How would you feel if your husband didnt tell you that he was going out with friends the day after your anniversary? we were supposed to go out the day of and stay at a hotel while my mom had his kids but now he said its just going to be a day date because his friend is about tp have a baby and they want to take him out the day after our annivasary…im feeling salty because i was looking forward to a night out and now i only get a day…and he didnt tell me until last min even though he knew
I wouldnt be impresses either, communication is key xx
I would cancel the whole day.
I would give him a one way ticket to couch city that comes with a transfer onto the no more schmex express.
He sounds pretty committed to being with his friends
Tell him to not even bother. If he didn’t care enough to tell his friends he had plans with you, then he doesn’t even need the day. When he asks why tell him that apparently his friend was more important than a night alone together with you.
At least you still go out on your anniversary. I think he’s just trying to balance life and relationships. There are worse things going on in this world.
Go out for a night without him… that’s what I would do lol
Tell him you are going with your mum instead and he has to watch his own kids .
I’d you tell him what you planned or did you make plans alone?
I’d make the most of our time together, since his mates having a baby which is special too… If I wanted it to be overnight still I’d arrange it for a later date as well… There are no rules on how often you can celebrate.
You gotta learn how to go with the flow sometimes. Things don’t always go our way. Maybe next year things will go as planned.
Ew girl don’t even give him the day! But by the sound of it he doesn’t seem like he’s care
Compromise. While he should have mentioned it sooner, I think I’d give him the props for trying to make it special for you during the day and his friend the following day. Maybe he wasn’t aware until last min either. Either way, I think it’s fair that he’s wanting to spend the day with you and also celebrate his friend becoming a dad. Suggest a rain check on the hotel stay?
Why can’t you still go out on the night too and stay over, most places you have to be out by 10am that way he still gets to go out with his mates too x
His mate is having a baby soon and wants some guy time as I’m guessing he won’t get it for a wee while. I think that’s awesome! Have a great day together and do a night away another time.
Wouldn’t care. Look he’s not your whole world and nor are you his. Having a separate life from the marriage life is a balance to keeping it healthy. Honestly, as long as he told you, dont make a big deal about it. It really isn’t. Make the time you have with him worth it vs trying to make him doing something he doesn’t want to.
Tell him if he can’t make the commitment then he also has to find a sitter cause your mom got plans and so do u…if not figure it out and go out on another night so he can spend the occasion with the soon to be daddy also don’t get mad compromise…
100% nope. Your anniversary comes before friends plus you already had the plans.
He’s trying to balance you and this big moment in his friends life. I wouldn’t be upset. He’s making an effort for the people he cares about.
Make plans with your friends and have a ladies night . Take advantage that you have a sitter . Go enjoy yourself have fun then maybe later on that night you can meet with your husband to celebrate your anniversary. Just go with the momentum.
Why can’t you still go out for a night together if he is going out with friends the next day? Hotel check out is usually 10am. Is he planning on going out with his friends the entire day?
Just go out for the night with your friends!! Enjoy yourself too! I’m sure he wouldn’t care if he’s going with his, that way you enjoy the day and night out while you have a sitter!!
Annoyed!!! But I would then take advantage of the no kids thing and have an adult night at home. (AKA sleep lol)
Should’ve enjoyed that quite time and hotel room all to urself…
He can go out the next night or the next weekend with his friend….:
Everything is booked, why can’t he leave the hotel to go hang out with his mate and you can sleep in and enjoy the peace and quiet while mum looks after the kids.
Why can’t you go with them aswell
Why can’t y’all still do the hotel? You’d be checking out by 12 pm at the latest.
He knew and didn’t give warning. That’s a lack of respect and care.
Is this a pattern, or a new thing?
Tell him how you feel
I would point blank say no we had plans! Looks like you will have to arrange another night with him
Did y’all have hotel reservation’s? Oh who cares…calk your girls up, go out, and have a blast. He might have good intentions but he shouldn’t do that to you on your anniversary. Dick move
He did tell you…
I understand that you were looking forward to going away together for a night… Have you told him how you feel or asked him if there’s a reason for her wants to go out with his friends on that particular night?..
