It’s not a trigger. He’s being a sh!thead. It’s hurtful and inappropriate and every other adjective for the word “disrespect.” Put your foot down. “Please Do not talk that way especially around me.” Period. Everything else he would have to say is irrelevant unless it’s, “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
Just throw the whole man out and get a new one. Seriously though, speak up about it bothering you. And if he still doesn’t care, then the first part of my comment still stands. Or be petty like me and start doing the same, make comments about the guys and let him see how it feels.
20 years and my husband has never. Just disrespectful
That’s not normal behavior
He sounds gross and immature.
Umm… girl… your husband is gross. You have every right to feel how you feel. The fact you made the comment like, “I know this may sound petty,” tells me he has invalidated your feelings one too many times.
I laughed and loved your comment I stand a better chance than him that was hilarious
I have never heard a man say such stupid shit.
Sounds like an immature jerk…don’t grovel. Hope your kids don’t learn from his example
Eww dude…my condolences. How rude can one be
You deserve so much better than this. My ex husband started off doing this at the very beginning of our relationship he would make completely vulgar comments about women in general and he also was under the impression that it was okay for a man to make such comments. If I told him it was making me uncomfortable he would say that I was undermining him and a whole bunch more vulgarities.
I made him a birthday cake for his 30th birthday, it was army based and I at the time was 5 months pregnant. He never said thank you and told me that the cake was embarassing and childish.
He never wished me a happy birthday, not even sure if he remembered my birthday to be honest.
Accept the love you know you deserve, I know that in the moment and heat of it all we can forget that we deserve love and appreciation and respect. It can take a long time to heal from that.
Remember your worth. Fight for your kids to know that this is not the way that they should be treated by those they love and that they should not treat those they love in this way.
Thats disturbing behavior. He even has U believing you are petty.
This personally makes me feel like crap especially to that extent. But I would’ve probably known that before getting married, personally I wouldn’t marry anyone that would’ve ever made me feel that way from being that excessive with comments like that (again personally, I know others aren’t the same) I just can’t do it either. Makes me depressed more than I already am
Hes immature. Throw that whole mess out
Y U C K.
TMI and not warranted info.
Did he behave that way when you were dating?
I’m more gross than he Is lol
He doesn’t respect you or care about you, that’s obvious. And he’s a terrible example to your kids.
He sounds like a jerk. Little ears are around! They do not need to hear things like that and you should stick to your guns and protect their childhood. Stop catering to him and if he doesn’t get the hint that you’re serious then kick him to the curb. Protect your kids! It’s NOT acceptable behavior.
Immature comments… no excuses
That’s actually kinda weird to me honestly. Only because my hubs doesn’t say stuff like that
Sounds like a perv tbh.
Start talking about other men’s penises, especially in front of him, see how uncomfortable it makes you maybe. He just sounds exhausting, how do you keep putting up with such crap?
No my husband has never and would never speak that way. Yeah I wouldn’t be impressed with that at all. No you are not being petty or all those other words you used. Sorry but hubby sounds like a prized pratt & he needs to grow the hell up! No respect for you either. Personally it would be a goodbye from me!
Nah that would be so bad for my mental health. Mine doesn’t say things like that he wouldn’t even think to because he loves and respects me and yours should love and respect you! You should be the ONLY women the thinks of in any sexual way
And if you’re scared to confront him about it because you are worried what his reaction will be, the he is not the one girl!! You need someone better for your well being than that. I can’t imagine wasting the 1 life I got with someone who makes me feel insecure, eventually it stops being insecurity and turns into depression
Gross. He sounds like a horny teenager. How immature and disrespectful
I would be gone… a girl that used to be a friend … her boyfriend did shit like this… cheating … inappropriate comments the works … she babysitted my daughter… my daughter got sexually assaulted at her house…. Those are signs… I mean reading the post… I literally went back in time when my ex friend would complain about the stuff he did …. Like I’d get out because there are mental issues obviously …. And it only gets worse and if you have little girls in the house keep an extra close eye
If u need to ask if you did ok , you need to leave . I’m a woman and make dirty jokes like that . Some can’t handle it , but I can . But I don’t think he respects you . Leave before it’s too late oh right your married
I could understand him saying “she’s fit” or even she’d get it etc but what he’s saying is just plain weird
You get comments like that often? To be honest… I would wash his mouth with soap and then he could leave. I don’t accept that kind of disrespect!
I do make that clear from the start!
Throw the whole man away he’s obviously trash
Ya loosen up. Me and my hubby do it together. Clearly it’s when the kids are in the other room
Your husband is a grade A horses ass!
He sounds like a pig
So disgusting . No class at all.
Yeah ummm nope! That is totally disrespectful and very inappropriate. No need for that behavior he would be shown the door. Sounds like he has a problem
I love being single and
He sounds like he’s 13. Literally this is the weird and icky crap that comes out of immature adolescent boys like getting ready to go thru or just around puberty time. I mean yes as an adult woman with this man in her life, well I can’t even imagine that…. Cringeworthy ugh to say the least but one of my other concerns would be that he sounds like a kid in that awkward and annoying phase and he’s supposed to be a grown man. Girl woman up and do something to that little boy that is gonna knock some sense into him or kick his juvenile butt to the curb. Your better than me for putting up with that for this long…. Ugh sorry girl!!
He sounds like a total jerk hopefully you’re not stuck with him forever
Sounds like he has no respect for not only you but your children aswell. He’s not a man he’s a Manchild. You already know what you need to do, he’s been unfaithful in the past and he still continues to be a fucking PUKE. Leave him. I promise you there is a man out there who will cherish your German chocolate cake and the beautiful salmon dinner you worked hard on. Do it for YOU,girl. But most importantly your babies!
If he’s faithful…… It sounds more like your insecurities. Pointing that out doesn’t help…I understand. But… Maybe he needs some flirty/dirty texts at work… Maybe he needs things spiced up. We (women) we not the only people in relationships who need love and attention.
He sounds like a weirdo tbh
Totally inappropriate- which makes me believe he is doing it to get a rise out of you.
My husband has never done that in 20 years of marriage. It is completely disrespectful and crude.
That would piss me off so bad.
Totally inappropriate
He’s telling you he doesn’t respect you without actually saying it. Love, know your worth and don’t put up with that kind of mental abuse. Sorry, but it is what it is. Those kinds of comments would make anyone uncomfortable. Hell, I think you should say things like that around him about men and when he gets uppity (which he should, if he doesn’t that’s a HUGE red flag) say well, how’s it feel? All in all, have a talk, if he changes the great, if not then you really should just go. You don’t deserve that
Just sounds like a creep to me.
Gross. Red flag for me…
Definitely inappropriate and remember, if there is not trust in your marriage, you don’t have a good marriage. It takes both working at 100% to make a marriage work.
I would have grabbed the keys and left! Birthday or not. Very disrespectful!
What weird gross comments. And in front of your kids?
He’s just trying to get on your nerves or…… cause excitement??? my DH would never say anything like that🤔
Idk. This gives me creepy vibes. I don’t like that.
Your not the ass hat…can’t explain rigjt now because I’m emotional but your not!!!
That’s a fcuk off from me
If he’s doing it now, he was obviously doing it before you two got together…
Tell him that it bugs you! No one can read minds. I think it’s kinda funny. He husband and I joke and laugh about things a lot more “inappropriate“ than that. You 2 need to be secure with each other.
All these people saying to just leave. That’s not an answer and that’s what’s wrong with marriages now. Instead of leaving, work on fixing the problem