Main thing to remember about lice is that they can hold their breath for 8, yes 8, hours. They hate tea tree oil and coconut oil. mix the two together apply to hair and wrap in plastic wrap for a little over 8 hours. shampoo out and then rinse with vinegar, another thing they hate. Use a nit comb or a very fine tooth comb to get they eggs out. This also kills the eggs. I always did this during the day to assure the plastic wrap stayed on. Add some tea tree oil to your shampoo or get some DR Bronner’s castile tea tree liquid soap to shampoo hair with as a added protection. We use a vinegar and water mixture for a conditioned, which also helps keep hair from tangling.
Call the doctor and tell them you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked. They have the best prescription strength medicine for lice! Always my go to when my girls get them. Lice now a days are basically immune to the OTC meds.
Rinse her hair and your’s with vinegar everytime you wash it (may have to wash daily in the beginning).
I would use one of the newer lice shampoos according to package directions, followed by the gold Listerine mouthwash. Put that in hair. Let sit in hair for an hour and rinse out. Use lice comb. Some people swear by the metal ones. Make sure you get around the ears and nape of the neck. Put stuffed animals in a pillowcase and run through dryer to kill lice. Wash pillows and blankets as well as sheets. Wash bedspreads too. If child has ridden in car, put Listerine in a spray bottle and spray car seats. Child car seats should be taken apart and cushions washed. If child goes to visit non-custodial parent,inform them you have been fighting lice. Caution them to watch child for head scratching and to look for nits in hair, around ears and at nape of neck. Tell them if they find nits, they need to spray wherever the child has been sitting, insist the daughter shower, let you put the mouthwash in her hair after the shower.
Treat your car, bookbags, dolls, pillows etc
Got to clean and spray car also, and put all stuffed toys in garbage bags and tie down leave for 2wks
Rx treatment from the doctor treat your vehicle and leave the house for 3 days.
When my oldest got it, we treated her hair and then I combed her hair with the lice comb and then followed that up with going section by section and cleaning her hair by hand pulling eggs out… good luck!! I have heard lice clinics are amazing we just don’t have any local to us.
There is a comb on amazon called the nitro free terminator it litterly takes out everything u just need to do it like 3 times a day If it’s really bad I haven’t found anything in my kids hair after using it for 6 months steady and keep doing it
Blue magic and pink oil moisturizer
Stuffed animals etc away, bedding at least dried daily, comb twice a day, vacuum furniture daily ( there is a furniture spray)
My go to is get mayo, saturate hair. Then put it up in a bag and sleep with it… wash out in the morning, then run a lice comb through it
Lice like clean hair not oily hair
Wash hair in tea tree oil shampoo and find a lice treatment place that is what worked for my daughter. They treat her until the lice is gone. Using store bought products constantly can burn her scalp !
The mayo suffocates the louse and larvae. When shampooed out, the hair is soft and manageable whereas the chemical treatments can do harm to the hair if repeated. The mayo treatment can be repeated day after day if needed without damaging the hair.
Olive oil and orange extract mix together and wrap plastic bag of 1 hour and use comb the eggs dissolve when picking out
I was once told to us a hair straightener. Our school had a bad recurring outbreak and the dance moms noticed that their girls were not getting them back like other kids. It was festival season so the where using hot irons a lot. That was the only thing they could pinpoint different than other kids in the class.
i put mayo in my daughters hair then put a shower cap on her head for 8 hours it suffocates the lice then i used tea tree oil shampoo and kept her hair in tight braids when she went to school , put all of her unwashable stuff animals in a plastic bag and put them in a shed for a month also treat your animals carpet furniture everything and you should be okay also let her dad know if it happens again you will report his home as filthy , CPS will get involved because the school will report you if they find them
My mom’s ol’ reliable was mayonnaise, followed by a lice treatment, then tedious egg smashing. I had long hair and frequently got lice in early elementary years.
Hair straighteners, nothing survives 230 degrees heat
I know it’s not great for her hair, but section it off into thin sections and straighten each section. It will kill any eggs completey
Try asking a doctor, they can prescribe medical grade.
