We used gas drops and probiotics. We also got a lifted pillow that is specific for reflux. All of it helped some, but didn’t eliminate it. My heart goes out to you. Mine had colic and reflux really bad. It was a rough time. Praying it gets better for you.
My daughter ended up needing to be on omeprazole. It really helped her
I give my daughter (and my son when he was a baby) mommy’s bliss probiotics and we use gas drops, gripe water, and sometimes if she has problems pooping karo in her bottle. She spits up a lot and is gassy too and we have her on gentle formula. My son did a ton better when I switched him to soy formula though.
My son had it from new born on and he’s 30 now. We were always told it was allergies from his pediatrician. He was put on all different kinds of formula. He projected his food. It go across the room. He found out around 25 when he went in to have test for his heart burn. The last formula he was on was progestamill. It didn’t help much. He did get better keeping food down once he went to real milk and food.
I had a little that had a lot of intestinal issues and suffered badly from reflux and gas. I started adding Mylicon to his bottles and it seemed to help.
OMG this was my story/experience!!! I’m so sorry… Just know this is temporary although it is exhausting
When your baby gets older they might be lactose intolerant, and or wheat intolerant. Mine is also intolerant to apples!!! Get some high quality probiotics and digestive enzymes. Best of luck soon you will get good sleep.
My son is on nutramigen, he is now 11 months, but I used milicon drops ( my spelling is off)
My son would choke on the milk, end up not breathing, milk coming out his nose when it came back up. We eventually ended up getting thickener prescribed to be added to his milk which has made a huge difference
We used Similac Alimentum and Bio Gaia drops!! Our baby had extreme reflux and both of these helped!!
my daughters been on Gerber Sooth Pro Gentlease plus rice (1 tsp per 2 oz) + has to sit up to eat, stay sitting up for 30 minutes after eatting. As a 15 ° wedge under her mattress. She gets apple juice with her formula once a day for constipation. Shes 9 weeks old. Weve been doing this since she was 3-6 weeks old
She has floppy airway and sleep apnea
He maybe be intolerant to the formula we switched out son to soy and it made all the difference
My daughter had very bad acid reflex and she was on ranitidine for it and went through different kinds of formula due to being allergic and she finally got on similac alimentum but she still suffered just not as bad as it first was she slept in up position until she was 1 years old barely had any sleep for a dang year because we had quite a few scares of her not breathing she also had a thing when she was born where her flap thing wasn’t closed I can’t remember what’s it’s called but they did X-ray to find it and put dye in her stomach and doctor kept telling us that she’d grow out of the acid reflex and stuff by the time she turned 1 but it was a non sleep tensed worry year for me another thing the doc had us do was lower her ounces on her bottle but feed more frequently and after feeding her was to keep her in up position to it’s hard there’s just not a whole lot you can do
I had to switch to sensitive formula for my son
My son was on the purple can Similac because of this. Not sure of the name. It’s been 11 years. Also could try to add a little more water then formula and not allow him to lay flat right away after eating. Try to burp him more then you have in between ounces.
Also could try to rub his belly from belly button and up under rib cage. And rotate his legs while laying on back to help the gas.
It’s been 11 years since I had my son but this all helped him.
Have you tried a sleeping wedge so he’s not completely laying down
Sometimes raising the head of their bed will help
My son switched to Enfamil AR (added rice) and was on pepcid, with gas drops before and after each bottle!
Have you tried probiotics or gripe water or gas drops?
I had to watch to sensitive formula for my son and I give him gas drops 1x a day cause he gets bad gas bubbles and is miserable
It sounds weird but goats milk instead of formula is worth a shot. Google it and see if that might be an option to try.
If breastfeeding try this group. Super helpful. If not try a change in formula.
Breastfeeding The Thompson Method
I had to let mine sleep in a bouncer and use gentle lease formula
Is the babe breastfed or formula? Have you tried mylicon?
If boobs change diet like caffeine free drinks and so on.
Do you nurse or formula feed?
Try a chiropractor, they can help
My Dr told us to try gripe water
Change your formula!!
