I definitely see why your upset. I’d be pissed
You married this guy?
Never ever ask for praise. He sounds like a very immature and vile cheater. Walk away. He won’t change.
Geez …. How old is he 15? I would have gotten up & let him watch the movie alone.
Does he do this all the time?
Girl you better stand up for yourself
Yeah that’s a little inappropriate and immature. I would let him know it bothers you if you haven’t already. It has nothing to do with him having a chance with the actress. It’s disrespectful to you.
Your “husband” needs to develop a sense of respect for women, himself and your marriage.
Pretty disgusting comments.
He sounds really annoying and not very intelligent.
That’s just gross behavior. If kids could hear the movie, they could hear his comments
He’s a pig & I truly hope he is not raising daughters.
Gross!! Like for real! Id be upset too!
I would be pissed of if my hubby did that and cheated on me in the past. My hubby is one that will comment in appropriate things at times but I just blow it off like it’s an old age thing cause he’s 55 and I don’t know what he’s going through at this age
34 years with my husband and he never ever referred to another woman like that ever in my presence. I find that very disrespectful to you!!!
He sounds like what we call a “pig” in the male community. Babygirl you deserve so much better then him. You deserve the world and all he is giving you is the crumbs. You are a queen and us queens don’t deserve this kind of treatment. Honestly it would be up to you on what you want to do but my suggestion is maybe sit down and talk about it but if it seems likely that isn’t gonna work then maybe take time to yourself do stuff for yourself. Make that “man” get on his own two feet and do stuff himself. After however long of time you decide reflect on everything and you decide are you better with him or on your own.
Sounds like a massive douchebag
I feel nasty just reading his comments🤮 I wouldn’t allow him to disrespect me, or my children like that… .and if you have to fish for compliments, I would throw the cake in his face!! You are good enough…just for the right person!!!
Respect yourself and leave because he definitely doesnt appreciate and respect you
Gross. He needs to grow the f up.
He sounds like a douche and his “sense of humor” isn’t funny. He isn’t even my husband and I’m incredibly turned off by his existence lol.
Mine makes comments like this all the damn time. It really gets old. For me it’s Not even because they’re about another woman just the nature and immaturity of the comment. Like grow up
That’s disgusting. My husband is a “good ole boy”, a coach, a man’s man, and if thinks those things he has never is 27 years of marriage said anything like it.
He’d be on the outside looking in.
That’s because men have absolutely no respect for women whatsoever because all they see are a bunch of skanky women everywhere you look!
He has no respect for you whatsoever, absolutely disgusting Behavior oh, and don’t let him tell you otherwise because he’s gaslighting you. I can’t stand any of them anymore
Sounds like you may need to spice up that part of y’all life sis…
I find it disrespectful
He sounds like a dick. Very immature, something is wrong with him.
Eff that. That’s disrespectful. But to make my point, I’d be equally vulgar about the male on TV and pretend to not hear him. Guaranteed he won’t like it a bit.
My husband does the same thing and I’ve learned to ignore it but sometimes it really hits home he’s made social media comments to attractive woman and wow that really makes me feel like poop… yeah I get it and it’s useless mentioning it to him. But, I made a comment once about a fine guy and it chilled him out a bit. Tacky indeed but I tried it on him … he did not like it… he looked at me like I was crazy
I’d be pissed if my hubby made comments like that. It’s disrespectful to you
It is disrespectful I know. I went trough the same
difference is I raced hell! And it hasn’t happened again! He can keep his “wet dreams” to him self!
I know how that is I solved the whole problem by not allowing him to watch movies with those types of scenes if the kids are awake . But the comments are unnecessary. Men have no respect. It’s ok to watch stuff like that but the comments needs to stay to himself .
i dated a guy like that once. he would also pause the show if there was a panty shot. he turned out to be a pedophile. run.
