How to potty train a boy?

Cheerios in the toilet to aim for.

Put a ping pong ball in the toilet and tell him to shoot it

Take that away give him a step put a ping pong ball in the toilet and tell him aim for that

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I was very lucky baby daddy did the training

Use cheerio cereal in the toilet for target practice

Teach him to sit backwards on the toilet!

Training pants of the year helps

Put a ping pong ball in the toilet and tell him to aim at it x

Have him pee on your tire. Totally tqps into a boys joy for cars and peeing outside!

Put like 4 0r 5 Cherrios in the toilet and tell him to shoot at them…be like a water gun…

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His dad showed him how to do that a friend of mine little boy

Draw a face on ping pong ball and pop it in the toilet. Get him to aim at it:)

Roll 7p bits of paper put in the bowl for him to bomb with pee

I used to tell my boy to push their ding ding down. It worked with even the youngest ones. Once you get peed on you will make that your mantra.

Ping pong ball, make it a game to hit the ball

Tell him to hold his pee pee down…

Throw a cheerio in the toilet.and tell aim

If you can, let him pee outside until he understands it better.

Put cheerio in it. The thing tell him to sink it works

Put a couple Cheerios in the potty and see if he can hit them

Draw a :dart: on a papertowel and lay it on top of the water

Throw a few cheerios in the toilet and have him aim for them.

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Reward him.with a sweetie if he does it right!

Why not get him a stool and a target to aim for?

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Hold it for him or put him on backwards

Cheerios. They become targets.

Have him straddle the toilet hold his penis down and aim

Throw Cheerios in toilet and tell him to sink em!!!

Turn him backwards on the seat and have him point it down

Any information y’all have can you inbox me, I have a 3 year old toddler myself he will not tell me when he pees or poops I try to catch it but he has ninja face I never know when it’s happening or about to happen there is no sign at all any advice would be so great he starts school in August I need help please!!!

Show him how to hold it downward it works

Throw cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim for them.

Put something flushable In the toilet and have him aim for that like a cheerio.

his ‘thing’? For heaven’s sake. Help him aim his penis!

Put a cheerio in the toilet and tell him to aim for it.

Sometimes it’s a game boys play ! Give them a target ,Cheerios work great . Tell them to sink the boat!

Train him to sit down first if not you will ha e to retrain for the other

My daughter has a frog that has a wheel that turns when little ( or big lol) boys aim on it …kmart

Ping pong balls work well as a target to

Cheerios in the toilet and have him aim at them.

Cheerios. Put a few in the potty and have him “shoot them”

Throw a few cheerios in the toilet and tell him to sink them

He has to learn to aim

Sit him on toilet backwards

Get used to it , they don’t grow out of it :joy:

Show him how to push it down stay in the bathroom with him until he gets it

My 2 year old goes to the potty and refused to sit and pee. He stands to pee it’s so much easier and he goes on his own. All kids are different. Cherrios didnt work for mine. And the splash guards suck on all toddler toilet and seats for boys. I hope you find something that works.:grin:

I used a water gun with dish detergent and made bubbles then asked him to do the same with his pee

Have him seat for a while ! Or get him a stool so he can be a bit taller and aim down better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have him him at cheerios in potty

I taught my boys to sit on the tiolet and stand on a step stool by adding dish soap into the toilet so while they were peeing, bubbles formed in the tiolet haha…it worked for all 3…and my grandson

Let him go to potty with a male adult family member that you trust, they will show him what to do. Both of our sons were potty trained by my husband and my father, the peeing part anyway.

Teach him to clean up after himself :woman_shrugging:t2: he’ll start being more careful

Make hitting the center of the Cheerios a game. Seems to help. Probably should keep them on hand forever for senior men


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a boy? - Mamas Uncut

Following this because I’m having the same problem

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My son is 3.5 years old…a few months ago he just wasn’t ready…he wanted nothing to do with the potty…so I just would try periodically with him to go…finally about 2 weeks ago he was ready…and now he understands and goes potty with no issues….you are wasting your time trying if he isn’t ready…trying to force him won’t work


Do you have a training potty for him to poop on or one of the seat covers that go on a regular toilet? My daughter refused to poop in her minnie mouse potty but once I got the seat for the regular potty she did so much better and was fully potty trained in less than a week


My son turned 3 in January and peed in the potty or outside for almost a year before he pooped in the potty. The more I pushed him the more he refused. One day (literally a couple weeks ago) he finally just went into the bathroom and pooped.
I’m not saying something can’t be wrong because I don’t know your kid and I am not a doctor but I do know that its still a very normal age for a kid not to be fully potty trained. If he is not ready then he is not ready


Welcome to the club lol my kids were like that when they were little and being potty trained just be patient and don’t push him too much, it takes time. People will lie “my son was potty trained at 2” yeah right! Don’t pay attention to what other people say don’t let them shame you either. Take your time, it sounds like he’s not fully ready.