Very weak camomile tea
My son had a really bad reflux when he was born and about 3 months old after we tried everything his doctor put him on riditine and omg it was a miracle I swear! My sweet baby finally was able to sleep and be his happy lol self!
Could try lacto free milk my son had and he was lacto intolarant took a long time to find that out he was also very windy which i gave infocol for in his milk which helped and belly massarges to help get it all out
My daughter had weekly doctor visits because her reflux was so bad she kept loosing weight from throwing up so much. Meds didn’t do a thing. We had to change crib sheets two times a day every day. She was diagnosed with an under developed sphincter. There was nothing to be done except ride it out till she got older and physically matured. We finally noticed a change around 1yrs of age and eating solid foods helped. I feel your pain. I’m still trying to recover from the loss of sleep years later!!
Elevate during feeds, add rice starch or baby food to the formula. There are stronger prescription meds that work. My son has gerd. Famotidine works well. He has a feeding tube so his reflux issues are tripled.
The doctor can give you something for that. Talk to them first.
My daughter had it as a baby and she was prescribed infant gavison - really helped!
Nat Phos is what I used to treat my son when he was a baby, and by 6m I had weaned his off of Zantac and had healed his gut not soon after to where he didn’t need Nat Phos either! I used Hylands. It was a game changer for us, completely. (He was EBF and I gave him half a tablet every feeding.)
My daughter had to have soy formula and was also put on zantac
Mother’s Bliss, I found it at a taget.
My daughter had it bad until she learned to sit up. Always check with your doctor, but I swear by the purple Walmart brand formula. She didn’t stop spitting up, but the gas stopped! Good luck and know you are not alone!
Sounds like colic to me change the milk
Check for tongue tie.
Enfamil AR helped with my children
I use this for my baby (7 months) and it works wonderful!! She has acid reflux too but it’s been SO much better since I used Colic Calm.
My son constantly spit up and had gas. The similac sensitive formula helped with the gas and he got a prescription from the dr for spit up. It worked amazingly! He was the best and happiest baby after it was all sorted!
Can’t help with the reflux, but we give our son Simethicone gas drops and it’s really helped
Is he breast fed or bottle fed? After four children I discovered the most amazing formula Similac Sensitivity works incredibly well.
We put my little on fomatodine. She was on a very small amount one a day. I put them in her morning bub.
Also, keeping baby upright for AT LEAST 30 minutes after every meal is very helpful.
My son did well on Enfamil AR Lipil. He had bad acid reflux
If breast fed, try not having tomatoes, sauces, & spicy foods. If formula, change the formula
Not to sound stupid, but how can u tell if ur baby has acid reflux?
Gripe water by mommybliss
My husband and I tried absolutely everything under the sun for our daughter, but she ended up going on baby Zantac. I’m not sure if that’s the medication you’ve tried or not, but it helped our daughter after the first dose. We also did smaller, more frequent feedings and had her sleep in a rock n play so she slept slightly elevated. Good luck!
We used Dewes Camenagen (sp) ask any pharmacist they have it behind the counter. My daughter had horrible gas and reflux until we got this. Old home remedy. Smells bad buy baby took it down and tooted for an hour then slept for 8 hours. Still had reflux but not as bad. Good luck.
My son will be 14 next month but when he was a newborn and I was in the recovery room after my c section I was nursing him and while burping he threw up. Happened after every feeding until I got his pediatrician to finally refer us to a pediatric gastrointerologist at 3 mos old. He had horrible GERD. Started him on Nutramigen and baby Zantac and thickened his formula with a little rice cereal and he was a completely different baby. He became happy and started thriving. Gained weight and kept his feedings down. He’s now 5’6" and 170 lbs and will be a freshman in high school this fall. Good luck!
21 years ago my daughter was born with very severe acid reflux, her doc put her on soy formula, meds by mouth were zantac and reglan. Still had many ups and downs . Very frustrating, stay strong mommy.
