I am 5 weeks pregnant and baby is not seen on the ultrasound: Advice?

I went in to meet my new OB and I was 5 weeks and she said it was too early and nothing would be seen. Just went last week at 9 weeks and found it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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5 weeks is too early for some babies to be seen my last 2 were. As long as it’s brown you are good. Bright red only if it’s a tad bit.

I was 5 weeks and saw absolutely nothing and was having brown blood which I’m assuming was old blood, but at my 7 week I saw baby clear as day

The spotting could possibly be from the ultrasound. I remember with my first after I had my first ultrasound which was vaginal I ended up having some spotting

It’s sounds normal. They normally won’t do an ultrasound before 6 weeks because you won’t see anything but the sac. If your levels are still going up that’s a good sign that your pregnancy is progressing

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I’m pretty sure could be wrong they normally do ultrasounds 7 n 8 weeks cause that’s when they can see the sac I’ve heard it didn’t show up sometimes if you’re too early

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It’s early love. I’m sure everything is fine! Hugs mama!


Sometimes you spot when baby is attaching to uterus, it’s a good sign.

I spotted brown with my first. Everything fine!

Yes! Same thing happened to me… brown spotting and everything. Went back in 2 weeks later and they saw the heartbeat and everything.

Sometimes women can have spotting during pregnancy but it doesn’t hurt to get it checked out if you are worried. Try to relax and get plenty of rest. CONGRATS AND Goodluck with your PREGNANCY.

Yes it happened to me and they said it was old blood.All was fine.Hang in there til you see your doctor.

Did the same thing. Bed rest for a week and he is 16 and fine


I had pretty heavy bleeding and cramping around 5 weeks and at first they thought I miscarried. Went for an ultrasound a couple weeks later and everything was good. At 5 weeks nothing can really be detected yet


Too ealry for a dating ultrasound and to check viability. You need to be at least 8 weeks. Bleeding early in pregnancy is typically from implantation and brown blood is old blood which is good. Intercourse also can cause red spotting/light bleeding

I went threw that with my first. She was hiding behind some tissue and some spotting. They first thought I was miscarrying but wasnt. Just my body playing games.
Keep your feet up n dont stress your body n mind and you should be ok

When that happened to me I had an ectopic pregnancy in one of my tubes. Not to scare you but maybe have them look into it.

I was pregnant before all the ultrasounds and things. But they told me my baby son was dead,He’s a big strapping boy of 52 years now.


I had spotting and the Dr told me not to be surprised if I lost it but she was born full-term and healthy.

I had same thing happen to me and it was a tubal pregnancy. I pray thats not going on with u


Yeah I had cramps and spotting and to early to see anything ! They just saw the fetal pole . Went in again a week or so later for the same thing . They just said threatened misscarriage . Well he’s almost 8 now !


I was at 5 weeks pregnant too and had brown blood spottubg6, I went to her room and they checked me said my cervix was closed and I wasn’t having a miscarriage. My levels were going up too. At 7 weeks I had an ultrasound done and baby was fine.

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It is rare to see a 5 week pregnancy on U/S. We usually do them at 7 weeks. You can usually see heartbeat also at this point to verify a viable pregnancy.

I spotted early. Went home and got off my feet. Baby is now 58 and 6 ft. .


My doctor didn’t allow ultra sound before 9 weeks to avoid heartache is this happened… let time pass. If levels are increasing that’s what you should expect! You’ll be okay :heart:


For me there was an empty sack, at thirteen weeks I had spotting that when I was told it’s a anembrionic pregnancy,:pleading_face:there was no baby I was so sad.


Usually wait until after 8 weeks. Both of mine were not at 12 weeks

I find it hard to believe your Dr. wanted you to have an ultrasound at 5 weeks.

It is hard to see a 5 week pregnancy on ultrasound. Wait until you’re closer to 7 weeks

I hate that they ultrasound this early. There is usually nothing to see but a ditzel. Rely on doctor and labs.

5 weeks is super early and depending on where the placenta attached still probably really hard to see. At this point it’s a waiting game and if levels are going up just go with it!!

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Your pre-natal vitamins are EXTREMELY important - please make sure you take them religiously.

You need to wait, you barely found out your pregnant. You need to give it till 8 weeks to see anything


Most women spot the 1st 3 months around the time they would have been having their period

Think 10 weeks may be where you see something, 5 may be too early to see!

My 2nd baby on month got period next month nothing fir about 3 nmonths and she is fine

U need a transvaginal ultrasound done if you are going to see anything that early

5 weeks is a little early for anything, give it time

Usually that ultrasounds aren’t done until around 8-9 wks. It maybe too small to see anything

Did they detect a heartbeat? If so id just take it easy n relax. Worrying doesn’t help n will only make it worse.

Google it!!! size of a fetus at 5 weeks

So your dr recommended an ultra sound???

I had bleads all the way from 6 weeks on he is now 11

5 weeks is still early. I wouldn’t worry.

that normal at 5 weeks. all you should see is the sac.

5 weeks is like the size of a quarter not gona show up

Trust youe instincts. You know more than you think you do. Stay calm, breathe, and trust yourself.

Vaginal ultrasound can cause spotting

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Yes this happened to me and i have a beautiful 7 year old

Yes just had to have complete bed rest for two months.Everything was fine

I had a day of bleeding and it was two weeks after my period was due but I was pregnant and didnt know it. So when the next period was due and didnt happen I was surprised I was six weeks further along than I thought. Good luck!

