I’m five weeks pregnant & they still can’t see anything on an ultrasound! I also started spotting brown blood yesterday! Has anyone had this happen & everything tuned out fine? (My levels are going up still )
It is still kind of early to tell
That’s not unusual for 5 weeks gestation. As long as your numbers keep climbing, that’s good news. Implantational bleeding is normal, and there isn’t usually a baby on ultrasound until the 6 week range. This early on, every single day matters.
It’s very early to been seen on an ultrasound. I had ivf and I had a vaginal scan at 2 weeks. There wasn’t much to see really just a tiny hole x
I spotted my whole 1st trimester
yep I got told.id had a miscarriage as nothing was showing but my levels kept rising so a week later they scanned again and the sac was there so had another scan a week after and there it was and now she’s a mouthy little madam coming up 5
Yup! Too early to see. Go back after 7 weeks.
They wouldn’t even let me do an ultrasound until I was 9 weeks because it’s unlikely to see that early!
It could be nothing last pregnancy I had a bleed nothing to with baby but common
At 5 weeks it early to see baby but in about a week or two baby will be visible and brown is just old blood mama
I’m 5 weeks and spotting I was worry they told me its implantation bleeding that it’s normal and also to week till I was 6 weeks so they can do a sonogram before that it’s to early to get a sonogram
My obgyn usually won’t even make a 1st appt til the 6wk mark
They usually check around 7 or 8 weeks on an ultrasound bc thats when they can better see the baby…at my 7 week ultrasound we was able to see my little baby…and I actually need last week and went to be seen and everything was fine…im praying for you and your sweet little one
They didn’t see my
Youngest that early. If your
Levels are going
Up that’s hopefully
My sister this happened to her they couldn’t find the heart beat could only sac and after 10 weeks everything stabilized she is 18 weeks and everything good
This was also happening to me. I already had my period and noticed spotting. Started having back Pain soon after went in, took a test turns out I was pregnant. Ultrasound wasn’t showing anything so they were thinking miscarriage. Or “chemical pregnancy” but when the levels kept going up instead of down they checked again and it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy. But 5 weeks is still very early even for a heartbeat.
I went in 7 wks after ivf, and heard the heartbeat and my son was visible on the ultrasound. I do think 5 wks is early. Good luck.
The first time I saw my baby on ultrasound and listened to his heartbeat was at 6 weeks. Maybe you just need a few more weeks and spotting at the beginning can be normal.
Yes!! In another week you should be around to see it. The brown spotting is called implantation.
Give it a few more weeks 5 weeks you usually don’t see anything where I live they tell you 8 weeks
That’s extremely early. Where I live, they don’t even make your first appointment until 8+ weeks.
You can see a baby until 6-8 weeks & spotting during pregnancy is common. Unless it’s bright red & a lot more than spotting i wouldn’t worry
They wouldn’t do an ultrasound till after 8 weeks cuz its not likely to see anything that early
I had the same issue but my Dr told me i had miscarried and at 7 weeks i went back and a nurse said before the procedure they had to do an ultrasound and found out i was still pregnant my baby just turned 8 and she’s completely healthy.
My OBGYN wont even see anyone till the 8 week mark; At 5 weeks your on the implantation phase and will see brown blood as the egg and such implant it’s self into the lining of uterus. your not going to be able to see anything till at least 8 week
Too soon. All my dr could see was the fluid sac.
I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks because of history of miscarriage. The gestational sac was visible but not the yolk sac. Went back a week later and still no yolk sac. My levels were still rising but they were not doubling anymore at the 6 week mark. Sadly, 2 weeks later I started spotting and lost the pregnancy. Honestly this early it could go either way. Just try to relax and hope for the best…Good luck
Too early to see anything?
You’re still way too early to see anything.
They were not able to see my baby on my ultrasound until I was 8 weeks.
5 weeks is really early spotting can be completely normal. Just take it easy and try not to stress
5 weeks is very early. Go back in a couple weeks and you’ll start seeing something.
Same thing happened with my last pregnancy! 5 weeks 3 days… empty sac! I went back at 7 weeks and we found the baby with a strong heartbeat
Ok I found out at 5 weeks and there wasn’t really Anthony at 6-8 weeks you can see and hear the heart beat spotting is normal at first I got 3 little girls and each one I found out super early and they do ultrasound but after 8 weeks go back and see baby and hear the heartbeat. Trust you should be just fine as long as you don’t start bleeding more
I was in the er for abdominal pain I had an ultrasound done when I was 5 weeks pregnant and I was told I lost my baby. They wanted to do a dnc but I declined and wanted to see my dr. Thankfully I did because he ran additional test and confirmed I was still pregnant with my now 14 year old beautiful daughter.
