How to potty train a girl?

Our daughter will be 3 in August and will only use the potty at home. When she’s at home she just refuses to wear bottoms, and she uses the toilet. She doesn’t ever pee & poop on the floor or anything like that. As long as we’re home and she’s half-naked, she’s potty trained. She absolutely refuses to wear underwear! I’ve tried all different styles and material types; she doesn’t like any of them, says they’re too uncomfortable. If we go outside or leave the house, we ask her often if she needs to go potty, and she will refuse. If we try to make her, she turns into a psycho! She will just pee her pants. We get her cleaned up and in new pants, and she will do it again. She will continue to pee her pants all day, and it does not seem to bother her a bit! I’ve tried just making her stay wet, not for long, but just to see if she’d be uncomfortable with that feeling, and she does not care. She won’t even tell us she’s peed her pants. Idk how to get her fully potty trained, where I can take her out of the house without pull-ups at this point.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a girl?

Put a large basket with wrapped gifts ( dollar store items) in the corner when she potties she can open one💕


In this case I would spank her, thats just ridiculous :woman_shrugging:t4:


My daughter was doing that for attention and i just ignored it and let her sit in her clothes all day and she never did it again and i mean all day


Yeah mine went on a commando phase for a while lol at home she never wears undies under her shorts or pants. She’s 5. I carried around a foldable potty seat to put on top of the public toilets and it helped a lot


Bribery works well potty pops. Like dum dum suckers. And trinkets . I found my girls to take longer than my boys. My youngest peed on a tree at the mall but he didn’t pee in his pants he said :rofl::expressionless:


U say shes going on 3, its okay she will get there give it time…


I tried over and over again to potty train my first girl. I gave up and at 3 1/2 I took off her diaper and told her u can’t pee in these underware u have to go in the potty and she did and was potty trained after that. So with our second girl I didn’t even bother haha at 3 1/2 I did the same thing and she was potty trained. I feel like at 3 1/2 was a good age they understood what was going on. Maybe just wait awhile I dunno haha.

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Maybe she isn’t mature enough yet, all kids do not learn at the same time. Give it time


My daughter is three and a half I’ve potty trained two before her. Shes always been my ‘leader’ (strong willed can be an asshole- I say that in the best way I love her more than life shes sweet as pie but shes got a flip switch hard head) very smart.
She refuses. Heeelp

Try boxers cause honestly underwear is uncomfortable lol. So try little boy boxers she may be more comfortable


A chart is helpful……my daughter wanted a bike so I made a chart with a picture of a bike at the end……every time she went pee it was one sticker and a poop was two stickers……fully trained in about a month and she got her prize!!

Try a potty box with prizes! an everytime she uses the potty she will get a prize. that’s what I had to do with my daughter. :upside_down_face:

My daughter is barley being potty trained. She turned 4 in March and I just started taking her out with no pull up. It might take a while but eventually the pull ups won’t fit her and she will notice :blush:

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I have 3 boys and one girl, she’s the youngest at 1.5. Now I’m so scared to potty train her. :sob::sob:

She’s literally 3 years old… be patient w her…


I know it’s not helpful but I had two kids just like this. One day it will just “click”. Be patient mamma, you’re doing great!

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Maybe she has bladder issues or a small bladder? Never hurts to get checked

Don’t let me tell you what she really needs….

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I feel this. Mines almost 3 and will go pee all day long in the potty at daycare and will let the staff know she pooped. At home? Forget it. Refuses to use the potty at all. If I leave her naked she’ll pee in the potty but throws an absolute fit about a pull-up so she can poop. Takes time. I was fully trained by 3 but my brother wasn’t till 4.5. Patience. She’ll get the hang of it eventually

“Refuses?” At 3 she should not get an option to refuse.


