How to tell my ex about my new relationship?

Before you bring him around the kids. It IS your exs business at that point. But maybe bring it up to him in conversation ask when he is going to start seeing someone discuss expectations you both have for the kids ect


Just let him know. Then drop the subject.

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Tbh only after you know it’s going to work out with the new man and not to bring the new man around your children until the ex husband gets to meet him first


I don’t know why people are laughing. It’s a genuinely hard thing to do if you guys still have love for each other but “it just isn’t right”.
I’d say that 80% of men are full of shit. Date the dude for 3-6 MONTHS before you introduce him to kids or speak of him to the ex. If it doesn’t work out you don’t feel/look dumb and no wounds were opened too soon. That’s my 2 cents.

The kids will handle that. :rofl:


Why is that your obligation? :thinking:I mean if you feel the need just come and say……So I met someone, and I like him a lot. And then see if he asks questions, you’ll know once you say that, if you should go on or just leave it there.

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For all of you saying it is the exes business, the courts say otherwise. Just keep that in mind. I’m ALL for mutual respect and love that, but the courts will never do anything unless you can prove the others relationship is actually hurting the kids.

You don’t need to advise your ex

If the kids aren’t around this guy yet there is no need to tell him.

I think it’s important he know due to having children together. It’s respectful for one, and I know I would want that respect from my ex. You’ll know when the time is right. You don’t have to say anything immediately. Give it some time and see if it is in fact becoming a healthy relationship and someone you’d want to introduce to your kids. If you’re not going to introduce him or have him be around your kids then there is no reason to tell your ex in my opinion.


Believe me he knows. People love to talk and if you’ve been seen with this person or even had him or her like a post on your page he knows something is up.

It’s not his business to know.

Let him know you’re talking to someone new… and make sure you respect his opinion when it comes to your children.

No need to
None of his business

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If it’s only a possibility ,not yet. Wait until it’s definite.


Just tell him hey Bub there’s something I want you to know so that it’s not a surprise. I have started seeing someone then tell him a little info about the new meat so that he’s not wondering too hard if he’s a weirdo or something

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When you want your kid to meet you’re new person… Just allow him to be there so he can meet him too and know who’s going to be around his kid.

I think before you bring him around your kids. I see women on here complaining about their exes having their new GF around their kids before they meet her and i think its a standard that should go both ways. Introduce them before the new man meets your kids if your ex wants that. You don’t have to hang out all day just let them meet for him to have some peace of mind i am sure you would like that courtesy when he has a new GF as well.

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I would wait until it becomes a real relationship of at least 6 months.


None of his business. Just keep the kids away until you know it’s real.


Honestly I wouldnt say anything until either you know its serious or you have him around your kids all the time because then the kids will just tell him .

U do not need to tell him . Only tell your kids .

It’s not his business anymore

I wouldn’t tell him until you get to the point of introducing the kids. Then I’d let him meet the person first before the kids do.

Its only important when the kids are involved. But even then just give him a heads up. You dont need his approval just like he doesnt need yours when he dates

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It’s none of his business, actually. :woman_shrugging:

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I wouldn’t say anything until you know how serious it is and that you want to introduce this person to your kids. I would only speak to your ex about it then. Your ex has a right to know who is around the children you share together.


It may not be his buissness as some people have said but I just think it’s a level of respect to let him know that you’re seeing someone , I would wait till you’re actually together and make sure you keep the kids away for atleast 6 months :slightly_smiling_face: good luck in you’re new relationship


Too early. Wait to see if you like the person enough to introduce them to anyone. Even then, wait.

I would wait until it’s time to introduce new guy to the kids. Then i would talk about it with ex before introducing him to the kids to see if he’d like to meet him first. This all depends on y’alls relationship and how you currently coparent though. This would be the suggestion for if y’all are coparenting well and respectfully

He doesn’t need to know anything until you’re ready to introduce your children to the new guy. Good on you for being thoughtful of the children during this process and get it guuuurl


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to tell my ex about my new relationship?

Are you on good terms with your ex? If you’re amicable and hoping to keep things that way, what I did was just say to him first “just letting you know I’m thinking about maybe starting to date again soon”. Broke the ice and got it out there for both of us. He was really relieved that I had raised the topic first.

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It’s not really his buisness at all. You only say anything at all at your own discretion. Out of respect if you choose to tell him, I’d wait till you’ve spent enough time together for a legitimate serious relationship up to the point you introduce your children. I wouldn’t suggest introducing your children or telling your ex till it’s serious.


This is such a nice question, I wish my ex would of done the same to wonder when to tell me when he started dating again but instead he came to pick our daughter up with his new girlfriend…wasted no time bringing her around! Anyway…keep your new beau on the down low until you are serious enough to go public with your relationship your ex husband can kick rocks if he don’t like it…

He doesn’t need to know.


