How to potty train a boy?

My grandson was the same way…he was about 4 1/2 years old before he finally got the hang of it. He is just probably not ready yet .

All kids potty train at their own pace. Trust me he will do it on his time. You have taught him. I would read him the Elmo potty book or watch a learning video on. He will get it. We did not push our son because of his speech delay. When he about 4 years and 4 months he potty trained in two weeks. And fully with night time and pull up within a month. Got rod of nuk and blankie at same time. Our Daughter was 3 1/2.


I did this with a girl…and it worked. may be different with boys…may need a man for this part. Take them to the bathroom with you. Do your stuff. Dont make it weird. Dont ask if he wants to do it too…just let him see how going to the bathroom works. Make it a routine. If him seeing someone else just getting it done, flushing, washing hands, make it boring but necessary.:two_hearts:

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The boys are extremely hard from my experience I had 3 girls then my son so even when his dad showed him it didn’t click until he started daycare and he was potty trained within a week & a half! They told me they sat him on the pot rewarded him for going so I started doing the same thing I bought the lil thing that sits on the big toilet he is 5 now and doing great it just takes a lot of patience and uninterrupted training

I didn’t force any of my 4 kids to potty train it just came naturally . They’ve always followed me to the bathroom ( 3 girls 1 boy) . I put a potty chair in there so they could sit when I did even if they still had a diaper on just to get use to it . Pretty soon they ask to take their diaper off and once they managed to go the first time ( which I made a Huge to do about and gave them candy and a special toy afterwards) it just clicked with them ! I only gave prizes for the first few weeks , once they mastered it prizes stopped ! My oldest didn’t potty train till 3and a half , next one was potty trained at the age of 3 , and next was almost 4 , but my son didn’t like diapers and was potty trained during day at the age of 2and a half . Fully potty trained at age 3 … It takes some kids longer and there’s nothing wrong with that ! It’s much easier potty training them when they are ready vs when you want them to ! He will get to that point and surprise you !!!

I really thought my son was going to go to kindergarten in pull ups :joy: the thing is, your son is not ready. My advice is to not talk about it for awhile. Don’t pressure that baby. He will grow out of this, I promise.


My son has been potty trained since he was 2 years, 4 months old. I never forced it on him he just always followed me to the bathroom & id tell him “mommy is going pee pee on the potty”. He’s a copy cat so he started doing it, but what the real kicker was, was peeing with daddy outside & following daddy to the bathroom when daddy poops :joy: that’s what really did it for him, he decided one day that he didn’t want diapers anymore. He turns 3 in august, & has had maybe 5 accidents, all of which have been while he’s sleeping. So maybe let daddy show him how to potty outside & in the toilet :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I’ve just potty trained 2 year old twin boys, and it is difficult! I found it helpful that every hour, we would go and sit on the potty set a 5-10 min timer to lead up to it so they know it’s coming, and then go and sit next to them while they’re on the potty, read a book or two, give them a toy to hold, turn the faucet on ( this really helped mine go!) just try a number of different things - every hour!! If they can’t go at the hour mark, then they try again 30 mins later. As for pooping, one of mine hated going on the potty, he didn’t like the feeling, so we’d sit and reassure him, hold his hand, and talk him through it, again make sure you set timers! Make a big deal out of it, clapping, cheering, telling him what a good job he’s done! For a while we rewarded ours with 1 sticker if they went pee in the potty, or 2 if they pooped! It’s a pain making them go that frequently, but it’s well worth it!!!


WORKED WITH MY 2.5 year old and with a friend’s 4 year old.

Ill explain . Kids are attracted to toys and small interesting things. Us as parents need our kids to evolve to using the potty. So mix one with the other .

Put a shelve above the potty . High enough that they will not reach any how. On the shelve put things they are interested in. My boy was interested in super hero action figueres. First time you take him yourself explain that after a succesful potty training he will get one of his choice.

Try it its worked with 3 different kids in different households.
Your welcome.

So sorry you’re dealing with that. Does he have a younger sibling? Maybe he’s enjoying being taken care of with the diaper changes. Did you check with the pediatrician about it? What you’re going through is not all that uncommon. Some boys train later. Not to worry, he won’t go to college in diapers! Keep your head up, you’re doing great!

