I am 6-weeks-pregnant and bleeding but my levels are doubling: Thoughts?

I am 6.5 weeks along and have been bleeding for eight days and started with spotting and now regular flow and cramping. I’ve been to the doctors almost every day for ultrasounds and blood work. They keep just telling me I have to wait. My levels are doubling as normal, and they see the sac in my uterus. It’s just emotionally draining between some doctors telling me it’s a miscarriage and others saying it could just be an irregular pregnancy. Has this happened to anyone else?

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The cervix is very soft during this time. So it could be implantation bleeding or if ur having sex the bleeding could be from that

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I had a friend that had regular periods throughout. Healthy 8lb at term

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Yeah. My mom and sister both had regular periods for the first 4-6months of pregnancy and the pregnancy tests at the doctor’s office never came back positive until later in the pregnancy

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My daughter had this. It was the egg implanting in the uterus. We have our Elijah now.

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My aunt had her period for her entire pregnancy with her first daughter to the point they told her she miscarried and then 6 months after they told her that she gave birth to a very healthy little girl

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What about a sub chroniac hemorrhage? I’d also get your progesterone levels checked. I spotted and had a heavy flow of blood and extreme cramps. Turns out it was an SCH and super low progesterone. Pelvic rest and progesterone supplements for first trimester. Otherwise, healthy pregnancy.

If your hcg levels double then all’s okay (maybe a slight problem else where)if they don’t it’s pending miscarriage xx

It could be a molar pregnancy. That’s exactly what happened to me


I miscarried at 6 weeks. The first day bleeding (I was bleeding for over a week) my levels dropped severely. If yours are doubling, I’d say rest up and listen to your doctors.

I would request an ultrasound to make sure baby is ok

I have 3 children and I had bleeding episodes with the first 2. My very first pregnancy I was somewhere around 8 weeks I went to the bathroom used it normally but then I still felt and heard a stream. I looked and it was all blood. My dr basically told me if it increased or became painful to come in. I spotted a few more days and the pregnancy continued normally. The second pregnancy I just started spotting. It was dark and looked like what the end of a normal period would look like. That went on for more than a week and I went on to have a healthy baby. It really could be anything. Try not to worry yourself especially of your drs aren’t worried. Pregnancy affects everyone differently

Try in home pregnancy test from the drug store. Personally, I think it’s too much bleeding to be pregnant. Sorry :pray::pray::pray:

Could be a lot of things. Insist on testing progesterone levels and supplements.

I had this at 14 weeks and it was just a tiny spot where the placenta was separating from the wall. Normal but scary.

Stress levels and diet are huge contributors. Relax and eat from the earth be loved :heart::pray:t3:

I had bleeding throughout my pregnancy. It’s not technically a period although it does look like it. I had a blood pocket around my sac and they said it would either be absorbed by my body or shedded from my uterus. I was high risk because of it and monitored a lot.

If possible stay in bed and rest. This was similar to me, it worked for me

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Sounds familiar.

My pregnancy was ectopic pregnancy. My embryo was growing in my fallopion tube instead of my womb. I have to terminate my pregnancy and removed my rupture fallopian tube to save my life.

Take care & be strong emotionally/mentally.
Sending lots of :heart::heavy_heart_exclamation:

They told my colleague to relax it’s normal to bleed during pregnant a week after when she go back to the clinic they told her it’s a mascarriage

With my middle son I thought for sure I was having a miscarriage. I started bleeding I can’t remember how far along I was but i know it was early on. He turns 9 on the 19th of this month

That is fairly normal. Probably implantation bleeding which also causes cramps. But listen to your gut if you feel you need to be checked.

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My mom had her period for 3 months when she was pregnant with my sister and myself

I bled almost every day for the entirety of the first trimester with my first. It’s alarming and scary, but sometimes it ends up being nothing and everything is fine. They told me if the bleeding ever came with severe pain or cramping that I needed to be seen asap.

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I bled through my hole pregnancy n my little girls 2.5years now I got told I had a miscarriage coz of the bleeding but clearly I didn’t lol, hoping for the best for u x

I did that with this pregnancy. I’ve had miscarriages so I assumed this one would be too. Levels kept rising (not quite doubling) and after about a week the bleeding stopped. No explanation as to why.

