How to save a marriage?

My husband and I have been together eight years have a three year old together, and I am going to deliver our 2nd child this Thursday; and he just informed me he’s lost feelings and has been trying to fight the urge of a divorce but has decided that’s what’s best … is there anything I can do at this point to save our marriage? Any tips or tricks he refuses therapy, he isn’t a talker, and according to him, this has been his feelings for ten months now


If that’s the case, he should have never gotten you pregnant


I feel like if you stress how you think y’all should try therapy then he should be willing to atleast try it. If not, then you need to do everything to protect you and your kids. Its odd that he is willing to check out with your baby being due. But he might feel distant because the baby is in fact due. This is where therapy comes in and he can discuss those feelings.

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What a douche bag to say this right before delivery!!!


Don’t waste your life with someone who doesn’t want you. Divorce, focus on your kids and make your life happier. It will get better. Life is too short to waste time and who knows what you could be missing out on.


You can’t force someone to stay with you when he won’t put in effort nor is it worth it. Your kids will pick up on the energy trust me.


Nah, just let him go. Anyone who would do that to their spouse, much less while expecting a new baby isn’t worth it.


I haven’t been in that situation but I would honestly have a conversation with him about it. If he doesn’t want to do therapy, doesn’t really want to talk, and this has been how he’s feeling for 10 months now… I definitely would ask him if a divorce is truly what he wants. I would ask him if there is anything that can be done to help your marriage… even if it is just separating (not divorcing) for him to figure out what he wants. If he said there’s nothing that can be done, I wouldn’t try to save it. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me. If he is fine with separating for a bit to figure out if this is what he truly wants, I would do that. I don’t have much advice other than that… best of luck! Congratulations on your new bundle :heart:


If he wants to leave let him.

Stay strong and move on! He will be the one who regrets it in the long run.


I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking. I think if he’s made up his mind then there’s nothing you can do. Big hugs your way.


No communication, no real relationship. if you can’t communicate, you already have a problem


Truthfully, and I know hearing it hurts like a wretched bitch, I don’t see the sense of trying to - his mind is made up. But, this is only my opinion with a hint of personal experience added to it. You can try to save your marriage, but be prepared of the pain of not being able to and do not allow yourself under any circumstance be in denial.

If hes already made up his mind, I dont think theres really anything to do. Especially if hes refusing to try to help it as well. It cant be one sided


Do you suspect him of cheating?


Relationship is over, now its about his parenting potential, someone who just “loses feelings” is psychologically suspect as a parent, as you know its all or nothing with parenting

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Sounds like he is done

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Nope nothing you can do.

I do have a question tho. Why would you want to try and save it if you know he doesn’t want YOU? Like, has out right said as much to you? That just doesn’t make sense to me.

I wouldn’t and couldn’t be with someone that didn’t want me. That’s sure is hell ain’t fare to anyone involved.


Do what’s best for you and ur kids and let him go… he already told you don’t force him to stay


My husband served me with divorce papers after 15 years. It’s been a crazy 15 years well this passed year he got a girl pregnant. I still stuck it out. But now he is having a change of heart. I’ve been so emotional we have been trying to talk and work on our problems. There is no forcing a relationship.

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You say he isn’t a talker. That the first sign for me. He needs to communicate with you. I do hope things work out. :heart::heart:


Prayer changes things. :heart:
Matthew 19:5-6.


Going through a similar problem only were not married. He’s helped raise my now 16 year old. We’ve been together 15yrs and lived together for 11 of those years in his home. This weekend he left and ghosted me. I have no idea what I’m suppose todo either I want to fight for us, but I’m also realizing there is nothing I can do to change his mind. I’m loosing everything :disappointed: too


If he asked for a divorce there isn’t going to be much else you can do. Move on and realize there is better out there than to be half loved.


What an asshole. He couldn’t have waited until after you gave birth to drop that bombshell of stress? So sorry you’re dealing with this, mama!

Remind him, about alimony & Child support


He gave up a long time ago then if he throwing this at you now. You are about to give birth. This man is looking to hurt you.


Tell him that’s fine. But we are having a baby and I am not doing this newborn thing alone. Sleep in a different room. Help me with the newborn. I would so have the FU attitude. You don’t want to be with me fine. You have been feeling this way for 10 months and I’m eight months pregnant. Then you shouldn’t have touched me. But here we are and it’s your baby so suck it up and help


No dear he is out and has been 10 months.


