How to talk to another parent about child hygiene?

Offer to let her shower at ur house maybe there’s issues she’s embarrassed about


Report to the CPS anonymously. Problem solved. :hugs:


Bring her in teach her hopefully she picks up after your daughter etc she is lacking care of some form. If it was your daughter and it was just a medical issue or how she was without any neglect and you found out she had been treated the same how the hell would you feel. Its a 10 year old child at the end of the day…it takes a village to raise a child so they say …compassion and love won’t go wasted x


I would go to the girls house and talk to her parents. I would bring some cookies and invite myself in to take a good look around and try to see what is going on. Seriously, there is many many reasons why this child is like that, but neglect is the first thing that comes to mind. Go there and talk to her parents and tell them to take better care of their child.


Does your child go over to her house? Maybe there are little issues lack of money for hygiene products, no hot water in the home, no washer or dyer? Just try to be nice and help her. Maybe do a sleepover and have a spa day and get her a little basket with products even from the dollar store🤷 Have the girls take shower them do their nails and face mask and a movie🤷


If she’s over frequently, buy the girls bath robes and towels and cute sets and offer them a spa day together. Then evaluate from there. It may be medical. I personally have two hormonal disorders and have to shower frequently and wear certain shit. Also my mom was no help. I just got made fun of till I became emancipated and went to a doctor.

It could be a rash or infection


Honestly this is one of the most disrespectful post I’ve ever read any decent human being would get the 10-year-old girl some clothes and give her a shower because there’s neglect at home any decent human being would offer her a meal and get her new socks and shoes? Instead of worrying about the smell of your home maybe you should worry about that little girls life because maybe it depends on you? Maybe you can teach your daughter that she’s more fortunate than others especially if it’s her best friend🤔


Maybe they’re impoverished or homeless. More compassion and less judgment would help this little girl.


Have a spa weekend. Take them shopping pick out body wash, shampoo, loofah or shower puff, foot soak, lotion, face masks, nail polish and hair ties, maybe even body spray and/or deodorant as well. Have it be educational but also fun time. I would speak to the Mother directly but only if you’re comfortable. If not, then speak to the school nurse about the concerns you’ve noticed.


My daughter refuses to wipe unless I tell her before she goes to the bathroom every single time. She just can’t be bothered and is in too much of a hurry. Gentle reminders have gotten me the most improvement


Maybe she’s been abused. Maybe you should talk to her about it not direct question

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I would definitely not bring it up to the mom… she’s learning her bad habits from somewhere and or mom is perfectly fine with it because if you can smell her mom can smell her… BUT
:partying_face: do a at home spa day!! Go get some body washes shampoos face mask lotions, and just ask questions which I do use at home nail polish everything!! And show her how a girl supposed to be.


If you bring it up to the mother just be aware the mother will take offence and think that you are trying to put her down as a mother…

But in all honesty though it’s not your business, the parents should know that you can smell their daughter, because if you can smell her chances are they can and others do too.

It’s better to let the parents know so they can try and help their daughter even though it can sound cruel they will end up being grateful.

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Sudden Change in Body Odor: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.

Well I’d start by not f**king telling her her child smells like dead animals so there’s that… I’d say start with an invite for a spa day at your home with fun things 10 year old girls like. Also it’s possible the child has a medical condition or something else causing the smell. You’ve also no idea what’s going on in her home if you aren’t friends with her mom. Just remember kindness and compassion go a very long way.


Find a way to talk to the mom…there could be a number of reasons for this. Maybe invite her over for coffee or to hang out while the kids are playing and find a way to work it into the conversation.

Some kids refuse to practice good hygiene, seen this first hand. Their could be a lot of things going on, maybe you could talk about your own and your daughters hygiene habits among you and your kid to get her friend thinking about it or want to learn about it? Try to meet or get to know the mom perhaps and see what their hygiene is like?
So many jump to thinking a child isn’t taken care of but sometimes, KIDS DONY WANT TO BE HYGIENIC. lol maybe moms somewhere hoping the real world opens her child’s eyes to being better about that sort of thing because they’ve tried and tried but it’s a battle? This happens so much


If she is black it could be a product they put on there hair.