I had this with my second born , I bleed for a while 3 months , I had to take it easy is all was said , and dont stress as it could make it worst , trust me I know it’s hard, sending love,hugs,prayers,and lots of health! :heavy_heart_exclamation::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:

Are you a negative blood type I am and had to get Rogam shot didnt stop bleeding till after? Something to ask your doctor about

I bleed everyday for 30 weeks till I delivered at 34 weeks. There could be lots of reasons for bleeding

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You could have an ectopic pregnancy

I bled up until 16 weeks with my first

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I had this with my second son. It was an invisible twin.

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I bleed heavy for 20 weeks. I had placenta previa

A friend of mine had something like this and I can’t remember exactly but I swear it was like a hematoma. The doctors said it was totally normal and that it would stop bleeding on its own. He told her no tampons or sex and to limit what she lifts. I think it was like a 10lb limit for a few weeks to help it heal. Basically like a pocket of blood that built up between her uterus and the lining or something. He baby was delivered safe and healthy to term.

I had a normal period every month until I was 12 weeks. My doctors weren’t concerned.

Depend on how u feel, urge to push its miscarriage & if not nothing happen. I never seen or heard ppl keep bleeding until born which is unusual. Pls go to hospital to get check

I bled my entire first semester and was always terrified I would miscarry, my daughter is now 13 mos old. Good luck momma! Sending prayers and good vibes!!


I had bleeding around 7 and 8 weeks and everything was fine

I started bleeding at 7 weeks (well so we thought), so went to the er and the doctor told me there was no baby, but a sac and that I had miscarried and would pass the rest. I asked for a second opinion. Radiology comes back and says there is a baby, but no heartbeat and they make an appointment for another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if the pregnancy was viable or not. 2 days before my appointment, I started passing clots. It was very similar to my miscarriage, so I thought that was what it was. Back to the er. Had another ultrasound. Turns out baby was just too young to hear his heartbeat the first time and I had a subchorionic hematoma that was causing my bleeding. I was put on bed rest until it passed. After that everything was fine. Now I have a happy, healthy 7mo.


I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and bled until 30 weeks and delivered at 34.

There is a lot of reasons for bleeding. Try not to stress. If you’re being monitored daily that’s really all you can do until you get answers.

My bonus sons mom bleed alot during her pregnancies with both her kids. Honestly you just have to wait and see what’s going on

It could be a subchorionic hematoma. I had one with my last pregnancy. Had bleeding for about 5 days. Baby boy is now almost 10 months.

My mom says she had her period the entire pregnancy with me. Maybe that’s happening to you

when I was pregnant with my youngest she’s five now I called because I had tested and it said positive but I was bleeding like I was having my period. they brought me in and did blood work to check my levels and everything was fine and I was told that you can still bleed while your pregnant and as long as you’re not feeling cramping or anyting you should be fine. if you haven’t already talk to your doctor about it I would suggest talking to your doctor and let him know that you’re worried and see if maybe they can do a scan to see if something’s wrong.

I had a subchorionic hematoma. Research it! I bled on and off my whole pregnancy. Went into labor two months early, 3 weeks after my water started leaking.


Could be vanishing twin Syndrome that’s what happened with me when I was pregnant with my son but I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was 20 weeks

I went through this too and everything was fine she her and healthy


I bled the first 9 weeks straight. Ultrasound was normal, cervix closed, and baby was fine. Till this day we have no clue why it happened

I bled from 6 weeks to 20 weeks. I thought for sure it was a miscarriage. Lost so much blood I almost needed a blood transfusion. Turns out I had a subchorionic hematoma. Baby was fine.

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I did a little bit. My placenta was shifting. As my little old Greek ladies would say if you see blood during the pregnancy you are most likely having a boy :boy: :upside_down_face::wink:

I had bleeding twice in the beginning. The first time was around 4 1/2 weeks which was pink spotting. Went to the ER and it was determined it was implantation bleeding. The second time was about two weeks later and I had a really bad yeast infection, I had a clot and everything. Convinced myself I was losing my baby. Went and had an ultrasound and everything was fine. I’m 25 weeks now with a healthy baby girl. Reach out to your OB and ask for an ultrasound

I bled at 6 weeks and had a perfectly healthy baby.

