How would you feel if your boyfriends ex live with his mom?

How would you feel if your boyfriend’s ex lived with his mother? We’ve been together for 3 years (living together for 2 1/2 years) and she’s still living with his mother. He doesn’t see an issue with it. Six months ago I discovered she has still been texting him asking for help and sending him pics of herself. I’m not comfortable with this, have expressed this to him multiple times and why, and he still doesn’t get it. Wants to go “hang” at his mom’s house without me for a few hours and thinks it’s no big deal that she’s there. This is causing major issues in our relationship. How would you deal with this?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How would you feel if your boyfriends ex live with his mom?

Nah. Not for me I’d leave


Leave. “Wants to spend a few hours at his moms house without me” girl u must be naive u know dang well what’s going on. So either you’re very young or you’re very naive.


That’s 1 hell and 1 nah from me.


I wouldn’t. Plain and simple.

It’s been three years and it just now is a big issue? Should of been an issue 2.5 years ago or less.

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And you don’t find that suspicious he wants to go hang out at his moms without you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:


I wouldn’t deal with it. Bye

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he is playing you for an idiot

Only thing left to do is pop up at mamas ! See for yourself!


Why are you still with him? Wtf


Why doesn’t he want you there??

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How do you deal with it? You unload him

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Don’t waste anymore time! Get out while you can!


Don’t allow yourself to be put in that position. Use your self respect and leave now.

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Umm big No No. leave him


I mean I guess if he really loved you and respected your feelings then he would tell her or his mum that she’s gotta go and move on with her life somewhere else and he sure as hell shouldn’t be hanging out there WITHOUT you. Girrrrl Don’t put up with that shit

Honestly. It really depends on a LOT of factors. Why does she live with his mother? How long were they together? It is kinda suspicious he’s excluding you from going over there. I’d pop up unannounced and see what’s up.


Really? Do you know he’s playing you for a fool and I think you should kick his ass to the curb, but hey what do I know🧐

He’s made his decision on who he wants to be with. And he’s had YEARS, YEARS girlfriend, to decide that, and he still chose his ex. Move on and find someone worthy of you bc this scumbag is NOT it :purple_heart:

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Simple: I wouldn’t. He better find someone to play with.

I’d dump him. I would,been there kinda and done that.

Maybe you should let him know your going to go hang out with your ex for a few hours and not to worry he will meet you at your mother’s house


Go along with him. He may change his mind about visiting mommy

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The question is do you want to be with a man, keeping his options open and possibly more?

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I wouldn’t deal with it. He clearly doesn’t respect you.

If he cant see what’s wrong with that and consider your feelings and respect you then why stay?

I wouldn’t deal with it. Move on!

It might be different if she wasn’t still texting and sending pictures but he told you all you needed with his response to wanting to go hangout at his mother’s without you! You know the answer the question is what are you going to do?


:grimacing: he’s cheating girl


The biggest problem here is if you have repeatedly told him how you feel about this and he still doesn’t respect your boundaries. Decide how important this fight is to you and go from there. I mean, he’s going to go to his moms without you sometimes, that’s normal. Whether you can deal with the fact that she’s there or not you’ll have to decide.


Someone won the lottery here and it wasnt you, she not only gets to stay in his family but she gets multiple chances to try and confuse him and as super bonus she gets to enjoy torturing you, my gramma always said “you’ll end up with what you’ll put up with”


Nah. Tell him to move back home

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I would be chewing birth control pills in with my waffles But
that’s Me
I would be in therapy seeking answers as to WHY In the camper trailer Hell any woman would Tolerate this Hotel room BULLSHIT But that’s Me

Sounds like hes been cheating…a few hours there without you while shes there…sending pics of herself (which he may have asked her for)…you know in your gut what it is…


I guess my situation is different but my ex lives with my mom… depends on the situation but for us it works and if either of us need help we would help each other because we dated so long. If you don’t trust him then leave but the most important thing in a relationship is trust… regardless if his ex lives with his mom or alone if he wanted to cheat or be with her he would. Maybe his mom is like mine and just wants the best for both of us.


I wouldn’t. Tell him to move back in with his mum too.

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i wouldn’t deal with it. clearly he & his mother don’t respect the relationship or your feelings & without respect and
trust u have nothing.


Bye Felicia! Big red :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I definitely would not be dealing with this at all. Absolutely not.


Kick him to the curb!!! If he can’t respect your feelings he isn’t worth having in your life!! You deserve better, stick up for yourself girl!!


Kick him to the kerb, " not worth the worry ’ he wants you both " give him the boot :wink:

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I’d of left his ass she the side piece girl

My ex and father of my first 3 children lives on my father’s land and will. My current partner of 7+ years has no issues with it. We’re all adults. I don’t dictate my father’s choices and we all coparent. This is a petty issue. First world issues.

I don’t think the issue is that she still lives there. The issue is he isn’t respecting your feelings, REPEATEDLY. Without respect there is no trust and it won’t matter how much you love each other it isn’t going to work without those.


Personally I’d be done

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I wouldn’t deal with it. His ass would be gone :person_shrugging:

The ex living with his mother you can’t control on the other hand him going to hang out at his mums while she is there is a major problem especially if his not including you. Is his mother home? If her respected you he would be listening to your feelings, nothing maybe happening but the fact that this is eating at you go with your gut


The real question here is, WHY do you stay???


This screams red flags all over, I’d leave his sorry ass and never look back. That’s just not okay what so ever

If his mother respects you I would think she wouldn’t allow this ,I’d say it’s time to go ,looks like your not getting respect from either


I’m sure if it was the other way around he’d have a problem with it. He’s getting pictures from her not listening to how you feel about it. I see it’s not his choice to make her move out from his mom’s or anything but he could atleast bring you when he goes to make you feel better and step texting with his ex. If it really bothers you and nothing’s going to change I would leave before putting anymore work and years in with him.


