How would you react if your boyfriend said this after you gave birth?

That’s exactly why I wouldn’t let them look :rofl: I was worried this would happen

I wouldn’t take offense honestly. Because childbirth is gross.

Sounds immature with poor filters

I mean it is gross… but obviously he could have just not said that. Idk men turn into idiot 12 year old boys when it comes to that stuff…

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Sounds like you’re with an immature man-child.


He shouldn’t have mentioned it, but yeah, it’s pretty gross for a few weeks while everything shrinks back into place.


Men are weak. It’s a ignorant comment. I mean a big Ole head stretches through that and no it doesn’t look pretty… but… it’s also not a place to say anything. Just don’t say anything- idk why they find that hard to do.

It’s not the prettiest to some people and I’m sure my husband didn’t find my area attractive during childbirth but the difference is, my husband wouldn’t say I “looked gross” he’s smart enough to keep that comment to himself


I mean, what would you think if you saw your man’s privates being split open and something covered in goo the size of a watermelon pop out? It’s not always pretty, but that’s life. You move on.


My ex husband asked the Dr if “it” would go back to normal. She looked at him and said: Don’t you already have twins?:rofl: Sorry, men are dumb. Especially, in that moment. Trust me, he won’t be thinking it gross in a few weeks.


To be honest…my sister was 18 (shes also a lesbian) and she came in the room when my oldest was born and she saw everything
She was like…mad lmao
I laughed honestly.
But shes like “THAT IS NOT A VAGINA WHEN THERES A BABY COMIN OUT OF IT!!!” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
was freakin hilarious lol
And shes female

It does look gross lol
But remind him thats literally what its for.

I mean… he’s not wrong. :woman_shrugging:t2:


He’s not wrong :woman_shrugging:t2: I would just quip back with well your face is gross and I haven’t said anything. :rofl::rofl:


It does look gross, he’s not wrong, he probably should of kept it to himself but he also felt comfortable enough with you to be honest, after having a baby your emotions are all wild, you are more emotional & sensitive. I wouldn’t take it so personally just move forward.


Well it’s immature for sure but I agree haha looks nasty! After my first I laid infront of a mirror and looked… hysterical crying… seeing it scared the crap outta me… I know it’s hurtful but don’t let it stick to you… I’m sure he will be all over it as soon as he can!

Of course it does. I just made a human in my body and gave birth. Your beautiful. Your body went through trauma, it will heal with time. Love yourself and tell that man to shut it.

It does look gross. Was it distasteful for him to say that- yea. He wasn’t wrong though.

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I watched the birth of my son,and that was the last thing on my mind!


:joy: lol mine said that with both and I’m sure it’s true lol it didn’t bother me any I actually laughed and said I’m sure it did

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He sounds really immature.


I had a c-section… my husband watched and said I looked like a tube of toothpaste… Infront of all the Dr’s and nurses. I think some men just don’t think before they speak lol


:woman_shrugging: birth isn’t pretty. But good news is you’ll heal and it will look fine once again. Just let it go.

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I would punch his butt straight in the face and say you gross me out to :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

The truth can hurt. He shouldn’t have said it out of politeness but he isn’t wrong - post-birth coochie is pretty terrifying

It is gross down there. Don’t feel self conscious about that. It was kinda tackless of him to say that at that time though.


you just had a baby, lets see what he would look like if he had one, shame on him, do not feel bad, be proud because you gave birth to a beautiful child and no one can take that away from you


I watched my friend give birth. It is nasty looking

Imagine having a baby and then your fiance of a year telling you that he cheated on you and that he doesn’t want to be with you. My son’s father was real garbage.


I’m sure if he pushed a melon size human out his little penis hole, it’d look gross as fuck too, probably more so… men are a few tools short of a tool box. Don’t fret. Your lady bits will recover

Not what anyone should hear after giving birth. Keep that incident in the back of your mind. Red flag to me. A woman’s body isn’t a joke. Have him go snip his balls and tell him it looks gross. I’m sure he wouldn’t be chill about it.

Shit does look gross fuck outta here

My husband looked down there when our 3rd baby was born and he said that it was nasty and he won’t look down there again and two more babies came along and he stuck to his word he didn’t look but that doesn’t keep him from loving it any less :woman_shrugging:t2: