How would you feel if your boyfriends ex live with his mom?

Its none of your business who lives with his mom…I would definitely have a problem with him wanting to go hang out there without you (BIG RED FLAG) I would also have a problem with her still sending messages and pictures to him…Only reason she should be calling or texting him is if they have kids together and it has to do with them…


Oh no. I think your intuition is telling you what to do. Follow that gut feeling. Too many red flags. You’re better off on your own. He’s most likely just playing you both.


The ol cake and eat it too guy. I would be done.


I’d be done and gone. He can go live at moms house too


I had a similar situation and it turned out he was still texting her on the side as well and reconciling with her all while pretending he was “sick of her”, etc. I got used as a temporary “replacement” until he decided he wanted to go back. :face_vomiting:


Ewww he wants his mom to lie to you while he goes and fks his ex at his moms house. Lol fk that. :rofl:


Well then I say u need a new man

Please don’t waste any more of your time on that.

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If he can’t tell u “babe there isn’t anything going on I swear, I just wanna see my mom and hang out a while and u can come with me if u want to if it makes u feel better” then I have a def issue to deal with. The ex knows y’all are together and obviously doesn’t care or respect that since she is texting him and entertaining him while at mommy’s without u! That tells you the kind of people that they are. Let him go back to the ex and mommy. If it’s ur place kick his ass out, if it’s not get your stuff and leave. What u put up with and let slide will become okay with them and it obviously has already. At this point you are a joke to them and to his mother as well because obviously she knows what’s going on as well.

Oh no honey I couldn’t do it

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I wouldn’t tolerate him!


He wants his cake and eat it too. If he doesn’t respect you enough to see why it bothers you then you need to rethink some things. I wouldn’t tolerate it and you shouldn’t either.


Leave. Don’t waste your years.


Sounds like a mess to me…

It’s like girls common sense flies out the window when it comes to a boy. He literally has “you’re the side piece” on his forehead…pretty much


This is a joke, right? You really do not know what to do?

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That’s a big ol’ hell to the fuck no.

Send him back to his mama


Mmmmmm no girl be free now!

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He’s still being with his ex.

IMO…He’s gonna cheat if he already hiding texts/pics from you and wanting to hang out alone… You deserve better, let his ex have him


Oh hell no that’s unacceptable girl get out of that

He specifically said without you, as in: you’re not allowed to go with him? Screw that! Also, the texting and pictures need to stop. It’s ultimatum time. It’s block her number and he doesn’t go there without you, or bye!


Send him right back with her and his mama is what I would do… completely disrespectful


Girlll you need to send him on his way

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I would tell him him how you feel but this situation is not except able leave why you can

If he’s hanging out where she lives without you then she’s his side chick


Without you because he’s doing something he doesn’t want you to see. I’d drop him.

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Kick his but to the curb he obviously doesn’t respect you or how he makes you feel.


Girl tell him goodbye and show him the door :wave::wave: he is playing you…


He sounds disgusting. I’d leave his sorry a$$

Your still with him? Why?

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Had this happen once. He still lived at home and the parents felt bad because her parents kicked her outta theirs. Apparently they slept in “two different rooms” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Thankfully our relationship was only a couple months in and not longer but I was not tolerating it and said peace out. The next girl can deal with it.

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It’s not your business who your boyfriend’s mom takes into her home.


Move ur ex bf into ur mom’s house & do the same :tipping_hand_woman::joy::joy::joy:


He either needs to fish or cut bait. He needs to make a choice. Either you BOTH go to his mom’s house, or she comes to your house… alone. You Don’t get to choose who lives with his mom. But, you do get to choose if you still want to be with a BF who may not be committed to you.

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Wow the red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: why would you stay with him, that’s ridiculous.


Go n don’t look back

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Sorry. If you guys have been living together 2.5 years and you’re JUST now getting upset?? That’s sus to me. Like ??? Just leave. Sorry not sorry, you weird af for this one :rofl::woman_shrugging:


I would be done. Period. So disrespectful on his part. He’s ‘having his cake and eating it too’.


My favorite thing is that no matter the post you can always guarantee multiple people will respond with “leave” lol she’s trying to ask fro REAL advice. Leaving is not easy at all especially when you’ve put years into it. She’s looking for steps to take BEFORE leaving is the only option. Smh

Sounds like he is double dipping the Honey Pots.


Girl move on with your life that’s a little ass boy and one stupid mother. Dont waste more time love

Do we really need to say it???


Your clearly not ok with it so why put yourself through it? Especially for that long

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I would boot his ass to the street and start taking new applications lol

I’m sorry but I think he’s been joy riding the both of you and having his cake and eating it too since you have been together for nearly 3 years I feel your obligated to go over to his mums put them both on the spot let her know what’s been going on then leave his arse put his shit outside to collect and move on don’t be second best and sorry it is your buisness if your getting played like a deck of cards and him playing dumb and blindsiding there’s no problem with it he knows exactly what he is doing bye bye boy have your loose baggage move on and find someone that respects you

Definitely red flags there like!! I wouldn’t be happy with this myself! You either both go to his mums or she comes to yous on her own! Or I would probably just leave myself as he clearly isn’t committed to your relationship!