My second born had reflux and used baby gaviscon in his formula cleared him straight away. My 4th baby was showing all the signs of reflux gaviscon didn’t work 5 different types of formula didn’t work dr questioned if it was an allergy turned out to be sterilising her bottles that was making her sick and gasy it didn’t agree with her so at 6 months stopped sterilising ( she had shown all the signs of reflux since birth). Soon as I stopped sterilising she stopped with the symptoms. Literally tried everything prior to that even £30 a tub of formula and putting her on solids early and it ended up being something as simple as sterilising. My 5th baby started with the same symptoms as my daughter did so stopped sterilising at 2 months he has been fine since and he’s one next month. It’s not always a medical condition sometimes it’s just a simple case of something just not agreeing like with my 2 little ones
There are multiple medicines for babies for acid reflux, I know because my daughter went through several until we found what worked. We used Gerber extensive hypoallergenic formula, it broke down the proteins super small to be easier to digest. And used medium granule packets mixed in her formula daily to help with it. One 5mg packet 2x a day and it was a life saver for us. Zantac didn’t work and neither did omeprazole
My niece had terrible colic. I used to lay her across my legs, face down and wind her for hours sometimes, also give baby some water in between feeds. Good luck
Change the nipple on the bottle you use if the baby is bottle fed. It was an easy fix for us. Oh, and make sure to always keep babies feet covered. They get cold fast and cause tummy upset.
My son was really bad! (10 months old now) found out he’s cows milk Intolerant, he’s on Neocate gold formula. And Omeprazole. He Was on the liquid when wasn’t eating solids but now on the capsules to crack open on his food. And he is by far a way better happier kid and started sleeping properly within days! Good luck!
When my oldest was a baby her belly was always up set, gripe water helped her, but when she was 2 found out she had a milk allergy so if you suspect anything keep pushing the Drs for answers.
Did you go to an imunoallergologist? Is he allergic to milk cow protein? When did you start nutramigen? Does he has other symptoms besides reflux and gas, possible mucus in poop, diarrhea, skin symptoms (eczema), respiratory syntoms (runny nose, bronchiolitis… )? He may need a more hidrolyzed formula or an aminoacid formula! Or he may be allergic to something else or multialergic!
Probiotics are known to help babies with acid reflux, colic and digestive problems. I had my son (3rd baby) on Dr Udos from 2 weeks for digestive reasons and he was the most chilled out of all of mine, he just eat slept and pooped my 1st had colic and 2nd had problems with constipation wish I had of known sooner instead of going through all the medication with my first 2. Cant do any harm to give it a go for 2-3 weeks as its all natural. Hope you find something that helps
I went through this my Son had silent reflux and he was allergic to lactose, soy, and gluten. He ended up on Alimentum and Zantac did not work for him he ended up on omeprazole which I think was like a generic Prevacid and it was night and day afterwards. His PCP would not change his medication I ended up taking him to Children’s and they did
My son had HORRIBLE acid reflux - he took acid reflux medicine from about a month old until around a year old, we fed him gentle ease formula and we made sure not to bounce him or lay him flat for at least 20 minutes after he took a bottle - also I always carried an extra shirt for me in our diaper bag in case he vomited on me
Neocate all my children have been on plus reflux meds. They try not to give out tho as pretty expensive im told. Worked amazing for my 3 though x
Oof, my heart goes out to you. My son had it terrible. He was on baby zantac for quite a while, but I’m not convinced it really helped much. I had to keep him vertical as much as possible, every time he would lay down he would scream. He slept in his car seat until he was 6 months old. Or he slept on me.It was awful. The good news is when he was on solid food only, and walking, it went away on its own. But I don’t think I slept for the first year and a half of his life.
My daughter was put on a very thick, disgusting formula mixed with rice cereal when she was 1 month old. We also got her a wedge pillow with straps and she slept sitting up until she was 6 months. She also took her naps in the swing and high chair -reclined but not flat-. She latter developed ear infections and had the ear tubes placed when she was 1 1/2.
Her pediatrician did a reflux test/ultrasound and I could see the milk going back up. It was burning her esophagus.
Check the link. This is the exact pillow we had.
