Call her Dr they have a stronger lice shampoo that works amazingly
Mayo in the hair overnight covered and wash out next day, May smell like Mayo sandwich for a couple days but it gets rid of em. As a kid my mother did everything and spent so much until we were told to do the Mayo trick and it worked. Plus my hair was very shiny and soft so another added benefit to it!
None of those combs worked when my girls got it. I spent hours going through each and every hair and pulling out nits (eggs) off each strand with a tweezers, taking all stuffys and bagging them up, washing all bedding on hot dryer cycles and using medicated shampoo twice. Throwing away brushes and combs, buying new. New pillows. Lysol on couches and car seats. Very painstaking.
There’s There’s daily shampoo that you can use on and off, I use it on my son and it works wonders
Make sure you treat your car and carseats
You have to pick eggs out of their everyday. Til it’s gone. As long as you do it everyday they won’t be able to hatch
If u haven’t yet call her Dr they can write a script for a stronger shampoo then what u find in the stores I had to do the dame with my daughter she keeps getting it from school I used that and then she also uses the repel detangler spray they have in most stores
Put tea tree oil in the shampoo
Tea tree shampoo and then tea tree oil at the back of the ears also you need to speak to her dad xx
No matter what medicine u use …I use baby oil and put a bag on her head and comb it out the next morning …u have to comb everything out and do it repeatedly for days/weeks
Lice can come from birds nests outside… check outside play areas for nests
Also treat stuffed animals… bedding…couches and carpet flooring and your vehicle… if you can bag it up…bag it for 10 days…it will suffocate the bugs and eggs
Use hairspray,moose, 0live oil and let it sit for a while, stuff like that. Lice like clean hair.
You can treat her all you want but if they are at the dads house, unless he treats everything… rugs, towels, bedding, furniture…All of it, She will just keep getting reinfected…
COMB COMB COMB COMB! The chemicals do NOT work! Look on amazon for the “twisted” lice combs. Use conditioner on damp hair and comb it everyday!
Ylang ylang oil. Mix a couple drops of it with olive oil and let it sit on the hair for an hour. I wrapped my daughters hair in a plastic bag and once the hour was over it literally washed out all the eggs and lice. The Shampoo is terrible for your scalp and we have super lice now that are not phased by over the counter treatment. Make sure to bag up all toys and place in a hot area for 2 weeks and I honestly threw away all the blankets and pillows and bought new but I bought a mattress spray for her mattress. It’s hell and you feel terrible but you can get rid of them.
Iron the hair before you pick.
Tea tree oil…put some in a water bottle with some water and spray y’all’s hair it will kill and keep away lice and their eggs,also put some in your shampoo bottle to repel afterwards
When I had it when I was younger my mom used Coca Cola and it worked and use tea tree oil in shampoo
These are saviors and you can literally see all the eggs and bugs in a bright light. Get lice comb and start combing after treatment. And wash everything.
If your little has sensative skin you can soak thar hair in olive oil and put a shower cap on and leave for at least 1 hour then comb through with a metal knit comb not plastic. My daughter has eczema so tea tree oil gave her a rash
Lice sucks but I got rid of my son’s in one night. Middle school kid here at my house. Msg me for any info I am a LVN.
Also if you have Multiple children make sure to check them throughly too. There are videos on YouTube to differentiate between lice and dandruff. Dandruff is usually at the scalp while lice eggs usually on are the strand and aren’t shaky. You literally have to pull on them to get them out.
There is a lice shampoo ypu can get at walmart…its pricey but it will prevent it.
Go to Lice clinics of America
What worked for me personally was globbing on a ton of petroleum jelly (vaseline) never had lice again but this was also with cleaning EVERYTHING in the home.
Use listerine (mouthwash)kills them quick. then use Nix and comb out the rest of the eggs
Petroleum jelly with shower cap multiple times overnight… Tea tree oil/shampoo comb frequently…
I went to my doctor and got a treatment for my kids hair. It’s a prescribed shampoo but it got rid of them for good!
Skip the harsh chemicals. Tea tree oil will both kill and repell them. Use Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo to repel and keep them at bay. To get rid of them Mix tea tree essential oil with coconut oil and put in hair overnight then repeat every few days. Comb them out with conditioner mixed with tea tree oil. Keep up with this for several weeks until you know they are gone. Nits are hard to see and you want to kill then asap BEFORE they lay more eggs.
Nothing is going to help until dad gets on board to eliminate the problem in his home too.
