Black people hair products for hair and vacuum vacuum vacuum hot water and dryer for clothes and keep hair oils in hair constantly and don’t go to dads till he rids too
Unless both houses are doing the bombing and treatment it will continue
It’s all in the combing. Get a lice comb. Treat the hair with the lice shampoo and use the lice comb. Use the comb faithfully for a week. Lice will be gone.
The shampoo will kill any hatched lice but not the eggs. The comb combs out any nits (baby lice) when they hatch. The trick is to comb out the nits before they mature enough to lay more eggs.
Of course wash sheets the day you use the shampoo.
Go get the powder soap called FOCO it’s in the isle with regular soap Mix it in water to make a paste Put in on her head and wrap it in plastic wrap Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it out and shampoo her hair That stuff is amazing
Get that flea treatment for cats that goes on the back of their neck works a treat then add tea tree oil to her conditioner
Throw away your brushes or boil the shit out of them if they aren’t plastic
Is he cleaning his place just as thorough? Leave teatrea oil in ur hair … a d hers . Give dad specific instructions on how to bud
Call her pediatrician… they will give you a prescription for it. My sister had the same problem. Nothing she bought over the counter helped…
I have 5 kids 4 our girls with thick hair, it seems like I’m doing live at least once a year… the only thing I find that works is apple cider vinegar and lice shampoo let sit in hair a good 15 mins with cap then apply olive oil and sit and comb sections of there hair over and over and over again getting ever bug and EVERY Nit. I use a few deferent combs because every comb is different… it’s a long process but it works… wash everything it Hot Hot water… May the force be with you.
Extra virgin olive oil soaked on the head. I’ve been around others with love and never gotten them sense my mom did my head un grade school, wash everything then spray with tea tree oil mixed with water
Wash all bedding and stuffed animals with detergent and DAWN, hot water. Run it 3x. Then dry. Bag what’s waiting in black trash bags in a sunlight area. It’ll heat up the bag and start killing eggs.
Plastic pillow cass cover. Plastic mattress cover.
Wash her hair in Dawn. I also got live treatments. So, we combed first. Then washed her head in dawn. Then combed. Another round of dawn with plastic wrap and left on for 45 mins. Added conditioner and combed again. Then rinsed.
I combed her hair and used dawn 2x a day for a week. Wrapping it in plastic wrap it night.
You have to kill the eggs and dawn spreads better than treatments.
Using tee tree oil for prevention will help after.
Exs kids use to get it yrs ago.
Back then you could get lice kits from the health department for free. Then there was 6 (4 girls between us) of us so I would go there to get what I could… good luck…
Also if she gets them from someone else at home or school and they don’t treat themselves properly and keep going near people/sharing a brush or pillow or couch, they will come back over and over. My mom would tie my hair up in a tight bun and spray tea tree/water solution on my hair and told me to not share anything that could pass lice and to side hug so we cant touch heads
Tea tree or try mayo n put a thick coat on her hair let sit for 1hr and then wash out with dawn dish soap I’ve used it with my kids
My daughter used to use tea tree oil shampoo. She spent many weekends with one aunt or the other while they all passed love around. Well all except my daughter. I think it was the tea tree oil that helped.
Love shampoo is useless now there’s a special comb ordered from Amazon not like the one from the box much better and anything minty they use peppermint from the place who did my daughter she’s not had it since
Spray your car, bag up stuffed animals, towels, spray Mattresses, boil brushes and toss hair ties. Wash coats and backpack in hot water.
It won’t go away unless it’s gone at hers dad place too especially if she’s visiting him regularly. Also lice don’t like greasy hair they like clean dry hair cause they can latch on but with greasy hair they can’t latch on.
Go to ur dermatologist they have meds to kill them, we used Oliver oil with saran wraps for 7 days wash all bedding animals dolls they sleep with, they have sprays for furniture where they sit, crazy lil buggers there clinics or people that come to ur home charge $$$$ this is the recommended preps they gave us years ago then we took care of the lice on our own
ZAP treatment! can get it at walmart! smells like black liquorish but it works sooooo well! my son has long thick hair and this treatment the lice cant resist it!. it is 25$ its the only treatment that actually got rid of them.
Idk but I’d call her pediatrician maybe she needs a script?
