How to treat constipation in toddlers?

Cod liver oil. ,1teaspoon every morning

Glycerin suppositories

Apples and apricots!

Feed him blackberries.

Karo syrup two teaspoons in sippy cup best with milk.

This is NOT. WEB MD

Try pear juice! It works !

Lansoyl on toast can help, check with the pharmacy

Karina Franco read the comments and see if they help

Have you tried Metomucil?

yes my son has chronic constipation doesn’t matter how much he drinks or how well he eats. he is on 2 different laxatives a day cosmocol and lactalose. they say every month or so try to lower the dose and see how he gets on. they won’t do any internal investigation until he is older as he’s only 2.5years old atm

his poos would make him bleed and he would be screaming in pain on the build up and the in the process of going. we are at a stand still with what to do as I have decreased laxatives but goes straight back to being compacted and painful. one of his cousins has had to have their bowel stretched as they had similar issues