It’s got nothing to do with him, as long as u and ur children are happy and safe with this new man and he treats the kiddies well then it doesn’t concern him


I told my ex after a few weeks of being with the person I was dating because they were staying at my house. I politely advised him that I was seeing someone in case he saw a vehicle in the driveway when doing pickup/drop off of our child. He did not ask for more details and I didn’t divulge anything further.


It’s none of his business


I disagree that it’s not any of his business. It is, because this man will be around his children a lot and it could eventually lead to this man step parenting his children. So, I think it’s very important that they start out on a good foot. For example, the x and the the new person might be attending birthday parties together or ball games together or any number of things. They need to be friends, if at all possible. I say this from experience. My ex and I attended all of my children’s events together even after he remarried and brought his new wife and I’ve never remarried. But, the kids need to see parents and stepparents on the same page and loving them regardless. Actually, I talked to my ex’s new wife before they got married and we discussed who was going to take my daughter to dance and who was going to do this and who was going to do that and my feelings about her step-mothering my children. Because, initially it was a bit painful for me that someone else was going to be a part of my children’s lives. But, because we worked hard at it it’s never been a problem. We called each other, we discussed things with each other we are civil and caring when we’re together at events or birthday parties or ball games or dance recitals and now that we have grandchildren it’s just as important that we show and United and loving front for them as well. Remember, the children didn’t ask for us to be divorced or separated or change up their lives or bring new people into their lives so it’s our responsibility to make it I’ll work in the best interest of the children and grandchildren.


When it becomes serious and you are coparenting you should have an adult conversation!

Until then, your private life is yours!

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You don’t. Until you know for sure it’s going to lead to something long term and this person will be around your children…


Why inform him of a potential relationship. If it was to move into serious relationship then you would want to inform him.


Why would you unless this person would be around your children if you have some.

I don’t know why this is even a question. It’s none of his business.


Don’t say anything until you intend on having him around your children


I would keep it private until you plan on introducing your child to your boyfriend, then I think you could tell your ex if y’all have a healthy co parent relationship

I can see how you would want to tell him as you have children together. I’d wait until I knew it was a serious relationship.

Is your ex your dad? Cuz I’m not sure why you have to tell him… and why you are so nervous about it


You do know what you can “date” without involving other people right?
Especially you’re children.
Until it gets “serious”… just keep it to yourself :heart:

In my solution on that be open with y ex. And tell him straight out that y are see some one eles

He’s your Ex! Just tell him!

I did not inform my ex until it was serious and we were moving in together. And I only did it then because my ex and I had a good relationship.

Wouldn’t mention it until you’re wanting him to meet the kids

None of his business…

You don’t need to tell him, just you and your children,to be safe in new relationship,

None of his business

Not his business. Unless he’s a felon then it’s the court and his business. But if not you don’t owe him any info

if you got kids around new man then yes you need to tell him if not then no none his business

Ummm…its none of his business?

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You can tell him after you’ve been dating for a year. It’s really not his business until you decide to introduce new boyfriend to your children. Wait until it’s serious.

Hi Moms
I wrote this piece for the stressed/tired Moms out there.

I just wanted to give back, I hope this helps you!

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Tell him on your 5th wedding anniversary.


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You don’t owe him a explanation. He is your ex husband. He’ll find out eventually when things are getting serious with your partner. They do not need to know about someone you’re not even official with yet and they will always find out anyways on their own when it is official.


Wait until it’s serious enough that you want him to meet the kids. Then talk to him and explain the relationship and work with him on when he is also comfortable with that. As far as a relationship, he doesn’t get to say anything about it, but meeting the kids he does, so if it gets serious, he needs to know, just like you’d want to know.


He really doesn’t need to know but you don’t need to hide either. :grin:

Wait until there’s something to even tell.

It depends how things ended between you two. You do not owe him anything till your kids are involved. But I would personally as a courtesy let him know. To me that would be the decent thing to do if you guys are in good contact.

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Unless it’s in the court order custody agreement, I’d wait until it’s official. Telling him now could cause unnecessary drama

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to tell my ex about my new relationship?

When it’s established and steady. There’s too many situationships happening out here nowadays. I’d wait three to six months to see if it lasts and then if you see something in him you can build a future with and you’re ready to introduce him to your kid then tell your ex. There’s ZERO reason to tell your ex unless you’re informing him of a new man that is coming into your son’s life.


Why do people feel the need to laugh at these questions? This page is about getting advice, why even be on it if you’re going to ridicule people who really want help?