I had a friend Who had her regular monthly’s The whole time she was pregnant and the baby was fine
Why are they scanning you at 5 weeks anyway ? , a scan should be done further along ie 8 weeks or 12 weeks ? I don’t understand why someone would be scanned at 5 weeks there’s nothing there apart from a sac
Nothing really to see at 5 weeks just the sac
Call your doctor and describe what is happening.
Brown blood is usually old blood and no cause for alarm. And five weeks is still pretty small to show up on an ultrasound. But, please share your concerns with your doctor. That’s who can best answer your questions and make sure your baby is ok
Get a blood test to see what your hcg levels are
It happened to me … and he’s 10 years old now …
At 5 weeks you won’t see anything yet. And if you were miscarrying it would be red blood and lots of it.
I never got an ultrasound until 8 or 9 weeks. Can’t really see anything any earlier
You may not really be 5wks…maybe earlier. You can sometimes, repeat sometimes see heart flicker at 5-6wks. I would call your doc
I had an ultra sound around the same time and they could see thickening of the uterine lining but no sac, mine ended up being a tubal pregnancy
Omg why didnt u ask questions while you were there?
We have suffered miscarriages so from 6 weeks as that’s when they can see a sac and a flicker early pregnancy scan you, unless something like that’s happened they shouldn’t be scanning you early because it can be worrying. At 6 weeks at my scan they could still just see a sac then went a few days later and could see a heartbeat so I wouldn’t be too worried. Hope it goes OK x
U r still early for an ultrasound to see the baby, the spotting is also normal for early pregnancy as long as ur hormone levels r still going up the baby is good
I was told by my ob they don’t do ultra sounds till 8 weeks and up.
Hi, I’m currently 39 weeks pregnant. 5 weeks is still early to see baby on any ultrasound as the baby is too little. Brown blood is old blood your body is getting rid of and it can be completely normal during pregnancy. I had brown blood at least twice and the only time I was concern and went to get checked up was when I was cramping at the same time but since everything else was normal I was just sent home. Try to not worry too much about it but if you feel very concern about the brown spotting go and see your doctor to ease your mind. Good luck and wishing you a very healthy pregnancy and baby
Yep they don’t do ultrasounds until 8-9 weeks!
U normally cant see baby on the ultrasound til between 6 and 10 weeks as baby is just too small
All they could do for me at 5 weeks was confirm the pregnancy. And make sure my levels were growing the way they should
I had an ultrasound that early and there was barely anything there. No heart beat or anything! Don’t panic mama!
Did they do a vaginal or just the on the tummy because without the vaginal they’re barely going to see a sack.and brown blood should be ok bc it’s old blood. Fresh blood is usually not a good sign.
Too early, don’t panic or worry. Wait until your next appointment and you should be far enough
To early to see anything.
Very early. Your hcg has to be over 2000 to see anything
My doctor wouldn’t even schedule my first appointment until I was about 7 weeks because they’re so hard to see that early. Good luck
This was my ultrasound last week…he GUESTimated around 5.5 weeks… check again in 10 days. There wasn’t much to see lol
5weeks usually too early… they told me at 6 weeks my sac was empty and was going to scrap everything out but to come back in another week and just make sure everything was okay to go ahead well I went back and guess what it was seen plain as day…brown blood is old blood not fresh blood trying to leave your body so not a reason for concern…
There’s really not much to see if anything at 5 weeks pregnant. That’s why most places won’t do U/S that early
5 wk spotting is likely implantation. I’ve spotted during the entire first trimester with my last 3 pregnancies, all turned out fine
In Canada get one until 10 weeks! So I wouldn’t panic yet
I had something similar with my last pregnancy and this one- I cried when I started bleeding and cramping.
I had a subchorionic hemorrhage, and it resolved itself. Baby was fine, and my numbers are still going up as well.
Breathe, Mama❤
This happened to me during my second pregnancy. My levels were going up also. At 10 weeks, they were finally able to see him.
It’s okay. It’ll just take a few more weeks.
