods etc but its more a case of trying to find what works for her
Have two grown boys with ADHD, ASD, ODD ,CD ,RAD
It’s trail and error different meds etc ,diet ,but routine is a big one .
Paediatrician told me when they were little giving them a pepsi max or a strong cup of coffee or tea was like giving them Ritalin, they’re uppers to us with the caffeine but with kids with ADHD etc it acts like a downer .
If my boys were having an episode or wouldn’t calm down by themselves through techniques etc I’d do that and they would calm down but every child is different. You also have to learn to read they’re triggers and episodes and learn to intercept it before it goes from 0 to 1000
The first thing our doctor asks is “is it behavior or is it the adhd?”
Ask this to yourself constantly!!!
Not listening is behavior. Having trouble with directions-adhd.
Try one given command at a time. Instead of “clean your room” , say “go pick up clothes” then when done “go make bed”. Lists have been great for my child.
I have ADHD. Don’t get upset when they go in circles. We are unlike others. I have aways done better some structure but freedom to bounce from one thing to another. But I see too many of anything. Toys cloths it’s hard. I do better with fewer choices. Like less is better attitude. I still like less. It claims me. Of course I grew up with ms clutter and mr I got it all. So as I was preparing to sell
Me house I figured some if this out less is better. And I will my new home be decluttered. Because that works for me
The meds arent working see doctor and also counceling ask doctor if your school district has classes or programs for kids with special needs look into that adhd is a title 1 disability and kids can get help through college but start with family doctor
First of all look at her diet there’s a lot of foods that can cause the ADHD to get worse and her to behave more poorly. Secondly try giving her a choice I think too many parents take away what should be their children’s choices when we are children don’t act appropriately in public and we continue to allow them to go to that friend’s birthday party because we feel poorly about keeping them out of the fun as opposed to putting that responsibility where it belongs on the child no I did not keep you from your friend’s birthday party you chose to conduct yourself from public poorly therefore you law chose to lose the privilege to be in public with your friend at her birthday party we take away our children’s choices and they become frustrated and fight us for control I think the key is to teach them to think for themselves and to empower them with the knowledge that they have control over their own life they have control over the consequences good or bad if they run off at the mouth and the kid down the street slaps the tire out of them because they did stop being offended by it empathize of course if I’m sure that hurt but have them think about how their actions could have pushed that person to there focus on your child’s actions and what your child can do to change the outcome of that situation
Change her medication… its obviously not working for her… also remove as muchh sugar and preservatives from her diet as possible… even if u only swapped white bread for wholemeal and from a bakery instead of supermarket, u will notice a huge difference!!
I have 3 with ADHD. They are all different in the way we parent them. For us its good to have structure and schedules. Alot of kids do not react well to change. She needs to see a therapist not just get ADHD meds from the Pedi. She needs goals. You also have to remember that not all things she does wrong is in her control, she takes meds to help but they are not a fix all.