Mayonnaise works for my girls hair. Apply over night and wash in the morning. Mayonnaise suffocates the lice, you will have to comb the lice out
Tea tree oil, use a comb to dip into it and comb through, do not soak the hair with it though. Have a spray bottle with water on hand. Than use a lice comb to grab all the dead ones out still attached to the hair strands. To keep them away, fill a spray bottle mixed with water, conditioner and a bit of tea tree oil when doing her hair every morning or as needed.
Get the bedding spray. Use it on pillows carpet hex everywhere . Theirs also a daily shampoo for bugs it’s not nix or a lice treatment
I use the lice shampoo and hair detanglwr on my daughter because my step son has always always had lice since he was little and every time he comes he gives it to my daughter . I highly highly recommend the lice spray ! And if that doesn’t work I used to leave conditioner in my dry hair , it suffocates the lice and kills them .
Rinse her hair in coke and you will need to use a lice comb to get all the eggs off
You use the lice comb with the gel that comes in the kit or purchased separately to get the eggs out… the shampoo only kills live lice… and mattress, and furniture etc need to be sprayed with stuff you can purchase as well. Contact a pedi… they can advise… best of luck
Shave it off hair grows back wash everything in hot water or throw out hair brushes hair ties towles sheets, hair grows back spend 100s on new stuff
Tea tree oil and lice shampoo for some reason they hate tea tree oil
I tried everything i could before i purchased ivexterm that magical pill eliminated all of my kids lice its honestly worth it i have 6 kiddos it was a nightmare! Now they are all lice free it worked for
Me just giving my own remedy
Go to the pediatrician and get the prescription shampoo. Advice from my mother in law who fostered over 65 children. They give you what works on all hair types and it was no comb in the case of my kids. Gone and never returned.
The tree oil tee tree shampoo conditioner when gone get keep off spray in pharmacy
You have to comb it with the comb after medicine, then get you a headlamp , hair clips to section her hair and look through each section and every strand of hair and pick it all out. Pop every nit and kill any bugs that may still be alive… wash any clothes she may have worn boil water for hairbrushes and combs and treat beds and wash bedding. Put any stuffed animals In garbage bags closed for a couple of weeks or spray them with the spray treatment… also her dad will have to treat his home. And I’d probably go ahead and spray my vehicle down as well. And tell the parents of any friends she has that she’s been treated for lice and that they may want to check their children as well. It’s not a shame to get headlice. It’s a shame to keep it. I caught it many times when I was a kid and instead of chopping my hair off my momma decided to do all I’ve described. And I have thick hair. I guess she may have felt like chopping it off would be like punishing me and I didnt catch it on purpose. Having to sit there til it was over only taking few breaks sucked enough… Once you are sure you have it picked out recheck or retreat it a few days later, to be sure you’ve gotten rid of it.
Are you picking them out by hand for a couple hours a day? Also, the father will have to properly treat his house.
Get a fine tooth comb which is made to get all the eggs out. Separate her hair into small sections to do this. Your Pharmacist could give you some ideas about what medicine & shampoo to use to help rid her head of this problem !!!
Thicken her hair in a cheap conditioner then comb through it with a lice comb the eggs will slide off the hair
go to the feed store and buy the stuff to fix your trouble[id think that kid]. LOL
Knitwitz on amazon was great. We’d tried everything else and that’s the that ever worked
Buy a nitty gritty comb and cover their hair in Vaseline. Comb their hair through every day for three days. Section it so you start from the top to the bottom. The Vaseline suffocates the lice and destroys the structure of the eggs. I would only wash it after the three days and probably repeat the process. Mine had lice for months and hasn’t had them since we did this. To wash out the Vaseline, coat the hair in shampoo and rub in as normal. Then rinse.
Go to the doctor and get natroba. Then put tea tree oil in all of her hair products
There probably dead they’ll fall out it hard to take everyone out . I no I have three daughters with long hair in the 80ths … put the medicine on and leave it for couple of hrs it doesn’t burn your hair. I use to put my girls underwear s on there head and we didn’t go outside for that day it works …
And if the girls keep on getting them over and over is because their friends have lice that happened to me many years ago oh my daughters had long hair do their waist and don’t think that you have to cut their hair short that’s a myth I let my kids hair grow long and I just treated the lices
Might be in your carpets or rugs. My nieces kept getting lice in elementary and come to find out it was the rug they all sat on for story time at school or something like that. My sister mixes tea tree oil in their shampoo since n they haven’t had any issues since then
Lice vacuum! Amazon! That was a game changer for us.
Go to her dr, they have medicated shampoo that will help, plus dads gunna have to clean and treat his home as well. Then ur gunna have to have the talk with ur daughter about not sharing brushes, pillows, etc, and to keep her head away from others.