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I’m having the same issues with my 3 year old son. It’s like he’s scared to poop on the potty and I don’t understand why. I created a monthly potty chart and he gets to put a sticker on it every time he goes pee and a star for poop. I even tried rewarding him with ice cream for pooping and he still won’t do it. He’s only done it twice since we started potty training. I’m struggling cause I want to be mad and frustrated for having to change him but I can’t let him see that. I’m scared if he thinks I’m getting mad about it that he won’t go at all. I thought about letting him go naked but we’re currently living with my mother in law and I’m terrified he’s going to ruin something.

Potty books, videos ? Rewards?

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Sink the Cheerios for pee. Poop, usually after an accident or two in the underwear they won’t like the feeling. When he finally does poop in the potty make a huge deal out of it, clap, tell him how good he did, give him candy or something. Worked on my son. Absolutely nothing works on my daughter though. She does not care about ANYTHING, so I definitely feel your pain.

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My goal was to have my son potty trained by 3, he Did pretty good right after his bday then regressed a little and peed his pants constantly! Everywhere we went :weary: but if I left pull ups he would go in them. He’s almost 4 and I fiiiinaly feel confident saying he’s fully potty trained. These boys​:woman_facepalming:t3:

You need to read the ‘Oh crap potty training’ book. It’s brilliant!

Get a wee man! Best thing ever my son was completely out of nappies by 18mtha old, but every child is different
So good luck

Chocolate buttons… one for a pee on the potty and two for a poop. As soon as he’s got the hang of it you can stop the rewards :+1:

I left mine until he was ready one day he was just over 3 he said no nappy mummy it’s itchy so I put the potty out and he never had another nappy on I think forcing it when they aren’t ready makes it harder all around I’m doing the same with my just turned 2 year old but I do think he’ll be ready sooner because he loves to copy his big brother

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My son has just fully potty trained at 4years 4months.
Don’t sweat it - he will do it when he’s ready.
I’m very relaxed about letting my kids lead so no one is stressed.
Good luck x


Nothing wrong with him just because he can’t look at you. Maybe he feels stressed/upset over the situation which won’t help. He’s just not ready… but he will get there!

Just leave it til he turns 3 mine were just on there 3rd birthday (both boys) and only took a week each. Boys take longer xx

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My daughter is 3 this month and I literally could’ve written this status … it’s hard going but we will get there

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He’s still not even 3 yet. He’ll get it. Just keep trying

I potty trained both of my boys at 2yrs old. I went on Sunday had them pick some undies. Monday morning they went straight to underwear, no other clothes since we were home. I would ask them every 15mins if they needed to go. If they would go on themselves I would just tell them “you see why you need to go in the toilet? It’s yucky isn’t it? Look :poop: is gross :face_vomiting:” all Without yelling or getting them in trouble or getting frustrated lol my oldest was potty trained in 3 days my 2nd took almost a week :woman_shrugging:t2: good luck

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Make sure he spreads his legs really wide. It makes him naturally point downward into the potty.

I taught my grandson how to pee in the toilet standing up by putting Cheerios in the toilet and tell him to sink the boats he thought it was so much fun

Teach him to pee standing up. Get a little step stool if he needs a boost. Use Fruit Loops as targets in the toilet water to aim at. Cheerios will work too. It makes it into a game, and keeps your bathroom floor cleaner

I taught my 3 boys that it’s not a fire hose get hold of that thing & make bubbles if you pee on me I’m peeing on you was a good incentive also

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Cheerios worked with my 3 older boys. Then along came no. 4 who was different. He did not understand why his cereal was floating in water instead of milk. He tried to pick them up and eat them. . He adored his brothers. After daddy refused to demonstrate,the older boys took over. Soon he was one of the gang !


Fold a square of toilet paper in a triangle. Have him stand and tell him to sink the sailboat. Worked for my three boys.

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One little boy I babysit says “gotta tuck it!”
But more importantly than that, it may not be his fault. My oldest son had a problem with his urethra…when he was little, he would pee almost straight up. We taught him to “tuck it” too, but at best he would pee right thru the gap between the rim and the seat and pee all over the floor. A few times before he learned to tuck he actually hit himself in the face. He had to have the opening of his urethra clipped. That solved the problem! If your little guy has an odd stream, that may be the problem.

We actually encourage our son to stand (he’s 3.5) because he saw his daddy do it so we purchased 2 things.
A tiny little urinal that hangs on the wall, and a tiny wide step stool. Then his dad showed him how to hold his little stuff so he could aim

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We bought a stick on mini urinalal( like the kind in men’s bathrooms) he loved it and it worked;on amazon

My 3 year old stands on a step stool and leans forward and holds the seat.(yuck) When sitting I would have to point it down sometimes. He takes his pants and undies off when he sits so his legs are farther apart which helps.

I trained my son by teaching him to set on the toilet backwards, or course he had to undress from the waist down but it worked perfect

Sounds silly but put a few Cheerios in the toilet for them to “aim” at. This worked for my own my son and two of my grandsons.

Put a small ball in the toilet and get him to aim at it worked for my 3 boys x

I got my boys a step so they were at the right height for the toilet

Just sit him on bowl backwards. He’s not already to fall in when he poops and the pee goes in too.

I had my son just sit and pee in the toilet and when he got a little bigger I has his daddy teach him how to pee standing up

I would put my boys on the pot backwards. They could hang on to tthe toilet seat

I sat all the boys backwards on the ignition seat.

Give him a little reward each time he pees in the toilet, or someone told me cut up little ships and put them in the toilet bowl and have him aim at the boats.

Sit him backwards on the seat. Hold onto the tank. Worked for my son, he’s 54 today and still does

I thought they were all talking about cocktail sausages as we call them ‘cheerios’. Thought it was a bit odd

Try putting him on the plain toilet seat backwards. Seems to aim things in the right direction naturally.

I dont k ow about u but what man does make it??i have grown men that live in my house that try but not always do…lol good luck !

This is a trick isn’t it. You’re really talking about a grown man or boy who can’t keep from peeing everywhere.

Put cheerios in the bowl and tell him to aim…

One way to tell if he is ready is if he can pedal a tricycle. Those muscles r the same to release n hold it. Don’t force the matter. If u don’t get good results wait n try again later.

I used to hold my son’s pee pee down until he got the hang of it even with the guard

My son figured it out his self by running naked in the backyard. The first time he filled his own face full he caught on to hold it down.

I had mine sit backwards until they could point it down or stand to pee.

Let him pee in the back yard set up a bulls eye situation. Then back to the pot for instructions

He needs a step around the front base to climb up on.

Cereal in the toilet he can aim at to hit.

Cherrios… Throw some in the toilet have him shhot them

Give him something to aim at like a small piece of floating soap

Throw a handful of Cheerios in the toilet and tell him to practice his aim.

Sit him on the toliet backwards it works

Sink the Cheerios! He’ll hold it to better aim.

Target training, toss in a cherrio in.

Try a ping pong ball, they float and don’t flush… easy enough to clean by spraying it with bleach when cleaning your toilet. My son would aim at it and thankfully the splash back not too strong. Just have to train the hubby not to do it! :joy:

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Have Dad show him how it’s done

Cheerios in the toilet and teach him to aim

Put a few Cheerios in the toilet & have him aim at them.

I put my boys backwards on the commode worked just fine

call his penis by its proper name that’s the first step

Tell them to make bubbles in the toilet

Cheap shaving cream in the toilet

Put him on the toilet backwards so his penis naturally points to the water in the toilet

Long T-Shirt and a Tree. Problem solved

Tell him to push it down!!!

Throw some cheerios in and tell him to dink the ships

Throw some cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim

Put cheerios in Toilet and tell him to sink them

Use cherrios and have him aim and hit the cereal

Stand him up and drop a few Cheerios in the water. Tell him he gets a nickle for every one he can sink.

Throw Cheerios in the toilet and have him aim

He’ll get it. Give him time

Watch his daddy pee in the toilet.

You will be surprised, one day he will just start doing it. When I potty trained my grandson I thought he would never do it but one day he just did and I made the biggest deal about it. Happy, clapping, proud, praise, gave him a treat. After that is was smooth sailing.

Give him time…I just through it with my little guy. He would only poop in a diaper or pull-up. I’ve had many conversations with him about why. He didn’t want to go in the bathroom by himself for a long time. And was scared. So when he went. I stood by the sink. Then gradually eased my self…many poops later…out the door. But in hearing range. Where we could conversate. It takes time. But once they realize it’s ok. He’ll go on his own. Just don’t get mad. Calmly talk to him. I hope that helps

Sounds like he isn’t ready I wouldn’t push it when he is ready he will let u know. It took my son 4 months after his 4th birthday to finally start using the potty on his own. We also did the naked method.

Have him clean it! My son did the same thing, the only thing that worked was him cleaning it himself and realizing how gross it was. My son was 4 at this point and I was so done with potty training.


Is he in pre school? If he sees other toddlers do it he will be more likely to imitate their behaviour.

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Do not make it a punitive, negative experience! Be positive and encouraging and it will happen!

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My son was same way finally I just let him wear a diaper and kept telling him when he’s ready to be a big boy he could do big boy things with his brother. Finally a little before he turned 4 he was ready he would not pea in the toilet tho we lived in country and he would run out back and pea on tree. He hurt himself with the lid so he was scared of that. Any ways back to the :poop: in potty he started and he got to go outside and play with his brother and do different things. Don’t worry momma some boys are harder than others he will get it just slack off a bit and just remind him if he’s ready for school are whatever it maybe he wants but he has to not wear diapers and he’s gotta be a big boy n potty in toilet

Don’t force it. When he’s ready he will do it.

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Our son was the same … didn’t get trained until nearly 4.
We tried everything… and nothing worked.
I ended telling him he won’t be able to go to big school if he didn’t use the toilet like a big boy and only babies use nappies.
It’s about the mind at this age… Show him shows of toilet training cartoons…
Sticker charts…
Weird but show him babies with nappies…
We tried a box of wrapped toilets in the toilet & every time he sat on the toilet he would get a present.
One day he will be ready don’t force him just show him it’s not scary :blush:

Ditch the pull-ups! Trained my kid using the “oh crap” method it took a week to stick and 2 weeks for me to bet the couch and car seat on it.
In a nutshell, tell kid the diapers are going away. Buy really special undies, go pantsless in a long shirt and watch them like a hawk. Intervene mid stream, mid squat and plop them on the potty. Reward anything making it in the potty. Don’t make a big deal over puddles, but have kid help you clean up. No big deal, just, “oops! There’s pee on the floor”

I introduce loose shorts with no undies. Move to special undies, all the while hyping them up. Once undies get wet, go back to boring undies. It seems awful while you’re doing it, but it’s a short lived awful, that means you’re not dealing with pull-ups, that are just glorified diapers. :woman_shrugging:

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P wasn’t getting it. And he tried. I sat down and told we would try again in six months. Relieving the pressure on both of us. And allowing him to mature a little. Six months later, no problem

I busted mines butt and that one time is all it took.

This sounds just like my little one. Here’s what I did. Sounds kinda gross but it worked. When I’d go poop I’d get all excited and call for him to come see. Then we’d name it something funny that he was into like Poop Shark. Then I’d say you can make one too. Oh wait no you can’t do it only big boys that can poop on the potty can do it never mind just go. He’s basically get offended like I just smacked his fragile toddler masculinity or something and have prove me wrong then he’s go. I’d have to wait in there with him but he’s do it. A month later he goes on his own. Good luck with whatever you try.


Use a timer to remind him, watch for patterns, does he like to hide somewhere specific? When you see him headed there to poop take him to the potty. Do not shame or punish him. He’s learning n encouraging him with love is best. Reward his success n don’t punish accidents. Maybe keep him in pull ups so he doesn’t just go on the floor. Be patient! He’ll get there :heart:

I had my son go to the bathroom with his dad and have them talk :woman_shrugging:t2: and once my son hit 2 and 3 months I started taking him every half hour and asked him not to get off till he either peed or pooped and he would get a reward of his choice. He was trained in 3 days. Every child is different. Some work off incentives some don’t. Just stay adamant and find out what works for you two, reward the good behavior and discuss the negative. Good luck!!!

My mom had to embarrassment train me. All it took was being around a bunch of potty trained kids and feeling embarrassed about still being in pull ups ONE TIME and I was trained.

It could be a bit to early my grandson did the poop thing he would go pee but he wouldn’t poop in the potty but we kept trying and finally one day he went

A teacher at the school suggested this and it worked. I didn’t believe it would but it was a turning point for us. I gave my son 1 regular sticker if a pee and 1 shiny for a poop. He wanted to put them on his potty (he had a toilet shaped one). Soon after his potty was covered and he just decided he had no room for more stickers on his potty and started using the toilet with a sticker reward chart. We started 3 months before his 3rd birthday and hes now coming up to 4 and is totally independent. Good luck