My granddaughter was bleeding and her levels were going up, she also was cramping. What her situation was, is that she was pregnant with twins and lost one. That also happened 3 years ago with her pregnancy. She was pregnant with twins and lost one.

I bled a lot in my first trimester with my son, but it was not like a period. It would be ample amounts like I was sliced within. Never lost him though. He’s now 9 years old and almost as tall as me! Hold out hope my dear! But as the nurses told me when I called back then, if it is a miscarriage you cannot stop it. Best of luck to you during these stressful times. :heart:


I had this happen too and they didn’t see an”fetal pull” on my sonogram so one dr said I was miscarrying. My numbers kept increasing though so the other drs in the practice waited. Happy they didn’t rush because We’re blessed with our 23 year old son! Prayers for you as I know how emotional this is for you.


You could be loosing a twin. So you may still have a baby. Really have them make sure you aren’t still pregnant before they do anything to clean you out if they determine it is a miscarriage. I’ve heard several stories like this.


Blend whole pregnancy with my youngest. Had ultrasounds 2x a month the whole way. They told me the whole time she wouldn’t make it. Bed rest. Stitches to keep her in and then they told me she would be a premie and underweight. All that and she was 10 day late and 9lb 9oz. Hang tough. Doctors dont always get it right. I know it’s scary. Praying for you.


I bled a lot through all of my 9 pregnancies. I lost one baby which would have been #8 of 10. A lack of morning sickness and no fatigue were my indications that something wasn’t right.

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I’ve had a threatened miscarriage with all 3 pregnancies around 8-10 weeks…heavy bleeding, clots and lasts for over a week before it tapers off. ANY bleeding during pregnancy is scary! Praying everything is good with baby!


This happened to me, I bled for 2 whole weeks non stop while I was 5 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. My numbers were increasing and all turned out well. She is now about to turn 4 yrs old. I know it’s nerve wrecking but as long as your numbers are increasing that’s a great sign.


Yes to me it happened to me, and I don’t want to freak you out, but I had saw 3 doctors 1l being a female and she was so rude to me, they wouldn’t tell me if it was going to be a miscarriage, i kept calling because I wasn’t getting any answers the female dr. Says to me there is nothing we can do for a miscarriage so don’t worry or stress yourself over it in a really rude voice. My baby doctor happened to be on vacation at that time. I was so scared I ended up going out to the ER and that dr. There helped more than any family dr. Did


Bleeding during pregnancy is not uncommon. In fact, the blood flow down there is so much more than ever. I know it’s stressful and your afraid, but keep hope in those numbers. Your pregnancy is still progressing as it should at this point. I bled during mine a couple times. During implantation for example. It’s a bloody process apparently. Have faith :pray:

I had normal periods for my entire first two pregnancies (heavy flow). I also had no symptoms whatsoever and didn’t show until late in my third trimester for them. Main reason I didn’t know I was pregnant until month 5 and month 6, respectively. I just left it in God’s hands instead of worrying so much. I just did what doctors told me, took it extremely easy, talked to them, and I thank all of heaven that they were born healthy and safe. My third pregnancy was a normal pregnancy.

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I had what is called a “threatened miscarriage”. I bled for about 8 weeks (12 weeks-20 weeks,) with my last pregnancy. It was absolutely nerve wracking, but I delivered a healthy baby girl!!! Not sure about my levels as they were not monitored. I do know some women actually have a period while pregnant as normal!!! That’s more common than most realize!

I would try to prepare myself for the worst, but hope for the best. Good luck to you!


With my 2nd misscarige I would spot for a couple of days stop then start again. I never got a ultrasound until I went to the the ER at 11weeks because my s had been doubling. That’s when I found out I had a blighted ovum. I had a D&C. The Drs were surprised because even when they checked my levels in the ER my #'s were very high. With 5th pregnancy (my rainbow baby) I would spot and have bleeding every time i wiped. Had the ultrasounds because it went on for 2weeks. Everything was fine. I spotted again a couple times after that for 10days or more up to my 3rd month then it stopped. He was born healthy with no other issues in the pregnancy. Honestly sometimes the doctors just don’t know


I’m 7 weeks. Went in for my u/s yesterday and she saw something but thinks it’s a miscarriage. I went to the ER around 5 weeks for lower back pain and tummy pain and they did a u/s that showed a yolk sac and my hcg level was normal. She sent me yesterday to the lab to get blood work done to check my level, so all I can do now is wait for a phone call to see if it’s going up or down

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I have had this many times, a lot did not take but when it did, there were two sacs, one didn’t develop & I had some blood. But I heard the heartbeat of my first daughter at 6 weeks. Doubling numbers sounds good though. Hugs & wishing you the best outcome.

