I agreed to have three somes even though I don't want too: What should I do?

Does ya’ll have 3somes with another guy? Maybe he’s gay if so…OR he wants to be with another women which is clear

Fuck him. Respect yourself and your daughter. Tell him no way if he cant understand. Leave

Stop asking dumb questions on here and stand up and be heard.

I don’t ever understand why anyone gets themselves in situations like this, clearly he isn’t just happy with you. While you may let it go on for a while it will eventually end anyway so might as well get out now then drag your child through that mess because kids feel all of that anger and resentment too. They hear the arguments and see the sadness. Don’t ever let someone put you in a situation that you are not comfortable with because it never ends well. My best advice is to figure out a place you can go and leave. Staying won’t help your child it will make it so much worse. One trick men or I should say control freaks like to play is to lower your self esteem anyway possible. My sister ex use to tell her that she was nothing and nobody would ever want her and that if she left he would take the kids and she had no job so he would get them ect… well she left finally after 10 years and got full custody he was actually order to pay her 2800 a month. :joy: no sympathy for him because he was a piece of shit. My aunt actually had a husband just as yo described and he eventually started cheating in front of her because she refused to join in and he even tried pimping put their daughter no joke!!! He is dead now, aids…


You agreed. Why did you agree?

Offering your daughter a life with a father who is pimping out her mother is probably much worse than you raising her alone :woman_shrugging:

Threesome is my favorite holiday there’s something wrong there on the stupid woman said yes the first time that’s when she started having trouble and I can’t believe they adopted a baby Wanted to have sex with other people that’s not a marriage most married gay guys or girls they stick to their partner they don’t go looking for someone else that what agency than you do

He ain’t treating you like you’re his baby’s mama he’s treat me like a whore. Once you leave he’ll find another to treat the same way and he probably treated the person before you the same way that’s why he does what he does you need to just get your balls together and leave girl

Stop feeling sorry for your self. Go back school get job and then you will have something to offer your daughter. You agreed and now you don’t want to anymore then just say no . If he become abusive call the police.

/uck that. Your only as stuck as you want to be. Where is your self worth ? Clearly this man dose not love you or he wouldnt want to be sticking his dick Into another female , in front of you at that. You need to take back your power and tell him to go ×uck himself. It’s sad to me that you let him treat you this way , and it’s even more sad that you tolerate it.

Why is this here? This is inappropriate for this page. This has nothing to do with holiday s. This type of things must stop. Do not post this digusting things on this page!

This is just weird to be on this page.

You’re a dumbass & don’t deserve to be a parent !

This is not a good foundation for marriage. Your marriage WILL end eventually. And there’s a lot of nasty and terminal diseases out there. He has a diseased mind already. Even if you don’t do this anymore, he will. Don’t threaten him. You have the upper hand when you plan your escape. There are a lot of resources out there. Go to DHS & let them know you need to get out of there bcuz of what he’s doing. I’m certain they will help you and the baby. He’s the dysfunctional one. They will not threaten to take the baby from you. They will probably find housing for you bcuz of that situation and you are looking to protect the child from a harmful influence. Don’t let fear & desperation hold you back. Don’t let him know what your plan is. These guys are a dime a dozen. You would not be the only single mom in the world. You said it all when you said he treats you badly. Once you dump that baggage you will be amazed at how strong you will become. You will ask yourself what did I see in that trash? Don’t be a fool. Do it now!