Read the book Tricky Kids by Andrew Fuller. I found this the most help out of a number of books I read. It is short, very funny and gave me things I could actually use and an understanding I didn’t have before. I would read other books when my son was young. They would say do …., if this doesn’t work then do…. and then there may have been another few strategies to try but I always got to the end of every book or piece of advice with a and then what do I do?”Apparently this was enough for most kids but not for mine. Also catch her being good and reinforce that and try to ignore the unwanted behaviors. Choose a couple of the most important things to work on and let the rest go for the moment. Mind you people will judge when you do this and think your child’s behavior is because you are a bad parent and let them do what they want but you have to pick your battles otherwise you find you are always telling your kids off and it doesn’t change the behavior but it can effect the relationship. They need more hugs, love and positive reinforcement from their parents because if they are out in the world and at school etc they are probably being told off a lot as they don’t wait their turn, yell out rather than putting their hands up, muck around and talk because they can’t sit still and can present as ‘naughty’ and as a teacher you definitely don’t want the ADHD kid in your class, so they really need you to have their backs. Also most of my friends, relatives who knew him well and some of his teachers etc were very concerned about his future and a few of my relatives even thought he would end up in jail, on drugs or be a drop out and this was when he was under 10, just because he was so full on. He has grown into a lovely young man, is in his second year at Monash University doing a double degree in engineering and computers and is a pleasure three quarters of the time and I adore him😊. But I can tell you it was not smooth sailing, it was pretty terrible a lot of the time but your love for your child will get you over the line. Cheers
It’s not the childs fault this condition is becoming more and more common so u have to set some new rules and tell her mum as well so the routine is the same in both homes daily routine with meds and please try some very natural ways as well help them focuse as the mind works quicker as normal introduce the child to sooth calming music I prefer gospel music as it clams the mind down and the child feels the vibs if that doesn’t work try love songs it’s very relaxing watch for a reaction to the music u will see this helps then do their chores with them it’s to motivate and develop
Children with adhd may have to be told 3 maybe 5 different ways …
Dont hollier ,scream talk calmly their brains are going 90 miles a minute have patience…
I know it can be frustrating …and yes I have a child now grown up…learn how to treat this human being and your life and theirs will become a whole different world…
Only give 1 task at a time dont hand multiples ones …your brain may be able to handle it but theirs cant.
I have ADHD and the worse symptom of it is called hyperfocus… when stressed or have anxiety when you have multiple tasks to do hyper focus sets in and you only focus on one thing and that may not be a productive task your doing but it is soothing to the stress you feel. Also the constant… I was on ritalin when I was six mom took me off of it as they were giving 60 mg dose which at 6 was only sleeping one hour a night for three whole year… and it only bottled up my hyper activity to the point it broke the valve and I punched my best friend in the nose for cutting in line to turn homework in. Mom took me off of it right then ant there. The worse part is my long term memory I’d great my short term soo crappy. I lose stuff right in front of my face it stinks.
The physician treating her and prescribing the meds needs to be well trained in treating it. Monthly checkups for a while, to evaluate how well the meds are/are not working. A mental health eval should be given too.
It takes time to adjust and see if it’s a good fit of Rx.
Taking the meds at the same time every day, and staying on as a consistent as possible of schedule, is also very helpful.
My 16 yr old knows how long it takes for her meds to start working, and knows when they’re wearing off. Whem the schedule is off, it’s all off.
The meds might not be the right one(s), or the dosage may not be high enough.
Be patient. My heart goes out to all of you, but with love and strength, you guys can do it.
We started intensive family therapy a few months ago. Finally seeing improvement with lots of behaviors. Our middle kid has multiple challenges.
We were on a wait list for a long time. Look for rescources locally with mental health providers.
I have 2 with adhd both on different medications, and one neuro-typical.
Maybe start with if/then and when/then statements as a baby step? Example - if you don’t pick up your toys, then I have to put them away until tomorrow. Then try again the next day. When you get dressed, then we can do xyz. Be firm/consistent but keep your cool and stick to what you say you’re going to do. No negotiations and be very clear/simple and reasonable (try taking things away for a day instead of a week for example). Give it time - it’s not overnight…but after a few weeks you may see improvement. Boundaries are important and have to be taught. And if she does something without a clear consequence/boundary laid out - you have to talk to her the first time and say if it happens again, then xyz.
Talk to your dr, different meds address different types of ADHD. One of my kids has concentration/memory issues, the other can focus - but has no impulse control. But that’s something to be discussed with a trusted medical professional!
