How to potty train girls?

I thought babies weren’t ready until like 2.5-3yrs old. When they were ready it’s a lot easier.


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My daughter was the same. We were on and off for a year. Until a couple of weeks ago she finally got it down. She just turned 3 in February.
It’s okay, take your time and don’t rush. No matter what I rewarded her with, it wasn’t until she was ready and she wanted to lol

Just start, don’t worry about a big plan, just start. Take her potty whenever you think about it, praise when she goes (chocolate chip is my preferred reward), tell her it’s ok when she Dosent or when the pull-up is wet. Make a big deal about progress. You can start them off early, so when you think they (and you!) are ready to take the leap and be done, the foundation is there.

I started with my oldest when he was about 14 months just taking him frequently, then when he was closer to 2 we just swapped to undies and he knew what to do. My youngest is much more… stubborn, and wild… I’ve backed off a bit but still take him frequently, praise when he goes, talk about not getting his pull-up wet, etc.

I have potty trained 5 kids. I thought my last son was never going to go… then at 4 he just started going to the potty one weekend :woman_shrugging: Let her take her time, she’ll go when she’s ready.

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Wait until she is fully ready and older. My oldest showed intrestes around this age but thats all it was and very short lived, by 3 she was fully potty trained and it was much easier and less frustration.


both of my kids were potty trained by 2 yrs old, I first started with training pants when they were about a month or so away from their second birthday. If they did that well , then we tried a all nighter, The best thing was back than , was we had no AC so if they peed in the training pants they were still dry the next morning, Little steps at a time, then move to the next. Saw no difference training my daughter or my son, ( But the training pants back in the 70’s were really just very thick cotton underwear with rubber pants attached)

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I put my daughter’s potty seat in front of tv when her favorite show is on and let her sit on it naked. Her body relaxes and it just happens.
DO NOT use pull ups. Go straight to underwear. Pull ups just feel like diapers so they’ll pee in them.
Discipline and reward.

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When she’s interested and ready. Before then, you’ll stress her and yourself out.

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First off all don’t let people tell you she’s too young… My daughter was very interested in the toilet so we got her a little potty chair that actually looks like a toilet and makes sounds when you flush it. She’s 4yrs old now and potty trained during the day but she still has accidents at night :woman_shrugging:t2:

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My sitter with years of experience says that they’re best potty trained at 2 years and 2 months. If she’s not ready, don’t push it. My very bright and advanced girl was three before she got it.

I started when mine were two but everyone is different

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M0re Info.

i couldn’t believe that i would ever be reunite with my ex-lover, i was so traumatize staying all alone with no body to stay by me and to be with me, but i was so lucky one certain day to meet this powerful spell caster Dr Laba after telling him about my situation he did everything humanly possible to see that my lover come back to me,indeed after casting the love spell my ex-lover came back to me less than 24hours,my ex-lover came back begging me that she will never leave me again,1months later we got engaged and married,if you are having this same situation just contact Dr Laba on his Facebook page :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Just before bath time I use to put my little girl on the potty and I said if you need to go you can if not that’s okay we will just have a bath and one night she actually went and we progressed from there

Get her a potty seat that goes on the big potty turn her around backwards on it an get dry erase/washable markers and let her color on the potty when she goes. Then get a cheap pack of her favorite character stickers and let her stick them on a designated area every time she actually pottys. That’s what we’re doing with my 3 year old niece. With my 2 year old son we just bought him a baby shark potty seat for the big potty (his absolute favorite thing right now) and give him a snack (chips or candy or ice cream something like that) and he picked it up quick he tells us now he’s gotta potty. Also ask her every 30 minutes to an hour if she has to potty.

That is very young. Emotionally not ready. I don’t think rushing it will make it work. Try again in 6 months.

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U wait til they r ready.

Wait. Time her to see a pattern. If it’s not a regular then wait till she is ready
Winter is easier. House bound

Every child is different but I tried potty training my oldest daughter at 18 months and it completely backfired all it did was stress both of us out so I’d suggest waiting until she’s 2

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train girls?