Sorry :pensive::broken_heart: I like what others have said about a spa day or getting her a care pack (can be twinsies, one for your daughter & one for her so she doesn’t think too much of it). These are just children. Help them navigate life.

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Just mention it… i bath my children every day brush their hair and put clean clothes on them every day even give them their own deodedants ect and chances are she will do the same… maybe politely mention there is a smell and perhaps they can work on her hygene together… chances are her age may have more to do with it than her parents.

I obviously don’t know this young girl’s situation, but as a former child of repeated SA, I can say that it was common for me to not take care of myself correctly. This was for a number of reasons…I didn’t care about myself… it was a trauma response and secondly, it was an effort to repel repeated assaults. I was hoping in vain they wouldn’t want to keep touching me.
With that said, there could be number of other reasons for this. Maybe she and her family don’t have access to proper hygiene, or are perhaps homeless. Maybe she has a mood disorder or mental illness. Maybe she’s being abused and denied proper care. Honestly, the best thing you could do for her is not to ostracize her, or make her feel less than. Maybe she just needs someone to care enough to teach her. Maybe instead of not allowing her to come to your home you could offer her a safe place. Kids want someone to trust, especially kids that don’t have good homes.
All and all tho… it’s not completely uncommon for kids to go thru phases of not practicing good hygiene…maybe she’s going thru puberty or something…I did at 10


Maybe have ur daughter do a make over thing with her and put body spray on idk that’s tough one since your friends with the mom and don’t wanna cross lines

that could be so many scenarios as to why. it could literally be anything from depression/ trauma or home situation to pure laziness or just always being distracted.

It might be her breath. I clean kids teeth all day for a living and their breath can smell like dead animal sometimes lol it also can do a lot with the child diet causing the body to release bad odors.

Bromhidrosis is foul-smelling body odor related to your sweat. Perspiration itself actually has no odor. It’s only when sweat encounters bacteria on the skin that a smell can emerge. Other than body odor (BO), bromhidrosis is also known by other clinical terms, including osmidrosis and bromidrosis

Trimethylamine has been described as smelling like rotting fish, rotting eggs, garbage, or urine. As this compound builds up in the body, it causes affected people to give off a strong odor in their sweat, urine, and breath. The intensity of the odor may vary over time.

I went to school with a girl like this. The smell was that bad I tried but couldn’t be a good friend. One day she wet herself in assembly. It turned out as teachers had a word with us all . She had been neglected. There was no hot water or heating or food when authorities went and as to whatever she may have been through physically who knows. I’d actually invite her for a night and get a good meal in her and get her in the bath . Try to make sure she’s ok please :pray:


Well if its not her teeth that are fouled and fouling her breath for a rancid smell then If child smells like dead animal dead animal not mouth/box rot then id be concerned for her that she is ill and voice it to mother that way…but it may be foul dental and cant afford to fix so is not making a big deal out of something she cant fix so it may be as to why she seems inattentive to it…she may be inattentive through not wanting to make daughters self confidence issues. First thing first is identifying where smell coming from ie mouth etc and then addressing situation appropriately from there.

Have a bathing suit bubble bath party lol


Maybe I’m strange but why would anybody put such a personal post on social media about a 10 year old child :thinking:


I know a girl who smelled like that when she was young, she has some type of liver problem.

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Talk to the school! And the school will most likely talk to mom about it


That’s really sad I’ve never had that happen to me but if I did, I would definitely address it in a loving manner. Some kids don’t have someone to sit with and talk about these things. It’s heartbreaking because some have low self-esteem because of things like this. Taking them to the store getting them a self-care basket with items of course without putting them on the spot involving your own child would help.

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Why not invite her for a sleep over and bath her with your daughter having a bath first.I used do that with kids.


Get a care package of hygiene products and some treats in there

Why can’t you go to the store and buy her soaps body wash tooth brush and paste deodorant maybe some lip gloss. Girly things and put it in a cute bag for her. When she comes over give it to her and tell her you found a good sale and thought of her. Maybe her family can’t afford or just doesn’t care. I would never not let a child come to my house bc they stink. Shame shame.