I still have a potty in the back of my suv. Especially if we put abs Covid a lot public restrooms not open. Maybe try that? She will be comfortable doing that and easing into public potty. Get rid of pull-ups completely

Try boys underware. My niece likes boys over girls. It was just a faze. She grew out of it and wears girls now. She is fully potty trained and almost 5 years old

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My daughter will also be 3 in August and potty training is a struggle for her too hang in there it will get better!!!

We bring a potty with us in the van and use that. We buy diapers to put in the potty to make clean up easy. Get puppy pads to put on the car seat, just in case of accidents. Best not to fret, just be prepared for accidents.


I’ve got 3 daughters, whom are all grown now, however with my oldest daughter we potty trained her with a whistle. There was a segment on Dr. Phil and it worked. That was almost 21 years ago though. My middle daughter was a different story. She refused to use a potty and would take off her pull-up or underwear and go wherever she was. So we stayed home for the next few days and every hour on the hour we’d go sit on the potty chair. She didn’t like it, but it worked. By the time I was potty training my youngest daughter she just watched my older two go. She was the easiest.
Good luck to you.

Make her wear her pee pants on her head…


Have You tried going shopping :shopping: with her and letting her pick out her big girl panties ??


My son doesnt like underwear at all he never has. He is 15 and he still will not wear underwear at all. If she doesnt like panties I wouldnt make her wear them. Put shorts on her without panties on.


Let her go commando! Maybe just shorts and no undies!

Don’t make a big deal over it. When she sees the point it will be a done deal.

My daughter just turned 3 end of May, and we have a little girl toilet that’s next to our toilet so when we go she see us and copies us, we never really tried to train to her yet. Yesterday she came out of the bathroom with her diaper hanging off, She did it on her own :revolving_hearts: be patient you’ll know when she’s ready :hugs:

My daughter didnt want to get potty trained until she was 3.5 and i tried everything under the sun and one day i tried money and it worked and she was potty trained in 1 week

Started a poop and pee fairy thing. Every day she would go to the bathroom in the potty or try she would get visited and be given a coin and when she got so many say 10 she would get a little toy and I would get them from like the dollar store or Dollar bin somewhere. Lol it worked🤷🏼‍♀️

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I watch a boy who is 4 and he refuses to wear anything but a pull up and won’t potty anywhere but it. I feel he is autistic. I would put pull ups on her to go out. It’s less of a headache for you. And maybe deny her something she really wants until she potty right

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My daughter is 3. I told her one day that we were on our last diaper and that mommy couldn’t buy anymore but that I would gladly give her a brand new pack of undies. She wasnt having any of it until I showed her the new undies that had unicorns and starts and hearts on them. She was super excited after that & I shit you not, the day I took diapers away she was using the potty. She hasn’t had an accident while sleeping or anything. The only issues now are that she wants new undies every week & wants to change undies each time she goes potty. She refuses to put the same ones on lol. She’s wonderful at going potty when we go out as long as I clap & praise her. Kids love that shit :joy: good luck momma, my son was tougher to pt than my daugher.

My daughter is exactly the same way. She’s 2. Will be 3 in January.

I potty trained my daughter last summer at 3 by letting her pee outside :joy::woman_shrugging:t4:

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Try a reward system for something she does like/want


If she is wearing pants and shorts just let her go commando and dont make a big deal out of it

The amount of stupid in this comment section… I needed a good laugh today :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I got my 20 month old daughter fully trained, including staying dry at night with M&M’s. Yes, the candy!! Every single time she went in the potty, 2 drips or a lot, she got several candies. After a few months, we didn’t need the candy anymore. It was only temporary so I didn’t concern myself with spoiling her appetite. It worked really well for us! :smile::+1:


You know they do make girls boxers for kids as well… maybe try that and see if she will wear those?

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My daughter only uses the bathroom at home she tells me the bathrooms out in public “scare her” :woman_facepalming:

Have you tried her own portable toilet seat that can pick out?