So he’s been feeling this way during your pregnancy so it’s not your fault. Talk to him about it and explain the kids need you both to be strong. Find a way to spark. He has to be willing it’s a 2 way street.

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No if someone tells you that just separate its over…

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If hes not going to talk then what can you really do? Sounds like his mind is made up, I wouldnt fight it.


What an asshole. You’re about to deliver in a few days and he drops this bs? I’m so sorry mama. F*ck him. Unfortunately you can not fix this. He can stay at the house to help with the newborn and then he has to go. You stay put. He can pay you alimony and child support.

What a trash human to put the mother of his children through this heartbreak and stress right before going through the roller coaster of emotions that comes with delivery of and bringing home a new baby… I am at a loss for words. You deserve love and support in this season. I am sorry.


JMO…I would not stay with someone who didn’t want to be with me. I have one life… and I’m living it to the fullest. Also, I would not want my children growing up seeing their parents in a loveless marriage.


Say have a nice life and worry about your children. Never bow down to a man.


It sounds like he made his mind up, if he won’t go to therapy or try to talk it out or anything. So I wouldn’t waste your time trying to convince him.

My husband told me the same thing, said he was falling out of love with me. We worked on it for a little while especially since we have a son together. To me things seemed to get better, two years past and he tells me that things haven’t changed and he’s felt the same way the entire time. Which was crazy and a complete shock to me because I could tell there was a change, things were definitely going better, or he was putting on a show and lying to me. There was no saving it at that point, we’ve been separated for almost two years now. Hopefully we’ll be divorced soon. I’m so much happier, I met my now boyfriend and my relationship with him is so different and amazing. My relationship with my boyfriend has shown me just how terrible my last relationship was and how unhappy i was. We’re expecting this November.


Let him go find yourself :heart_eyes:

He’s been feeling like this for 10 months but decided to tell you the week you are delivering your second child? Tops bloke :roll_eyes:. Surround yourself with people who support you and concentrate on you and your babies. You can’t save something that he doesn’t want to save, but you can rock being a single Mama.


You deserve better he’s clearly already made up his decision. This wouldn’t be you giving up this would be you doing what’s best for your kids. They need a happy mama that feels loved.


Why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you?
Do what’s best, move forward.


Yo can’t do anything, unless he does too. Marriage is a two way street…and if bother parties don’t give it all they’ve got…then it won’t work

To late! Should have tried to fix it sooner. It sucks ecps with kids involved but when it gets to this point it’s over

if he doesnt want to save it, its over

What a selfish man. I’m sorry :disappointed: focus more on yourself and your baby for health reasons. Deal with his sorry ass at a later time… or don’t.

You can talk about it but if he has lost feelings it will never be the same. In reality it will be like he is pretending when deep down he doesn’t really have that love anymore.

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If he has fallen out of love with you, there’s really nothing you can do, you can’t make him love you

I hate to say the a If he has told you this he want try to rekindle them at all my ex husband did this to me he told me he no longer loves me or had feelings for me and I begged and it did no food he lies and told therapist he did but I knew better after that he never tried again he ran off talking to some other woman alot of times when they tell u this it is someone else I’d I was you as bad as it will hurt u will be better off just packing up and leaving cause he will continue to hurt your heart I promise mine was broken totally the longer I stayed …I wished you the best …I don’t see how people can just call in and out of love over night breaks my heart for you. So sorry

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Get a lawyer and don’t look back. What an awful thing to do to you right before you have a baby.


Tell him to pack his bag and don’t let the door hit you as it closes fast.


I had a friend have this happen to her. She just let him go, grieved and looked after her babies. She is now happily in a loving relationship with a blended family.


Best to move on, be civil for the kids. Easier said than done. I hope everything works out for the best of you all.

He tells u the week before u give birth, he is a pathetic human being. Move on. You deserve better. Whatever his reason is, is an excuse because if he had any respect for you or your baby, he would not be telling you now. He would have spoken to you a while ago. I believe he was cheating and his girlfriend does not want him to be with you during the delivery because he will feel all the emotions that come with the birth.