Ick if that was my fiance he’d be gone back too his mommas see many he gets away … just wrong
If you’ve been married to him long enough to have children that are old enough to unerstand his off-color comments, I’m going to guess it’s not a new phenomenon. Is it possible that you are just upset that he didn’t seem grateful enough for your effort to celebrate his birthday? Unfortunately, when your expectations aren’t met, you then look for other reasons to be upset…I’m only guessing, but unless he has a brain tumor, this doesn’t sound like behavior that has sudden onset. Disrespectful? Yes! Immature? Yes! Behavior that you haven’t experienced before? Doubtful…
Gross. Disrespectful. Douche bag. My ex husband was like this. He’d even ask me which one of the golden girls I’d have sex with along with other stupid remarks just like your man. Idk what to tell you sis. Many many reasons why he’s my EX husband.
He sounds like a gross perv. I feel like he’s saying these things on purpose to get under your skin, cuz why would you say that in front of your wife? It’s pretty common sense you don’t say that around any woman.
Eewwwww so gross. I think that’s a bit more than inappropriate
Say it back lol my husband would make comments like “she’s pretty or she has a nice ass” we swing so I didn’t really mind but then he’d start doing it a bit to much. I started w the same “damn he’s hot or damn he has a nice beard” stopped that right in his tracks.
They sounds so so gross and disgusting. I would ask my husband to stop that. It’s not attractive or becoming of a gentleman at all. Or a decent human. People don’t talk like that normally. I’ve never ever ever heard that raunchiness coming from a home setting ever.
He is just doing that to push your buttons!
I couldn’t stand being with a guy like that. It would be a big turn off for me. Have you mentioned to him about how disrespectful it is? If not he may think you don’t mind the conversation like that. It’s not something I would tolerate though
That’s obnoxious and gross. I’ve left someone for doing that before
Disrespectful af. I would lose all attraction to him over this.
What a pig! Men like that have no respect for women in general. If you end up getting him to stop the comments around you I can see him still being a perv or end up going as far as inappropriate touching with other woman when you’re not around (if he’s not already). I think yall should get some counseling… a) for him and his grossness and b) for you to get your self-esteem/self worth back. Best of luck gurl💜
Men are freaking clueless…and honestly kinda stupid, soooo there’s that. I think I’d just tell him he’s being a douche canoe and that he needs to grow tf up, but that’s just me. My husband has respect for me, because I won’t accept anything less.
Totally disrespectful to you and your kids. Is he 16 years old ? Get rid of him before he messes up your kids.
Girl, get a new one he sounds awful
Girl leave him cause he’s a grown ass man not a 15 year old boy leave him before he can influence your kids any worse than he has already
Absolutely disgusting
Ew… this makes me extremely uncomfortable and I don’t get that way. Leave immediately.
And don’t let anyone try to tell you that’s normal man behavior. That’s enabling and gross. Not all men are vocal pervs
You got a defective model. Trade him in for a new one.
Oh yuck…he sounds like a no class douchebag.
That’s weird and gross to me, and it’s definitely something that should not be normalized as just being a “man” he should have respect for you and your kids. As for me, my husband has never made comments like that in front of me or the kids. That’s just inappropriate and he’s not a man he’s a little boy
My stepdad was an open pervert like this. He never was inappropriate with any of us but always made comments about people on tv or women he’d see in real life. It was ridiculously disrespectful and cringey. My mom left him after 29 years.
Your guy sounds like trash. People who openly speak like that will have no problem acting on their thoughts if the opportunity presented itself.
Ask him if it makes him wet.
Nasty,if a boy ever talked to me in that regard he would be laying on the floor crying.
Understand your worth.
And dont be scared to kick it to the curb.
Gross is def the vibe I get too, I would get far away from that
Omg. There is this thing called communication , talk it over with him. Men need some guidance. Reverse the process, turn the tables around on him. Record him and play it back? Or, just be a quitter and kick him to the curb. Unnecessary drama.
This is super gross and very creepy. I wouldn’t want him around kids at all if he thinks it’s okay to make those comments at all, but especially when the kids are there. Gross.
Sounds just like my step father in law. That man is ridiculous and it is super annoying and sometimes just plain gross. My hubs is kind, intelligent and has a wicked sophisticated sense of humor but if we spend too much time with his step dad it rubs off on him. When I have had enough I say okay Albert and he stops. Call him out!
Ask him if he would say it to his mom or daughter, if the answer is no he shouldn’t say it to you.