My daughter plays this potty training game and she loves it she actually learned to use the bathroom now she just go non stop and she says mommy bear wash his hands :rofl::joy::joy:

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My oldest daughter had the same issue… I finally.bought loose fitting boys boxers… I know u can’t take her outside in them but it’s a start… It worked for my daughter and eventually she wore panties and pants…

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Heather Palmeri tell em

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My daughter will be 3 next week… she HATES potty training… she could care less if she pees or poops her pull up… she has NO desire right now. My mom continues to tell me I was potty trained a week before I turned 2…kids are different…


Start putting her in panties and let her run around like that when you go to the bathroom make sure she goes with you and she sees what you do I can remember my daughter she was funny we were outside one day she’s 30 now by the way she was outside one day and in her panties and shirt I see your sneak over behind something I go around there and she’s peeing with her panties on but won’t never forget that embarrassed her whenever I hollered at her but it was funny

Just stop making a big deal of it. If she goes in the potty, she goes. If she doesn’t then she doesn’t. Show her that it doesn’t bother you and just let her do it at her own pace. Use pull ups for outside of the house. If she pees her pants, just change her like it’s no big deal. The more you make a big deal of it the more she will resist your efforts. My son staunchly refused to potty train. I just let it go and when he decided he was ready, he did it on his own and was potty trained in a week.


I had my oldest potty trained at 10 months old. My youngest was about 12 months. I think it’s much easier the earlier you do it.


Now my granddaughter she’s seven in a few days she still has had problems at night and sometimes during the day but hers is because she won’t if she’s outside with her mama she will not go in and go to the bathroom and at night they’ve tried not letting her have nothing to drink before bed everything but I think she’s finally getting under control on it it just takes time basically be patient one day you’ll look up and she’ll be doing it without even you telling her to do it

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Don’t use pull ups because those don’t feel wet or uncomfortable. They’re just like diapers Use thick training pants and put plastic pants over them if going out. If she wets or dirties her pants she will be uncomfortable. She won’t like that for long and decide to potty train. This has worked for my kids and several of my grandchildren.


My daughter used to be afraid of public toilets. Esp the flush. Idk that that’s what it is but maybe she’s not ready. Maybe she’s more comfortable at home vs being out


Try using boxers instead of girls panties. That’s what we used to train my granddaughter

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I got all 3 of mine potty trained by 2 by using stickers and M&M’s… all kids are different, and I am so proud of mine for being easy. Unless you have encountered this, you really can’t advise on what to do, I have no idea, sorry! Just keep trying!

I’ll tell you what my child’s pediatrician told me, “I promise she won’t go to college in diapers.” We were pushing time for kindergarten before she was fully potty trained. I dis make her wear panties so wetting herself was uncomfortable. I don’t know why she was so late. My other two were not. It really was okay, though. She is 10 and quite advanced in school, taking some AP classes. Being a late potty trainer did not hurt her in any way.


This comment section has me seriously worried for your guys children ! Spanking , making them sit in urine all day , punishments ! You are sick if you do any of these things


Take her to the store and let her pick out her own panties. Worked for both of my boys :woman_shrugging: someone may have already stated this. (I didn’t bother to scroll through all of the comments)

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This is the EXACT situation i was in with my girl (who will be 3 by the end of the month). Regression hit her haaard and after a month of potty training successfully, she just wanted to stop altogether. After another month of constantly peeing in her pants and begging to wear only pull-ups or nothing, today marks one week of her with no accidents even at the store. I used to make her put on a pull-up after her bath, but now i sneak one on her while she is sleeping. It seems to help, since now she doesn’t think about the pull-ups or ask for them anymore.

As for the underwear, we just let her put pants on and skip the undies if she’s in a “mood.” I tell her if she puts pants on then I’ll take her outside. It’s worked so far.

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I’d try swimsuit bottoms to see if they are more comfy for her. Wearing bottoms at home night also help her get used to it.