Personally I’d invite her to a sleep over let her have a nice hot bath and some clean pjs while I washed and dried the clothes. I wouldn’t be so shallow as to not want her in my home because she is a child who clearly if her parents are not noticing the smell is neglected. But that’s me


I had a friend like that growing up. I didnt know she was homeless for years. My mom would always get upset when I invited her over…I lost her about 8 years ago to a drug overdose. Cherish this child. She was brought into your life for a reason. And kudos to you for raising a child kind enough to see past the smell, and the actual human behind it.


I wouldn’t talk to her mom I would invite her over have her shower and clean up. Ask her if she uses deodorant yet and explain how you’re have your daughter use it ect and give her some. If you still notice the smell after her cleaning up try to talk to her or bring it up gently. There very well could be more behind this then you think. I feel bad for her. I bet she knows and is self conscious of it.


School nurse or gym teacher usually has a hygiene talk at this age. Call and speak to the nurse. Was in a similar situation years ago. Teachers notice this and may have been in touch already with the parent. I’d let your daughter have a Valentine party with a few girls. Pizza and a movie. Buy body sprays, bath soaps etc and make a little goody bag for each of them. That’s also the age they should be using deodorant already. Lot of hormones and puberty happening.


She may have a health condition or she may not have been shown proper hygiene. I would approach the school, if it’s that bad surely a teacher has noticed. If you get no where with the school, maybe befriend her parents? She’s only ten so there’s time to intervene before she becomes bullied or teased for smelling.


It may not even be her
It could be the house she lives In
Or not being taught proper hygiene
Or lack of services to be taught or learn or do laundry


I would invite the girl for a sleepover. Ask the mother and in conversation say something like oh hey does so and so wear.deodorant yet im wondering whT brand to buy my daughter etc.
Buy some new pjs and spa day stuff and at bedtime say who wants to have a bubble bath first . Then set out pjs/robe etc. Make a fun thing, self care day
Then just chat with her maybe she will confide in you.
But dont question.
Hope shes okay and getting what she needs♡

Some ppl smoke in their homes and cats pee on stuff and all sorts of horrible things . Some kids dont have clean water, or clothes, or homes.


Wow, really rude to say she smells like a dead animal. If I was her mom and found out you were talking about my kid like that, I’d never let my kid around you.

I have to think if its that bad her teachers nurse etc are aware of it. I would like to believe they’ve addressed it with the mom already

my advice would be not to bring it up at all. its not your buisness and it could be that her skin reacts to something. why make a chikd feel uncomfitable because she dosent fit your standards


For one not allowing a child in your house because of a smell is ridiculous. You DO NOT know the circumstances. What if someone wouldn’t allow your child over for that if they had a skin condition that made them smell? You’d be hurt/pissed wouldn’t you? RIDICULOUS.


Maybe it’s not her fault and she has a bad home life I’d ask what her and her family do for fun, what her favorite meals are that her parents make at home just questions that will bring out how her home life is. She is 10 years old. She still isn’t at an age where she is going to be idk mature enough… to be worrying about showers etc. If she smells like that them it’s lack of her parents being parents. Aka child neglect

I wouldn’t say anything to the mum.
That’s personal and your daughter may loose her friend.
Speak with the nurse or teacher

My daughter had a friend like that when she was young. We had to cut ties . They had a beautiful, clean home. Her mother was clean , Her baby sister was always clean. She just didn’t make sure her daughter wiped herself good enough. We did try other things so we could save the friendship but it got to be too much.

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Privately, ask her how she takes care of her hygiene, give her some products and tell her how to properly clean herself. There’s a good chance her home is in bad condition, that she wasn’t taught about hygiene, and she doesn’t realize she stinks. I would take her aside next time she is over and talk to her about it. Some kids don’t even know they are in bad conditions and think it’s normal

Some kids don’t have a parent that teaches them so maybe try being the person that little girl needs to get her thru puberty. You don’t know her story.


Maybe her clothes don’t get washed or she lives in a broken home and gets neglected. So many things. I would open my home to that child and take her and your daughter shopping and show her love with some fun body sprays mixed in with hygiene products for both of them, that way it doesn’t come across as offensive. Maybe she doesn’t get that at home and she’d be so grateful regardless. All in all, she is a child and a good friend to your daughter and deserves love just like anyone else.