Following I need help too

I just took my daughter every 15 to 20 minutes and sat her on the potty. If she peed or pooped she gotta a sticker or fruit loop lol she loved those. Just stay consistent with it. Also, I put her in panties while doing it instead of a diaper.


No diapers or pull ups a few accidents and they’re over it (usually) I also used dum dum suckers and rewarded my granddaughter.

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My dad scared it out of me…had me just sitting on the toilet and just popped out of nowhere and aaahhhhh! I cried, it worked and I got a snack

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3 is a little early in my opinion but it’s great that your trying now. Be consistent and she will be ready when she is ready. Both my kids were 4-5 when fully potty trained. Don’t force her and give rewards when she does go. I remember that age and wanting them to “be ready” but it was only because I was pushing them to grow up faster and be more independent. Just remember to enjoy these years because they go by so fast and before you know it, you have a teenager who thinks they know everything! :blush:

Following as well!!!

There is no point unless she is showing interest. I tried for a month and my 3 year old was so stubborn and refused. I finally gave up and then she decided she was ready! It was so easy once she was ready (she was even night trained when she decided she was ready)


I took my oldest (3 when finally potty trained) to the store to pick out her new big girl undies. I made a chart and when she peed she got 1 sticker, poopec she got 2. We went to the potty every 30 min or so. If she went potty she got to put her stickers on her poster. When she got certain amount of stickers she got to pick out a toy. Didn’t take too long


Being the dad i trained my little girl wen she was 3…no diaper there gona b accidents dnt get upset. Pt a panty on for her and every half n hour tk her to the toilet do not show frustration give her a reward everytime she goes to the toilet


I honestly would just ask my daughter if she wanted to use the potty and she kept saying no until one day she said yes. She sat on it and didn’t do anything but I praised her for sitting on it. Then once she showed more interest we spent one day with no bottoms on at home and had one potty in the bathroom and one in the living room. I got a sticker chart with stickers from the dollar store. She got to pick a prize out of the surprise box after 3 Pees and 1 poop. She also got little chocolates or candy too. She honestly learned within 3 days for days and nights. She has had a few accidents hear or there but she is doing great. Getting her to wipe herself is the part I’m struggling with. They will do it when they are ready, don’t stress. I also used potty books and videos of peppa and george

You have to plan on staying home a few days while training because you need to make sure the potty they are using is comfortable for them …yes and the sticker chart is amazing …they love being praised and excited over…no diapers…picking out the underwear is fun too … and if an accident is made don’t get upset …it’s going to happen …good luck to you.

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Try again soon as winters here. Our pediatrician told me there too busy in the summer n very distracted. It worked.

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Take her to the bathroom every 15 to 20 mins. Buy her training undies. Don’t use pull ups in the day time. Give her a reward when she goes. And I always found it easier with the potty see that goes on the toilet.

Cute panties instead of diapers.

Did the sockets everyone she just tried it encourages them. Just don’t pressure them they will do it on their own ting

Pushing won’t help. Encouraging her to be a big girl will.

Make it fun. Do a reward chart etc

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I sat my daughters potty in the lounge… anytime she attempted a reward and if she actually went we made a huge deal lol

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Are you using a potty? I was struggling with my son to use the potty, he wouldn’t have a bar of it. I recently brought one of the step ladder type of toilet seats which has made a huge difference to use the toilet instead of potty. & maybe get some stickers and do up a chart so every time she’s gone to the toilet she gets a sticker to put on.

if she has no interest then stop trying and wait until she is interested. doesn’t sound like she’s ready.

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Put her in panties and take her every 30 minutes. Tell her we go potty on this potty not in our pants.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train girls? - Mamas Uncut

following… tried EVERYTHING. grey hairs are coming in strong

Sticker charts
They love them. Home made go with the standard gold star then big stickers on no 2s and rewards. My girls absolutely loved this.