…Regardless, if he wants to go out with his friends that night then that’s his choice and you should accept that it’s entirely up to him and respect his right…
When was the last time he went out with his friends?..
Could you go with him or see if you can change your night away together for another night?..
He cancelled plans with you to go out with his friend the next day that’s a huge no no 1. It’s an important day for you both
2. He could still go out with his friends the next day even if you went out at night
Is go to the hotel by myself! You get to enjoy some down time as well.
Wife comes before friends.
No. I’d be that 3rd wheel on the friend date and the whole time I would say things like “oh, that would have been nice on our date” “oh this would have been fun yesterday at the hotel” CALL ME PETTY PATTY
Id go by myself , us the pool and hot tub and enjoy yourself , this is a teachable moment
Nope. Freaking weird that he would choose his friends over his wife, especially when it’s something he already had planned with you. Huge red flag.
Idk, to me it’s weird they’re celebrating his friend having a baby by going out anyway. I’d think his friend would be with his partner? Just my opinion.
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Run. It gets worse. You will become less and less important
Ew that would definitely piss me off.
Plus, guys get a bachelor party before marriage. (Granted he may not be married)…But, they don’t need one before a baby. Suppose his friend gets drunk and his wife goes into labor.
He should have talked with you first before making sure plans. I could understand if this is the friends first kid & they wanted to do one last thing before his kid came.
I would say I’m still doing our anniversary plans your welcome to come with otherwise I’ll see you when I see you. Go rent your hotel room and enjoy your own time. I would still be pist but I would also enjoy myself
How tacky! Your husband for not saying “I have plans with my wife” and the couple for not including you.
No he is wrong you come first and I would tell him about it
Its definetely a red flag
I get it yet this is so trivial. Choose your arguments/battles wisely.
Go to the hotel. Enjoy your peace and quiet. If he wants to come he can too. Don’t miss out because he chooses too
The only thing I’d be bothered by is the lack of communication from him, unless you guys actually had plans and he decided to make his own plans and say screw your guys plans. But I don’t know what your relationship is like. If my husband and I happened to get a sitter, we’d definitely spend all of that time together as a couple, not with friends, but we literally always have our kids lol.
Did he know of your whole plan? It’s not your actual anniversary, so he probably didn’t think it was a big deal. I would be annoyed at not being told, but I’d still go to the hotel.
We don’t ever even do anything for our anniversary, so my husband wouldn’t even think about it being an issue lol
Tell him to go out during the day ya you guys go at night or just go out with your girlfriends , cuz you’d need time too and if he’s fine dubbing your plans for a friend that’s speaks volumes
He has wants just like you do. Not worth any drama over .
I would cancel your mom as his babysitter, let him deal with his kids and you go on with your intended plan. If he wants to make his own plans then he can make his own babysitting accommodations.
I understand you’re emotional over it but he is still taking you out. Be supportive and I’m sure he would make it up to you or don’t and I’m sure the argument will linger over and over and ruin the entire month
Nope. He made plans with you and there is no excuse to change them for a friend.
I’d be upset too. Your feelings are valid. I’d say take a few girlfriends and have a night out. And tell your husband you want to reschedule your anniversary night out
Men be playing some dumb shit like that knowing damm well what they doing and then try to cover it up and blame you
What a dick move smdh that sucks girl your feelings must be hurt in no mine would
You should go to the hotel and enjoy some quiet time just yourself!
I guess his friend means more than you.
Been there for 21yrs. Everyone and everything came first! Never took me out for our anniversary ever!
Personally, I would be furious. Particularly, because it’s our anniversary… even more so if the money for the hotel was already spent, if I put time into making reservations, etc… I think you need to have a conversation with your husband about how it’s making you feel. Allow him to make his choices as an adult and you do what you gotta do.
Tell h how you feel about it. If I’ve learned anything about men, it’s that they aren’t always the sharpest tools in the box when it comes to our feelings and kinda just do as they please until they get in shit for it. Let him know.
Not very mature for a married man. Dumps your plans for a friend, maybe they should get married.