It takes two to make things work. If his heart isn’t into saving your marriage, you can’t do it on your own. You may never know why his feelings have changed or you may find out other things were going on that you were totally oblivious to. Either way, his loss. Hold your head up high and walk away with pride. Let him see what he lost out on.


…there is no tricks or secrets .if he don’t love you nothing you do will change that expecially if he felt this way for almost a year …

I wonder if he is freaking out because of the new baby coming. This doesn’t excuse him just thinking why he thought it was ok to tell you this Soon when the baby is coming? Personally, I would resent him that he couldn’t wait and have his serious talk until after the baby and we were more settled. That’s why I’m wondering if he’s in freak out mode. I also agree if he is truly done there’s nothing to say that. I would offer to push through until after the baby and then talk a mature conversation and try marriage counseling. I also tried to do date nights I know that’s hard with two Littles to try to see if that will help. I’m sorry mama this is the last thing you need. Thinking of you

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You can’t make him to love you. You can’t make him to want to be with you. Pray for yourself to accept.

Let him go…move on with your life and your children. You’ll find a wonderful person in the future that will love you and your children.

Just let him go. What’s the point trying to desperately hold on to a man that doesn’t want you anymore?


Never make someone tell you more than once they don’t want you.


I’m so sorry. If he is telling you now, it probably means he has been sitting on these feelings for awhile. If he refuses therapy I don’t really know what else you can do other than letting him go.

No sense in trying more than you can to save something if he isn’t trying too. Sadly there’s probably someone else if he has no urge to fix it. I hope not! But all too common to walk away because something else looks shiny and new. Men suck. I would tell him good bye, be civil for the kids, hope that he don’t take too long to come to his senses but be prepared to move on if he doesn’t. Someone out there will love you and your children.

He had to brake this news to you a week before having a baby?!?!? Good Lord. I’m so sorry.


I hope you have someone who can support you during this birth. Do not have him in the room he is not supportive. You can’t force him to care or try to better himself or the marriage. Let him go. Use this time to get a lawyer and file for custody and support ASAP.


Soooo he’s felt this way for TEN MONTHS but rekindled his FEELINGS just long enough to knock you up AGAIN. I would’ve Bitch slapped him! My Advice is get Attorney NOW,

F*ck Him!!! He’s a jacka**!!! You’re about to give birth again & he thinks this is the right time for that!! Don’t let your feelings get in the way when it comes time for him to handle his responsibilities financially & physically. If he cares this little a week before you give birth he won’t think twice when it comes to screwing you over!!


What is meant for you will come to you. I’ll tell you a bit about my story. My boyfriend told me that he lost feelings a few months after my son was born so we split up. It was hard because I loved him. We were apart for about a year and then ended up spending time together again. He said that he came to the realization that he didn’t feel the same way with other people that he felt with me. We also had been together before splitting up for 5 years and were young when we started dating so I think he just wanted to explore other options and not feel like he “settled”. Let him go. I’m not saying he will come back but if he does then that’s what’s meant for you. If he doesn’t come back then you can find someone that will love you the way you love them.


It’s a tough decision to make and even harder once you make it but I would focus on myself and my children, show him you are your own person. Maybe he’ll return :woman_shrugging:t4: but your children need a strong mom right now. But I do hope he will or you do have some help for the birth of your baby.

Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

According to him it’s over, you can save a man when he lost feelings don’t do that to yourself


Show him the front door!!!

Why would you want to "try and safe a marriage when he does not love you anymore, his feelings are gone. You need to take care of your children, they should always come first!

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Sounds like he’s already been dipping out
I would tell him hit the ducking road I’ll send ya the bill


You can’t try to fix things if he refuses to tell you why. Ask him what has made him feel this way, like what went wrong? There’s always something. People don’t just “not want you” for no reason. There are many things you can do, to try. Ignore the people saying it isn’t worth trying, because it is. You just need to find out what happened, what’s changed. Sometimes it’s just mere bordom or life and stress. Even if it’s just that he feels he doesn’t want you, there’s usually more to it.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I was always told by my ex that he didn’t love me. Je even told me one day I would find someone to love me! He did it to make me feel worse. So one day I had enough. I left him 10 year ago. He was not a good person to me or our son. The only thing he was right about was that I would find someone who would love me. I couldn’t be happier now. I have a great man who adores me and my son. You will get through this. :heart::heart::heart:


Read the book the 5 languages of love. No talking required. Just have him read it. He might choose therapy on his own after that.
The fact of the matter is, love is a choice not a feeling. He has to choose to work at love every single day and so do you.


