I had to run away from my sons abusive dad and was sooooo happy with my life and raising my son myself. I met a guy and instantly moved in with him, his mom and aunt and got pregnant. He’s 26 and I’m 21. He’s a full on mommy’s boy. We were happy until I got pregnant I started seeing his true colors. From his drinking days to being belittled as a mother. I cook and clean everyday for this man and it’s never enough for him. He’s extremely jealous and insecure. He’s a very veryyy manipulative person and I can see through all his bullshit. I’ve had the feeling of running away once I seen the red flags 7 months ago but now I’m 8 months prego and feeling like this again. I’ve said sorry for things that didn’t need a apology from me just to make him and us “happy”. I can’t take it anymore. He says he fell in but I can’t let my son continue seeing me argue back and forth & crying with this guy. And I don’t want my new baby seeing me like this.
Has anyone just ran away with there babies?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am 32 weeks pregnant with a toddler and have a strong gut feeling to run away
Leave and be safe with your children
Contact your local domestic Abusive service asap
Stay away from men for a while and focus on your two children, don’t just move in with any man because he’s so great, don’t get pregnant from men you don’t really know as well. It’s harsh but it’s the truth. Focus on yourself and your two kids for a while, the right man will come a long when you least expect it but for now you need to focus on your little ones and yourself.
Get this bastard locked up if he’s abusive.
Don’t stick around, take your kids and leave
Leave with your babies
I know someone who ran, she called police took her far away from the abuser. There is help out there, yes leave. My friend is in a better place, she’s starting over. Go to a women’s shelter or whatever you need to do
Rtf away and keep your kids safe he ain’t shit
I have. It’s hard but definitely necessary. You’ll look back on it and be proud that you did. LEAVE FOR THEM! Sending love and light.
Run now or you will still be dealing with this 10 years on. It doesn’t get better trust me. Best thing you can do for yourself and children is to put your health and safety first.
Take your kids and leave this man
Leave before you give birth
I agree with Katherine Morris. Contact a DV agency/shelter & get out. Cut off contact completely. It will get worse after baby is born even if the 2 of you aren’t together. That baby will be his pawn to use to hurt you emotionally. Run, leave his name off the BC, don’t apply for CS (even if you need public assistance there are ways around it. A DV agency can help with that). Move a distance away preferably in another county or better yet state. Yeah every child deserves 2 parents. But not if they’re going to be used to hurt the other.
Leave. Do it now. It will not get any better or change
You need to leave. Don’t do anything for him. You owe him nothing. Take care of yourself and your babies.
This sounds like me and how my sons dad was.minus the alcohol. You are saying sorry all the time to avoid arguments if you have that gut feeling of leaving then go if your son is seeing his parents argue it will stay with him my son sore my ex and I argue about the crappiest things he was 4 and now he is 8, I am single now my son still remembers it all children have fantastic memories and you deserve better then a narcissist because the longer you allow this the longer he will think he has you wrapped around his finger. Your children come first now especially their safety.
Yes. Get a plan together, there are plenty of resources in your local county/community. Once you have your plan together, secretly gather yours and your children’s beloved because you don’t want to have to go back and find a safe place for yourself and your babies. Your local county office is filled with all kinds of resources to help❤
I ran with three children. It was hard but absolutely for the best. RUN!
Follow your gut and go!
RUN!!! for the door as quick as you can… get out now
Leave, you know what you have to do.
Save yourself and kids from this mess. Document! Contact shelters whatever you need. And take a lot of time before introducing any new partners to your kids let alone moving on asap. People can be very bad in this world.
You sound like you already know what to do, take your child and go
Run! Major red flags save your kids and yourself this could turn really nasty please get out and get somewhere safe x
I ran, before mine was born. Best decision ever And then he caught up with me and the abuse continued under the excuse of visitation. To the point where he would sneak into my apartment building or even chase me down the street insulting me. So I ran again and changed countries. Coparenting is still hell, but I have peace of mind being away from him
Do it now before you’re really stuck !!!
That feeling of needing to run away is your fight or flight instinct and your intuition…Trust it and leave
Go now if you can and learn to stand on feet so that you will never be this vulnerable again. You need to learn to love and trust yourself before you can learn how to trust a man and which man to trust
Girl get out and never look back!
Ran and maybe not “meet a guy and instantly move in”…
Hunni for the sake of yourself , your toddler and your unborn baby
Don’t stay in that toxic environment
Take your child and leave now.
