A lot of good comments but something else all new mom should know stay away from caffeine ,caffeine will kill a fetus
If u google it …5 week fetus is the size if an orange seed !!!
It all depends on whether you have had a trans-vaginal or trans-abdominal scan. If its the latter one will only see well enough from 6 weeks onwards.
Hard to see on ultrasound that early
could be a tube pregnant that could be very dangerous ask your doctor
Yes It can happen could still be break threw bleeding from the implantation of the egg to your uderan wall! As long asvyour hgc levels are continuing to climb that is a very good sign! Also I have a friend that had periods her entire pregnancy. She was ill all the time tho and doctors could find nothing! Until into her 3rd trimester I believe 30ish weeks one of the doctors ran a blood pregnancy test and low and behold bingo…( she had been given urine tests and they were all negative. She had a very healthy baby girl who is 8 now!! So pregnacy is weird hang in thereband try not to worry!
Please consult your Doctor
FB is the absolute wrong place to ask such a question. Ask your Dr. !!