How to treat acid reflux in babies?

Feed a small amount of applesauce with formula.

Take him to an osteopath - they are incredible and can work on everything. Xx

You might consider an evaluation with an SLP (speech language pathologist) or ENT (ear nose and throat) who is savvy in assessing for tethered oral tissue (tongue tie)ā€¦reflux symptoms can be related to underlying structure ! Just a thought!

Out if curiosity, does he sleep/rest with his mouth open? Babies are obligate nose breathers (resting posture is mouth closed, breath out nose- but will compensate by sleeping with mouth open if oral/breathing restrictions are involved!

**disclaimer, I am an IBCLC, and I am not offering medical advice or diagnosis. Just offering perspective from my experience working with breastfeeding families! Good luck!

Find a pediatrician who specializes in digestive problemsā€¦ soon

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Colic calm plus or just regular colic calm did wonders for my son

Enfamil AR worked wonders for my granddaughter!

GRIPE water!!! I swear by it!!! Add a couple drops to each bottle! You will thank me so I will just say your welcome nowšŸ¤£

Aptamil Anti-Reflux formula is great.

heard a little karo syrup in bottle of formula may work

Peppermint!!! Peppermint water

Mylicon and if on boobs change diet to caffeine free things.

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My granddaughter was prescribed pepsid

I used enfamil ar formula and that helped my 2 girls

Enfamil AR and mylicon drops. Keep propping up.

Zantac prescribed by the pediatrician. It was short term and helped tremendously. I also highly recommend a chiropractor that focuses on children. My son was very colic . He is 1 1/2 years old . We recently took him off dairy all together. What a difference ! The gas drops / gripe water didnā€™t really work all that great .

I would see my babies doctor about this

Sounds like colic. Please check out Scharenberg Chiro

Gripe water and Humphreys, worked for all 5 of my children.

I had to add oatmeal cereal to my daughters breast milk and formulaā€¦ it thickened it enough so she could keep it down

Limit amount of oz in feedings. My son had to have 2 oz every 2 hrs with 2 formula scoops of rice cereal in it for about 6 months. He was also on the max dose of meds 2 times dailu

Change formula to nutremigen. Itā€™s expensive but helpsā€¦also gripe water

My son is 4 months old. He is prescribed famotadine (pepcid) .4ml twice a day and we thicken his Nutramigen with Gerber rice cereal for supported sitters even though heā€™s not a supported sitter yet. This was recommended by his pediatrician and has helped a lot. We recently switched from the rice to the oatmeal because the rice is constipating. Definitely ask your pediatrician as this could make a huge difference for your little one.

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Chiropractor specialising in pediatric refux - only need around 4 - 6 treatmentsā€¦ Amazing results.

Find a pediatric chiropractor and take the baby!!! Best decision you will ever make!!!

Mylicon is liquid Gold, I swear!


This is the only stuff that worked for usā€¦after struggling through the insomnia caused by the prescribed medicationā€¦this finally helped us through 5 months of silent reflux.

I tried all for my reflux baby n onli thing that worked was changing his bottle avent anti colic bottles perfect

Susan Usher you can familiarize yourself down memory lane

Daisy Wilsonmite b some remedies for baby

Meredith Turpin, thought maybe you could get more insight from this post.

Lanzoprasol and neocate formula

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We had the same problem. Similac alimentum did the same thing as nutramigen. Gerber good start extensive HA formula was the ONLY one that helped! BUT he does have a cows milk allergy

Enfamil A+ Gentlease. The purple formula was the only thing that worked for my little ones acid reflux. Other than that talk to your pediatrician and possibly a dietician. They were wonderful when she was a baby

Try gaviscon my daughter had acid reflux when she was a baby 34 years ago. Hope you get him sorted .xx

Definitely go to the doctors. Can prescribe Omeprazole or gaviscon infant, or other things depending on the baby. Donā€™t take medical advice from on here especially when it comes to babies. Dunno what heā€™s taking already as you didnā€™t state but please go doctors they can prescribe until something works or find out whatā€™s causing it x

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If your breast feeding it could be something your eating. If itā€™s formula he might need a different one.
I recommend a chiropractor for infants Google one near you

Consult your pediatrician.

Go with your gut . Take everyoneā€™s advice with a grain of salt.

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Get a wedge pillow for the bassinet on amazon. The occo baby rocks!

