Husband's inappropriate comments

My ex used to do this with women in video games and it’s so gross :nauseated_face:

Thats such a frikin turn off. Like why is it necessary to say that or even think it?! He sounds like such a gross creep! He would have gotten a warning and the next thing would have been a slap and sleeping on the couch. (I wouldn’t be with a disgusting man like that in the first place but that’s what I would have done in your situation)

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Total disrespect and out of line :triumph:

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Oh hell no! If my husband acted like that he would be looking for a new place to live

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My man would never speak like that!

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If it bothers you, it bothers you and it doesn’t matter why. You are important and so are your feelings. Listen to your gut in any situation. There’s a reason it makes you feel the way it does. Tell him to keep his ignorant sounding comments in his head and to grow up. It is unattractive and a major turn off.


They also have some good looking guys on tv so do the same 2 him n see how he likes it


Tell him he’s being disrespectful and you won’t stand for that behaviour . You’re worth more than that !!xx

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No man of mine would behave like this :rofl::rofl:


I have a great sense of humor, I’m pretty sarcastic, and not easily offended. But my hubby said stuff like that all the time, yea that’d get annoying. Not even in a jealous sense, but in a, you’re a perverted pig sense. Ugh have some class and respect, especially when your wife is sitting right next to you. I’d be super annoyed too.


Regardless of the contents of his comments(inappropriate vs appropriate) that would be annoying af! He’d be lucky if he escaped without a remote being chucked at his head! Talk to him but expect him to not change at all! He doesn’t care if you’re offended or if your kids hear things they aren’t supposed to and that will probably never change


Yup that would bug me too! Totally inappropriate


That’s not normal. What a creep


You have two hands, use one to slap him, then tell him to pull his socks up and behave.


Who had a bush anymore?? Lol


Super disrespectful and immature. He needs to grow up.


I’m sorry I laughed at what he had said. I know this is a serious topic but with my sense of humor I thought it was so I do apologize. First of all you don’t need a reason to be upset. You have feelings too and those feelings are important. Second of all if he’s not caring about your feelings then he probably doesn’t care about you. 3rd. You said you had a better chance than him keep that mind set. Because when my husband was unfaithful it fuked me up mentally so bad that it still affects me. So just keep telling yourself that no matter what you do matter and you are gorgeous. I have a ring that reminds me I am enough. Girl just keep doing you and just remember you love yourself


You should do the same if a hot guy comes on TV :joy:


Btw also freakin dominate.

Hes very immature and disrespectful. Maybe he thinks u like that talk??!?! What a filthy animal

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You mean to tell me he’s saying this front of the kids and your concern is how offensive it is to you?
Oh yes, without a doubt. He’s gross.
But it’s even more so that he’s saying & acting like this in front of kids. Ew.


Seriously gross :face_vomiting: I’m assuming you didn’t marry a 15 year old so he needs to grow up…


Has he had a head injury, brain tumour or does he have a dementia? If not, no excuse. If this is new behaviour, he may need to see a neurologist. Seriously.


That would piss me off it doesn’t matter if it’s an actress on TV it’s still disrespectful and disgusting And frankly just childish Especially to do in front of your wife I would try to talk to him and tell him how you feel

He’s treating you more like “one of the guys” than his wife. Talk to him & tell him how inappropriate & Disrespectful is behaving. If he continues after you call him out then you know he’s doing it on purpose & enjoys that gets under your skin.

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It’s incredibly immature and disrespectful to you, especially in light of his infidelity.
Don’t put up with it … You are worth so much more x

Ew how gross. Sounds like he’s 12 :nauseated_face: I would be concerned more with him speaking like that when your kids can hear.


I’m more annoyed at the fact that you had to ask for a thank you :upside_down_face:

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Never been in the situation and I have had a gross sexual assault bf

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Honestly he sounds like an immature disrespectful ass. I wouldn’t be doing anything with someone who consistently talked that way about women. Funny comments sometimes, yeah, but those are just gross and out of nowhere, not funny.

It’s rude and gross, I would not put up with that and to someone else’s point, you did something nice for his bday, you shouldn’t need to ask for a thank you, he should appreciate you catering to him on his bday.

He’s a pig ugh!
Disrespectful & rude

Oh hell no. I wouldn’t put up with that from a full grown man. I would tell him exactly how it is and if he doesn’t stop… I would make him leave. It’s disgusting and very disrespectful to you!!!

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That’s disgusting and crude, not to mention in front of kids! Loser!!


Eeeww he is gross and needs to grow up.

Your man sounds like a sexual predator honey


He sounds like a gross crude loser


Ditch him you deserve better


My husband was like this and I sat him down n talk to him about it and how disrespectful it is n he did stop

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That’s disgusting… he’s gotta go.

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Those trust issues are your own fault if he hasn’t been faithful and you stated. Just saying.

Is he 12? Please leave this dude, I promise there are mature, faithful, appreciative men out there


You can do better!!!

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Be forthright the second he says something that is crude! Immediately say how he talks is extremely DEMEANING & HURTFUL to you

I agree … sometimes it’s the principle behind things.

He sounds like a prepubescent teenager.


Start doing those things back lol not when your kids are around but definitely give him a taste of his own medicine. Bc he’s being obnoxious. Especially if he’s cheated in the past

Get the fuck outta there!!! So disrespectful to u an your kids. U shouldnt have to beg to get a thank u!

:nauseated_face:I would be offended !! Why do men :confused: (not all) have to be that way!!


He’s a fucking child. Leave his ass

Yeah I wouldn’t be jealous of the things he is saying it’s gross what a turn off. It’s cringe and makes my skin crawl


Wow that’s truly disgusting. My SO and I both like a good perv (we have alot of the same tastes in both women and men). But we never do it to the point of objectifying the person (whether it’s an actual person or fictional) or making each other upset with such disgusting comments. I think you need someone who appreciates and loves you. This man you call a husband is definitely not that.


Tell him to stfu!

Jk no but tell him to stop.

I would have just said to his face seriously get a life your gross.


You should probably be discussing this with him instead of a bunch of women who don’t know you, your husband, your history, or chemistry…just saying.

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He is showing a deep disrespect for women in general and you in particular


Its one thing to say and actor or actress is attractive. I feel like he took it too far. I would be upset especially if loyalty and trust has been damaged in the past. In a relationship if one person is offended or uncomfortable with something the other should respect that and visa versa.


Sounds like he hasn’t changed

You deserve better than that.


It sounds like he’s doing it on purpose to get some sort of response from you, and it’s working. Whether it’s jealousy, insecurity, anger or sadness, by responding in any of these ways, he’s getting exactly what he wants. This dude has some issues and if you don’t want to be caught in this Very dangerous web, it’s time to go, sister.


Why do some men speak like this. Just gross.


Lol do the same and traumatize him


Ugh. U married a total douche.


Yes every disrespectful and there is something wrong with him he needs help .do not slow kids around

it would piss me off… by mate

I would leave. Those aren’t appropriate questions, comments. And are so disrespectful to you

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So you muted an inappropriate scene to protect your little ones but let him talk inappropriately? If he’s such an ass and cheater why are you still with him? Yes he is openly disrespectful to you and other women… yet you allow it? I can’t understand why people do this.

No husband does that. Maybe he needs therapy. Aka a sex addict

He sounds like a total pig


Real men don’t need to look at other women :crazy_face:


Is your husband 12? Wtf


I notice that a lot of members from this group laugh (:joy:)at posts that legitimate people put that hurt them or wanting advice on. That’s really not cool. Like, if you ate going to just laugh :joy: at a post, then remove yourself from this group!!


I can’t live with someone like that. For sure !


Tell him that you don’t appreciate his comments


Guarantee his father was like that … and his mother was subservient, I’m betting he has always been like this, he will never change if you can’t stand it then leave it’s just the way he was brought up


Gross and definitely should not be be doing it infront of children :nauseated_face::pensive:


Sounds like a real charmer


He sounds like a 12 year old boy who just hit puberty :joy: honestly if u was in your position I would of turned around and throat punched him


Not sure what is more disturbing. The fact he thinks it’s okay to talk like this, or the fact he does so infront of his kids. :face_vomiting::upside_down_face:


Triggers are hard to avoid

I find that super disrespectful. My partner and I will say oh shes pretty or I might say his a bit of a spunk but honestly it’s about how you say it. We don’t say it in such a way where we think the other person might get upset by it if that makes sense. I don’t understand why people would want to make their partner feel insecure. And if he has been unfaithful before and is still doting on women disrespectfully infront of you then leave his ass. He has no respect for you what so ever.

Men can be so insensitive at times

He sounds like a pig.


Everyone saying this is a typical man probably has a pig husband also. It is absolutely disgusting that he is acting like that. Let alone in front of your children. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Maria Conohan or kicked him in the balls lol

mine makes stupid coments too. he is german also and 83 jears old

It baffles me that so many women settle for BARE MINIMUM :woozy_face:


Raise your standards & get a man who knows how to act mature, especially in front of his kids he’s setting an example for.


We call that trash. He doesn’t respect you. He doesn’t go out of his way to acknowledge what you’ve done for him or even what you put up with, with his past infidelity.
Find you a man who is worth your time and effort. He is not that guy.

Sauce for the goose… see if he likes YOUR comments !!

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YES I HATE IT only because it grosses me out because I’m like are you really that perverted!? Hahahaha

Sick if you had to mute it for the kids then they could definitely here him. What a pig :pig2:

Honestly we’ve came a long way, we skip through those scenes. it’s just like unless I’m suppose to be watching “porn” what are we doing watching sex scenes together at that? :roll_eyes: :wastebasket: supper awkward and gross. I’d address it or leave him, from the sound of it, he doesn’t even seem like someone you could reason with… very immature very disrespectful and disturbing.

Sorry but that is disgusting behaviour! RED FLAGS :triangular_flag_on_post:


Eeeew man says that around me I’m disrespected the fuck you mean how will you know what does it matter are you 12 wtf! :woman_facepalming:

he’s a pig. that’s disgusting


My husband has never made comments like that…

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He sounds like a prick

Why even think that’s normal

Well you obviously have let it get to a stage where now he don’t care.he has got away with it and your to blame literally and now you cry :wolf: wolf.good job only you can put a end to it .if you don’t like it tell him to stop or get the fuck packing but the longer he stays shows you don’t really give a fuck simple you probably like it but with him saying it around the kids you realise he has no filter nor does he care either so what’s your problem again :thinking: get lost you know what to do fuck off