Run! Run and never look back. Do not include him in the birth or give your child his last name. He will manipulate you and lie, and convince you to stay. You got this
If you give birth in a different state and don’t add him the birth certificate he will have zero rights… run mama
Leave but in the future there are ways to prevent future pregnancies until you really get to know your partner. Please be careful of future relationships
Yep! I did! And that sorry donor is not on my child birth certificate! I just claimed I didn’t know who the daddy was! Was my husband but I lied! Now she’s 14 and all mine never had any issues!
Just Leave you can do it. Don’t send yourself through that agony
Take your child and leave. And after you get gone, you’re a mother of 2 children now. Please don’t meet a guy and instantly move in. You have innocent children to protect here and you NEED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHO THIS IS IF YOU DECIDE TO SHARE A HOME WITH before you possibly find yourself in another abusive and toxic situation. There is absolutely ZERO way to know someone in a short period of time. Everyone can put in a halo at the beginning of a relationship and it can take MONTHS for the red flags to trickle out. Because you can’t keep up the fake new relationship persona forever. Take your time. Get to know someone, and if they’re pushing for things to move fast, that in itself is a RED FLAG because they know they have to get you hooked before you see the other warning signs.
Do it… trust ur gut instinct… it won’t get better… it will get worse… ur life and ur children’s life are worth so much more… and stop apologising… his shitty behaviour has repercussions… make sure u make him take responsibility for his shitty behaviour… run huni… u deserve to be treated better
I’ve never been in this situation before. I know people who had. The first step is to make sure all your important documents are together like birth certificates, social security cards and etc. Go to a local police department explain the situation. If you never had a complaint on your boyfriend tell them why. They will give you resources and steps on what to do next. Make sure u have everything you need because once you leave that home it can be dangerous to try to go back.
Why the hell did you move in barely knowing him? Grow up. You have children to protect!!!
Get away from him now. And yes , I ran away with babies
Stop getting pregnant. Take the kids and focus on them. Most men suck these days. Life is hard and getting harder so don’t keep making it harder. Mean people suck the life out of relationships…Run.
He thinks your trapped now that your pregnant. Prove him wrong!
Next time you meet a man, do NOT instantly move in with him. That was your first mistake but regardless, do what everyone is telling you, move out and give birth in a different state.
Get out and never look back. Unfortunately, if he wants to be in the new baby’s life there is not a whole lot you can do about it after you leave, unless he is unfit to parent and there would have to be evidence or investigation to determine that. What you need to focus on now, is making a good life for you and your children. Word of advice as well… Don’t just move in with someone like that. You are exposing your children to people they don’t really need interaction with until you know the person is the right fit for you and the kiddos. I only say this because you said you instantly moved in with this other guy. Get to know them. Best of luck! Make sure you get out though!
Get out and quit jumping into relationships
Run!! I’m just now finding myself again after 5 years and I wish I had gotten out sooner!
Just do it maybe if he gets away from his mom and he’ll grow up
Should have ran along time ago.
Pack your stuff and your kids stuff and go. Send him a text that the baby isn’t his and disappear! Your situation isn’t going to get any better, and you’ve said yourself that you know you need to go.
Yes run run as fast as you can for the love of
Yourself and your kids run
Get out of there before you have the baby. And go to dv shelter.
If your gut is telling you to go. Do it.
Yup! Best decision I’ve EVER made to this day!
Ps. I moved from FL to NC… 3 weeks before delivering, and without any of my stuff.
Don’t just move down the street… move out of state. You will be grateful you did. Promise!
Good luck
If you have somewhere to go LEAVE ASAP
Blows my mind that some women literally do this, not knowing a man well enough than move in with them while having a child around that’s a big NO.
yes, you should have ran months ago, But it’s not too late this time either, PLEASE for the love of God & your sanity & your kids sake, stay away from men for a while to get your shit together & then just go out to have fun, not move in with anyone
Run. Trust your gut- you snd your babies will be so much better off.
I married a mamas boy and raised mamas boys
Don’t chalk them all up the same!
Why would you move in with someone you didn’t know?!
Don’t ignore that feeling.
Run run runnnn farrr farrr awayyyy.