There’s probably another woman if he gave you an exact time of when he lost feelings. Let him go, it sucks baby but you will just endure so much more pain if u try an hold onto something that’s already lost. Your children deserve the best version of you and him. God has a bigger plan for you so let him go, if that’s what he wants .


So he got you pregnant and let you pass the window for termination knowing he was going to abandon you with a baby? What a sack of shit. Why would you want to stay with a man like that.

Lawyer first, Bank second, exparte 3rd,locksmith 4th.Try to go before Thursday and have a trusted friend change the locks while you at the hospital. F*ck that guy.:broken_heart:


I would say it’s time to move on. If he really loved you, he would’ve told you when his feelings started to change. Not that it’s just over, if he really cared about y’all’s Marriage. He’s stating it’s a close book, not that it’s something y’all need to work on . It seems like he’s already decided

If he doesn’t care, nothing you can do will make him care. If someone doesn’t care or doesn’t want to care, they won’t. Focus on you and your kids and doing what’s best for y’all.

Let him go if it’s meant to be he will return, sometimes our spouses do things behind our backs which makes them die of guilty conscience and they want out rather you find it out

You can’t make someone love you :cry:

My husband and i have no kids between us, but, we went through with our divorce, and we stayed together as a couple. We are still together today, been divorced for 3 years. We are talking about getting remarried now.


Don’t fight it. Let him go. It hurts and it’s hard but it’s best your children be around a healthy, loving environment. Especially new baby…they can sense and feel all that stuff mamma. None of you need or deserve to be around to see what’s to come in trying to stop him or begging. It’s gonna be hard but God may be trying to open a new door for the both of you. Hang in there and know others have gone thru this same thing. :heart: Show him the door and don’t let him see you cry or break down. Stay as strong as you can for yourself and those babies.

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His been feeling this way the past 10 months but stilled laid with you and got you pregnant with your second child!!! Tell that man to kick rocks.


Girl move along and find someone who loves u.

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Hmm… he’s had no feelings for you for 10 months now, but you’re 9 months pregnant…:thinking::thinking:
Apparently he was feeling something more recent than 10 months!
Cut your losses and drop him to the curb! Get child support, and raise those babies without that loser! You are better off without him when clearly he was only using you. You have the strength to go on without him. You can’t make someone love you so stop trying and get on with your life :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Message me privately if you’d like , I may have some tips for you.

To say.something like this to a.woman you have been married to for eight years is brutal. He couldn’t beat you kill you, poison you or any other thing that him in jail for a.long time. So what does he do to someone he no longer loves and has no feelings for? He picks just the right moment, before the baby comes, and kills you the only legal way he can.He has broken your heart, spirit. There is nothing about this that says maybe we can work this out someday. As hard as M it M is to hear that rat bastard doesn’t want you and is done. I hope you have a few brothers or friends that will take care of him for you. I pray you have a strong family who will help you. You need to call your doc and let him know right away what is going on. He will need to watch your bp and your stress level. You are.also at high risk for post partum depression . Stay strong for those babies. Karma will take care of him

Why did he get you pregnant again 9m ago if he jasnt liked you for 10 months… dont save it, send him on his merry way and you do you and your kids, hes not worth fighting for if hes going to ditch you the week you are going to give birth to his kid…


Why would you want to keep a man who is willing to drop a divorce bomb on you DAYS before you deliver HIS child?! Kick his ass to the curb girl.

He probably found someone else. I know it hurts but i would just go with the flow from here on out.


If he has felt like this for 10months, then why did he make a baby with you 9 months ago. Get shot of him.

Wow just as your about to give birth if he lost these feelings 10 months ago why get you pregnant .Let him go he won’t be much loss


How selfish of him, one to spring it on you at this moment too for him to harbor these feelings and not inform you to fix it. Let him go he’s too selfish you don’t want to be with him anyway


Do nothing. He will come back alone.

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Let him go sweetie. Why fight he’s decided


Don’t even waste your time he doesn’t want you anymore. Guarantee he’s been messing with someone else this whole time and that shit show is going to go downhill and he will come back to you with a bullshit story of how he missed you. Tell him kiss the inside of your ass.