Coconut oil. The lice literally run from it. Coat their head and wrap it in plastic wrap. Leave it for like 30 minutes so they all suffocate. You can use a not comb if you want. Wash and rinse. Repeat the same treatment 7-10 days later to catch any that maybe hatched since the treatment. It is super important to repeat the treatment! This site has lots of recipes but they leave out the “repeat treatment” step. How To Use Coconut Oil For Lice Treatment? - 5 Remedies
Nyda is the best stuff leave it in over night
Mayonnaise and a Kroger bag over night
I’ve used lamp pil before. It killed them on hair. Cover eyes good. Tea tree oil. Spray it on everything, with peppermint oil. No bugs like it.
After months and months of trying everything…Vamousse.
When I was younger my grandma would put mayo in our hair and it would smother the lice. Then use a lice brush to get the dead lice and eggs out! I’m unsure for how long we let it sit…
I got Natroba from my kids’ pediatrician when they had it. It’s a prescription. Kills everything in their hair. No combing necessary. Sprayed their mattresses with the lice spray from Walmart.
my daughter had them in elementary and kept getting over and over she was the only one that ever got them through the process of elimination i found out that my sitter had them and was not getting treated at all for them i let her go and my daughter got them again since my sitter slept over somenights on the couch or in my daughters bed as soon as i got rid of them the problem stopped my hairdresser told me that they can live in furniture for a long time this was around 1997 not a problem since you can wash sheets everyday but until you get them out of the furniture they will keep coming back take care and i hope your problem is fixed soon
Mayonnaise works an no chemicals with shower cap . tie all stuffed animals in garbage bags an leave them for one week . tea tree oil an hair in tight braids
Lice shampoo treatment first treatment… 2nd treatment in 2 weeks … in the time use tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner… do not let her go to her dads … I wouldn’t if that’s were she is getting until he treats his family and house throw all pillows in dryer for an hr wash all bedding in hot water … throw stuffed animals in dryer 1hr then put in black plastic bag for a week … you will have to pick the nits out with special comb and your nails crack them on your nails to make sure they are dead …
You probably shouldn’t take advice from but wth snuff them out with vaseline coat your heads wrap a towel overnight you guys hair will be greasy af for a while but no lice its a small price to pay
Use a hair straightener and sizzle the little buggers, eggs and all.
Then I put olive oil in the hair to drown them, leave in for 15 to 30 mins ( depending on the child) wash out by shampooing twice then condition. The hair will be shiny and lush like it’s been a treatment. Then comb out with a bit comb.
After you get rid of them then put some tea tree oil in your shampoo. Keep using the shampoo with tea tree oil.
Rosemary and tea tree oil
Go to your Dr and the medication you take by mouth kills the eggs
Treat your car seats too! I couldn’t get rid of them for the longest time and was finally able to after treating the seats of my car too
Head and shoulders 3x a day for 3 days. When my daughter was young she got lice, bad. Her hair was long and thick. A pharmacist told me to do that. Wash all bedding and stuffed animals in hot water. Sure enough, it worked!
Idk how old ur kiddo is but I know I had to treat my daughters carseat. I was told by someone else about the carseat I would have never thought to clean it. And even like the back seat of the car if not in a carseat.
Spray original listerine mixed with a little water directly on to hair. Place a shower cap over it for an hour. That will kill the living lice. Wash hair normally. Then constantly comb the hair looking for knits. Good luck. But keep spraying her hair with the listerine to keep away the living lice. It also acts as a deterrent. We dealt with this once.
See a doctor for the magic pill! I work at a school and it works!!
Oil it with baby oil or coconut oil
Your daughter is probably carrying the lice back & forth from Dad’s house to your home. You have to BOTH have to tackle this head on at the same time. The houses, bedding, hair, etc…all have to be treated simultaneously and consistently. Repeat after 3 weeks.
Unless he gets it outta his house it will keep coming back
Tea tree oil works wonders, add a few drops into her shampoo at both houses. It kind of has a smells but it helps!
My aunt put Mayo in my cousins hair. Wrapped it in tin foil and let it sit for several hours. Then went and washed it. Her hair looked greasy for a good while after that but…no more lice.
Take all stuff toys in garage bags for a couple weeks,and vacuum everything put pillows and blankets on high heat
You need to go to a professional lice salon that will get rid of it. It’s worth the cost. They will guarantee removal. In the meantime saturate her hair with Pantene conditioner. It suffocates them and comb section by section with a nit comb. Wipe it on a white paper towel and then dip the comb in very hot water and comb through again.
Neem oil extract, it kills the lice and nits wash right out. The lice will literally pop off and die, you can make a spray with it and water for your home and pets, you can put directly on to child’s head or dilute. Your choice. Find it in gardening.