For everyone interest take it slow do not let him or her in your children life until you are answer all the questions you need to if he or should her understand you want to take it slow and give your relationship time to grow paid for a baby sitter when you want to date consider all because if you are asking when is the right time to let your x spouse know that means you have questions about where your relationship is going even being in a relationship for 30 years you never know what you want is with this person good luck any more questions text me hope you understand and don’t get offended by what l wrote


If you know it’s serious enough for this person to be coming around repeatedly. This is not to say wait until it’d be time to introduce the kids, but if you’ve been on 3-4 dates, and are considering making it an official relationship, I feel like that’s the time to say “Hey, I’ve been on a few dates with this person, I think we’re going to be seeing each other, I just wanted you to know, and we can touch base again before I involve this person in the kids’ lives.”


You treat him the same way youd like to be treated, if you would like him to tell you at this point of his relationship then you should do the same. Do EXACTLY to him you hope he does with you when he finds someone.


I met my boyfriends daughter pretty early on because he had her during a weekend we were planning to hang out. But after that, I told him I wasn’t comfortable being around his daughter until her mom had met me, knew me, and was comfortable having me around her daughter. And I feel like that created a really good sense of trust between me and her. I recommend asking yourself how serious this is and also asking your SO how he feels. I’ve been around for three years now and have watched his daughter grow up. We’re attached at the hip when she visits and it has a lot to do with how highly her mom and I think of each other!


None of his business until you involve the kids. Then, out of respect let him know you’ve been dating a guy for xyz and feel it’s time the kids meet him and if he would like to meet the new guy first.


If the person is going to be around your children, then he needs to meet to the person before being around the kids. The way I see it is it isn’t any of his business what you do, until you involve the children. He should be told and meet the person before meeting or being around the children.


I wouldnt say anything yet. Unless you are introducing him to the children, then thats when i would speak to your ex and before your new man met the children X


Tell him for :flushed:! Do you need his permission?


I would definitely wait until the new relationship has lasted longer than 6 months before introducing them to the children or broaching the subject with the ex. Then I would just use the same mode of communication that you use for all other subjects that effect the children. I’m in a steady relationship, we’ve been seeing each other for over six months and I will be introduce them to the children


Is he your EX ?? Or on and off?
Ex for 2 years no explanation needed about who you’re dating or what you’re doing :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:


I sent an sms as soon as I knew before someone else told him out of respect, unfortunately he is still telling our children go keep his whatever a “secret” :rofl:
Just do what ever makes you feel better :green_heart:

1st of all let’s address the most important topic, kids not the ex… until the relationship is established and moving to a living together, engagement relationship your kids do not need to meet this person. Then at that time you would want to discuss with your ex that there’s someone, allow them to meet etc THEN he can meet the kids.


I’d wait until the relationship is established and you’re exclusive, have had the talks about what your expectations of the relationship are, etcetera. Prior to that, if you want to share that you’re dating, I’d leave it at that, but you don’t really have to share anything.


what would u expect from him? I’d go with that.

personally I didn’t tell him anything, as I didn’t expect him to tell me anything.

when the kids are in my care that’s my decision who is around them

and vice versa.

I can’t chose who my ex dates, so he can’t have a say in who I date.


After you’re married for the second time. It’s none of his business what you do. None!


Just tell him… if the shoe was on the other foot would you want to no ?


Just say it. Be honest. It’s going to go better if you tell him and not someone else.

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Someone “knew”, looks like he dodged a bullet.


Well you won’t bring a new person into your kids lives until the relationship is established so as not to confuse them so no need to say until then. It’s none of his business if his kids aren’t involved


You don’t say anything ti the ex til your in a relationship. Because then your children will be involved and meeting new guy, therefore your ex has the right to know who is around his children. And same goes for your ex and his dating. As long as you have children under the age of 18 the ex has right to know who is in their lives.


So many of you haven’t actually read the statement from the original op. If my ex decides to be with someone else I have no control over that, I’ll be happy for her knowing that someone else could possibly do what I couldnt, however introduce a stranger to my son is a whole different situation. I may not be with her any more but I have every right to be involved in who is involved in my sons life. He will always be my priority and I’m pretty sure my ex respects me enough to at least talk to me and let me meet anyone before they get anywhere near my son

Give it some time and see how it goes, if and when you feel it is serious enough to let him into your children’s lives, then you can mention it to your ex. But by no means do you owe him any explanation or say in your life.just make sure of where the relationship is going before you let him meet your children.


And why do you think you owe this man any info about your relationship if you’re divorced?


It’s none of his business. However, especially with young children, make a pledge that your new person should not be introduced to children for at least six months.

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None of his business. May seem to your ex that you are asking for his permission there by affording him some control over your personal life.


Hell, my ex was seeing someone wellbefore our divorce. Mind you it was what caused the divorce, kinda cute, she then said it was me. What a beaosh. Of course she never let the truth get in the way of her wishes and whimes.

When you think its time for the new guy to meet your children then mention it to your ex and ask him if he would like to meet him. They are his children. Then when he is in a relationship he will do the same for you…and you will know who your children are with😊