You’re joking right?? He’s not even 3! Give him time. He’ll show you when he’s ready :slightly_smiling_face:


Same age and same issue here but I don’t push it too hard. It’s my third and I’ve learned they do it when they are ready. It will be like a light bulb goes off. Hang in there and don’t get frustrated. Try some prizes when he is ready for big boy status!

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I’ve worked with alot of kids on potty training since I worked at a daycare in the potty training class. Honestly trying to potty train them before they’re ready doesn’t work. It makes them not want to do it. It should be made into a fun experience for them with lots of praise and no punishment. If you use punishment kids are stubborn and will just take longer


He might be embarrassed about it or pressured. I bring my son in every now and then when me and my other use the potty. Just to show him it’s normal & safe to use the potty!it establishes a good attitude about using the bathroom. He’s almost two and we’re working on it!:joy::relaxed:


My son will be 4 in September and he has no desire to use the toilet. My 2yo daughter is the opposite.


It might be frustrating but consistency will work… keep him in underwear. Pull ups are nothing but expensive diapers that do more hindering than helping. I work in pediatrics and one of the doctors I nurse for told a parent the other day infact “I’ve been doing this for 40 years and ever since pull-ups came on the market I’ve noticed a 15% increase of potty training delays in children that used them and who would still have daytime accidents into age 4 and bed wetting issues at age 6-7 years old.

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Make him clean it up my son finally pooped on potty when he realized anywhere else he had to clean it


I’m not a fan of prizes for potty, but it can sometimes work. My oldest didn’t potty train until he was 4. Just one day at home he took his pull up off and went potty. He’s 30 now.

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He isn’t ready. He doesn’t get it yet. Give him a few months and try again. Don’t force it or you will go backwards and prolong it further.


Every kid is different and takes their own time to be ready. The American Association of Pediatrics says many kids won’t fully master potty training until well into their fourth year. And as toddlers, control over what they can control starts to become a huge issue. And controlling their bowel movements (e.g., keep it from happening) can lead to constipation and other issues if you push too hard and they try not to go or they’re embarrassed because they made a mess. It will happen with time. Keep giving him the opportunities and positive encouragement but try not to make too big a deal of it, so he doesn’t get ashamed about it or try to control it too much. You got this, Mama!


Following, same boat

Give him time and let him go at his own pace. Pushing the issue is going to make him resist more. Every kid is different. My son didn’t have any interest whatsoever until he was 3. When they want to do it, it will go much easier.


We got a potty chair that looks just like a miniture toilet that has a handle that works just like a big toilet and it makes a flush sound and it worked wonders when I went to the bathroom she would go at the same time.
We were having the same issue but that potty chair was a god send

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My son used the potty to pee from about 18 months old… Didn’t poo in the toilet until he was about 4. He would ask for a nappy do his business and then come to me to get changed.

I told him they stopped making his nappies and he help on for 5 days before needing an enema to clear out the blockage.

Just let him be, it will be very unlikely that he will be in school and still doing this.

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My sons all learned to pee off the back porch I couldn’t handle the puddles all over the toilet lmao :joy: they potty trained super fast all in the summer time of course but we will deep in the woods so I don’t have to worry about creeps watching my kids either

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My daughter is the same way, she will pee no problem on the potty but she will not poop. Lol she would rather shit her pants or sneak a pull up on and do it.

Let him run around naked. Works like a charm.

Consistency and less talk about it. Don’t ask if he has to go say its time to go and have him try if he doesn’t go its fine high five and move on. If he goes pee or poop make the biggest deal ever and dance and cheer for him. Every single time. Leave em naked waste down and watch him like a hawk for signs of pooping and take him straight away to toilet even if he starts before :grimacing: the fear is just doing it first time…lol idk how long people who wait til kids are ready will wait, but can’t see waiting past 3. Thats so long. I think kids are truly ready when you will be consistent and don’t back off. No punishment for accidents and no shaming. Consistency and practice makes perfect.