I agree,see your pediatrician, this happened with my nephew, poor baby ruined his clothes and all of oursšŸ˜‚

U can also consult with an ayurvedic doctor.

It helps if they arenā€™t entirely flat on there back and are abit elevated also can get gaviscon for infants at doctors

Has your babe been evaluated for silent reflux/ swallowing issues? Sometimes the milk needs to be thickened if they do notice those.

Some of it could be an issue with how much lactose is in the formula. Weā€™ve tried similac pro advance, sensitive, neosure, pro total comfort and are now using just total comfort. Hes done so much better on this one than any other.
Have you tried different types of bottles? Swallowing too much air could be an issue to rule out.

Good luck momma! I hope you find a solution soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

Baby could be lactose intolerant,mine is now on soy bc almond wasnā€™t working either but Iā€™d ask your pediatrician,it could be a number of other issues causing this,hope you figure it out,it can be hard to have your baby so upset they cry until you wanna melt away,hope it gets better for you and know your not alone :heart::heart::heart:

Get a soft peppermint and mix in with his formulaā€¦or even peppermint water. Itll dissolve.


First make sure he isnt having pyloric stenosis muscle cramping painful spasms. That what my son ended up having when I assumed it was just gas it was horrible.

Try a chiropractor. They do a baby adjustment. Doesnā€™t hurt at all. All my nieces, nephews, grandchildren have had adjustments as infants. Helps with sleeping and digestive issues.

We thicken our baby bottles with oatmeal

We use these drops once a day every day in his bottles and it has been life changing. We also switched to Enfamil Prosobee formula. He is such a happy baby now!

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilusā€¦ Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Infant Liquid Probiotic, Dietary Supplement, Intestinal Health Support for Infants, 1 Billion CFU Per Serving, 0.51 fl oz, 30 Day Supply : Health & Household

I saw a gastroenterologist for my first son Bc his reflux was bad and he had colic. Good news is that the reflux usually peaks by 4 months and goes away by 6-9 months. Our son stopped around 6-7 months. Until then we decreased amount per feeding but increased number of feedings. We did all the rest, reflux meds, neutramagin (but itā€™s didnā€™t change anything and smelled so we took him off), propped him up, held after feedings, probiotics, but I think it was time that helped him. So good news is that you likely are peaking with reflux and it should start getting better. Wish there was something else, but nothing worked for me.

When my son was an infant (30+ years ago), he had stomach issues. The doctor didnā€™t think everything had gotten the message of how to work properly. He had me massage his stomach in a circular motion after eating. It was kinda like a mother dog or cat will lick to teach the little ones how things work. They didnā€™t give meds back them for stuff like that. But I did it, and it worked!! Certainly worth a try. Sometimes the old remedies were the best!

My son did better with the Alimentum than any of the others. He had horrible reflux

My daughter was on Zantac until she was 13 months. And special formula. Reglan didnā€™t help

I used nutramagin with rice cereal mixed. Had to go up in nipple sizes and actually stretch them as he got older. I held him upright for at least 45 mins after he ate also. We used a medicine as well but I cant remember the name of it.

Gas drops and gripe water BEFORE their feeding. My nephew had issues like that and thatā€™s what worked for him.

As a pediatric nurse and a baby that had reflux it sounds like you are doing the right things. Nutramigen is the only thing she could tolerate. She magically at 6/7 months stopped with it. But it was a LONG 6 months. Try if ok with Ped mylicon drops if you have not. Hang in there this to shall pass.

My daughter also had acid reflux. She was on Alimentum formula. Worked for her but expensive!

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My reflux baby ate Enfamil AR, it was a game changer with the reflux. But that was 20 years ago, they may not even make that anymore.

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Peppermint water. Get peppermint disk place in warm water and see what happens. Worked on my daughter,grandsons and great grandson

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Simethicone drops from rite aid or Walgreens works amazing and it works within 5 minutes of giving it to themā€¦best gas relief for all 3 of my kids

My son had horrible acid reflux when he was a baby. They put him on a regimen of Zantac and Reglan when he was about 2 weeks old which worked wonders but we still had to take him to the gastrointestinal doctor once a month to make sure that the acid reflux wasnā€™t messing up anything inside his poor tummy. When he was about 2 we were notified that the reglan he was on was not approved for babies so they took him off of it. But it did work lol. He is now 20 years old and they have brought it back for babies so itā€™s definitely worth asking your pediatrician about.

Girl those gas drops are life changing! My son is the same way where it felt like I was spending the majority of my day just burping him

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Ours is 5 now but she used similac sensitive but was able to take the reflux meds. I would have to hold her vertical for a minimum of 47 minutes after a bottle. Hers was so bad that it would come out her nose and tear ducts at times. It was the scariest year of my life.

2-3 oz at each feeding. Every 2 hours.
Maybe try a swing too. It will get better.

My son they put on Zantac liquid. Switched him to soy formula (milk allergy) The ā€œminty fresh breathā€ aka medicine was a game changer. Gas drops and Grape water worked for my granddaughter. My oldest i had to add rice cereal to bottles to thicken it and that helped with the colic and projectile spit ups. Thankfully they normally outgrow it when they start solid foods but my son (my worst) is now experiencing some now that he buys himself soda.

Reglan here too!! And advised to put rice cereal to thicken formula to help it stay down. Also prop up head of crib at an angle so the baby is not laying down flat.

I use to give my son water with fennel boil the water with the fennel and when itā€™s cool he can drink it

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Have u tried the gas drops for babies u add it right to the bottle to help gas


I used Soy with a little rice cereal mixed in. He definitely needed to sleep propped up. Spent a lot of time in the car so he could catch a nap.

My grandson had reflux really bad. They changed formula over and over, and he was also on medication. He is 14 now, and the only thing I can add, is the football hold. Saved our sanity many a time!

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my son was on neutramagin. we used prescription Bentyl drops as well. it worked well. he is 30 and healthy today.

My son was born with Acid reflux the only thing that worked for him was 3 drops of mylanta in each bottle. I had a pediatrician that recommended me to try it. He would burp and sleep all night.

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My granddaughter was prescribed carobel, it thickens the milk and it did help a lot.

My grandmother told me to dip my pinkie finger in baking soda and put it under babies tongue. Worked great and my pediatrician approved.

My son had it so bad the doctor wanted to operate, but I found something called Gripe Water from Canada and it saved both of our lives

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I donā€™t know for sure, but the first thing I would try is switching his formula, to find one his stomach can handle! Even try a mild soy milk.

My granddaughter had it and was put on a special formula. I canā€™t remember the name. It helped her

My grandson has the same problem, the doctor said to put books under the mattress so his upper body is not flat or bent. Sitting in a baby seat still curves the body and does not work.

Doc told me NOT to burp my sonā€¦leave him propped up and let him burp on his own after every few ounces. Worked amazing!!

Back in the day, chamomile tea soothes their tummiesā€¦if you are nursing back off any thing that might give the baby gasā€¦like onions,garlic, cucumbers, etcā€¦

Did the doctors change the formula, he needs a soy formula

Similar Sensitive is what my daughter used for all 3 of her girls.

Youā€™ve told everything youā€™ve tried but I donā€™t see ā€œPediatrician ā€œ anywhere. That should be your first move if your baby is this uncomfortable.

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Try taking him to a chiropractor that sees infants. Iā€™ve seen many a baby cured of everything from mild reflux to severe colic after just a few appts and there is typically at least a little instantaneous improvement. He could also be having a milk issue. You could try a sensitive version or soy.

Try a little olive oil in the bottle.

My grandson slept in his swing. He sometimes stayed in it all night.

I switched to soy formula and had to use playtex bag bottles.

Would it be possible to go back to nursing or pumping? Some women are able to re-lactate.

My son had this and it turned out to be pyloric stenosis :frowning:

First off, unless youā€™re a doctor, donā€™t assume itā€™s that. See the doctor have him examined and listen to them

Nutramagin is what I used helped a good bit


Boil bay leafs in water, let water cool and give to baby

Infant Gas drops worked for my grandkids.

Gripe water and gas drops!!

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Mothers milk. No other food. Just mothers milk. Some hospitals have it.

Gripe water. Itā€™s mint flavored.

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For gas I used mylicon drops and gripe water

Chiropractor helps a lot.

  • Similac with rice ready made formula, even before 3 months
  • sleeping slightly inclined
  • Playtex bottles with drop in liners to remove all air
  • feed in sitting up position
  • burp frequently thru feeding
  • I think my wee one was also on a prilosec prescription
  • baby gas meds (simethicone)
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People call a nurse or s doctor

My son did the same thing and he was on nutramagin as well the doctor also put him on a little bit of Maalox or Mylanta. You might want to check with your doctor and see if you can do that.

A special high price formula ā€¦