They also have a spray that lasts for 8 hours once you get it gone. Spray it in her hair and if she is at her dad have her take it and do it every 8 hours. I used vamousee (sp) to treat my step daughters hair bc she kept coming to our house with it. Make sure you go through it with the comb over and over little sections at a time. We put tea tree oil in her shampoo and also bought lice shampoo and made her wash her hair every day. I blow dried and straightened her hair every day also. Hope this helps!
Something I’ve learned, I shower with my son who had caught them as well and I would comb both our hair while in the shower… It’s the only thing that worked for me. I think it’s bc the lice couldn’t jump around as easily and got washed down the drain… I think we just kept passing them back and forth to each other until the shower thing and I would comb through his air while out of the shower and then would jump on my sleeves and on the couch!! But they where done traveling after a week of shower combing!! He has super long hair also!
My daughter has never had it but she had a friend come over who had it really bad. Me and my mom sat up and picked every egg and bug out of her hair…when she got tired of sitting we would let her lay down while watching videos and just got every single one out. It can be done
Lavender shampoo good prevention
Boxed hair dye. I’ve used it on my girls after hearing stories and it killed everything.
Mayo get rid of all stuffed animals deep clean carpets than tea tree oil
Beside washing everything obvious like bedding, headwear etc… when we had an infestation at home, we use to put a thick and oily hair conditioner on and leave it for 5 minutes, then comb our hair with a fine tooth comb, then rinse with watered vinegar if not straight vinegar. (Vinegar dissolves lice eggs). We did this everyday for a few days).
Yea tree oil in shampoo and conditioner. Also wash with apple cider vinegar and apply coconut oil to the hair. That helps kill them an gets the eggs out easier. If not you can ask your pediatrician for the prescription. Don’t wash hair so frequently they like fresh clean hair. If you don’t wash everyday it leaves the natural oils on the hair so they can’t attach to it. You may also need to tell your husband to treat his home if you haven’t already. Otherwise it will be a revolving door of constant infestation with no end.
Her dads house needs to get rid of it too
I found this stuff to be the best. I spent months treating them, I wish I was exaggerating but I’m not. Comb everyone’s hair out in the shower while you condition.
Is it being treated at his house too? If his house is not treated and she’s going back and forth it’s really hard to get rid of. What worked for us when the shampoo didn’t (they were literally still crawling after the shampoo) we used olive oil and seram wrapped their head to suffocate the bugs for a few hours during the day and then picked through and used the comb as well and pulled out as much as we could. You have to continuously pick through. Make sure stuffed animals and doll hair /dress up anything of that nature was treated as well. There are some sprays too that you can get.
My mom substituted at an elementary school once that had a lice outbreak. Everyone had to wear hats for several months. I remember it because my mom hated hats because they messed up her hair. So out of character for her.
You need to use one of those old school metal combs. Not the crappy plastic ones that come with the shampoo. Comb through her hair everyday for about a week and make sure all the eggs are gone. Use tea tree oil as prevention.
Don’t put that do-it-yourself stuff on her head more than twice I wouldn’t even do it more than once you need to take her to a professional place and get them to get rid of them that’s what I did to my daughter
The only way I can get rid of them when my daughters got them is to go through her hair section and by section and get every egg out by hand. The treatments and combs never work properly
After treating your hair, and picking out all
The nits, if it’s possible to leave your house for 48 hours, they’ll be gone. Lice have to have a live host to live and will die within 24-48 hours.
This stuff is literally a miracle spray. Just one treatment and they are gone. I also wash bedding in hot water and spray bed. I promise you will be relieved. I’ve experienced the same ordeal and I saw this and gave it a shot. I clip up hair starting at bottom and do a small section at a time. Towel under hair over shoulders. Also easy to chill and do it and don’t have to worry about shower. I always slept with it in overnight.
Once you get rid of the lice wash her hair in coconut shampoo or conditioner all the time, lice don’t like the smell. I washed my daughters hair in coconut shampoo while and conditioner while she was in school and she never got lice even when her friends had heads full.
Get a prescription from the doctor for a special shampoo. Put all stuffed animals, pillows, coats etc in trash bags after you spray with lice killing insecticide. Tie and store for 2 weeks I believe. Then wash.
Lice are very resistant to all available chemical treatments. The only thing that works 100% is to go through every single hair on their head thoroughly for 10 days minimum, 14 is better. Preventing the hatching of nits is key. Get them out before they hatch. Viable eggs will be close to the scalp. They are challenging to get out because they’re glued around the hair shaft. You literally need to grip the hair above it and slide the nit off the end of the hair. Bugs can lay eggs if not removed so comb and look,over and over. Wash bedding as often as you can. Run everything in the dryer daily. It’s 10+ days of never ending work but then it’s over for good. I would try to keep her with you until you’re confident they’re gone. Lice aren’t fun but they also don’t hurt anyone either. Best of luck to you.
tea tree oil put a shower cap on over at night then use lice shampoo daily then once a week
Tea tree oil will help prevent it ik that for sure. When my sister got lice years ago my mom used the lice treatment on her hair and a very fine tooth metal comb
Olive oil and a shower cap suffocates them. Use the fine metal comb to comb out the eggs.
Dont worry about changing the sheets daily or changing clothes or treating the hair with shampoos.
You will drive yourself insane
You will waste time and money and get nowhere.
You get a nit comb and you comb her hair every morning and every night in little bloody sections until you think youve got whats in her hair out
You comb and you pick, if it helps coat the hair in cheap conditioner itll slow the lice and some eggs come out with it, fill a container with water and get a toothpick clean the comb out between combings in the container or wipe it on paper towel so u can see what your collecting
When you dont find any more lice
Keep combing
When you dont find anymore eggs keep combing until youre egg free a few days…
Stop for a few days then comb again.just to be sure
Best thing is getting the lice out before they mature and lay eggs that window is what will break the cycle get the nits out before they hatch and make sure u get the live lice before they mature…
I used to use a vinegar rinse and then usually coconut oil while combiing. You truly have to comb and comb with those fine tooth nit combs until they are gone. I highly recommend the metal ones they sell separately next to the kits. It’s a really long process.
Treat carpets stuffed animals mattress and pillows and furniture also
My daughter brought it home one time she had long hair and it was a breeze getting rid of it. My son brought it home and he has thick course hair and I could not get it all out of his hair. You can’t but I shaved his head. Well not shaved but as short as I could. I have head put mayonnaise and wrap in scrap wrap. It helps loosen them. Good luck and don’t let her go back to her dads until his house is treated and everyone there is and has been free of it for an extended period of time. Prayers hugs and love coming your way 
Pediatric Hair Solutions. Look them up. Well worth every penny. Daughter had hair past her butt. Did every home remedy and over counter we could find to no avail. Over the counter stuff no longer works. Most insurances will reimburse the cost. Not only will they check and treat her, but they will check the entire household, both households if it is a dual situation, and guarantee their work. Saves a lot of headache and back breaking time. Lice can only live on any surface other than a human head for 48 hrs. They teach you a lot as well
Call the doctor and ask for prescription strength lice treatment.
Dawn dish soap or dog shampoo for fleas…
Get hair dye and dye it the dye will kill the lice only way my mom could ever get rid of them other than Helman’s mayonnaise
Same problem I had with my daughter and I had to cover her head in miracle whip and put a night cap on and let her sleep n it over night and it killed them all
Prescription is the only thing that will kill them but until the dada deals with it at his house it won’t matter she will just keep bringing them home
Im probs gonna get hate for this but back in 2012 ny kids had constant nits, couldnt get rid of them. So i put a drop of spot on in their hair and all 4 of them havnt had any since.
Coconut oil and fairy tales- lice treatment
I never used all that love chemical stuff. I take a nit comb and conditioner and comb out every single one for a few days over and over. Then it’s gone
Buzz buzz buzz… any time we got lice in my family we all got a fabulous haircut and then while it grew back out we got to dye it any color we wanted until it reached past our ears again! Very fun!