My oldest took 6 months before he would go on the potty. I stopped making a big deal about it when he would poop in his underwear. I would just say “oh man you missed the potty, let’s try again next time” or “oh no you pooped on paw patrol, maybe next time we try to make it.” Trying not to get mad because they didn’t go in the potty. For whatever reason pooping on the potty is a struggle, be it the splash after the poop drops in or what it is just something they have to work up to.

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All my kids so far have done this. He’ll outgrow it. Keep trying a rewards system and encourage him. He’ll get it soon.

Have lots and lots of patience! My son will be 3 and a half in just a week and he isn’t fully trained yet! Potty is coming along great but poop is so so,it’s a long process but boys generally do take longer to potty train


My daughter was exact same for almost six months per in potty or big toilet but only poop in pull-ups and she would hold that poop in until she got the pull-up on and I just stopped paying attention and bit the bullet one day and never bought any more pull ups so she had no choice as there was none around , we had a couple of accidents at night with wetting bed but after two weeks she was absolutely fine

he’ll do it when he’s ready, just continue to offer it and encourage him but don’t force him. u don’t want it to be a bad experience for him. imo there’s an average but no set age when they should be potty trained. i have 4. two went when they were 2. one went at 3, and another went at exactly 1 yr and 2 days old, so don’t worry, whenever he’s ready u won’t even have to tell him

It’s hard. Toddlers are savage :woman_shrugging:t3:. I get it . Toddlers are weird like that sometimes. He may not like the poop sensation. Don’t be hard on your self or him. This why they usually say pre school before real school is a great idea

My son was like that we just gived it a break but keep asking does he need toilet and tried again a few months later. We ended up doing a sticker reward game with dinosaur toy at the end.

I started potty training my two year old yesterday, and we ran into this issue. I put towels in front of the toilet to catch any pee, and within a few hours, he was learning how to reposition himself to get it into the toilet! Just let him figure out how to aim.

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I have two older girls and this is my first boy. He’s 2 been potty trained 100% since 1 :heart_eyes:. I actually didn’t use a potty seat. I put him on the seat backwards and just stuck with it and said over and over each time until he understood how to do it on his own “hold your dinker down” plus when they are backwards their legs are more open so they tend to lean forward making their privates point down so they don’t pee all over lol

I used cheerios or fruit loops, put 3 or 4 in the toilet and had him try and pee on them. N he was potty trained after that. :joy:

Get him a lil boys urinal amazon sales them. It has a spinning thing that encourages them to aim there

I just tell my son to push his peepee down.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a boy? - Mamas Uncut

My son has been using the potty since about 3. Pee only. Would not poop. He would hide and poop in his pull up or underwear. He turned 4 last Thursday and told me he’s a big boy now and is fully using the potty. They go at their own pace. Won’t even let me put a pull up on says he’ll poop in the potty.


Good luck, every parent and child are different. A trick I used… fruit loops… put a few in the potty, have him make it in the circles. Leave a few next to the potty for next time.

He two still. Slow down boys take longer.

Always gave my kids a toothbrush while they sat on the potty. Worked.

Just not ready yet!!

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He’s 3
Quit rushing or pressuring.

Watch Daniel Tiger & Sesame Street potty episodes. & Read books about using the potty.

Don’t “discipline” but have him help clean up while telling him it’s YUCKY & highly praise him when he does use the potty.

Most of all just keep working on it but also give it time. Use lots of patience & love.

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We think telling kids about being big and being like us is encouraging, but unfortunately for a lot of little humans that’s a big scary concept, as they see our lives and responsibility and pressure and really when your 3 the role of adult can be terrifying :pensive: so those words can actually be quite discouraging and not motivating at all.
If he’s not getting it as this stage it just means he’s not ready


I was given the best advice and I pass it on to everyone I know! “This is the only thing your child has control of. Do not worry they won’t talk down the aisle in diapers!”


He’s showing signs he isn’t ready. The more you force it the harder it’ll be. Back off for a month, don’t sit him on it don’t talk about it then jump back in

My son turned 3 in March and I’m in the same boat :pensive: