How to potty train girls?

Just quit asking and every 30 minutes to an hour put her on the potty. When she uses it make a huge deal about how amazing she is. Repeat.
Good luck!


I’ve been a mother for 25 years. I have 5 children ranging from 25 to 12.
It isn’t about you feeling they should be potty trained or if you think they are ready.
It’s about if they are ready.
None of my children potty trained before the age 4. I never pushed. They decided when.
As result none of my children wet the bed.


My daughter was almost fully potty trained at 2.5. Then she got a stomach bug and had diarrhea for 4 days and regressed back to not using the potty. She is 3.5 now and wasn’t using the potty and then she got a UTI and started using the potty on her own because it hurt and we told her we had to clean it better after she potty’s. She wont poop in the potty… but at least she is peeing in it… I’m a patient hunter…lol… I’ll wait for the poop lol


With my little girl i always just let her follow me into the bathroom so it was just what she always knew everyone else did. And when we gave her the chance to do it to she was excited! She did still have poop accidents for a couple weeks into potty training but after awhile those stopped too. She never used training pottys but instead prefered to use the toilet w the kids seat added and a step stool.


If you beleive she’s ready but just refusing to go I would always always say come on darling time to go toilet, we come back to this in just a second, and take her regularly also offer a sticker chart or incentive.


Either stay at home and do nakey butt for a few days, or keep her in diapers until she decides she’s ready (since she knows where she is supposed to go)

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My daughter was potty trained at 6 months and even showed ME some tips and tricks!
(LOL for THOSE moms)
Anyhow don’t fret mom, they really will do it when they’re ready. You just keep encouraging her, teach her where the towels are for her to clean up the pee and poo. Wash the panties with her. Really anything gross or “work” becomes too much and pushes her to WANT to go in the potty
You’re doing better than you give yourself credit for. Hugs

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Okay, one thing is, if she’s not ready she WILL NOT do it. You can go 5 steps forward and regress in a matter of hours if not minutes. Research the signs of being ready, start taking her with you to the bathroom and let her just hang out with you while you go, so that she can start associating “potty” with the toilet. While you go, ask her if she wants to try. When she does go in the potty give her a treat, yell, clap, jump around and make a huuuuuge deal of it make her feel like the mini queen she is. Sticker charts. Make it fun but she’s not gonna do this if she’s not ready. Every child is different so I don’t understand why there is this “generalized age” that they HAVE to get it down by. My son is a copy cat. He was fully potty trained at 2 and 1/2. My niece was 4 when she started showing signs of being interested, I pounced on it and had it done in a week.


Buy her “pretty panties” that only big girls can wear. She might keep them dry


I remember putting my daughter on the potty(many years ago) and waiting till I heard the pee hit the water. I would act so excited and give her a big round of applause.Tell her how proud you are of your " big" girl when she “goes”.

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Honestly…with our daughter…we followed her lead she turned 4 in March …if shes not ready shes not ready…she is now almost fully potty trained (still working on night time potty training)


Let her run around the house completely naked with no pull ups or diaper on. Then you’ll see how fast she decides to use the potty. She’s using the pull ups as her safety net. But the moment she doesn’t have anything as a safety net and pees all over herself she will not be happy and will start going to the potty willingly lol. Worked with my son anyhow!


My 5 year old was like that, and will still hold it so long that she can barely make it to the toilet. I would take her into the bathroom and have her sit down every 30 ish minutes when she was small, even if she said she didn’t need to go. 99% of the time she ended up peeing.

My first was potty trained at 2 years 3 months in 3 days. My second is 3 and has literally no interest. She knows what she is supposed to do and where but just will not do it. She will do it when she is ready.

I started with getting my daughter to come to the toilet with me when I needed to pee & she sit on the potty next to me at the same time. She was wearing pull ups and sometimes she would pee in the potty, and sometimes she wouldn’t :slightly_smiling_face: But she got the hang of how to do it! She then started taking me to the toilet with her every time she needed to pee and started telling me to sit on the toilet lol so I did. She’s 3 now & as of about 2 weeks ago she’s in undies full time besides sleep times and uses the big toilet on her own, no more accidents :slightly_smiling_face:

I tried many strategies prior to this and would probably say this was the most effective one for me! Good luck :white_heart:

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I’m a mom of two boys and one girl and honestly, my daughter was more difficult to potty train. She literally just started on her own after months of me trying and helping. I say just take her with you when you go, she’ll go when she’s ready. Don’t let others tell you what your child should be doing,they all learn on their own

my daughter didn’t want to due to being too busy playing or watching a movie so i just put the potty in the living room and let her sit on it the whole time with a blanket covering her while her movies played or she had toys to play with (sometimes for an hour, most of the time 20-30 mins) while sitting there and when she went she got excited and i also used stickers, 1 for pee 2 for poop, if she did good the majority of the day she would get double for each. it worked great

Put a couple of her favourite books in the toilet, read to her while she is on the toilet.

Just make it a nice and relaxing thing. Before and after meals, before you go out and when you get home. When ever you think she might need to pee. Often enough and the pee will end upp in the toilet eventually.

You high five and compliment on a good try or a great sucsess. Every time she is on the toilet or potty is a succes no mather where she dose her business.

I had the same issue with my boys . . potty training my boy .he turns 4 end of this month. I have been a bit aggressive with the potty training now… I started this week… I make him.go potty ever 30 mins all week… daycare its less.often she doesn’t have the time to do that. but he had 2 accidents all week…I’ve doubled.him up on the potty training underwear
it catching the mess so it doesn’t leak out down his leg or threw his pants onto my floor .it’s been fantastic. during this weekend I’ve been taking him.every hour…he’s been doing well… if he tells I tell.him he’s not getting (certain item/food reward if he doesn’t pee) . I also tell.him.babys wear diapers .and he cannot go to school.with his bro if he wears diapers . he does not like being called a baby .(I had to do something drastic.and its working)

Every kid is different. We did a potty watch (Amazon) and set it for every 20 minutes at first. It was Minnie Mouse and she loves Minnie, so Minnie would tell her it was time to potty and she would go. LOTSSSSSS of praise. Let her pick out her own panties. I did put panty liners in them to keep from ruining furniture. Eventually, we moved to 40min, then 60min to no watch at all. I also carried a small potty in my car because it has to be confusing to have to potty at home, but use a pull-up in public. That helped a lot.

My daughter just trained at 2. The earliest of my three kids. I kept her naked for a whole weekend, introduced panties on the third day, she only peed in them once and was grossed out. No accidents since. She is probably night trained too, but I haven’t took away the diaper for bedtime yet. She wakes up dry 99% of the time.

Try a reward system, make a chart, and give her a sticker to put on it every time she uses the potty. Once she has x amount of stickers, she gets a prize. What I did with my boys was keeping the potty in the living room, or wherever they played so that it would be easily accessible. Once they got the hang of it, I moved the potty to the bathroom.

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Take the cues from HER. She may be scared of the potty. She may not be ready. Somt force her. Dont punish her. But whatever you do be consistent!

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This will probably disgust you but it worked for me… If you suspect she’s about to pee, take her to the bathroom (or even the outdoors, best if it’s dark, or a place you will be able to clean easily) and do the peeing yourself. Chances of her copying whatever you are doing are high. When she finally gets it that she’s supposed to pull down her pants to pee, you can give her the potty

Working on my daughter now the first time we tried starting it i started with mini marshmellows every time she peed on the potty and make a huge ordeal out of it then pooping on the potty was something more like a cookie or something then she kinda stopped trying but now she runs 95 percebt of her waking hours with no diaper or anything and she uses her potty we have onky had a couple accidents (which will happen) but dont be afraid to let her run half naked and get her a potty chair use something she really loves as a reward

3 days stay at home bare bottom with no pants on. Chocolate milk and apple juice all day long. Keep a training potty in the livingroom, one in the bathroom and one in the hallway by her bedroom. You might have a few messes but once she starts to pee direct her to he closest potty. 3 days. That’s all it takes


I was lucky enough to have wood floors so I just let her go bottomless all day & if she had an accident, oh well, I could easily clean it up. I kept her training potty in the living room too. I also used M&Ms everytime she used one of the potties.

I started at 2.5 years old… left the mini toilet in the kitchen… where she can see it… then, rewarded her with mini m&ms
We learned and choose her colors she picked out. 3 for pee 5 for poop…

if she pottied in her pants
( on purpose)
I took her electronics from her. She messed up twice… thats all.

Stop asking and take her to sit on the potty every 2 hours continually, she will figure it out. Some times the urge to go really doesn’t register for them until it becomes routine to just do it, my son had the same problem and I literally put the potty chair and him in whatever room I was in and sat an alarm for every hour to start then moved to every two hours within a few weeks he hardly ever even had night accidents. The doctor said it was just training his brain to know when it was time to go and it worked! Also they have awesome videos for potty training and potty songs at the library :heart: good luck dear

I have 4 kids, for two of them just not having them wear bottoms was enough. My son peed up unto his mouth and all of a sudden “knew” where the potty was and how to use it. My youngest was the most stubborn and not wearing pants didn’t work. Sitting in his “ewwww” made him aware that there is no “ewww” when you sit on the potty. I think it took 3 or 4 ewwws before he gave in and used the potty. My kids were between the ages of 3&4.

I would just put panties on her and let her pee and poop in them I did with my 4 year old grandson took him 2 weeks he didn’t like the feel of poop and pee on his underwear

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Try taking a weekend just for potty training.
Lots of encouragement and rewards are always helpful and invite the other family members to join the potty party!
She will feel like a potty princess and will be more willing to get it right every time.
Also try to avoid any sudden changes in routine for a few weeks after she is fully trained!
Good luck on your potty journey! :heart:

My girls trained themselves pretty much… My boys, different story! Most important thing to remember is, they won’t go off to college in diapers! What worked for me… A bathroom chart with stickers and everytime they used the potty…they got to put a sticker on the chart. When they filled a row, ( i used rows of 5 but, make yours how you want!!), they got to pick a treat… I used simple little candies or little toys like what you would use in a goodie bag.
Also, while they’re up, have them sit on the potty every hour or half hour… Just to “try”
Remember that they need to be able to relax so they can go, so YOU need to be relaxed too! It can be stressful but it WILL happen
Best wishes!

My son started going potty when he seen his cousin going potty. And I got him a reward sticker thing. He likes stickers so it’s a big deal when he gets it :grin:

Give her some dry erase markers and turn her around backwards on the commode and let her color on the toilet lid. My middle son was really hard to potty train and this is the only thing that worked.

I layed out candy, she would have to tell me the color she wanted after using the potty, she learned her colors and to use the potty at the same time. And I locked the candy in a jar so she couldn’t get them. In panties before she was 2.

Have you.tried bribery? I had a grandson who would bring you his diaper and wipes but when you asked him when he was going to go potty in the toilet like a big boy,would smile and say,“I not gonna.” His momma bought him a toy he really wanted and told him he couldn’t have it until he used the toilet. The toy sat for a couple days and his momma said ,since he didn’t want to use the potty ,he didn’t want the toy so she was going to.take ot back to the store. That night he was potty trained

Training pants never worked for my kids. Both boy and girl. I bought them regular kid underwear/panties and this did the trick. I let them pick them out! Every child is different. Best of luck!

Try giving her a small book (little golden ones)
then set her on the toilet backwards
you sit on tub and ask her to tell you the story doesn’t matter if she can read just ask about the pictures do this every time and be for yo know it she will be doing it herself
but i suggest you keep some of her books on the wall close to toilet

I was potty training my 2 year old for monthssss! Literally my daughter sounds like yours I would offer rewards to whenever she actually peed on the toilet ex: 1 gummy bear pee 2 for poo then out of no where she just started going on her own and didn’t need me to remind her at all it was like a switch it her head that she no longer wanted pull ups or reminders.

Take her and let her pick out pretty panties. Explain to her that she can only wear them when she uses to big girl potty. Put a pair on her and tell her that she’s gotta be careful not to pee in them or she’ll have to wear the others

My daughter loves dancing and stuff like that so I just started telling her she can go to dance classes and have fun with other kids once she uses the potty. She turned 3 in April and gas been peeing in the potty for about 5 months but would refuse to poop til just last week she was finally ready and now she can wait for me to find a dance class for her to go to

They do it when they are ready and not a day or minute before. Went through this 4x. My youngest is the same age and had the same issues. Literally woke up one day and decided to go sit on the potty and has went on it ever since. I repeat, they will not do it until the moment they’re ready. No worries, mama, there’s no certain timeline, she’ll do it.

Following. Also does anyone have any tips for a toddler with chronic constipation? Our daughter has to have miralax regularly, her doctor said it’s really common for toddlers to get constipated for no reason and it makes it hard to potty train because sometimes she gets scared that it’ll hurt to use the bathroom.

With my oldest he was 3.5 just had interest so I hid the pull ups and put him in jeans with no undies he didn’t like thr feel of it when he had an accident so it was quick learn… that was also my third attempt at it…some kids are ready sooner than others tho.

Start showing her you do it and tell her big girls use the potty do stickers,or a favorite snack,or a potty chart I also high five my lil girl she will be 3 in October and she will high five me back and say big girls use the potty mama and I tell her yes they sure do then she gets a sticker or a fake tattoo or something else rewarding is the key good luck🥰

I put my daughter in underwear and panty hose and if she peed in them she had to stay in them for 10 minutes. The panty hose make the urine cling to them and it feels so gross.

I was stilly except about 2.5. My parents kept asking me. Eventually they gave up for a little bit and I went on my own. I hated being asked. It was embarrassing to me I guess.

I feel your pain. My daughter was 3 1/4 before I got her to potty train. She knew how to use the potty, where to use the potty, etc but just flat out refused. I couldn’t sit her on the potty every 20 minutes unless I wanted to hold her down, kicking and screaming, which wouldn’t have helped anything.

I decided to try underwear again one morning and after she peed in her underwear and on the floor (right beside the potty) for the third time I just broke down sobbing (I blame pregnancy hormones) and went and laid in her bed and cried. 5 minutes later she came upstairs and said- Mommy, I pooped in the potty! I go downstairs and sure as shit she had, for the first time ever, pooped in the potty. She asked me- Mommy, are you happy now?

And that was it- she’s only had a few accidents, day or night, since then. Not sure if you can engineer an emotional breakdown or if it would work for you, but it sure did for me!

My son wouldn’t potty train either! He wore a pull up every day till he went to kinder. First day of kinder, he wore underwear and never had an accident from that day forward :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

I took mine to the doc and they put her on medicine that helped with urine retention because she wasn’t physically ready to hold it for so long.

My son is this way.We put him in underwear for 3 months and he would not get on the potty at all.He would scream and hit us.He’ll be 3 next week and I’m affraid to try again.

I told my daughter we don’t got no more pullups so she gots to wear a panties. It worked my baby has been potty trained for exactly 2 months n she’s doing great at it !

Honestly each kid is different. My first two were about a year and a half when we potty trained them. We knew they were ready when they were in their crib and took off their diapers and smeared feces all over their crib and wall and all over themselves. They both did this. My third didn’t. She was about a year in a half also but her daycare potty trained her. I did when I was home too but I was working the majority of the day. The first two never had an accident, like ever. My third peed the bed until she was 10 years old. She probably has an accident every now and then now but hasn’t had one in about 6 months. Went to the Dr and they checked her and they said she is ok so I’m ok with that. I think since they pushed her to potty train and she wasn’t ready on her own it affects them more. No idea why she has had accidents and the other 2 never did.

My son was scared of the toilet. So I had him sit on it while running the bath and just chit chatting before he got in. He didn’t need to go, just sit and chill and chat. Eventually it was no issue. We made a big fuss when he did go and he proudly announced it to all and sundry! Good luck!

Watching other kids is sometimes the only thing that works, and the only peer pressure I support! When ‘all the other kids do’, and she’s in line next, it may do the trick.
Otherwise, you’re in charge of raising a future president and you’d better strap in for the long haul :joy: You’ve got this, mama. She’ll do it when she’s ready :heart:

Good luck momma!!! My 2 boys were EAZY!! my girls not so much. My oldest, after 6 months of trying Everything I eventually had to spank her every time she went on her self. My youngest it’s still on on going battle. She is about to be 4 and she has been potty trained for a year but she is lazy. If she is playing or doesn’t want to get up she will go on her self and she wets in the night most of the time. I try to keep her from drinking an hr or two before bed but she steals my drink and potty’s the bed :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

Treats for going on the toilet.

We did 1 M&M for peeing and 2 for pooping. And eventually stopped doing treats.


I dont think anything really “works” …theres so many tips and tricks but i think it really all comes down to the child and when they are comfortable and ready. Both my kids were almost 4 when they were finally fully trained.

My first daughter potty trained very easily. And fairly early too like 2 years old. My second daughter was nearly 4 when she finally really got it together. I tried tons of things and nothing worked. I did find not getting upset and talking to her about it nicely. Explaining why it’s important to go on the potty. And then I rewarded her with a cake pop from Starbucks right by her pre k. And somehow that worked lol and she potty trained in like a week.

3 days of constant sitting on the potty every 30-40 minutes! Give incentives when she does go on the potty and I know that telling my kiddies that they had to go on the potty to start pre-k really helped too!

Tried potty training my kid at 2.5, was too early. Tried again at 3, still too early. Now that she is 4 and able to communicate better she was potty trained in a week. DO NOT rush it! She will learn!

I had mine sit on the toilet for almost an hour blowing bubbles and playing with stuffed animals until she wasn’t scared. She would ask for bubbles after putting herself on the toilet. Eventually she went pee and we made a big deal about it, earning a few new toys. Ended up pooping on her own as well and now she no longer needs her bubbles.

Kept her in training underwear only and she did have a few accidents, which is okay because she put herself on the toilet after, but she’s still a kid.

My daughter started potty training at 3 and it went good (few accidents) for about 3 weeks. I used a rewards system. She got a lollipop everytime she used the potty. Then she went to grandma’s house for few days and went back to diapers. It took her a month to finally ask herself that she no longer wanted to wear diapers and she wants to wear panties. I bought her another set of her favorite cartoon character and we have been doing very well. At first, we didn’t use diapers at home and now we only use them at night. She is able to control her bladder more and hold it for us to get to the toilet and she also learned to tell me that she needs to go. If I learned anything from potty training is not to push it and let them take the lead. Good luck!

When I potty trained my kids/daughter I just took them. If they were playing I would say potty time! :grin: sing, play,jump our way to the potty. And i would do it when I would go to. I would say we can play or watch t.v when we come back. We had special potty books/toys that only stayed in the bathroom. I would occasionally give treats for going potty. As they went potty i sang a song,silly of course and just sat them. I would ask them to try and go. I would take them every so often,more frequently if they had eaten/drank anything. Honestly, my aunt told me the same thing and I stuck by it,you don’t ask them because they will say no. Maybe the training under wear is still absorbing the mess and a regular underwear will give her a more general idea of being wet. Make sure she feels secure on the potty being high up can scare them. When they were in diapers i would put #2 in the potty and say this is where it goes and say bye! :rofl: oh gosh, I don’t miss potty training! Good luck!

What we did with our girls was we would take them to the bathroom every 20 mins and have them sit on the toilet. After a few times of going potty and getting a positive and happy reaction from us. They started to get the hang of it. There was still accidents here and there but it worked for us.

My daughters pediatric dr gave me a tip that was amazing (even thou ppl said i was cruel it worked),buy all the same panties n throw out all diapers. When she wets herself,wet a clean pair under warm water n put them on her head n tell her she has pee panties on her head now.
Also, use one of them toddler potty seats u put on the bigger toilet bc some kids are afraid they will fall in the toilet.

I’m there too momma. My eldest was fully potty trained before she turned three. My young is already three and she’s also refusing even though she knows what a toilet is and what is for. She knows how to sit on it and stays for a few mins but refuses to pee or poop and ends up doing it on her undies. I know every kid is different and I believe when they are ready they will get there. For whatever reason they deny to go through potty training will resolve when they are ready. Some kids achieve that at 18 months some at 4 years or even 5.

I have been taking my son every hour to the potty he’s around the same age, he always says no he doesn’t need to go when I ask but will pee in the potty when I take him. He still won’t poop in there, but we’re trying :woman_facepalming:t2:

She’s not ready. Might be worried about failure or disappointing you. Stop talking about it for a couple months. Then, make it fun. Treats for just sitting on potty, even without results. Be super happy and tell her how proud you are that she was on the potty. Dance party and lots of celebrating when she finally goes. No disappointment for accidents. Smile, tell her accidents happen, and you know she’ll get it next time. Did this with my 3.5 year old daughter and finally worked. She’s not 100% but doing really well.