Do not wash your sheets or clothes put them in high heat first before you wash them for stuffed animals you put them in a garbage bag and have it sit somewhere for two weeks from where I’m at there is a place called Rapunzel’s it’s a place that treat lice
Spray all your furniture and bedding down with the rid lice spray. Take all her stuffed animals and bag them in garbage bags and place outside for a couple of weeks
I’ve hears tea tree oil helps
Listerine in a spray bottle. ( I promise it works)
Soak hair.
Tie a bag around head…or a cap.
Leave in for 2 hours.
Rinse it out then do a vinegar rinse to loosen any nits off cuticle.
Make sure you are getting all of her plushies and maybe talk to dad and make sure he is taking care of his house and her toys, clothes, and bedding there!! My friend had a similar problem and it was because her ex wasn’t washing bedding and plushies so make sure dad is on the same page!! Good luck
have u tries vinegar and lemon juice as a rinse for your hair? and by lice shampoo and leave on for at least 20 minutes and rinse with water than try as a conditoner vinegar & lemon juice and keep on for about 20 minutes than rinse and do this every other day of the week until u see no more lice eggs
3 flowers oil and a lice comb. Rub it all over the head until saturated. Under the light or outside in the Sun, comb through hair 3x a day until they are gone. Usually 3 days. Use a white towel or old Shirt to clean off comb in between strands of hair cleaning. Freeze hair brushes for a couple hours in a plastic ziplock. Throw all bedding fabric pillows stuffed animals In dryer on high. Lysol everything else
My mama used Mayo and vinegar on my head - it was the only thing that worked.
My grandson brought them to my home…I did a wash that kills lice and eggs every week for about 2 months…the life cycle of the larvae is about 2 weeks
Soak her head in baby oil and put on a plastic bag for 20 min. Then take nit comb and come everything out. It will all be dead. If u want to see what your getting out wipe comb on a white towel each time u pull the comb throw.
Have you gotten her a new book bag? I fought them forever and one day the school nurse realized he hair was touching her book bag. Bought a new one when I did treatment. No more issues.
Listerine. The original, not the blue.
If you can get everything out start using this in her hair and yours. Wash everything. Call your pediatrician they can call some stuff in and it works. I just had to fight this last year with a 1 and 3 year. We use this before going into clinic and I haven’t had to worry about it since.
Just tea tree oil n mayonnaise or use tea tree shampoo $6 Walmart well it use to be … everytime shampoo hair an n b.d s to use to get mayo out of hair…
There is a pill that can be prescribed for lice. If you are having a hard time getting rid of it, I wonder if it’s not Super Lice??
It’s taken 2 attempts to rid my daughter of the lice. I had to help show her how to use the lice comb on herself at dad’s house. My girl is 8 tho and giving her the power to help herself really helped our situation.
They say tea tree oil,combed in everyday, lice dnt like it
A lice clinic. Also, you do not have to wash anything. Came straight from the lice clinic. Just get new brushes.
Go through her hair in the sunlight. You have to get rid of EVERY SINGLE nit dead or alive. Put fairy tales lice prevention in her hair daily before she leaves the house. When she comes home instantly check her head.
You really have to treat the issue top to bottom within the home. Spray a good amount of vinegar on all fabrics & furniture then vaccuum everything twice. Sofa, pillows, mattresses etc. Bag all stuffed animals/pillows, cloth objects that cannot go in the washer & dryer on Hot. Wash all clothing/ bedding in Hot water if you can. Do not reopen bags until lice eggs are no longer being found in anyone’s hair or for 40 days. Keep repeating until there’s no more. The Father needs to do the same at his house. If not they will continue to get reinfected each time they visit him. The cycle will never end.