I wouldn’t…. Simple Hell Nah!!!

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I mean my husband’s ex lives with us. But no I wouldn’t like him going to his moms alone to hang out or her texting him pics and stuff there is some boundaries you don’t cross.

Nope. He can go live there too. He doesn’t respect you or deserve you. Nobody deserves to be treated that way.
Loving him won’t change him. He’s showing you exactly what you’re going to go through if you stay. You either stay and watch it unfold as it happens and be hurt or you let go.


It wouldn’t happen. I’d then be his ex.


I’d feel like it’s not my house and if I don’t trust my man he shouldn’t be my man…

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Follow your heart and mind, your not stupid…find the faithful man you deserve…or, go with him, if he says no, pack your ship be gone when he comes back…

Wouldn’t much care. I would have nothing to do with their business unless Mom was trying to get them back together.

I’m so lucky :kissing_closed_eyes::heart_eyes: I pray everyone finds happiness and salvation. You only live once. So live YOUR BEST LIFE.

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Walk away

No thank you :v:

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Ummmm, I would leave! If he’s “hanging out” without you, that’s code for doing the dirty with his ex🤣 I mean, c’mon, you can’t be that blind.


Ive had worse, my partner got asked by his ex to stay at his ex mother inlaws. If he had said yes, well we wouldnt be together thats for sure. Weirdos!!

:rofl: my husband’s mom is friends with all his exes. 1 even lived with her for a short while :woman_facepalming:t4:

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Bye bye baby good bye

Run as far away as you can. You deserve so much more. Its obvious he doesn’t respect or care about your thoughts on this. Run!

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He had no respect for your relationship as he’s yet to put her in her place

First the arrangement between her and his mom is between them. Second he’s not ready to be in a relationship bc he’s continuing the contact between them and hanging out when she acting disrespectful to yalls relationship. I’d be concerned as well. Since he blowing off you concerns that’s a red flag for the relationship.


Why even ask a dumb question like that lol wtf


Is your name on the lease agreement in the home yall share together? If not I would pack my things up and go. Do it while he’s going over to his moms house for a few hours without you.


Major red flag do they have kids together?

Be done dont keep putting yourself through it.

That’s a RED FLAG! It’s easier to say leave him when it’s coming from an outsider… follow your heart! But don’t play yourself either. It’s definitely an issue to go “hang” there without you… she shouldn’t be living there at all. That’s plain disrespect towards you regardless.

I would love it and respect him even more

Hmm well this is a strange thing. The fact you have voiced your concerns and feelings and he’s not respecting them or agreeing isn’t okay. I definitely wouldn’t be okay with him going without you and her number needs to be blocked since she’s sending pictures of herself. I would tell him he either agrees with you and puts a stop to her texting him or I would consider leaving.

And this is exceptable how?

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We can’t tell you what you should do. And what we would do isnt relevant. But it’s clear he doesn’t respect you, so knowing that,make your decision. You expressed your feelings more than once and he’s made no changes. Is this something you can deal with indefinitely?


I would leave him because he obviously doesn’t care about your feelings or wanting to respect boundaries. Let the ex have him and move on. 3 years of that?? Nah.


How would I deal with that? I would not…
boy bye :wave:


Why did you move in together in the first place? Respect yourself and move out. There aren’t any circumstances in which this is right!!!

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Why does she ask him for help do they have kids together?

Unfortunately you can’t control who lives in someone else’s home . If it bothers you just breakup with him and move on !

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Leave him :roll_eyes: girl, you know better. Stop playing with us.


;eave and allow him to straighten his mess out you do not have to put up with that

I’d find me someone else

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I wouldn’t “deal” with this! I would’ve already thrown that whole ass cheater away!

I’d tell him, his ex and his mom to shove it!! Completely uncalled for!! When me and my ex first got together his ex was still friends with his mom and was always around. Nobody understood how crappy that made me feel. His mom died 3 months after we got married so it kinda took care of itself. But that’s super disrespectful to say the least. Now I wished I’d just let her have his cheating butt

Yeah maybe he needs to go live back with his mum too


Well I get why you are irritated about the pictures but the whole her living with his mom is really none of your business. Even if you were married to her son it’s still none of your business who she has living at HER house. Yes it may seem weird but at the end of the day it’s her house and her business who she has in her house. If you don’t like it leave.

Boyyyy byeeee :wave: leave his ass , let her move in with him … give his mother a break and let them get back to the sketchy ass shit they’re up to behind your back.

No respect on his end

Obviously he doesn’t respect you or your feelings. She’s an ex. She shouldn’t be living with her exes family except if they have kids together and grandma is helping her out with the kids. Other than that, it’s fuckin weird. And if he doesn’t get that, you need to leave

Geez. Leave. It won’t stop

Well this makes me love my mother in law alittle bit more. She hates all my husband’s exs and would never allow one of them to stay in her house. I would leave because none of them respect you.


What! Have self respect and let the man go! Dump him. You deserve better than this sh#tshow

If he’s wanting to hang put without you, you k ow what’s happening. Cut your losses now

Clearly you the only one in that relationship.


You know, I’m usually the one thinking that everybody else is turning it into something it’s not. But the way you described this, sounds like there’s no respet. And I mean that in the most respectful way because I know you were probably trying to be the best person you can be for him. Unfortunately I think he’s taking advantage of you. Some of us failed to see the bad in people, and I feel like this is something he is totally taking advantage of.


OMG I’d tell him to pack his bags and go live with her.