Quit asking and make her sit on the potty. I potty trained my daughter in 3 days. Day 1: no diaper. Bare booty or underwear only. Set a timer for every 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, take a trip to the bathroom. Repeat all day. Day 2: same thing just extend the time. Same for day 3.

You could do a sticker chart and once she gets x amount of stickers she gets a prize.

After their first birthday and walking well, I introduced them to a training potty chair. They all sat on it, played on it, pretty much explore while I used the bathroom. I made it to a fun game. Rewards. Praise. Never been upset with it. I used my words " go pee pee in a potty like big girl ". That’s gets them excited. I also noticed their pooping face and places and say "run run to the big girl potty ". I never forced it, it’s always a invitation. Kids hate being forced

Make it a fun experience for her. If he has an accident the worst thing you can do is get upset. They will train when they’re ready to. My daughter is 5 and still has accidents

When my nephew was little my sister bought him color underware and his big brothers told him if he pee his pants that he would turn that color, It worked.

Ok so iv read alot of these comments, what are some opinions on a child that fully potty trained herself at 2, but once she started school at 3 regressed and now has several accidents every day. Back to pull-ups? Or naked butt at home till she’s back on track…this has been 8 months now

I did the naked thing. She carried her potty with her around the house after we’d had it awhile and she was used to seeing it/sitting on it etc. She would go to the bathroom with me and had her toy phone with her so she just copied me and when I felt we had the time, I let her run around naked and she’d go potty. The next step was harder but I told her she had grown poop and I was tired of cleaning her since she was big.

This was well before she was 2 and at night we did pullups since stopping drinks at a certain time wasn’t enough. She just slept too hard.

My sister tried the naked thing after after my niece was 2 when she thought my niece was ready and my niece would go hide in the corner. I think it’s a lot of positive reinforcement and patience honestly.

I hated how my babysitter “encouraged” my daughter to potty train. They’d make her sit on the potty and she couldn’t get up until she went but they also didn’t listen when she said that she did go or didn’t have to go.

Try non training underwear so she actually has to feel wet. Also- get her undies with characters she likes on them. Mine didn’t want to get Elsa undies wet bevause she loved them so much

My 4 year old just got potty trained. We timed it every 2 hours during the day to sit her on the toilet, also took her with one of the girls if we were to pee prior to her time to pee) and she’d sit there for 10 minutes (or till she potty), pull ups at night, … eventually she got the hang of it but it seriously took us months! She still has an occasional accident if we are out and about in town…

🤷 I’m just going to say when they are ready they are ready… My daughter just ran out of pull ups to sleep in (shes 6… And I was afraid she’d wet the bed because she always woke up soaked… Come to find out the little turd was just lazy and didn’t want to get up… Told her once she ran out she wasnt getting any more because I wasnt wasting money on her to be lazy…)

But to start I made sure they knew their cues… And watched… I also let them run around in just panties (I got tired of washing a million loads of clothes)… And id make them stop every 45 mins to an hour to try to go potty… And if they went potty they got a piece of candy or sticker or whatever (sometimes money)… Dont think bribery doesn’t work… Pretty sure my kids got the same $1 more then once :roll_eyes::joy:

Leave her in regular big girl underwear and she’ll probably hate the feeling of wetting. Thats what I did with my daughter and she was potty trained in about 3 days.

My daughter was fully trained by 2, no bed wetting. A couple accidents obviously here and there. I had her around with no undies and every 15mins we went pee I sat on the toilet obviously and she sat on her potty chair. When she would go we would do a potty dance and she would get a sucker or whatever she wanted for reward, two weeks of doing that straight and she was potty trained. I do not agree tho with switching them from undies to pull ups because that confuses kids. I only went to no undies because she was doing good and then the sitter put a pull up on her and set her right back so the sitter got fired and mama got her back on track. I also would take her potty chair with us wherever went anywhere cause I noticed she would get nervous using a different potty.

