How to show your husband that you appreciate him?

“let’s get takeaway” that’s all it takes for me :rofl:

You need to figure out what his love languages and do that. Some people want time some people wanna gift some people want recognition you can easily Google the love language quiz and you and your husband can take the quiz so that you can know the best way to appreciate the other


Unless you know his love language it doesn’t matter what you are doing for him…take this quiz and have him take it too!

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I do all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and childcare. I give him massages and make him milkshakes when he gets home from work a few times a week. I laugh at his jokes and listen to his stories even though sometimes I have already heard them a 100 times


Plan a date for him to do something he really enjoys but doesn’t get to do that often.

I had to go out of town for work for a few days, and I left little love notes in random places throughout the house that I knew he’d find while I was gone. Under his pillow, in his lunchbox, in the freezer etc… surprises with little things mean the most

Make him what he wants for dinner. Buy him snacks that he likes when I grocery shop. Fix his plate for him and his lunch for the following day. Do one of his chores for him (we are each responsible for certain daily chores).

Cook his favorite meal, give him back rubs, when I go out I’ll pick up his favorite drink or favorite fast food order, send him text throughout the day to remind him why he’s perfect to me, write love letter and leave them in places around the house, tell him I appreciate how hard he works for me and our babies, ask him how his day was and listen to him even when I’m tired of hearing it :sweat_smile:… he likes the vehicles to be cleaned out every-time we ride in them so I usually do it because I know he likes that. He chews so if I see he’s running low I’ll go out town to get more so he won’t run out.

Scratch his head/back, give him random hugs, offer to watch the kids extra so he can do something he enjoys.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to show your husband that you appreciate him? - Mamas Uncut

We shoe each other in small everyday ways. He stops at a store, he may grab me my favorite candy bar. Sometimes, when insomnia hits, I cook him breakfast before finally falling asleep. I cook his favorite meals even if I hate them. He’ll do housework on a Saturday before I wake up so it’s all done. I mow the grass on a Friday so he doesn’t have to do it on the weekend. Love isn’t about the grand gesture. Love is all the little things added up over a lifetime.


I like to do little things for him. He loves smoothies, so I’ll make him one to come home to after a long day of work.
If I’m getting gas, I’ll pick up his favorite candy bar or drink.
If I’m by the bakery, I’ll pick up his favorite donut.


When I am out and about I stop somewhere and get him a coffee or his favorite candy of get/make his favorite food


Touch. Walk by, gentle touch. We did it to each other. Always said I love you. Going to kitchen for a drink, ask if I can get him something. Left a love note in a pair of rolled socks one time. Took him 6 months to use that pair. I’d forgotten about it. Some ideas I got from a book, 365 Ways to say I love you. The best decision I made was learning to ride a motorcycle when he wanted to get back into it. I could have said no, and he would have ridden with his buddies, but I said yes. We had wonderful adventures.


Sometimes I tell him to just go relax and I take care of house hold things(yes we both work 40 hours a week)….also fix his plate for him most of the time(sometimes he beats me to it and fixes mine), give him a massage or draw him a hot bath and put the bubble mat in


I keep my house clean as much as possible. Make sure he has clean work shirts, and try to cook foods that he likes more often that food he doesn’t like as much. Also he likes his brownies like half cooked. So when he has a really bad day I make half cooked brownies


Married 30 years this month and the best gift we give each other is respect. Besides that, I am gift giver. I just surprised him with a tshirt for a upcoming UFC fight he likes. I got him fall t shirts in all the colors. He never buys for himself so I make sure he has the things he needs and likes. It can be as simple as some new work insoles for his shoes. A new winter hat. Or something I’ve saw him like on FB. Getting his favorite meal or foods. It’s nice to feel appreciated and to make others feel the same.

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I make sure he has delicious meals, foods that he enjoys. Make sure he has a clean home. He does his own laundry but I help him when he needs it. Hugs are good too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I make lunch every night for him and our two grown boys , and then get up in the morning to make him breakfast and coffee to go for his ride to work. Try to make sure dinner is ready at the same time each night. Keep the house as clean as possible with a tiny terror running around, lol.

My husband loves to hunt and fish, he’s a true outdoorsman…so he may get a special gun, ammo, fishing & cool camping gear. he also like to smell nice so every once in awhile i’ll buy him some duke cannon soap or some great cologne. i agree with the others about keeping the house and cooking and cleaning. However i think it’s nice to get a little something every now and then just so he knows you really appreciate him.

I think just plain listening is also important.