I had a 3 week period, I was admitted into hospital for chronic back pain and during scans they discovered I was 7 weeks pregnant so I had no idea as me and my partner had giving up trying. I guess it was just implantation could this be the case with you? X

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I had this happen to me I took a test and had become pregnant , went to doctors to confirm, they set up an appointment for me , I had no idea how far along I was being so early , I started to have back pain and cramps , I bled light it stopped and started to be a light period , I had an emergency sono appointment and they told me I could be possibly to early to see anything, nothing was present at that time , the next morning I started to bleed more than usual and the night of I had a sac come out , as big as my thumb , it was something I never thought of seeing before and didn’t think of anything, they sent me in for an HCG blood test and my levels were 911 and doubling …I was so nervous and didn’t realize that my baby came out of me , I told the doctors as they checked in my sono saying there is no sac present and I started to cry telling my doctor that it had to of come out during my implantation bleeding … my second baby and my first miscarriage

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Since the Dr not sure yet and from the other comments as I haven’t had this happen to me before at least stay on bed rest for now and see if cramps subside from what these other Mom’s say with your numbers increasing and they see the fetal sac wait and rest ,you didn’t say if this is your 1st pregnancy, good Luck!!!

I bled with my last pregnancy until 11 weeks. We are talking heavy bleeding with clots and all. Nonstop. It was awful! He’s not a healthy almost 3 month old

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Since there are so many stories of this I’d say to pray about it (if you do that) and try and stay positive if you are being reassured by increasing numbers. Try not to worry until they tell you to because you really have to try and stay positive or it will wear on you horribly. Tell yourself it’s going to be ok and you don’t know anything for sure at this point so there is hope…

I bled from 8 weeks to 22 weeks. Doctors monitored me closely and I was occasionally put on bed rest. I delivered my daughter at 34 weeks and even her lungs were fully developed. My daughter reached all of her milestones and is 18 today. Doctors told me sometimes this just happens. Good luck to you and if possible try to relax although i know that’s easier said than done.


Yes. Sub chorionic hemorrhage and hematoma. I had it. I also had some scar tissue from a surgery. They also didn’t see the baby anymore. The only reason I didn’t get a d&c was because my hcg level was over 100k. And I had a tiny thought what if… I mourned her. I was diagnosed. Misdiagnosed. She is 5 now.


I had normal periods for 2 months then found at 12 weeks i was pregnant. Sometimes implantation bleeding happens and other times your body sheds whatever was left from your last period. But with my son i had a softball sized cyst that we didn’t know about until an ultrasound showed it

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I had a bicornate uterus which is basically two uterus split by a septum. Basically picture an upside heart. Bled so much they thought I was having a miscarriage. I had all the signs. However my numbers were still going up and they did an ultrasound and baby was still there. I was put on bedrest from 8 weeks and she was born at 31 weeks. Best advice take it easy, stay off your feet as much as possible for now until they can figure out what is going on. Good luck.


I miscarried my second sac not my actually baby where I was possibly having twins. Stay on bed rest and just let ur body rest and keep going in til it passes or you do miscarriage.

I’m sorry just stay positive and long as baby has heartbeat and all keep that baby safe and do not stress!!!

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I was 17 weeks pregnant when I found out…yes you read that correctly…I didn’t know because I was having a period every month…as this is not a normal thing, it does happen quite often…I’m sure the doctors have told you to be on bed rest…but if you are having a miscarriage then bed rest will not help…just keep checking on your baby and pray for the best…I don’t know you but prayer is a strong thing and I will pray for you and your baby. Also a word of advice I also had a preterm baby ( a different pregnancy) and he passed not long after his birth…if you do miscarry please wait a year before you get pregnant again as if you get pregnant too soon after a miscarriage you have a higher risk of the baby having birth defects. Take care and ill be praying

I had bleeding everyday for the first 4 months because I had a cyst and it was at the opening of my uterus, maybe you have one!