Maybe have her father clean his home as well
My granddaughter caught them from a Lil girl at school and it seemed every time I done her hair she would come home next day with big ones in her head…So I was gonna get Nix Super lice kit but read ingredients and found that the main ingredient was demethicone so I bought Aussie 3minute miriacley conditioner coated her hair down when she came home and let it suffocate those bugs while she played for about an hour she washed her hair and we sprayed it down with Aussie leave in conditioner and I using a good lice comb sectioned her hair and combed them boogers out dryed it with blow dryer and run straightening brush through her hair and next night after she showered I sprayed leave in conditioner in and repeated until I couldn’t find any lice and then a week later repeated the process to make sure any eggs that may have hatched or lice that I might have missed was out…put her bedding and pillows in dryer for about 15 minutes everyday and sprayed her bed and couches with Lysol everyday and after about 2 weeks they was gone…also put her stuffed animals in a garbage bag for about a week and washed hair brushes with hot water…
Olive oil overnight,every night for 5 days.drowns them
Teatree oil in your shampoo. I would put baby lotion in my daughters hair at night with a shower cap on n then comb n wash it. I had to do this 4 times a week for about a month n finally got rid of them
When I put the medicine on my head, I slept in it overnight with a Walmart bag over my head.
Sorry, but he has to fight the battle at his house too. Give him 1 month to get it together no visits. She comes home again with it, give him 2 months. Meanwhile, if they still wana visit, there’s always face time.
Buy this in Walmart. Comes with the lice comb too . Needs to be used for 10 days . Hope that helps! And comb daily !
It doesn’t matter what you do if she keeps going back to his house she will get them all over again
It is a nightmare My step daughter had it so bad! Me, and my kids plus her natural sister got it. I hated having to give her treatment (lice zap cone) but it fell to me so even when we had her and her sister, I had it down to almost nothing. come back and no follow through from their end, so we start again. I had enough eventually. Back story - Mum had never really brushed daughters hair because she would pack a fit so anything unusual would be given the tantrum! I have had my step daughter come with nits, braided pony tails. It got to a point I said, “Nope!, am done!”. chopped her hair into a Pixie cut. Never a problem since. I am assuming intelligent people can put this together. The style actually suited her face too.
The nurse told me to put baby oil in to keep them from getting re infested…coconut and shea butter also worked but pulling my kids from in person public school to connection academy online public school has proved the best cure…not all parents care to treat their child and your children constantly get re infested …fron the time my son was in kindergarten till three years ago we fought lice every two weeks rotating products went to dermatologist and got prescription nothing kept them from coming back but saturating the hair with oil.
Lice combs don’t get everything out sometimes u got to sit hours and pick PC by PC of her hair to get them all
Put tea tree oil on her before she goes to school. Shirt collars, in her hair, everything. Put a few drops on all bedding, too.
Keeps them away.
After washing hair at bath time rinse and then massage a capful of apple cider vinegar and comb through the smell will go away in about 10 minutes but the lice don’t like it and will jump back off the hair: no lice and no eggs. Also dry in the dryer any stuffed animals and pillows.
Slather hair with Mayo, cover with Walmart bag overnight, wash out in am, repeat every 3 or 4 days…
I know this seems super pricey but trust me it is 100% worth it! Does take some time to deliver so I would stock up on the capsules they use.
My daughter was constantly coming back from her dads with lice as well. Month and months of going through her hair daily with combs and conditioner, Mayo, olive oil anything and everything you have probably tried! I finally seen this on google & gave it a shot and OMG it is amazing! All she did was have to sit there while it ran it’s course. After use a comb and done!
You have to pull all the eggs out. They have special combs. But it needs to done daily
I didn’t read the comments so sorry if this was already suggested but I had it multiple times in 1st grade. Was actually the kid that spread it to all the other kids in my class. Got so bad the principal told my parents to keep me home till they got a handle on it. Get a bottle of hairspray, if your daughter’s hair is long enough, put it in a bun and spray the whole thing in her hair. Will kill the lice. Still have to wash everything real good but should help
We just took conditioner, put it on my kids head and left it on there for about 5 minutes then combed it out with a nit comb. Repeated till it was all gone.
Get the rose Mary lice repell spray
If she continues to get it from dads- can’t u keep her from going til it’s resolved?
Maybe give listerine a try. But just so you know there are types of lice that you can’t kill with anything so you have to pick every single one out😬…praying for you girl