After this, focus on being a mother than finding a bf. Because you’ll just keep having kids with the wrong men. Nothing wrong with leaving & focusing/bettering yourself first
If u have somewhere to go GO don’t think about it, you’ve been through it before you already know red signs, go protect your babies
Definitely run before you have the baby, I’m so sorry your going through this again
I would leave before you have the baby and DO NOT I repeat do NOT put him on the birth certificate if you want to be able to remain gone.
Also I know others are shaming you for moving in with someone so quickly but you are young and you were fleeing a bad situation and unfortunately landed in another bad one. It happens, don’t beat yourself up over it… just learn from it and move forward.
I’ve been there too with no where to go and a seemingly nice guy so I moved in too soon and it never ends well.
Please be aware that you will likely gravitate towards these kinds of people until you do some healing and maturing so it’s best to approach relationships with caution rn
Get out! God will take care of you and your children
I ran with one child. Never looked back…just don’t go for child support and he will leave u alone…that was my mistake
Run fast momma. Your gut is never wrong.
I left my first husband and father to two of my children in 2002.wasnt soon enouph.my oldest girls now 22 and 20 as well as myself carried alot of pain and trauma.theres life beyond the abuse.run dont walk.and prayers for a better life no matter what you choose.
Yes, it took me 10 years of abuse to rack up the strength and courage to go, it was a hard adjustment but once I was adjusted… i found peace and my self worth again… and that is absolutely priceless
Run and don’t list his name on birth certificate
You are pregnant with a toddler? and btw why would you move in with him and your child? He is basically a stranger! Wow!!!
If Your gut is telling you to run, then RUN… The Sirens are screaming for a reason. There is no shame in protecting you, your toddler and unborn baby…
Get out now while it’s easier as when the baby comes he will never let you leave. Just then focus on you and your babies they need the mum who ran from an abusive relationship before they want that strong mum. You will get there and maybe one day you will find love but for right now it’s about you and your babies. Good luck I wish you all the best x
Mama just go! You fled the first time when you knew you were in a bad situation. Remove yourself from the toxicity now before things get worse.
Thia gut feeling is a gift dont ignore it. Please leave ASAP.
Follow that gut feeling. Definitely should leave.
Know yours and your children’s worth.
Run, girl, and take a break from men for a while.
Get yourself together for your kids and put a stop to this
I’d listen to my gut and go. I sent the kids dad off to work and by the time he got home me, my kids, and what I could get out was gone. Doing it pregnant will be a struggle but having that baby while still being there is gonna make it harder.
I had 2 under the age of 2 and was pregnant and left my kid’s father in Texas and came home to Pennsylvania and never looked back
Best thing I did. Get away and never turn back. Some judge . I guess they live perfect lives . Do what s best for you and your kids .
You can build a new house with old bricks…
Young one get out of that environment- all your little one is seeing is bad. The man( boy) will only get worse - unless he gets help for himself by himself. It will be hard - but your children will see you and what behavior you model.
Go girl what are you waiting for you will be good you got this
Good for you for recognizing the toxicity.
I wish I did. Would have saved me years of abuse. Listen to your gut. There’s help out there when you leave. So your not alone. Look into programs now and go with your Gut.
Thats your intuition, listen to it!!!
Stop jumping into relationships. Focus on you and your children.
me! get away from him.
Unlike some at least you see your mistakes and admit them and no it isn’t too late. It’s time to move on and focus on you and your babies only. I’m also hearing that you feel as you can’t be alone too. I could be wrong but you have got to stop looking for men and focus on those babies sweetie. Sounds like you have a head on your shoulders and can see toxic which is great but you can’t keep putting your children in those situations either. Run Mama and take care of those kids
Follow your instincts!
Run but don’t go with another guy
I ran away from my narcissistic ex 6 years ago. It was the best decision I ever made. It was scary as heck but now I’m happily married with 3 kids of our own & he’s an incredible step father to my oldest. Please don’t settle! You deserve to be happy and your children deserve to have stability at home and a happy and healthy momma. Abuse of any kind is not love.
I left with a 3 month old and 3 yr old it was a long time ago but yes I left crossed state lines got restraining orders and never looked back.
Run and don’t look back.
I ran with a 7 and 2 year old, and I was 2 months pregnant with our 3rd… leave.
You know you should’ve never moved in with this man that fast… now you know. Now you leave.
Run and then focus on the kids and stop chasing men.
If it’s toxic c to you or your child leave but use the time to learn more about yourself and to like you