My son will be 5 months! He’s on nutramigen also. He throws up all the time he’s on colic drops to help digestion and we added oatmeal cereal to his bottles and he’s still puking it up
My youngest had horrible reflux as well. We finally tried a chiropractor and it helped tremendously!!
My daughter has a severe acid reflux ever since shes born she will be 7 month old on 22nd. You only had a option for acid reflux is meds by doctor. And the hospital should provide you a wedges for baby to sleep on it really helps a lot i mean a lot the baby will sleep through out the night on wedges. And feeding always has to be prop up. The gas i wish i can help but i think the option is to ask the doctor about gas drops they are better than a gas drop from the store.
My son started on nutramigen as a baby and then moved on to neocate which helped and ranitidine for the silent reflux.
Dissolve a peppermint (scotch mint) in hot water. After its cooled let babes drink it. Worked great when my little was 3mths.
Also sit baby on your lap with his/her back to chest. And lean forward. Helps break up the gas bubbles
Has anyone suggested a chiropractor to you? My son’s acid reflux was awful. AWFUL. Some people feel pretty strongly that it isn’t appropriate, but some SWEAR by it. Just think about it. My heart goes out to you!! It will end, I promise!
Talk to your babies dr! My son had minor reflux and we did burps throughout his feed and kept him upright for 15 minutes after every feed! I heard the chiropractor is a good option too
Alimentum formula worked best for my son was a life changer in a matter of days
Back in the day I use to use BABASUUR. No sure if there is an English name for it. I got some again 5yrs ago for my grand daughter and it worked again. I would also suggest a good proper old fashion crossed pressed rub after the evening bath.
My daughter was the same and the medication helped but wasn’t great. A friend made a recommendation to take her to the chiropractor as an infant and it was the best thing we ever did, helped immensely
Both my children had gerd. Tried everything! (Different formulas, even adding cereal)They didn’t stop until I switched them to whole milk.
Onion Tea. My Grandma taught me with my daughter 41 years ago. Boil a slice of onion in little water, cool and give a teaspoon or so.
My friends baby had this and she had to tilt the mattress when we baby slept and it helped at night.
We thought our grandson had reflux problems but it turned out he had food allergies. We started paying attention to the foods causing the gas. Turns out he had lots of food allergies. Those foods caused gas and red rashy cheeks and blotches on his skin. He also had eczema.
My daughter had that … dr told me to add rice cereal to bottle to make it thicker and it helped
Acid reflux med and almentium formula my son had acid reflux too
3 kids…all have/had reflux. Prilosec rx and AR formula. Merlin magic sleep suits and a slight incline. Once rolling I’d let them sleep on their belly
Mine were prescribes Zantac by their drinks and all were on nutramigen.
Colic Calm before any feedings! Works wonders
We started on the formula
You mentioned and was on a reflux medicine, had eczema, and milk protein intolerance. We switched dr practices and changed to a different reflux medication and formula (gerber extensive ha) and the combo worked. This all happened from 1-3 months old. We also ended up putting rice cereal in the formula per the dr recommendation. Also slept on an incline and burped a lot. 3 years old now, no milk allergy and absent reflux.
My granddaughter had it bad put on soy milk and switched to MAM bottle no more problem mam bottles the best
SMA stay down, it’s a thicker formula so they can’t gulp it back too fast, he’s 15yrs old now and still has stomach problems and is on long term medication for it.
Chiropractic, one who specializes in children’s health.
Always stir never shake the bottle this I found extremely helpful
Try mam colic bottles they helped us tremendously
Diluted chamomile tea ,just a ounce or two at a time
Raise head of mattress 3-4 inches
My son was I put him on similac low iron and it helped tremednously
My son had the same issues until he was 15 months old. T a year it started to slow down and finally at 15 months it ended. I feel your pain and his. I’m so sorry.
I am so sorry you are going through this. My baby would not sleep through the night until she was 18 months old. It was so exhausting and you feel helpless. Bless you.
Go see babies dr ask if you can get meds my baby had to be put on meds it was night and day
I dealt with that. I had him sleeping in a rock and play next to me and he slept great. Bottle wise, I took time and stopped him from chugging it so fast. It helped a lot. He also took baby zantac.