How to rid of lice for good?

There is a shampoo at Walmart that’s preventative for lice too … If you use baby oil you can comb out the nits and rinse your comb in hot water for every comb through… You have to hit wash everything, spray the carpets and wash all your beds… Throw out the pillows and get new ones … Bag all stuffed animals too … Treat everyone but maintenance with that shampoo

It’s called Lice Shield lice free everyday shampoo

Dad has to do his house too


Comb them all out also maybe try tree tea oil may and olive oil

Blue Listerine. It’s horrible for your hair but it kills them all the first time.

Make sure you comb the hair throughly with a nit comb to damage the eggs so they can’t hatch. You comb every day until there is no more eggs.

Sizzle with slimline hair straighteners

Nothing will change unless you assure that dads house is doing it too.

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Hair mask, treatment. Need shampoo and check again and remove.

I just used blonde hair dye on my kids I have 5 and could not get rid of it after they to came from dads and they have been lice free for almost 2 years now

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How old is she? If she’s young enough to where she’s not in school I’d shave her head if nothing else will work or do a buzz cut add coconut oil and comb through with tea trea oil (coconut oil loosens eggs that may be left near the scalp as well as provide a protective layer and the tea tree oil will repel any new ones) do a fun hair color afterwards (it’s just hair and any other kids will think it’s awesome) to help her feel okay about the hair cut and explain it’s not her fault and that it will grow back thicker and prettier

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My mom used to have to put a whole jar of Vaseline in my hair and comb it out. Took forever but my hair was too thick for the medication

Spray tea tree oil in the hair. It repels them. My granddaughters kept getting them in school and that worked. Also spray and clean everything


Try a little cornmeal in your hair and then use a fine toothed come. Should get the nits

Don’t forget pillows tossibg them in the dryer will kill any eggs and bugs hiding in there.

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Doctor can do a prescription

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My mom doused my head with listerine

mayo i know it sounds gross but works

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Unless you get rid of all the eggs you won’t get rid of the lice


Tea tree oil in shampoo, if old enough after you treated hair and it’s dry run a straight iron on her hair. The heat kills the left over eggs. Be sure to wash her stuffed animals, and all fabrics! I made a spray bottle with water and tea tree oil and sprayed everything down.


Dad needs a solid treatment at his house as well. Anytime my kiddo got lice, I treated my house, and my godson’s mom treated her house (he spent several afternoons a week at my house). I also called parents of kids she hung out with and school. I finally started spritzing her with a lice away type spray every morning and we haven’t had lice in years. Good luck

Vamousse is the only thing that I found that kills them on contact.

Tea tree oil!!! It’s the ONLY things that worked for me. We even did prescription shampoo and that didn’t work. I’d mix it with olive oil. After combing through and picking out the nits. I’d slather their hair in the olive oil tea tree mixture and wrap their hair in a towel and they had to sleep all night like that. Got rid of lice every time!

The dads house has to get clean and then you’ll get rid of them.

Coconut oil leave it in suffocates lice

Kills nit’s and eggs I’d also use a nit comb every night for two to three weeks and make sure to hot wash bedding and her hair brush, always tie her hair up in bun or plait

mix vinegar & water spray on hair, comb through with nit comb, then wash as normal. cheap and works.