Beth Leanne what is the name of that spray you use?
Do you know anyone with an old hat hair dryer? Heat will destroy lice better than anything.
Tea Tree Oil. Use it in all hair products but I also treated my daughter with it to get rid of the lice.
Once you’ve treated it get a good prevent spray.
I spray both my daughters hair with hairspray everyday, especially for school and they have never had nits, I honestly belive the hairspray helps, give it a try
My sister had this problem and my mum used mayonnaise, she put it all over her hair put a shower cap on and left it for few hours. Wash it out and go through with nit comb, she had it for 2 years and used all sorts of nit lotions but this worked xx
Vamoose worked wonders for us but so did the prescription strength medicine the doctor calls in
Fairy tales shampoo and spray or good ole Mayo ! My daughter got it once and she was to little for over the counter products and the medication from her doctor would have cost me $300 out of pocket. So I used Mayo and it took care of it
I know this sounds weird but listerine mouth wash really works. I had lice really bad one year and couldnt seem to get rid of them for the life of me. I remember looking online to see if there was any home remedies and we seen a lot of people saying that listerine mouth wash works. Soak your hair with it. Leave it for an hour or so the longer the better put a shower cap or something over the hair. Then wash it out and take the comb to it for the nits. I also read to put the listerine in a spray bottle and everyday afterwards for a week or more spray your hair with it just like you would hair spray and its suppose to prevent it from coming back also. Worked great for me and I have long thick hair. Fun fact to they say listerine is actually healthy for your hair once and while keeps it shiny too. <3 good luck
Dog flea treatment or fly spray i
Apple Cider vinegar. Put 1/2 shampoo and 1/2 vinegar. Wash everyday. It will get rid of them and will keep her from getting them
I had to actually take my kid to a professional (yes they exist). My daughter went to a church camp and came back with them. We tried everything to rid her of them and they always came back. It’s such a headache! I paid $125 to get them removed properly and completely, the best money I ever spent!
I used a straightener on my daughters hair daily. The heat was the only thing killing the nits. Lice is a nightmare. Good luck to you.
The trick is,u gotta leave the treatment in her hair overnight and wrap the hair up in a cloth. Next day wash as normal and do it twice a week
Go to the CDC website. It tells you how to get rid of lice. Are you heating your pillows in the dryer for 45 mins? Vacuuming carpets, and baseboards, and furniture? Bagging up all stuffed toys? There is more to do than just your hair to be free of them. Also, the dad’s house needs cleaned properly to be free of them for good.
Use mayonnaise, research it. Also lavender essential oil works as a preventative.
I’ve had this issue with some kids that I fostered. One tried and true method that I use every time now is, use vinegar like a shampoo in their hair. Soak it and rub it in the scalp and hair really good then rinse it out with water. Next, use mayonnaise in the hair and lather it up good. Cake it on and rub it in real good making sure to get the edges too. Then wrap the hair in a plastic cap or bag on hand. Longer it sits, the better. I usually do this at night and let them sleep with it over night then rinse it out with water in the morning. I promise they will not smell like a sandwich lol most kids fear that when I tell them it’s what I will do.
You will also have to wash all bedding, stuffed animals and clothes in hot water. Then use a spray bottle and fill with rubbing alcohol and spray down all that couldn’t get washed. Ex dresser drawers, mattress, large stuffed animals, bed frame, floor. If you have carpet then you have to super clean that because they can get in the tiniest crack or crevice.
Safe to say, I foster and I use to get this often. But now, we have a regiment in place. Once the child comes over known to have it, we have them walk straight to the shower and once all their belongings are off, we place in a trash bag and wash separate from all other washes. Then we start the process. May seem harsh but it is extremely expensive to get rid of them. Also recommended by pediatrician, child protection agency and exterminator in my local area.
I wish you the best!!
Nikki Schmieder is right. I remember when I was a little kid once our whole class caught it. We tried everything. Ultimately, the thing that worked the best was the Mayo.
My three girls got it from their friends. The doctor suggested coating their hair with mayonnaise and covering their head with a shower cap. Leave it on all day. It may take time to get the mayo out but after many attempts with other things this is the only thing that worked! Good luck. Oh and make sure you wash their linens on hot water. Spray your couch cushions.
Also you can put just a tea spoon of coconut oil in your shampoo bottle. Shake to mix it. It helps prevent lice from coming back. It’s helped when I had to send them back home and end up getting them again.
1 cup of malathion, 1 bottle of corn huskers lotion, 1 bottle of rubbing alcohol, and water in a gallon jug. It smells horrible but it kills them instantly. Malathion is a pesticide but it’s not harmful. I was given this recipe by a nurse at our doctors office.