Weighted blanket, compression shirts, structure, a schedule (even if you have to create and put it in a common area where she can see it) reward good behavior (depending on her age an award chart might help) and study her to learn her triggers/ what over stimulates her to avoid it
A child with ADHD takes time to adjust if she’s on medication need to give her a month to six weeks for her to adjust and when they start experiencing behavioral problems when the medication is wearing off you need to be gentle kind and understanding they cannot help that they have a chemical in balance it will all even out eventually they learn to deal with their and ability to pay attention and there and ability to listen you have to sit down and have regular meetings family meetingsMeetings about boundaries and rules House rules everything it’s a very long process but eventually your child can be just like any other child long as they understand what they are going through and you need to guide them in the right direction and explain to them how they have a chemical in balance and what it does to them and why they were the way they are
My son is 20 now and refused meds at 13 after he was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 after trying new medication he has and always will be tricky! Still doesn’t listen or see consequences to his actions and everything is everyone else’s fault! Cant hold a job down or relationship but has a good heart!
I tried everything but unfortunately secondary schools are not helpful! He was just seen as a nuisance and was never given a chance square peg - round hole x
Find a good pediatric psychologist. They can work with her and help you learn tools to help her as well.
I have ADHD and it’s a struggle everyday even with medication. It’s not that we don’t listen we have a hard time to focus. Does she like sports or anything to do with being active.? It may help. It helped me a lot
Pick your battles. Don’t get upset about every little thing. You’ll just drive yourself crazy. Accept the condition, and make the allowances for it. Try not to let it get to you. Know that she is not acting this way to upset you. It’s hard for her too. Love goes a long way!
I have adhd used to take medicine for it but quit at 16 or so anyways adhd peoples minds work different our attention spans don’t seem very long because our minds are constantly switching from one thing to another and back again. We have a harder time focusing on one thing in particular for a long time, additionally that old saying “outta sight outta mind” is especially true for adhd people if we can’t physically see something we will forget about it completely till we see it again
In my opinion children should not be taking medication. Their brains are still developing .
Seek outside help, therapist who specifically deals w your childs diagnosis.
Lists! She may not be listening because we as parents usually come out of the gate with a long list of information. Make a list for them so they are in control of how to handle things.
My son at the age of around 4 had ADHD and he also had opposite defiant disorder.( spelled wrong I think)… do you want hide underneath a chair. Not listen we try to get on the school bus in his pajamas didn’t want to go to school. When he got mad he would just take off and run. If you need to p.m. me you can. I hope this might help. The doctor said it was hard to diagnose
My son has Asperger’s autism sensory overload got him jigsaws love them . explain things to my son with pictures just few words.brought him trampoline love it.
You need to keep them busy doing things that they don’t get board of. Most importantly you need to give them structure and continually praise them with good behavior that way they know they r doing good and they can see the outcome to grow with a healthy outlook on life
My half brother had ADHD and meds led him to hard drugs later in life and more. When he was finally sober, he indicated it was the meds. He spoke to groups as part of his rehab. Do your research. Diet is important. Keeping a child active as others posted will also help. Setting boundaries and rules to make them accountable and responsible for their actions.
All this advice and so much judgment! ADHD is a neurological disorder a wiring of the brain that is different from typical children. They are not aliens from another planet or wild animals. They are children. Children are a product of environment and genetic disposition. Look at your family life is it chaotic? Then they will be too. ADHD kids (I have 2) will take chaos and feed off it. In the same way if you are organized and full of routine and structure they will follow your lead. But do not expect it to be easy. For a kid with ADHD they are doing 3-4 things in their head at the same time while trying to make sense of the sensory inputs and talk at the same time. It all comes out gibberish and it takes a lot of concentration to slow down enough to gain control of themselves to stop impulse actions. My oldest son is an adult with 2 kids and still struggling with this sometimes. But do not underestimate their abilities either. That same son is a chef getting ready to take over his first location as head chef. He no longer takes meds and is amazing with his 2 kids who also have ADHD. Another thing to note is that ADHD rarely presents itself alone. Almost always there are other learning disabilities present. So getting tests done thru the school or ucdavis mind Institute is a good idea. The earlier the better. You don’t get rid of ADHD you learn to get around it. And my last piece of advice is whatever you decide your path is. (Meds or discipline or structure) stick to it. Consistency is key. Good luck