If you can go to the doctor or urgent care and they can give you Nortroba, and that stuff works the first time. Helps with the nits too. There are also lice clinics that can help you, from what my daughter said, in Ohio, their medicaid will pay for the lice clinic. But every time you comb her hair.use the nit comb,its time consuming, but it will help, you have to do it everyday for 14 days, but I do it everyday.
Cut hair shorter
Tea tree oil for 7 days
Conditioner and comb every two days. I hate primary school its the worst time for lice! Also if your school does head lice checks they often have someone who specialises in doing g this or some hairdressers.
When I was young no matter what my mom used or did couldn’t get rid of it til she did my hair in mayonnaise then but a plastic bag over my hair for an hour then washed out the Mayo and combed though my hair did like 2 times and never had an issue again
Took me about six months of combing hair out every day which turned to weekly combs and finally none.
The Dad will have to do the same or your not gonna get rid of it
Use the metal comb!!
Tea tree oil in your shampoo and conditioner
Absolutely everything has to be washed or treated blankets, bedding, couches, car seats. Treatments become tolerable to lice after a while. Now we have what they call super lice which are extremely hard to get rid of. Lice like clean hair and they also do not jump they only crawl. Combing the hair with a flash light on it helps because you can really see everything. Do tiny sections (your going to need a whole afternoon or day depending on her hair). Comb up down and side to side. They also have places you can take her where they will treat her and some places even come to your house and do it there and also spray their stuff everywhere. To make sure they get them.
Lavender oil or tea tree oil in your household hair and things
My daughter used to have the same problem… I bought some of this and I Saturated her hair in it and put a shower cap on her head! Waited a couple of hours and washed it out! Lots of shampoo… Two or three washes to get the oil out., but I didn’t have to comb it or anything the lice and the nits just washed right out! No stinky chemical shampoos or crying from the combing!! And it made her hair smell good and healthy!! I recommended this to another lady and she messaged me praising thank you!
This comb will pull out of he nits and lice. It works amazing. My daughter has had it twice and it’s been about 4 years since we’ve had it. But I keep a few of these on hand jus tin case
This will help pull the nits out then use a mixture of olive or coconut oil and peppermint oil to sit on hair overnight
Tea tree oil mixed in shampoo
Her dad’s house also
Both of my daughters kept getting them at the babysitters i tried everything and could not get rid of them I used the red vamousse foaming for treatment first (had to do it twice and I actually left it on there hair over night). Got rid of them and this shampoo keeps them away even while everyone else kept getting them . But I only use the soap when they are staying the night somewhere or going to be around alot of kids like a party or something
Hairdresser 30 yrs here…mother o 4…lice like dry hair., Coconut oil or basically any type of oil.saturate hair,wrap a plastic bag on or cap, sealing it off, leave on at least a few hours, sleep in it if can…rinse with a daily cleansing shampoo, use a nit comb to comb through.,it may take awhile to get oil out,but worth it., repeat again in a few days to make sure any eggs that may have hatched are gotten., repeat untill no sign… hope this helps.
Find a local lice fairy!!! ( a cosmetologist who deals with lice!) seriously! Only way to go. Lice is now Mutant to most shampoos and treatment. It will probably cost $60-100. ( I’m just assuming by the ones I’ve seen posted in my state) but they are professionals who know exactly how to treat it! Wish they had this when I was a kid instead I went 6 months battling lice! And I will never wish it on anyone! ’  don’t forget to bag all stuffys and bedding that’s not used up for a good month plus!
Oh get a metal comb as well. The plastic one dont work for
See if there is a lice shop that does it for you
Call a professional, well worth the time, money & aggravation! And make sure she isn’t getting them from dads house.
Put all stuffed animals/toys on garbage bags for 2 weeks , bedding cleaned with hot water and soap, car seat, best advice if it is material clean it
That’s what I did when my daughter got it at age 4
My daughter got a mild case from school. I got rid of it that night. I did the chemical treatment u find at like a Walgreen. Combed hair. Shampooed and rinsed. Then I did mayo on her hair n let it sit in a cap for about 1.5 hours. Combed it. Washed it out. Then I put mouthwash on her hair with a shower cap and let that sit for about 20 min. Combed. Shampooed and rinse and we were completely lice free!
Lice can also adapt to the otc treatments and at that point you’ll need to go to the doctor and get prescription lice killer along with cleaning your house and her father’s top to bottom
I swear by the brown Listerine that no one buys it was the only thing that worked for our house. Drench hair and wear shower cap to bed. Wash out in the morning. No combing or picking out anything. I had my daughter do this 3 nights in a row just bc i was slighty crazy at that point. I bagged all our blankets and pillows that had been used by her for a week or two.