There could be neglect and abuse going on, there could be a lack there of stable living situation, u never know. Don’t judge the child for what’s out of their control.


If you don’t know what happens at her home I’d not say a thing to her


Maybe just start a spa night for them both and maybe do swimsuits and a blow up pool snd help offer a hand with hygiene maybe have your daughter do it as well and just send stuff home with her


Bring it up to the school principal or school counselor. They are prepared to talk with parents about these kinds of issues.


So I had a friend in elementary - same issue she honestly did smell even to me but I never said anything. Others did though however and it ruined her, even the school talked to them about it after so many complaints. I get it to an extent but people are still people too and I feel that sometimes it really is just a natural order even after doing what you can to fix it. I remember her doing everything she could to smell better - showered at LEAST twice daily and wore way more deodorant than she used to and would even switch clothes throughout the and honestly didn’t even seem like that helped her. I continued to witness her getting bullied for it (along with other life events) that lead her into a really bad depression. I think some people just “smell” like that sometimes - it’s their natural order even when clean (as we all have our own scents compared to one another and that one so happens to be hers). As a mother I’d just deal with it (I mean for me personally) not like others probably haven’t noticed and who knows what is already said to her. And even if you did say anything ti a little girl it may hurt her more emotionally, and who knows what argument that really isn’t necessary it may cause if you bring it up to the parents instead. I think the important part is just making her still feel normal and welcomed in your home and brush off the Oder issue BUT again that’s my personal preference.


Show the mom the message. You will not EVER have to worry about her being in your house again. Judgemental much?

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Take them swimming :swimming_woman: :heart:


…straight up, I was homeless twice in my life as a child. Once for 2.5yrs. Sleeping in our car, motels, etc. We often didn’t have money to take our clothes to a laundromat so I often washed my clothes in the bathtub of our motels with my shampoo. I was told many times at school, I was grungy, or stunk (even though I showered etc). Mind you I was 11/12yrs old. I started spraying body sprays on me, & tried to clean my clothes with more shampoo. But mostly, I wasn’t afraid to tell people we were homeless & I had to wash my clothes in the bathtub. (Not every kid is vocal about their situation). My friends’ moms would tell me bring my clothes when I’d stay the night on weekends so they could wash them. Some would send me “home” with shampoo & conditioner, tooth brushes, tooth paste…a little hygiene kit if you will or buy me new clothes or underwear. Try to understand the situation before being so harsh & judgmental. Your child may be the only friend she has.


Some don’t buy kids hygiene products because they are more than they can afford. Some don’t teach proper hygiene to kids they just expect them to figure it out. I say help your daughter to help her without either one knowing what your doing. Show her kindness and love.


Could it be BV, yeast infection, uti etc? I would be very concerned, you never know what kids go through, could be SA.


I. Surprised the school doesn’t handle it with the parents. Maybe a gift basket with pretty sponges and even body wipes, nice shampoo/conditioners and body wash. Maybe she just hasn’t had those items. Add a brush and comb and maybe she will like having her own products. Maybe give the same gift to your daughter at the same time. Let your daughter know to make a big thing out of it, like oh I can’t wait to use this body wash, shampoo, we are going to smell great for school for now on. To make comments like that! Get her excited about hygiene. Maybe toothbrush and tooth paste. It’s worth a try


Have your child show her what she does. Maybe she was never taught or taught correctly


Maybe have your daughter do a spa day party/sleepover buy cute pajamas, matching socks full on spa an body kits. I did this for one of my friends in middle school. Her mom was a single mom of 5 an they didn’t have alot of money to spare they would all use the same bar of soap an the cheap 55cent vo5 shampoo that didn’t really have a smell. When she hit puberty her mom didn’t have the means to get her her own bath soaps/ deodorants/ face wash ect. She got made of of at school an it hurt my heart to see people be so cruel. Even the parents were mean towards her an telling their kids not to play with her bc they didn’t want them catch anything because if she stinks they would assume she had headlice/bedbugs ect. Which she did not. We had a great slumber party we done our nails did facials, we bought her, her own shampoo/ conditioner set an body scrub an she got to shower first so my mom could braid both of our hair an help make our skin soft for our pedicures ect an then my mom gave us spa gift bags that had more hygiene products in it an snacks, nail polish ect. She loved it an we had spa days atleast once a month an my mom would help wash her clothes when she stayed the night to have clean clothes to go home in. Think of it this way if it was your daughter would you feel devastated if someone wouldn’t let her hang out because she stunk?