My son was diagnosed with ADHD at 5:00 by first grade he was on Adderall 45 mg. What I did was I gave him things to do I let him climb the wall if that’s what he wanted to do I’d let him climb the trees that’s what his therapist told me as long as it didn’t hurt him let him run around the yard 20 million times. When he got older he didn’t like the way the medicine was making him feel and at 18 he took himself off he still has ADHD and he still running around like a chicken with his head cut off but he is able to hold down a job because he found one that keeps him busy something that he can go from one thing to the other. I asked him what it felt like in his head he told me one day he felt like millions of people were telling me to do something all at once and so he found that video games is the one thing that helped him stay concentrated on one thing but I have seen my son and his teenage years go to play video games for 10 minutes outside running around for 20 minutes back inside work on his homework for 10 minutes routine started all over again video games outside homework you just have to find what works for them that’s what my therapist and my son’s therapist have said. Don’t holler at them and don’t tell them it’s their fault because it’s not it’s just something that happens and you just have to go with the flow my daughter also has three kids with ADHD each one of them is different and she’s had to find her way and the way that works best for them and they’re learning that’s my advice
Yup my experience…we as a family thought it was just him…On the go 24.7 and learnt how to adapt to it and keeping him occupied…but schooling was different…short story…he and we hated the Ritalin every so many hours dosage…Has be on one for about nine years…Dose of two pills was one but older and requires stronger…and lasts him 8hrs…We and he still hate it…but he learns and others around can cope with him😁
My son is ADHD, but he also has ODD which is Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Which causes him to not listen. You didn’t say anything about a temper but he has a bad temper and talks back. But thats also something you might mention to the dr.
Maybe try lots of hugs and promises of rewards for tasks done well. So many kids today don’t get the hands on attention they crave when both parents work and what with the media distractions and the like. Take time to play and hold the kids. They aren’t little long enough. Someday you will crave their hugs n visits.
Yoga is great for them. Also make your foods. The less preservatives they eat the better. Also no red dye. It makes them worse such as Kool aid, candy, Hawaiian punch. They have to learn to control themselves and that is not easy. For some drinking coffee helps calm them also.
Diet is so importent, bring your child to a homeopathic doctor Who specializes in ADHDI worked for a doctor who got so many children off their medicine because of the diet and water intake , the foods that they were experiencing at home was making things so much worse
Be consistent, try doing more work like activity to keep energy refocused. Also keeping a schedule of when they go to sleep and wake up can help, a diet of low carbs, low sugar, no red or blue dyes also helps, a detailed chart of chores that can be checked off helps with getting chores done, chart of consequences both bad and good for things done. Example is say they clean their room then they get to have 30 mins of TV or game time. Things like this has helped with my son who has ADHD and he’s 11.
We put our son on 30 mg CBD at night got rid of all the other meds so no highs and lows then changed from taking things away for bad behavior to earning things with good behavior. We just say well next time if you want xyz you’ll do this instead of what you did do. Or give them something to earn and stick to your word.
She may need to be reevaluated. Med adjustment or changed. Also see if there’s other things besides ADHD. My grandson is 9 but at that age was acting the same way and also was diagnosed with ODD. Does she sleep all night ?
How old is she? You can’t tell them what to do. You train them. Positive reinforcement. If she wants or needs anything then she must perform a task otherwise she gets nothing. She needs to use her words to get anything. Don’t hand these kids anything. Every need or want is an opportunity to get the good behavior that you desire
ADHD makes a person’s mind work faster than normal. They can’t concentrate on one thing for long periods and have to be physically active. It does not make kids not mind their parents, but frustration does. Don’t try to curb her activity. That will frustrate her. Try to guide it toward something interesting and constructive.
Some children respond better to no sugar but with both my husband with adult ADHD and my daughter with ADHD, the sugar counteracts the ADHD symptoms and slows them down to focus better instead of making the ADHD symptoms worse.
Correct diet is essential to helping children control their symptoms. It works.