Peppermint oil will help get it out too because they don’t like the smell of it.
Go to your urgent care and tell them exactly that. They will give you a prescription that will get rid of it in one wash. Then you just wash bedding. Everything else will be fine. Lice can not live longer than 48 hr with out a host. (Head). Then use a shampoo with rosemary we use the suave rosemary mint. Haven’t had an issue in two years now. Lice don’t like rosemary.
Unless it’s treated at her dads you will keep it at your house with her going back and forth
They even live on the walls, couch, etc. Prayers you find then all.
If the eggs are white they have hatched an contain no bugs. Best to just go down every strained of hair that you see one on with your finger nails to remove them. And actually a dog flea comb works better than the one that comes with the kit.
Hands down easiest and cheapest way to get rid of them!! 2 cans white rain hairspray depending on how long her hair is (I had to use 2, cause hair was below my butt) and spray entire can in hair before bed wrap in shower cap and sleep with it wash out next morning eggs will come out with ease and kills any live bugs
Plus threw away everything bedding stuffed animals everything got trashed,
I used tea tree oil on her hair after treating it with listerine and alcohol. Alcohol will kill them dead instantly. Make sure you are combing and picking out all the nits.
I use the treatment…then use vamoos shampoo daily so it does not come back
One day of coconut oil wrapped up for a few hours, then comb through with a lice comb, wash hair regular. The next day, use blue Listerine. Spray onto hair and leave for a bit, comb through then wash again. My daughter has had it once and i did that it was all gone by the second day.
I used a treatment I got from Wal-Mart on my kids hair that you just completely saturate the hair and let it dry. I used a metal nit comb before and after while hair was drying and got as much as I could then repeated days later
We caked my daughter’s long hair in vasoline for about an hour. Washed several times and combed it out. She hasnt had any for a few years now.
Get some Tea tree oil and put it into your shampoo and laundry It will keep them away
Yep I agree 100% tea tree oil I use it in my grandkids hair in the summer weekly
Do you guys have listerene mouthwash that side? Spearmint
Lice free spray get it at Walmart also tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner or put it in it to keep them away
Oil and vinegar. The vinegar kills the live lice and the oil softens the eggs to make it easier to pull them out. Make sure you have a good metal comb, plastic does not work. Massage it into the hair and cover with a plastic bag and let it sit. When combing start at the end and slide the comb towards the scalp. It’s hard to wash the oil out but it’s a cheap method and the prescriptions are toxic. Unfortunately I cannot remember if it’s equal parts or how long you leave it on. Good luck.
You have to make sure to comb out all of the eggs, then treat again in 2 weeks. The shampoo is going to dry her hair out. You can soak her hair in olive oil with a plastic bag for a few hours and that will also kill them, as well as condition her hair. Combing the eggs out is the most important part
Aaaargh !!! We treated and treated… tea tree oil in the hair helps. Every Place they go MUST be treated too… Sad. Sad. Sad
Even the finest metal nit combs dont work on my daughters hair, its a hand picking them out ordeal. I have a vcomb now that sucks up the live lice and bigger nits, vinegar will loosen the glue on the nits. Its annoying, but I bag every stuffed animal but the one they cant sleep without. That will go in the dryer with the bedding on high heat for at least an hour. The stuffies I’ve done this with haven’t melted the fur but be careful with which ones you do it to.
As others have mentioned, tea tree oil is a fantastic prevention method. I got a big bottle of the essential oil for under 20$ and put about 10 drops in our shampoo depending on the size of the bottle. Ive also mixed it in a spray bottle with water and spray their hats and jacket hoods so nothing will want to climb onto them while theyre hanging in cubbies at school.
Get the Rx from your dr! It works the first time. A few years ago my youngest got lice from her friend. We couldn’t get rid of it for literally months and months it would keep coming back. We used the Rx shampoo that our dr prescribed and she never had it again
Go to the doctor. There’s a prescription strength shampoo. Lice is immune to the over the counter shampoo now.
Is her father disinfecting too? Sounds like you’ve done everything right except sending her back to where they came from.
Use vinegar and mineral oil mixed together smother her hair in it put a shower cap on and leave it for at least a hour I left it on mine as long as they would allow several hours the vinegar will loosen the eggs. You’ll have to use Dawn dish liquid to get the oil out of her hair but it works. I then used a leave in conditioner and put it on their head before bed to sleep in if the bugs don’t have a host they will die I did this for a week and washed it out every morning and it worked they haven’t had it since. But seeing as she goes to her dad’s if he doesn’t treat it your gonna be battling a losing battle