Completely normal. 5 weeks is too early you should see baby at your next ultrasound in 2 weeks
5 weeks is way too early to see a baby. Wait until about 8 weeks.
At 8 weeks is when they can see the yolk sac and baby. Don’t worry.
At 5 wks for me and my hcg was 1500 only a sac could be seen
5 weeks is normally too early to see anything on an ultrasound, my doc had me wait until 10 weeks with both pregnancies.
Brown blood could just be left over implantation bleeding. Totally fine! As long as it’s not bright red you should be okay
lol you might see a bunch of cells but that’s about it
They weren’t able to find the Baby until I was 8 weeks along… It was Nerve wracking but I’m in my 2nd trimester already and Baby is doing great.
They seen my baby at six weeks but was very small but as long as there’s no red blood you’re good and as long as your levels keep rising You should be OK
Baby’s sometimes don’t pick up until 7-8 weeks. My sister in law just had this happen and had a baby & heartbeat seen at 7 weeks 1 day after 3 appointment with no baby seen or heartbeat & her levels continued to go up.
Im pregnant with my third child and this one i spotted then full on bled like i was on my period. I was only 7 weeks. I was sure the baby died but did sonogram and baby was fine. Its still early dont stress yourself out!!
It’s too early to see anything and the brown blood is just old blood
I thought I was 8 but im 7weeks according g to the tech at the hospital. I had bleeding Saturday (4th baby 2nd pregnancy that I had bleeding during. I was 6.5 according to them) we seen mine and heart beat was 117-119bpm I was told by tech its a big bleed thats all I was told and to take it easy. I work 3rd shift (First ob apt is Wednesday. My ob office usually won’t see you till your close to 12wks but I cant wait due to last two being high risk pregnancies. But 5wks might be too soon if doctor was worried he would used the transvaginal ultrasound wand. And some blood is normal apparently. (I didn’t know till baby 3 I bled at 10wk and 12wk ahea a healthy 2yr old. And so far this one is ok. No blood since early Sunday. (I didn’t have cramps or anything)
Sounds like what I’m going through minus the blood spotting. I’m 8 weeks pregnant and the baby is Measuring at 5 weeks. Can’t even see the baby and no heart beat but my levels are going up.
5 weeks should just be a gestational sac, it’s a dark empty space and the baby is too small to see just yet.
I was told 8 weeks is when you can see something. Not sure why they’d do an ultrasound this early
They wouldn’t even do an ultrasound on me til 10 weeks because baby would be hard to see prior
5 weeks is really early to see anything on an ultrasound, also brown blood is normal in early pregnancy. It’s old blood. I hope everything goes smoothly for you !
This happened to me & unfortunately I miss carried… but then I got pregnant literally a month later again & the same thing happened and I bled for like 3 weeks & now he’s 2 weeks old lol. So I’m not sure… the body really does what it wants.
6 weeks they should be able to see. With my son they were able to see & was able to hear a heart beat.
Maybe baby is just in a weird spot. Light spotting during pregnancy is common.
5 weeks isn’t too early to see baby on an ultrasound. My 5week5day ultrasound
Mine couldn’t be seen at 5-6 weeks too. At 7 weeks, we could start seeing an amniotic sac but could only see baby (with heartbeat detected) at week 9.
Too early, and sometimes early on with an internal ultrasound I would spot after. I found out so early with my second that they couldn’t see anything!
Around 6 -7 weeks is when the ultrasound can catch the sac and heartbeat
I was 5 weeks when I had my first ultrasound and we only got to see the gestational sac. I went back 2 weeks later and we got to see the heartbeat
At 5 weeks they can’t really see much
In 5 weeks pregnancy the baby should be the size of a sesame seed
Totally normal
As long as you’re levels are going up then you’re good
I wasn’t able to get in for an ultrasound until 7 weeks they had said before 7/8 weeks it’s hard to see much
It’s really hard to be able to see anything at 5 weeks. Your uterus may not be positioned correctly and/or it’s most likely too early to see anything. If your levels are still rising, don’t stress about it too much!
To early to see baby and implant bleeding. All my pregnancies was like that the only one I cant speak on is my first bc I didn’t know I was pregnant till I was 20 weeks pregnant. But all my others was and I have 4 loving healthy kids. My oldest isn’t living.
Same happened to me. I spotted at 5 weeks and the dr said he didn’t see anything or maybe I was miscarrying. My daughter is now 2 and a half