I am 20 weeks pregnant and started bleeding: Advice?

I bleed everytime. Rest take easy … If first baby its rougher on ur body. Dont stress.

If there is a heartbeat there is hope. Keep your head up.


I did and she’s almost 8 now!

I spotted Thur out my whole pregnancy

Seek medical advice. Your body is unique.

You got this little momma,prayers for you and baby…

Yea I would make an appt with my ob asap

Be prepared what ever comes it’s in the lord’s hands

Could be placenta prévia. Get into your OB

All 3 of my babies were threatened miscarriages… I had high risk pregnancies with bleeding and cramps/contractions the whole pregnancy… I delivered at 36weeks 38weeks and 34weeks(due to pre e)

I had a threatened miscarriage and he’s about to be 6

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Put your feet up relax for the next 24 hrs

Cysts can usually go away on their own… My first pregnancy, I had a cyst on my ovary and my son is now 34 years old :heart::heart::heart: Prayers hon :pray::heart: Put your feet up and just relax

Yes I been having cysts since I was 19 and now I am 35. They still bother me but I managed to deliver 3 healthy children. Dont stress out. Its bad for baby. Keep a positive attitude and u will be fine hun. Good luck!

Get a 2nd opinion and QUICK!

I had a threatened miscarriage at 4 weeks & ended up miscarrying at 10 & a half weeks.

I started bleeding around 12 weeks. My sisters have cysts, idk if its hereditary. I had a 10 lb 12 oz baby, absolutely perfect.

Lay down put your legs up on a pillow I had to do that

Sorry normal vaginal delivery

I bled fairly heavy with my 1st. If Dr seen a heartbeat you need to calm down and take it easy. Stress isn’t good when you’re pregnant and don’t over do yourself…lift heavy things ect.

Stick close to your doctor

Take it easy, lots of water and laying down, I would refrain from sex even until you know whats going on. If babys movement slows down thats a sign to get everything checked out again. I didn’t bleed but did have cysts while pregnant. Sometimes they go away and sometimes they pop. I kept track of heart rates with my own dopplar for all my pregnancies, helped me keep calm during stressful situations. If you feel like they arent helping you you can always go to a different er or OBGYN for a 2nd opinion (I did!) Some bleeding is normal though. If you get any cramping at all you need to go straight to the er

I had what’s called subchronic hemorrhages with all my pregnancies which resulted in me losing 3 of my babies but I also have 3 here alive with me. My second born I bleed my entire pregnancy off an on

This is my beautiful healthy baby girl she’s 18 now & my doctors said she was self aborting (I was having a miscarriage) so I got a second opinion…I went to another Doctor & he delivered her just fine… I bleed spotted throughout this pregnancy& she’s my 5 th child


I had small pockets of blood that showed up abruptly at 6 weeks and 7 weeks. I barely knew I was pregnant. Scared me to death. Picture is my third grader… She was just fine! That said YOU know your body. If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t.

Stay off your feet and get to the doctor asap! I had this happen on my 4th child. I had placenta primavera…had him by c- section at 36 weeks. He is now 26, perfectly healthy and beautiful!

Yes. And he’s 12 now.

I had SC hemorrhage all throughout my last prg. Many times I thought he was gone.
It’s scary, nerve wrecking and ultimately was decided by my doctor what should be my last pregnancy if possible since it put us both at risk.
You can have a healthy pregnancy, while I won’t say it’s certain, it’s possible. My guy arrived 4 weeks early on Valentine’s Day 9 years ago.

Best wishes and prayers. Rest when possible and take the best care you can.

I bled for a full month when I was 8 weeks pregnant and spotted through the 3 months I was knowingly pregnant (I didn’t know I was pregnant at that point, I found out when I was 5 and a half months that I was pregnant) I’m a diabetic with an increased risk of miscarriage. I had my beautiful baby girl a month early but she was born healthy and weighed 6lb 10oz no NICU needed she’s now 6. Don’t stress about it cause that will not help, keep up with appts and if your worried contact your dr, midwife or hospital that’s what they are there for. I hope all works out good for you xx

I had one with my first he is now 30 with 2 girls of his own. Take it easy and follow doctors advice.

I had a cyst when I was pregnant with my first born. Take it easy its not harmful just get it removed after if it doesnt go away.

I went to the hospital when I was bleeding at almost 7 weeks, they said baby had a heartbeat and it was a threatened miacarriage. The bleeding got worse and i started cramping and I ended up losing the baby the next day

I had a big bleed, i am currently 24 weeks pregnant. It turned out to be a subcorionic hemorrhage (a blood sac type area under the placenta) it is now gone (resolved) and I am still prego. Don’t stress, and take it as it comes. Just give it some time. I hope all works out well for you!

My grandson survived in utero, with his mom on bed rest, etc for 6 months and was born healthy. Good luck to you

When I was 12 weeks pregnant with my daughter the doctor said my bleed was a possible miscarriage cause of all the blood and cramping I was having. My daughter was delivered May 18, 2000 8 lbs and health as a bean she just celebrated her 20th birthday

I bled quite a lot at 20 weeks. It was placenta previa. I had to take it easy for the rest of the pregnancy. My baby was born at 36 weeks via c-section but he was healthy.

I ended up bleeding at 23 weeks, my doctor told me to head straight to the hospital and I then had an ultrasound which showed I had parcel placated previa…

If they said your baby is fine, then your baby is fine. I know it’s scary, I bled with my 6th pregnancy due to a pocket of blood in my uterus where conception took place. He’s now almost 5 yrs old. You have nothing to worry about :upside_down_face:

From which part of your body are you bleeding? I’m sure everyone assumes it’s your genitalia, but assumptions are 99% of what’s wrong with the world today…

I had a threatened miscarriage and lost the baby

Good luck to you and bless you I had three boys

Please join Young / First Time Moms Due in 2020/2021 :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

I had tons of those since I was 8 weeks pregnant and continued during the whole pregnancy. My baby is 17 years old now so you will be fine . Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Yes i had one while i was pregnant with my son. That was 21 years ago. He was delivered healthy with very lil issues after 3 months

I have and delivered just fine, my baby is now 3 months. Try not to worry. If you’re constantly stressing out give yourself time to relax. Doctor told me I was under so much stress and that was my main cause.

I’m the one who posted this, unfortunately I went back to the hospital early yesterday morning and I had a miscarriage.

Praying for you. I used to have cysts in my ovaries that used to pop and make me have my period before my body was ready. Ive had 7 pregnancies and never bled from them. Actually my pregnancies made them go away. I would see if they consider you high risk and find out why not. I feel like you should be monitored. My angel passed because of placenta abruption, so I will be praying your pregnancy goes well and you deliver a term, healthy baby.