Wait until she decides she’s ready and wants to sit on the toilet herself…
There’s really no such thing as “potty training”… They will go when they feel ready and confident…
You could show her where the toilet is and casually tell her it’s there if she ever wants to try it but don’t pressure her… Let her watch you when you go to the toilet…
I never “trained” any of my kids… They don’t need to be “trained”… Babies are born with the ability to recognize when they pee and poop and they let you know when they need to be changed because it’s completely natural that they don’t want to sit in their own waste… Once she feels comfortable and confident enough within herself she’ll let you know…

Following, needs to happen :sweat_smile:

less than a week? stop rushing. stop putting pressure on her.

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After leaving my previous job 6 months ago, i’ve had some good luck to learn about this website which was a life-saver for me… They offer job for which people can work online from their house. My latest paycheck after working for them for 4 months was for $14367… Amazing thing about is that the only thing required is simple typing skills and access to internet…

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Stop pushing. She will potty train herself when ready. So leave it be.

Three is plenty old. I’d start pushing it. Tell her she’s a big girl now and buy her big girl panties. No more pull ups. (except overnight). Help her change herself when she wets them. Praise her for being a big girl. Most kids don’t like that feeling of being in wet clothes.


Buy a small toilet when u go potty have her sit even if she doesn’t do anything

Wait until she’s ready and expect accidents no toddler is ready or perfect straight away

To get her excited, take her shopping. Let her pick out her own underwear. I’d also let her pick out a dress or skirt too. After that, have her pick out some stickers. The next day when she wakes up, put her underwear on, along with the dress or skirt she picked out. Every 20 minutes throughout the day, tell her, it’s time to try on the potty. It’s important not to ask, because your presenting her with the option to say no. Whenever she tries, give her a sticker. If she goes, let her pick out the sticker she wants, cheer for her, and maybe give her a special snack. You have to be consistent. You’re going to have to stay home for a few days at the least. Make sure you dress her in clothes that are easy for her to pull down. If she has an accident, just change her outfit and clean it up. No big deal. Only use diapers for nap time and overnight. I used this method with my son at 2.5 years old and he was trained in less than a week. I also used this method when I worked in childcare with several kids.


My son absolutely would not potty train until he was closer to 4. And when he decided to, he just did it. No accidents, no wet underwear, no nighttime bed changes. None of it.

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My daughter wanted new peppa pig sheets for her bed. I told her that she had to start using the potty before I could buy them because peppa would be upset if she got peed on. That was all it took


Try taking her with you when you go.

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Try potty stickers. Where the sticker changes color when they pee on it.

I did treats and then she got something when she was fully trained, something she really wanted. It does take time. Stick her on there when she think she has to go but you might have to wait until something just clicks with them.

We took alittle portable potty and put it out for her. We then took her pants off and let her run around naked. We continously had her sit on the potty. After she would go We gave her m&ms. She was potty trained in 2 weeks.

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Sticker chart! Go to the dollar store, buy a bunch of little toys, puzzles, books, wrap them, put them in a bag. They get a sticker when they go. Every 5 stickers they pick a wrapped toy. Started working immediately for ours

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Consider using a pyramid chart of stickers. Make it big enough to see from a distance. Put on top a prize. Something awesome. It can be sox w/favorite character, a candy bar, DVD, something that is special to her. Start with small pyramid 3,2,1 blocks. Then increase number of blocks each time chart is filled. Add a desktop bell she rings when she successfully uses potty. And you blow one of those party noise makers. Have fun with this!! No scolding for ‘accidents’. Only sad face by you. Pouty face is good. A fake tear or Little fake cry. Most kids Want to please Parent.

Take her potty with you everytime you go and when she does it one her own, make a HUGE DEAL ABOUT IT! Dance, sing, clap whatever you need to do, but make it a big deal even when you go and not her.

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Take her turn her backwards and give her an expo marker…she will go without even knowing. Works with boys and girls.