Maybe, while she’s there wash clothes in front of her, or maybe hint about hygiene. Some aren’t taught. I remember the lady I baby sat for she was the one who said something about shaving my legs, and underarms. My mom was so old fashioned, I was like cool. Maybe just bring it in passing, idk.

Could it be her feet/shoes? I live in Georgia and it gets hot here. My oldest had shoes that she absolutely loved and her feet would sweat a lot in them. She didn’t want to get rid of them and refused to wear any other ones but woooooo. Her teacher called me and mentioned it, she wasn’t the only one in class with this issue apparently and it wasn’t abnormal but I did make her get rid of the shoes and wear new ones that were less “hot” and explain to her (in a nice way) the issue. Maybe this child is the kid that likes to wear “favorites” rather it be shoes, socks, shirt, hoodie, etc. She probably doesn’t even realize it smells. Maybe figure out where the scent is coming from (could be something as simple as shoes) and “gift” her a new pair or even some good smelling stuff (sprays, body lotions, shampoos/conditioners, body wash, deodorant, etc) Your home could be her safe place and your child may be her only friend…don’t take that from her. :heart:


What Alicia Otto Atkins said 100%

You can be a bigger influence than you think. Lead by example. When she stays at your house, take them shopping… buy sweet smelling soap, lotions, anything to do with hygiene… make it special. Make bath time important. Make taking care of yourself special. They’ll soon be the age where they will most likely want to fix themselves up. You could be a big influence on that. You can once in awhile even give special little hygiene gifts ( soap sets, etc.) and you can do this without hurting any feelings. I personally would not say anything to the mother… eventually her daughter will probably help her own situation… because, you really never know what someone is going through. I would handle it, but, handle a little delicately. I have a grown daughter who had many friends who stayed with us a lot… I speak from experience. Good luck :blush:


I once welcomed a newly arrived lovely consular family into my school where I was teaching. They were from a Pacific Island. I discovered that in their culture [to be blatant] they used their left hand in place of toilet paper. It was the playground interactions that fixed that ‘problem’ so the kids should/would do it…


This is was me as a child. I learned from watching others. My mom was dieing from cancer and didn’t get to some of the girly hygiene stuff. I would wear clothes over and over.


Just give that girl some love and treat her like you would your own daughter. You don’t know the full circumstance.


A lot of kids smell like that or wet dog around that age. It doesn’t matter if they showered that morning for some. Some parents don’t think kids need hygiene products like deo until they’re teens. It could be as simple as that without it being due to her wiping properly.

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My 3 yr old has body odor like a grown up after playing all day. I talked to her Dr. about it and she said if she was about to or going through puberty it could be her hormones, but since she so young it’s probably her diet which she lives lemon pepper wings. Get some flushable wipes and put them in your bathroom and when she goes just tell her that’s like tissue and that’s what you use. If you can smell it her mom can. if her clothes and socks are clean when she comes over one of the two I stated is probably the problem. You could also make her a little gift basket maybe with powder, deodorant, tooth paste, perfume, I would also add candy, coloring books, hair bows etc. She won’t pay it any attention but her mom will and should recognize the message your sending and maybe help her keep up with herself. If it continues I would have a talk with her and be honest about it if she gets offended then oh well you did your part twice.


Sounds like a great excuse for a trip to bath and body works for a a spa day. They’re constantly running sales and usually it’s on body wash. Pre-teen age is very confusing and with puberty things can get confusing. Learning to love her body and having her own things should help. Shaming turns to isolation and that’s the last thing she needs if shes in danger. She needs y’alls friendship more than the ridicule of things she has no control over.


Well I mean if you notice it just being around her occasionally, the mom smells it since she lives with her! So you aren’t going to be telling her anything she doesn’t already know. My guess is the mom and the house smell as well. I don’t really know how you could go about it, poor kid. Maybe just say, “I noticed such and such has an odor that’s pretty strong have you spoken to her Dr about this? I’m just worried about her being bullied at school because you know how kids are”! But evidently sadly seems like the mom doesn’t give a crap.