I had this problem with my son and someone suggested that we do role play with a toy as part of toilet training it worked. We went to build a bear then bought a toy with undies and clothes once an hour I’d stop everything because (undies the dog needed to go to the toilet ) we take his pants and undies off and place him on the potty. Look it was time consuming to do but it worked within a week (Vincent my son wouldn’t say undies needed to go to the toilet ) and we never looked back till the wipe your own butt stand off about a year later :joy:

Highly recommend this book. Potty trained my son a week after he was 2 and was almost completely potty trained in a week! Do not listen to anything anyone says but this book. Had my daughter potty trained in the same time frame as well!

Have her help clean up the accident. If she doesn’t like panties find a bikini she likes and let her wear that. She probably won’t want to get that messy

Skip the underwear? Wear loose jogging pants or tights or if she can keep her bits not exposed while out , maybe just a long dress. Perhaps it’s a sensory issue.


I would carry my daughter’s portable potty in our car because she was scared of the regular toilets. If she had to go potty we would take her to our car. We kept a bag over the potty bowl and we would tie it up after to help with the stinky lol. She’s 4 now and she’s barely starting to get comfortable on toilets, but we still carry the portable potty with us. It saves us!

When she’s ready, she will do it on her own. I bought so many potties for my 3 year old, her favorite character, a pink one, red one, even one that flushed just like our own. She was for some reason terrified of the bathroom. She was almost 4 and I had taken her to see her pediatrician and she said when she is ready, not to force her. Well, finally at 3 and a half she used the potty. She just turned 5 and has not had not one accident. My husband and I are amazed when she wakes us up in the middle of the night to go with her to the bathroom. Be patient momma.

there may be more deep issues. she might have a form of autism or mental issues. or something has happened?

Disciple your the parent, no such thing as “my kids won’t” in my house, I’m the parent my kids do what I say.

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I had the opposite problem my daughter had to use every public bathroom twice! Couldn’t get through Sam’s club without two to three trips to the bathroom :rofl:

She’s almost 4 and well just now getting her to use the toilet at school and slowing doing it at home. Takes time

My son I used playdoh on a little tray thing and had hi. Sit until the to er went off and eventually he realized he wouldn’t wear the diaper if he uses the potty. My daughter I’m struggle g with she’s 2.5 and has autism we are 5 months in and she’s only used it once. Idk what else to do or try with her at this point .i hope you figure it out good luck mama.

It’s a phase I promise!! My daughter was doing the same thing lol and I thought it would be harder to train due to two sets of rules. I was ready to give up TRUST ME. I was so fed up but one day she kept asking me to poop on potty and did, and continued everyday it was constant reminding her after she tooted to try. She hated using the bathroom anywhere but home, but when your potty training and trying to get to places you gotta go you gotta go :woman_shrugging:t2: now she’s a champ she’ll pee on the side of the road if need be :joy:

It was a sensory issue for my kiddo. Patience’s and planning. Diapers/pullups offered a lot of security. And then one day the accidents stopped and it got easier. As much as we want them to do something until they are ready it’s going to be a challenge. Potty training isn’t going to last forever. It’s a short phase and then your the booty wiper. Give the kiddos time. Also, highly recommended the books positive parenting and no drama discipline for dealing with difficult kiddos. Through out the idea we need to punish our kiddos when they make a mistake. Try discipline instead. Made a world of difference with my kiddos.

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3 is old enough to listen to you as the PARENT about something like that. Find underwear she likes that actually fits and STICK to it. Absolutely no need to discipline, that’s absurd, but you still don’t let them call the shots

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Try boy underwear. I’ll buy them for my daughter if they don’t have the certain theme she likes in girl undies. Plus boys/men’s underwear are so much more comfortable then ours anyways it’s not fair.

Use Pull-ups for outings. She’s not ready for that step, yet. Just give her time.


Keep the pull ups on her and get on with life peacefully , it’ll happen when she’s ready! No need to change her pants 1048x a day


It isn’t a priority for her right now. Carry on at home and use pull ups while you’re out. She’ll do it when she’s ready.


At the time my daughter over the movie frozen… I bought her frozen themed underwear and told her not to pee on else or Anna or else they’d get mad and probably freeze our house… thats all it took never had a problem with accidents or not wanting to wear underwear as long as they were frozen!


You could decide to have a portable potty and carry it along whenever you’re away from home. She is probably not comfortable using lavatories she is not familiar with…I am thinking :thinking:

Have you tried taking her into a shop and letting her choose her own pants? Then make a big fuss about her awesome pants and keeping them dry? X

My girl was potty trained at 3.5, she would be commando at home, and then we started using pj bottoms as they are easy to pull up and down. Then introduced knickers then onto knickers and pj bottoms. Took 3 weeks in total. We have a potty in the car for emergency

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a girl?

Maybe she just isn’t fully ready to be trained yet. It’s okay, let her be the judge if you force it there will be more issues. I’ve known little girls that were 4 - 4.5 she insisted on pull ups when not at home. Then poof, one day she was a big girl.

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Has she picked some out? Maybe that could help. :woman_shrugging:t3: I did a gift bag with mine. Every time she went potty so got to pick something from the mystery bag. I had glow sticks, toys, bracelets, bows etc.

Kids can be very funny sometimes
I would just talk to her at home while she’s calm and playing
I was just thinking about when we are not at home?
Can I ask what about the other potty’s you don’t like?
Do they scare you?
Worried someone will see ?
Let the conversation flow them present a solution
Ok sweetie I hear your scared of the big potty’s because of automatic flushers
What I can take you to one that flushes like at home and show you? etc

I bought the training pant underwear and also boy underwear for my daughter. I would bribe her with a lali, I would put it on top of her placemat and tell her that if she didn’t wet and went to the potty she would get it when we got back. Also she was naked at the house all the time when she was training.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train a girl?

She honestly doesn’t sound ready , I tried first lockdown with my daughter and she was under 3, tried again few months later and it was a breeze dry pretty much straight away during the day. From past experience with two kids they really do let you know when they’re ready, I said to my little girl when she started back to nursery that all the other little girls would be in knickers as well, that seemed to help x


Defo not ready,I also dont see a rush society makes us parents having to do things by a certain age,I’ve 8 children all doing things at different times,my daughter is 3 4 in july still in nappies during the night but dry and toilet trained during day still few accidents but that’s only because shes too engrossed in what she is doing at the time,dont force her not that I’m saying you are she will find her time and nursery and schools are so accommodating so dont stress or worry she will do it and you wont even notice it will come when least expected x

Put a diaper on her when you go out!!!

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When you go out an buy pull-ups make her carry them until you reach the checkout.

It may be the tight restricting underwear that feel like a diaper. Try loose lounge pants with nothing underneath. Offer a lollipop or candy everytime she uses the potty with pants on. This worked for 2 i potty trained in 2 weeks.

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Is there a rush for you? Put pullups on when you go out. Even as an adult, I have a mild latex allergy. Most women’s panties have latex in the elastic. Try her in some boxers or the boy shorts underwear style. Not tight around the upper thighs.

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Try the boxer shorts for girls they don’t only have Boxer just for boys they do have them for girls too

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Son was 3 1/2 and not interested in potty training. Then, while at a daycare for 1st time he had to nap with the babies because he wore diapers. Overnight with this incentive, he was potty trained.

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What I did with my girls was let them pick out their own underwear at the store but I also told them that (whatever character) was on it would be sad or mad if they get peed or pooped on.

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I used to put my daughter backwards on toilet with her feet on flusher and hold her over it! She never sat on it! I made it a game! To let her see her pee hit the water! Make it as magical as you can and let her see all the pretty undies they have to buy! Also you can get a board and let her put a star on it and in when she goes for a week she gets a surprise!

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