Complete disrespect. I would not tolerate that shit at all.
Urgh hate this. My partner would never disrespect me or any woman like this. Ridiculous he cant watch a film without his tongue hanging out whats he like on a night out. To me it soubds like hes an absolute prick and is trying to bother you. Just really gross
Start doing it back.
“Man, he probably got SO hard”
I bet he’ll get hella pissed off to have a taste of his own medicine
He’s an ass ugh guys like that give a bad name to all men. I wouldn’t be with a pig like that. Know your worth. You deserve to be respected
Everytime my man sees boobs tv, internet mine he has to make a comment, I don’t know about his comments at tv were " pervy" but did you tell him to STFU? I would. But as for the catering to him and needing to ask for a thank you that’s not ok you need to put him in his place or leave him he acts childish
That’s super annoying and cringe. I don’t know if I could be turned on by a guy like that, infidelities aside. He’s for the streets.
That’s weird it’s acting…so there aren’t any feelings during that stuff or I wouldn’t think it is… he’s got too much thought into it…which is very weird.
Typical male lol I’ll chime in with my husbands comments too.
Yeah that’s creepy and immature and stupid and I would probably slap that man in the face if I heard those kinds of things from him. But also, me and my man don’t generally choose to watch movies with that kind of shit in it. If he’s been unfaithful in the past and he’s saying things like that he better work on getting his primal energy under control. Those lower Chakras will fuck up your life running wild.
If it were me, I’d then be making comments about the men in every movie we watch together.
Throw the whole dude away
He’s sexiest and misogynistic. He also probably says these type of perverted things to waitresses, or other women in public. He has no class, and needs to be educated on manners. You need to create boundaries around this behavior and tell him it will no longer be tolerated. Tell him not to talk like that in front of you or your child (who will also model or accept this awful behavior)
Draw a hard line, if he crosses it, tell him it’s disgusting and unacceptable and literally leave the house! Get you and your kids out of that environment (even just for a bit) and show him it’s intolerable.
Wouldn’t fly in my house
He is super disrespectful and he should have been really happy & appreciative of all your hard work.
Gross and disrespectful
He sounds hella immature.
You’re definitely nta. I’d be really grossed out by the comments and ungrateful attitude.
Ew. Not someone I’d wanna be married to. Who makes those comments, especially with kids around
My husband does this too
He is probably just frustrated in that department
He’s rude, inconsiderate, and chauvinistic. However, you should know your worth and remember who you are and what he says or thinks doesn’t have any reflection on you.
Those are really messed up things to say when watching a movie
He’s probably been doing stuff like this but I get the feeling your falling out of love with him. Now every little thing about him is bothering you.
Me and my husband aggravate each other all the time about actors/ actresses. We will say damn hes hot/ shes hot etc… or i can tell he wants to touch my area. We just have fun with each other. I mean they are on tv🤣
Sounds like you are married to a jerk.
He should keep his comments to himself out of respect for you. If he knows you don’t like the way he’s talking then that’s disrespectful. Especially since he hasn’t been faithful in the past, I’d be triggered too. And it’s just weird to make inappropriate comments like that around kids.
What a nasty pig… you have your head in the clouds if you think for a minute he would not stray again the first chance he gets if he acts that way in front of you an doesn’t care about your feelings!!! You need to run and fast!!! Your kids don’t deserve to see an example such as this!!
He sounds like a creeper
He sounds like an ass
Yeah that’s really gross and inappropriate
Sounds Ike a preditor in my opinion. Not to mention the reason why so many women choose to be single. Noone wants to listen to that repulsive crap. Especially when you have to see his gross ass every day around your kids.
Sounds like a total immature pervert. I wouldn’t want my kids around someone like that.
My ex husband’s grandfather was like this and it made me really uncomfortable to watch movies as a family when he was around. He would always comment on the women in the movies in a sexual manner and it was absolutely disgusting. My ex and his dad would laugh and/or agree with the things he was saying and I just wanted to be as far away from them as possible. I didn’t want my son (who was a baby at the time) to grow up thinking that it was okay to act this way.
Maybe that was his way of hinting to you
Gross. sorry, but you don’t deserve that.