Find out her school and call the school.


Maybe invite her to sleep over for a pamper session with ur daughter make hampers with nice body washes deodorant etc so she can take it home unfortunately in this day n age we know little about what happens behind closed doors she might not have access to these things


Let her take a shower at your home…and buy her an outfit to wear and have afterwards…


Maybe lay things out for her?

Omg! Ask her to have a friendly talk, at that age mom maybe got no time to teach or show, treat her ad your own since she is a friend of your daugther. When she come over ask to have a shower at your place. Teach her, im sooo sorry we come to this issue. Please be nice treat her as your own child. God bless.


Just offering a different viewpoint. My family practices proper hygiene, and my daughter would still stink so bad sometimes. We learned it’s because she was constipated and scared to go because she didn’t want it to “hurt”. Her doctor gave us some miralax and she ended up regulating herself and the smell went away! Could be something to talk to the girls mom about


Try talking to the school nurse, they must know there is a problem at school too.


My daughter had to talk to a parent and found out the kid washed and was had good hygiene and found out they had lots of cats that lived inside. It was the smell on the clothes. It could be a over active or under active thyroid as that can do it.


Maybe the mom can’t smell after covid and a gift basket would definitely help send the right message and talk with her about hygiene.

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How about a sleep over? A girls night? Pamper and all.
Then as said above…send her home with a goodie bag. So it’s a fun evening…and a learning evening?:two_hearts:


Maybe try inviting her over and speaking to her directly about it. The less people know then the less embarrassed she may be about it. Maybe she doesn’t have a good situation at home to where she can ask her parents. That’s just my suggestion though. Don’t judge her and ban her from your house, invite her in and treat her like family. Maybe even inform her that you can provide her with some supplies if she isn’t able to get it at home. Most of the time when kids stink I feel like it’s a lack of knowledge and puberty will make it worse


Talk to the school about your concerns. When I was that age, I had a problem too
I was never taught how to properly clean myself or proper hygiene. My mother was sick. It took a friend’s mom asking me and my mother if we needed help. My mom noticed bur was too sick to really do much and my step dad was abusive and only let me have two pairs of underwear and 2 pairs of pants and 2 pairs of socks ans I was only allowed to do wash once a week.
Don’t shut her out because it makes you uncomfortable. It will turn out to be traumatic for the girl one day.
All it takes is reaching out and if the mom gets upset, well she’s not your friend, so no loss. But if there’s more to the story (maybe not being able to afford certain products or doctors visits for certain issues) she really just may need someone to mention it.
All I know is I love my sons friends like my own and your response here seems pretty cold. Try a different route.


I personally would get a few things deodorant, a small set of body wash, body spray, wipes for example make it a little gift and maybe a girly book on care of self , just a thought ya never know what’s going on at home.


She probably hasn’t been taught how to care for herself or she 10 yrs old they only know by example and being lead and taught.Not her fault at all…be her mentor, let her stay, shower,eat at your house let her see the difference caring people can make. Sounds like she needs someone. Just tell her it’s a rule everyone showers each day, don’t call her out on it.

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Let you daughter give her a friendship gift…bed and bath…bubble bombs, scrunches, body was as your daughters choice…

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Maybe do a spa night at your house and (without seeming rude or like you’re calling her out directly as kids are sensitive) have everyone shower or have a bubble bath, a face mask after, do her nails and hair and just have fun with it and explain to her how important personal hygiene is for your mental health and your body💛

Would get to know her mother more. Take it from there

Why don’t you buy her some pretty creams or perfumes as a treat or take her out even if she stinks with your daughter shopping and make her feel invited show her some products and let her pick them out buy them for her and then when you guyes get home have a beauty day she will feel good that you bought those items for her and I promise you she will use them it sometimes is not the kids fault what one mom doesn’t teach their children at home another can in their home just watch next time she comes to your house she will smell different because you made her feel special​:blush::+1: hope this helps

I wouldnt approach mom for whatever reason noone knows she has allowed it to be and i wouldnt buy the girl soap and smelly goodies id seek out the most proper adult i could think of to handle nurse fuidance councelor. Etc.