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Following my girls as stubborn as a bull when it comes to potty training :grimacing:

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Put her in underwear. No diapers or pull ups unless overnight. Dress her in clothes that are easy for her to pull down, or up. Like skirts or dresses. Every 20 minutes, tell her it’s time to go potty. Make sure you tell, not ask. If you ask, you’re giving her the option to say no. Make sure you have stickers, gummies, lollipops, or whatever you plan on using as a reward system on hand and visible to her. Just keep them out of reach that way she has to earn them. Cheer for her when she tries, celebrate when she goes. Make it a huge party if you have to. Consistancy is key. You’ll have to do this for several days, but trust me, it works. There will be accidents, no big deal. Just clean them up and move on. Good luck

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So for my daughter we had to put her actual panties. So when she used the bathroom on herself she would feel it instantly. She had a few accidents but she hates being wet. So this worked for us. In one weekend she was mostly potty trained. The daycare takes her and puts her on the potty every 2 hours or so along with what we had done over the weekend. She wears pulls up for nap and night time and we are still working on her pooping in the potty but going on a few months and she knows right away when she needs to go.

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There is so much to it momma. It’s not a matter of her doing it. She has to learn to recognize the urge, develop the muscle control to hold it, learn the timing so she doesn’t wait too long and not make it. Be patient, she’s not trying to disappoint you. Also, pull ups delay the process. Get her princess panties and spend a weekend at home. Peeing down her leg a few times will make her aware of the muscle. You’ll both get it. It takes time

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I had my kids potty trained by 2 yrs old. I first started with day time. When no problems then did night time. Thankfully back in the 70’s there was no AC, so if they did pee, they were dry the next morning. They slept 12 grs at night. With my grandson his mom also started him by 2 yrs old. I promised super heroes underwear when he stayed dry for me. Same with my granddaughter. Her favorite princess underwear when she used the potty . It worked :grinning:

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to potty train girls?

Try putting her in underwear anyways or the no pants method if you have that type of privacy in your home. Children don’t usually enjoy wet underwear. If you are worried about accidents, it’s still summer. Try outside lol.


She’ll let you know when she’s ready.:heart: My 3 yr old just barely got fully potty trained 2 weeks ago. Her 4th birthday is in 2 wks.
I took her to the bathroom with me when I had to go and had her sit on her potty, I set 15-30min so when those went off I would ask if she needed to go potty. Also she outgrew her diaper and said her toddler underwear was more comfy. Also remind her “It’s okay if you have accidents, still let me know so I can clean you up and we can clean the mess together”. When accidents happen, kids get scared & try and hide it.:heart: Praise really really does help :heart::cherry_blossom:

Honestly I was worried about my son. I heard of the book “Oh Crap! Potty Training” and purchased it and it was honestly the best purchase I’ve ever made! By reading the book and following the steps, my son was fully day trained in 3 days.
With it being summer when I started potty training him, it was super great. We spent 3 days outside in the backyard with him running around with just a t-shirt on and we brought his potty outside with us.
Her book was extremely helpful.


Diaper/pull up wet feels completely different. Try panties. My daughter got 2 m&ms for going pee and 4 for poopies. Make it a huge deal she went in the big pottty!!


My daughters were the same way just not interested. It’s a lot easier when they want to do it. Try reading her some potty books, letting her pick underwear and hyping it up and then see if maybe she’s more interested.

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A friend once told me that where he grew up it was cold in the winters. When it came time to potty train his mom put his sisters and him in “silky” type panties. When they got wet the panties would be cold.

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I work in childcare & to help with potty training I also recommend not putting on a diaper or pull-up, use underwear & panties. it will be more physically uncomfortable/noticeable for the toddler to have soiled undies than a diaper/pull-up that absorbs it for the most part. This is more likely to entice them to use the potty/toilet :toilet:

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Naked. Set an alarm for every 15-20 min. Have her get on the potty every time the alarm goes off

My granddaughter is the same just refuses to use the toilet

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if she has no interest then she isn’t ready. i didn’t start with my son until he was past three because there wasn’t any point doing it before he showed interest, we’re still potty training and it’s been around six months, don’t rush it.

We used the actual toilet for potty training my son as he was the exact same way, but we did treats as a reward for when he went both pee and poop but since we moved he’s gone completely backwards :woozy_face: so good luck