I wouldn’t be upset a relationship is compromise and it sounds like he’s compromising. Maybe take the time n have girls time yourself.
I mean you’ll have other anniversary’s, his friend only has so much time before his child is born. I would be a little upset, but not enough to cry on Fb about it. And “your mom will have your step children**.”
I hate when married people refer to step children as so and so’s kids. Just saying.
Nope, I’d break up with him. How dare he pick his friends over me!!! Nah, he is trying to give y’all time and support his friend. You will be ok.
I’d be mad tbh !
Let him know EXACTLY how you feel !
I’d still stay at the hotel and enjoy your free time !
Go out by yourself, you’ll enjoy it more
I’d be upset too because he’s putting others over your relationship and keeping you in the dark about his friends. It’s never a good thing to do that in a relationship in my opinion and even worse he’s keeping things from you.
Oh hell no. He said he was going to do something with you for your anniversary now he’s going out with his friends. I’d still go to the hotel alone and have a nice night alone tell him to kick sand. I’d never let that stand choosing his friend over you when you already have plans , not cool
Boy you got a good one don’t ya…
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If his friends are really important he wants to be supportive but I can see why you would be mad… I’d be pissed too especially if you guys had this planned already he could of told his friend sorry I made plans already.
I’d suggest going with him to friends
Plans change all the time : he’s trying to fit both of you in which I think it’s fair
I mean yea he should have probably told you sooner I would be a little annoyed at first but I wouldn’t be upset if I at least got to go out with my husband on our anniversary
He definitely should’ve at least told you and it’s shitty of him to change plans, however I’d totally just go to the hotel anyway and enjoy a night alone.
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And you guys can’t go to the friends together?
Idk, I would have focused more on the friend having a baby and be more understanding and supportive. Perhaps it slipped his mind and didnt think it wpuld be as big a deal but You are essentialy getting Your day. It be different if he canceled the anniversary day for his friend.
So switch days and go out another time for the entire night? I’m more concerned about the fact that you’re married and only refer to them as “his” kids…
Your spouse should take priority over friends. It’s also a special day, and you already had plans together. I would be upset, if my husband ever did something like this. Everyone needs friends in their lives, but your wife or husband is so important. Sometimes I read these posts and can’t believe spouses really behave this way.
Tell him you’re going to the hotel and you are going to have sex wether he is there or not lol bet he makes the right choice after that
The number of people on here saying she should be on with her husband canceling their big anniversary plans to go out drinking with his buddy is weird. If he’s going out the next night, why is he canceling the overnight stay the night before?
I’d still go to the Hotel and tell him he’s not invited and have a girls day with my friends since this is what we are doing
Some of y’all are real understanding but NOPE! Couldn’t be me. It’s y’all anniversary and y’all had plans already. It’s not like y’all didn’t have anything planned. So how would I feel? IDK because my husband KNOWS better. He would be excited about getting hotel sex. That hotel sex hits different because you don’t have to worry about being quiet so you don’t wake the kids. Honestly he’s showing you what his priorities are.
I would be mad AF too!These are not just regular plans there’s are anniversary plans. Not cool!
I guess I’m confused why you’re mad about him going out the day AFTER your anniversary. You said he’s still going to take you out on your actual anniversary so I don’t see the issue. As an adult plans change all the time and you have to adjust accordingly. He’s just trying to please everyone at once. First world problems " I’m salty because I was looking forward to a night out and now I only get a whole day!"
Why can’t you do both, what time are they taking his friend out
just stay at the hotel alone and enjoy yourself kid free
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Some time with you and some time with his friends but it better be the best day date ever!!! Either way you get your time with him and some alone time❤️
There might not be a next anniversary if he acts like this…
Husbands are getting to be AHs anymore. They just don’t care. Go to the hotel that night anyway. Take your girlfriends with you and order in room service. Be lazy and have a good time!
Suck it up butter cup. U got the whole rest of the year
I’d be mad. We made plans. As your spouse I’m your priority. Even so, you gave me your word. You don’t just back out. It’s not like they didn’t know his friend was having a baby. They’ve known for a little bit, they should have planned better.
Take your mom and kids and go with out him. Problem solved!