Ta tree and coconut oil
You have to physically pick the nits out yourself. I spent hours doing my kids hair
Go to a Lice Treatment Center. Kinda expensive but one treatment and a follow up and it’s all gone. Never got them again. Went about 4 yrs ago. It’s worth the money.
All the products in the world won’t help
There is spray for beds mattresses, all stuffyies pilllows etc put in garbage bag and seal for atleast two days. Tea tree oil in your shampoo and Conditioner. And you have to go threw every section of hair. Treat the first time and than again 7 days later. Check constantly. Including friends
Use mayo. Put mayo thick in hair. Cao it and sleep on it. Wet with the hottest water she can stand. Use dawn original dish soap. Rinse with white vinegar and again with the hottest water she can stand. Do not condition (the mayo suffocates the lice and conditions the hair) blow dry hair. Use a nit comb to get the nits and dead bugs out. Wash bedding, clothes, stuffed animals in hot water. Add white vinegar in the load. Dry laundry on high
My daughter got lice twice. At the time she had very long, THICK hair. I treated all of our furniture (mattresses included) with the treatment you buy in the store. I put all bedding & stuffed animals in garbage bags & left them in our shed for 1 month. When I brought the bedding in, I ran it thru the highest temp setting on the dryer; then washed & dried as normal. For her hair, I added tea tree oil to her shampoo & conditioner and blow dried her hair every time I washed it. She never got lice again after the 2nd time
Mayonnaise on your hair then wrap your hair in a plastic bag for 2-3 hours and rinse your hair with vinegar and pick all the bug and eggs out!! Wash all bedding, coats, hats in hot water, then spray beds and furniture with lice spray and put all stuffed animals in a plastic bag in the freezer for 2 weeks.
Her dad needs to treat his house thoroughly as well or she’s going to keep getting it.
Worse thing ever for kids, especially with good thick long hair. There are several easy solutions that do not break the bank… also depends on hair type which solutions are the best choice… you don’t want to damage your babies hair I’m sure… look into that part 1st
Take her to a Lice Clinic of America in your area. It’s the only thing that worked for my daughter when she had them repeatedly for months last year. Then make sure her dad is treating his house as well or she may keep getting them.
You can’t honestly they can get them again at any point
Pick pick pick pick for hours on end. After bath after dinner before store…for a week straight. See an itch. Jump and find that BUG in that exact spot. Pick pick pick pick. Litterally till u cant find ANYTHING.
Make sure after you do the lice treatment you put tea tree oil in it. It works whenever my kids ever had lice
It takes 2 weeks for lice to show up. Make sure you wash and dry everything and what you can’t wash you can throw in the dryer. One cheap way to do it is go by baby oil and out it in her hair and run a lice comb through her hair. After you get all the lice out make sure she doesn’t have any eggs. You will have to pick out what didn’t come out with the comb. Now after you do that go wash her hair with dawn dishwasher liquid. You can add tea tree oil in her shampoo. That helps. You can be the cleanest person in the world and still get it.
There is something called Super Lice. There was s not a product made that kills them. My daughter spent $1000.00s of dollars. Had professional cleaners take everything out of the house. Treated the carpets, and took the kids to a professional. Finally that did it. I myself sprayed my head with the furniture spray and saran wrapped my head overnight. Next day washed it w the shampoo and conditioner. Combed it out and it got rid of the ones I got
Comb comb comb, daily for 2 weeks straight. I did that after treatments wouldn’t work with my oldest and finally got rid of them. I combed daily once a day for 15/30 minutes in sections for 2 weeks and it worked. Nothing else did. Nothing really kills eggs bc they are protected. So combing them out is only way works and by combing if some happen to hatch your combing out before they breed.
Game changer! But you have to take the time to brush through it piece by and section by section.
Have a conversation with the other parent about it if that where it is coming from.
Lice clinic y’all will leave lice free the same day and they will give you preventative spray to spray on her hair.
Always go to the pediatrician. That was the ONLY medicine that worked, cus it has alcohol in it, which the lice do not like. For things you can’t wash like a bed, the carpet etc. Get a spray bottle with listerine (it has alcohol) dilute it a little with water & spray those areas. It works!
Find a lice boutique in your area!
Eggs hatch every 7 days.
It’s recommended to continue treatment every 7 days so that you break the cycle of a nit laying more eggs. It took over a month for us to get rid of them. New hair brushes each time are a must. I soaked everything in hot water after every use (combs, clips etc) once gone I threw all of it out.
you can get a prescription from your doctor. also try fairytales after. my daughter hasn’t got it since we started using this.