We did a sticker chart with my girls. They loved it.

I’m sorry but 3 to almost 4 years old is old enough cto not pee them self unless it’s an accident then that’s unforgivable but start spanking her butt ever time she dose it my kids were potty trained by age 2 n no I did not spank them at that age but when almost 4 they know it’s not ok to pew poop n under cloths hate me don’t hate me I don’t care

Always a treat that she loves after . Start with like a half of a tiny jelly bean and make a big deal if it , and praise her . Amazing how quick they learn to stop and go with a little reward - and it’s all positive !! Better than being all frustrated .

My daughter was stubborn too. I can’t agree with my parents lol :laughing:

Place her on the toilet backwards give her a dry erase marker and let her sit there and draw on the back of the toilet seat until she using the bathroom I did this with all 3 my kids my boy even and it worked and they were potty trained in about a 2 weeks or so good luck momma I hope this helped

I’m so scared of this one developmental thing BC I have a background in psychology lol. You don’t want to raise an anal retentive kid. It can literally form their personality the way you deal with this. I’m off the mind of let the child lead. I let my son lead for the most part in terms of breast feeding and he self weaned be 2.5. I was worried but he did it when he was ready and I read amazed he did BC I thought he never would. Going to follow that for potty too I think

My girls were broke by one year old, my boy 15 months old. I introduced them to the potty chair as soon as they could sit up good. I always got up before my kids and as soon as I heard them moving I would go get them and put them on the potty. If they went FINE if not that was also FINE. Introduction was the main thing. You should have started sooner than age 3.

Wish I had an answer lol my daughter turned 3 in April and I’ve tried just about every trick I can find lol all the favorite characters, rewards, no diapers or pull ups, everything YouTube an books have to offer I think. She will look at me and say “mmmmm NOPE” but recently I walked past the bathroom and saw her on the potty all by herself. When I celebrated it…she went back to not doing it :woman_facepalming: my son was so easy lol just took away the diapers for a week and boom, potty trained…. :unamused:

We had a musical potty and bribed with little treats! Lol :joy:Plus we kept him naked for a bit and he went to pee on his own!

Let her get a rash one time. Then explain why you want her using the potty. She won’t like the rash believe me.

My daughter started sitting on potty with me since 1 and we haven’t looked back … stay strong momma you got this! Just start taking her with you snd showing her momma is going too even if you don’t have too then she’ll start telling you

I’m not sure with girls I have 2 boys but I’m sure it would work with a little girl too, I started out putting my son on the toilet backwards with a dry erase marker and let him color on the toilet lid to distract him. He’s not fully potty trained yet but he now tells us when he has to go and he doesn’t have to be distracted anymore

I had my daughter go nude :woman_shrugging:
Worked like a charm and even tho she wore pull ups at night, she stopped peeing the bed within 2 weeks!
Fully potty trained took 3 weeks total!

Oh and start having her try to poop in the morning and in the evening. My kids Pediactric gi dr told us to start bowel training bc one of my kids holds poop in and refuses to go therefore creating constipation and incontinence. Stay firm and don’t give in. When you start, clear your entire schedule for a week or two.

Some kids you just have to follow their lead. By 4.5 I would work hard on it no doubt. By that age they’re just refusing to bc they don’t want to. Maybe let her pick out her own potty seat. I made my son go every half hour to an hour. I let my daughter go every 1.5 hours and she was trained in a month day AND night trained. No drinks 2 hours before bedtime. Potty good at bedtime and wake up time

It took my daughter until she was 4 to even care about going on the potty. Don’t push it, she will do it when she’s ready!

My son wouldn’t potty train initially because of the face in the training toilet we got him was scary and we didn’t know. Do you use the regular toilet? My daughter pretty much trained herself from watching others so I can’t say much for a girl but for my boy I threw him an underwear themed birthday party to get him excited for it and then literally bribed him with stickers and fruit snacks :woman_shrugging:t3:

Do potty treats… it worked with my girls… if they used the toilet on their own, they get a lollipop later.

I purchased the potty training boot camp book on Amazon and it’s worked for us. Our daughter will be 3 in November.

I wouldn’t ask her anymore if she pees almost right after you ask her. I would just put her on the potty or tell her to go potty.