I keep a clean house, cook delicious meals and he always has clean clothes. He knows I love him. He spoils me too.


Now if I bring him his favorite candy bar or something sweet he will say im keeping him fat so no sugars, and just forget about making a meal he has to cook his way, so no go on alot of stuff so I will find something out one of these days, going on 5 years now


I make him dinner ,help with his laundry when I can because we both work long shifts. Or I’ll visit him on his lunch and bring him food (:

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I bring him a cup of coffee, only occasionally, don’t want him to get too spoiled. (49 yrs of marriage)


Everyone love language is diff. My is physical -
My huband is acts of Service, In words of affection.
Got know what his love Language is-


Make him the foods he likes. Lots of hugs. Text him throughout the day. Remind him how much I love him. 41 years of marriage in January

He never has to worry about what to eat, what to wear, or what to do at home. I handle that for him so when he’s not at work busting his butt to support us, he can relax while home. I serve him his dinner with a drink and a smile (I’m a housewife… my sole job is to make sure he and the house are up to par so that he can be the best he can for us)


I get up with my husband every morning (4:30 a:m) to get him off to work. I make coffee, his breakfast and pack his lunch. I take, I am retired so I am home and take care of the house, cooking his favorite meals, cleaning ,laundry etc. It’s just the two of us so it’s pretty easy.


Make his lunch and leave sweets notes in it. Telling him you appreciate how hard he works.

We took a love language test and im trying to show him through his language. He’s doing the same

Married 26 years, I do nothing special. I raise our babies, clean the house and do whatever else I feel like. If it’s something they think you should do then that’s not showing love it’s your job.

Tell him to run Nathan M. Schamp lol

Massages, game time (which he doesn’t ask permission but I don’t nag lol), I do simple intimate things like putting his socks on him before he leave for work/getting his clothes ready so he can sleep longer etc. tell him not to worry about helping me sometimes while he just gets a shower and relaxes

I ubereat lunch sometimes to my boyfriend

Bake him his favorite cookies occasionally

Tell him how much you appreciate him, everything that he does for you & the family. Cool his favorite meals, bake him his fav desserts. Unexpectedly grab his butt, give him a long, passionate kiss. Write him a poem. You gotta find your man’s love language. & once you do, don’t let anything hold u back

Wait… we’re supposed to let them know we appreciate them?!


Hello 1950 you called :woman_facepalming:


I think love language is a huge factor. Depending on the person- massages, extra quality time together, take him lunch or sweet, thoughtful and detailed messages/letters


My hubby loves whiskey so I surprise him with a bottle when I have the extra funds. Plan date nights that are all about him! Grab his favorite candy at the store. Stock up his favorite morning coffee/energy drink. Keep the outside fridge filled with beer

A good meal of his favorite food, a clean house,laundry done ,hold conversation

I pack his lunch for him, I pack things I know he likes. I also leave a note on the white board on the fridge for him to read First thing in the morning.
I just generally do nice things for him consistently so he knows I care.
That’s my love language


His love language is the key :heart: My husband’s love language is affirmation, service and touch.

I hide notes where i know he will find them later on in the day, make him his favorite meal, dance with him in the kitchen, plan a date night, a goodie bag of his favorite candies…the options are endless!!!


Getting some of his favorite things for lunches for work, a nice(r) dinner every once in a while, showing affection, always letting him know, just spending time with him. Sometimes its the little things that make a big difference to show you care

I cook a nice dinner sometimes, clean his car, buy him clothes, buy his favorite beer, wake up with kids & let him sleep in on weekends

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I wake up when he gets home at 4am and listen to his work night and spend quality time with him in the morning. It’s a great start to my day and a good end to his. I stay up and get breakfeast ready for the kids and take them to school. Then I usually wake him up with foot rubs ( he stands on his feet for 80 hours a week) and I give him affirmations on how thankful I am to have him. Also I try to cook dinner about 2 in the afternoon so he has a hot meal before leaving for work and goes to work full ( he works 4-4


Get up with him at 2am when he’s getting ready for work and make him breakfast and pack his lunch.


Take an interest in the things he enjoys also! Thats a huge way to show someone you love them!

It’s nothing like just telling him verbally, mine hear it all the time. I also do all the things he loves, he tells me all the time that I take good care of him and always know what he needs. This makes me feel appreciated also

I meet his love language. May I suggest to read the 5 love languages

Clean, cook a meal he likes, ask him if there is anything he needs or wants done that I can do for him

Try to see if you can get him to take the love language quiz to find out which speaks best to him.
My boyfriends is physical touch so little things like hand holding, random hugs and kisses, massages, etc things like those for him.