Same thing happened to my 2nd pregnancy. At 5 weeks I started to have spotting like period. I went for vaginal ultrasound and they said that there is a fetal. But I kept on spotting and 3 times I went to ER because I was having cramps too until I gave birth at 38 weeks to a bouncy healthy baby and now she is almost 11 year old big girl. Maybe schedule for another ultrasound at 6-7 weeks.

2 more weeks and you can see it

Probably eptopic go to the doctor

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You need to contact your doctor

I had pretty heavy bleeding and cramping around 10 weeks and at first they thought I miscarried. Went for an ultrasound a 2 weeks later and everything was good. At 12weeks the doctors identified my baby gender, never did a ultrasound at 5 weeks .

Baby playing hide and seek already, don’t worry, little one will give up soon, it’s normal to spot, it’s called
Implantation bleeding, and it should only be a little bit…God Bless you

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Every pregnancy is different. At this time I would suggest waiting and not getting over stressed. Watch your levels and time will tell. Bleeding in early pregnancy can be from implantation of embryo.

Five weeks pregnant based on what? Blood work? Phantom pregnancy. It stinks, but it’s real. Wish you the best.

Too early to see anything right now. And as long as it’s not bright red you should be fine

Did they see a fetal pole?

Spotting is probably implantation bleeding

So…how do you know its five weeks

Just go to your doctor make sure

Take it easy and no stress

Talk to God. He has the answer. I will pray for you and baby.


Just take it easy don’t over do

Same happened with me I went for scan at about 4-5 weeks and couldn’t see anything . Went back 2 weeks later at about 6-7 weeks and there he was :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was 8 weeks pregnant when I first saw baby and heard the heartbeat

I’d say wait until closer to 8&10 weeks where I’m from they don’t do ultrasound until at least 8 weeks

My obgyn doesn’t do ultrasound until 8 weeks because you can’t see anything . I miscalculated my second pregnancy and thought I was 9 weeks and ended up being 6 and they couldn’t even really see much then .

I didn’t have my first appointment til I was 9+5 and I could barely see my child

Don’t stress ! Try to relax. Like they said 6 to 8 weeks

Ur only 5 weeks!!! Jeez maybe u should not be mother!!..is this ur 1st??? U should study more!!!

I didn’t have my 1st ultrasound until 8 weeks. I also had a lot of spotting through the first trimester. There were a few times I thought I lost my baby. Once I got the second trimester mark I was a little more at ease.

Yes that can be considered normal. You’re only 5 weeks theres not much to be seen. Dont get discouraged.

I work in OBGYN and we have people come in at 8+ weeks for their first ultrasound for this very reason. It isn’t guaranteed to see/hear anything and causes panic. If your levels are going up, that’s a positive thing. Some spotting can be normal… Call your OBGYN to get “serial HCG” levels drawn. 5 weeks if very very early. Some people don’t even have that show up on a home pregnancy test.
Deep breaths!


Probably aren’t 5 weeks

Mine wouldnt even see me until 8 weeks

Unless they did a transvaginal you wouldn’t b able to at 5wks on a regular ultrasound. Congrats :footprints:

How about mine ladies I don’t see my period last May but instead I have spotting brown discharge and it stay only 1day what would it be???

5 weeks is a really normal to not see anything on the ultrasound. Many doctors will not even order an ultrasound until closer to 8 weeks for that reason.

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Wait till around 8 weeks than fir sure you will know.

Yes I spotted older brown blood a few weeks, I first found out at 4 weeks I was pregnant they checked me at 6 weeks cause I have a history of miscarriage, they checked me at 8 weeks and could barley see a heartbeat but at 12 weeks we could see he was ok.

At my dr office they will not do an ultrasound until 8-10 weeks bc its very hard to spot before then!


As long as your levels are doubling every 2 days, ur good.

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I’m so glad grown women laugh at a post like this :+1: awesome job ladies real mature :roll_eyes:

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Too early too see anything. Get checked again at around 8 weeks, you’ll be able to clearly see a heart beat then. I was the same with my daughter. I couldn’t see anything till I was 8 weeks. I bleed and had so much. I wouldn’t stress too much if your levels are rising x

I had the same happen. My doctor called it a threatened miscarriage, and sent me to have a transvaginal ultrasound immediately. It was only then that we could see our little peanut.

Idk they could see my daughter at 4 weeks. I had to have my IUD taken out. Give it a few more.

Brown blood is old blood an 5 weeks is to early to see anything you will need to be at least 7 to 8 weeks

My doctor says if it is before 6 weeks they wont do an ultrasound because it is to early. Sometimes even at 6 weeks it can be to early. My doctor likes to wait until the 7 week mark or later. Dont worry as long as your levels are still rising.

I had the same, i came back at 8 weeks and all was fine, i now have a healthy 5.5 week old. Just Try not to stress about it to much its very normal this early!

My daughter had bleeding first 8 weeks. They called it a “Scared miscarriage “ We waited n prayed, now her son will celebrate his 2nd birthday next week. Sounds like you, keep the faith💕

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That’s what happened to me but the next appointment they didn’t see anything or hear a heartbeat. I was devastated

5 weeks is still super early, I had brown blood and red blood spotting during both my pregnancies and everything turned out fine.

The fetus was implanted low I ended up with a placenta prévia.

Brown blood spot could be tougher pregnancy but nothing to say yet because it’s too early. Wait till the 9 to eight weeks for more clear view

You need to take a deep breath and calm down. Or talk to your doctor. But worrying will not change a thing.