Get her a bubble pop fidget or a spinner . She can do that and maybe be able to sit still except for that.
Go back to doctor or go to different doctor for his evaluation. Do not change medication prior to any new evaluation.
Go back to dr who prescribed the medication… soon.
Vitamins and good nutrition is what you need. Maybe take her to a naturpath doctor will help her. It is amazing what good vitamins and healthy food along with love can do for them.
Listen to her. Love her. Be patient with her.
Talk to doctor there are other meds or she may need a stronger dose
Consult her Dr then meds need to be adjusted
Have to know triggers . Sleep important nutrition
she is seeking attention,make it positive
It’s in my family - I have it .
To all of these people saying beat her ass … I’m a 31 year old with ADHD I wasn’t medicated. One parent was supportive and learned to understand me and the other one beat my ass … Guess which hasn’t been in my life since I was 18.
Support and nurture try and understand you will seriously help in the longer term … I’m a fully functional adult that moved countries from UK to Spain have my own house and work. So please be supportive not beat her ass. We have no attention span beating them will not change that x
Is she eating organic
Get the book the Adhd diet
My best advice is get a jar and some marbles. If she is good put a marble in the jar and if she is bad take a marble out. If she gets the marbles all in the jar she gets to pick the reward.
hv you read gary chapman’s the 5 love languages? do you know what her love language is? apparently parents should love their kids first n foremost before making rules n attempting to dicipline them.
No sugar, no red dye. No sugary drinks. Nothing that will add to the euphoria of the drugs. The adhd drugs speed up the brain to counteract the chemical imbalance. It’s a tight rope to the finish with the drugs and you add garbage to it and she is on a high instead of a steady. Ask the doctor for a diet.
Look into parasites cleans!
My son had ADD, improved with medication. At 15 he quit taking it and backslid.
ADHD is the new term for BRAT, beat that ass and show them who’s boss
In that house.
The kid knows they can get away with murder always throwing fits and keeping the family in turmoil.
Coffee worked for mine…
Food coloring is a no no!
She needs constant stimulation, whether constructive, or down time. However don’t punish her! She can’t help it, as parents you have to show the example. Show her that she can use her energy is lots of ways!
I have 3 grandchildren that are ADHD. It’s going to be hard but it can be done. It’s not the ADHD that makes her do the things she does. It might be more than attention deficit. She could be ODD. She needs to be tested for that. It’s called Oppositional Defiant Disorder. That makes them disobey. If you say black She will say white even if it is black. You say yes she will say no. No matter what. That takes a special.way to treat them. She might have bi polar Disorder. My grandson has all 3 and some days it can be hell. If he gets mad at someone I am the target, no matter what. It gets really bad in the fall when it gets dark earlier. The last time he blew a fuse he tried to choke me to death. His mom and siblings live with me so I walk on egg shells sometimes. He needs to be seen by a psychologist and go from there
Does she have an outlet? Like reading, crafts, art. I have had it all my life along with an attitude problem. Having dogs and creative outlets have helped me alot. I sucked at sports so that wasn’t a choice. As an adult I love reading and crafts.
You all need to sit down with her teachers and principal and come up with a behavior plan…that everyone follows. At school and at home. EVERYONE. All the time. She needs to hit the same limits for the same behaviors…every single time. She will learn and so will all of you. Consistency, consistency, consistency.
Seriously. ADHD isn’t the problem it’s lack of consistency. As a person who has adhd, and divorces parents, I am 100% certain this is the issue.
You guys aren’t on the same page when it comes to raising kids and that’s why she isn’t listening. You’re confusing the shit out of her with wishy washy methods of punishment. Agree on how to handle situations and stick to it. All of you.
Some good books available. We have to handle things differently ask a good therapist on help with this that specialized in ADHD .
Age? Any “programs” she’s enrolled in through school?
Go find your resources. There must be some attached to the school. The doctor will help I am sure.
Angie Sabatine-Wissinger
Don’t give in. No matter what … Don’t give in.
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