I buy him things I know he loves. Doesn’t have to be expensive. Mostly it’s his favorite snacks or drinks. He likes it bc he says I remember what he likes.

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Depends on his love language. :heart:


My husband was a Lt. in the Federal Prison System. He had to be tough all the time. He doesn’t have to be tough with me. :slight_smile:

I pack his lunch everyday & leave notes in his lunch box to find.

I tell him everyday the things I love about him and how amazing he is! I do other things but he appreciates this the most!!

I buy small surprise gifts, massages, favorite meals but now I really want him to take a love language quiz

Pack his lunch for work with notes :hugs:

I write little love letters to him, got him a new wallet because his was falling apart, I go with him to his favorite hobbies :heart:

Cook for him. Workes Every time.

By him a motorcycle :motorcycle: :flushed:

I made this about 4 years ago. We take turns writing little notes back and forth. We’ve had to sensor ourselves (code words are amazing) since the big can read now. :joy::joy: It’s easy and a fun way to tell your partner you love them!


Girl, what’s his love language??
Gary Chapman, has a test he can take. I reccomend you both take it at the same time to learn each others language and then study them and act on them for eachother!!
Super helpful when I was able to understand how my husband needs to be loved. He has a lot of physical trauma, so physical touch is his least favorite showing of love, but words of affirmation (“you’re the best at this that i know!” , “I love how you are so uniquely skilled to do that!” etc) really help him recieve love the way his brain can translate it.

I usually suprise with a small gift or if i go out to go grocery shopping I pick him his favorite snacks and drinks. Its the little things he gets happy about. He saw a shirt that he wanted went and order it and he was suprise.

Small things.
A good morning each day. A goodnight before bed if I don’t fall asleep. And I write him letters, random, and send them to him.

I bring my husband coffee in bed each day before he gets up. It makes his whole day better :grin:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to show your husband that you appreciate him? - Mamas Uncut

The correct answer is ponytails and silence

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Be respectful and encouraging.

Let his ass sleep in

Make his favorite meal. Wake up when he wakes up and make his coffee for him. Cooking and cleaning does say,hey I love you. Help him with what he does. Helping a person says you care about them! Make him a lunch to take to work. But most of all TIME. Put down all electric devices when you two are together and spend time together! Miss your favorite show to sit with him outside and share a quote night outside talking. Dont touch your phone when spending time with him.

Give him a day to choose what he wants to do…my hubby loves to fish. I buy him different things for his guilty pleasure, and he really appreciates it.

Buy him his favourite snacks, cuddle with him when he’s doing what he pleases. Take the baby out for a bit so he gets some space. Just little things we both do for each other

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My husband works full time and after work goes to the house we just bought and works on that. Sometimes I grab his favorite candy bars and drinks and bring them to the house as a surprise for him when he gets there. I make sure there’s always a plate of food ready for him when he gets home. If he’s sore I give him a massage. When I know he’s getting really run down I convince him to take the weekend off from working on the house and let him sleep in, make him a big breakfast and he plays games online with his friends all day. Just some of the little things like that make a big difference

It definitely makes it easier if you know his love language

Make sure he has food and clean clothes. When ever he is doing something ask if you can help him. My husbands love language is, acts of service so I just do little things for him like making treats and going by the store if he needs anything.

When i get out my husbands work clothes. I would put a little love note in his pants pocket.

Get him things he likes. Even just candy bars or his favorite coffee. Or leave little notes in his lunch

Buy his favorite snacks at the grocery store, tell them thank you when you see them helping out, back rubs, sometimes I will take my daughter and we will go out for the day so he can stay home kick his feet up and play video games or whatever

I will randomly put things in his truck before he leaves for work. Like a few things are a little note that says just something out of the blue to say I love you and it’s just a bag full of blue things he can snack or drink at work, same with yellow but says just letting you know that you are my sunshine.
It’s silly but I know he likes it.

Continue to hang out with him day after day and deal with his Shenanigans!!:joy:

Ah I have this problem opposite tho I sometimes feel unappreciated then I remember. He shovels or something like that. I do the same as mentioned above I know what he likes at the store and I buy it for him simple things make a relationship , marriage work

Lets be honest all he wants his oral, clean house & food

Make his plate always. Let him know he matters. Rub him down with lotion after his shower. Rub his feet after a long day. Heat up a towel when he’s in the shower.
The small things are what matter.