I had a regular cycle for almost 5 months didn’t even know I was pregnant with my second daughter and then it stopped ,she was full term and healthy

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I bled with my current pregnancy for a few weeks until I was just past the first trimester. I was convinced somethjng was wrong and went in for an early sonogram and blood tests. Everything was fine and I’m currently 30 weeks with our second son. Any blood during pregnancy is alarming - I thought one day it had to be a miscarriage. OB said it was implantation bleeding.

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I thought o had a miscarriage. I woke in a pool of blood. I got to the hospital they did an ultrasound and my baby was still there. They could not explain why it happened. I will pray for you. I did have eclampsia later on. So watch for that.

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My daughter in law at 8 weeks was bleeding and all signs were a miscarriage. She continued this through most of the pregnancy. However she had a hematoma and the blood just had to leave the body. Baby was fine every time and was born healthy. My daughter in law did find out she has a heart shaped uterus which makes her high risk. She is pregnant again and so far not problems. Have faith and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

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I had the same situation where I bled for a week and my numbers where still going up… it wasn’t deemed a miscarriage at this point because my numbers where elevating! After about a few weeks I did have a miscarriage because my levels start to
Stay the same! Keeping my fingers crossed for a healthy pregnancy!

Yes I had cyst bust when I first found out I was pregnant. Hopefully that is all and both of you are going to be fine praying for you

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Rest with feet up. That was the advice givin by a M.D. for women who are high risk pregnancy. Who just cant either conceive or have problems with miscarriages.

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I had that with one of my pregnancies, they told me I was miscarrying, until they did an ultrasound and baby was safe and sound. They think I had a small tear somewhere. Anyways , that baby is 17 now. Good luck!

Iv had 4 babies and 2 miscarriages. It honestly could be either one. Iv had a pregnancy where my numbers doubled but I started bleeding and it ended in miscarriage. I also had a pregnancy where my numbers doubled but I had bleeding but still had a healthy baby. Unfortunately the waiting is the worst part.

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Your body unfortunately will miscarry if it wants to. I had the same problem in my pregnancy, I am 19 weeks now and my bleeding has stopped. It was scary enough to look like a regular period some days, turns out doctors can’t really explain why the bleeding happens it just does and some Woman go in the entire full term healthy pregnancy with a “regular” monthly period or even longer, it’s common and it happened in my first pregnancy as well, you’ll be okay just take it easy and stay healthy :smiling_face:

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We could all give you our advice and experiences hunni but it will only make you worry or maybe give you a false sense of hope …the best thing you can do is stop reading others experiences , turn off social media , take time to have a warm relaxing bath …thinking and reading too much will send you and your body insane …i pray you and your pregnancy is healthy and that you get positive answers you need soon xx

This happened to me with my 5th. I started bleeding very heavily went into the hosptial and they said i would miss carry but it turned out it was just a hematoma. Baby was born healthy

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Could be implantation bleeding you just need to relax and see what happens. The stress can make it worse

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Subchorionic hemorrhage, its the placenta attaching to the wall, i bled heavily from like 6-9 weeks it was crazy. My doctor showed me on the sonogram where exactly the blood was coming from

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I went through this and unfortunately I had a miscarriage but now have a healthy baby. Hope it all works out for you. It is so emotionally exhausting :worried:

I bled until 14 weeks. I got diagnosed with placenta previa which turned into an accreta. They told me the same thing at first. It sucks waiting but hang in there momma

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Happened to me last August. I was 6 weeks as well and the bleeding was like a period. Eventually the bleeding stopped, and my HCG was climbing. But, my levels started to decline after about a week. Ended in a miscarriage. I was heartbroken, but you’re situation maybe totally different. :crossed_fingers:t4:fingers crossed everything turns out fine for you.

I had a full blown period and mine are heavy the first 3 months im so glad i didn’t know cause I would have panicked too hang in there momma with levels doubling thats a great sign

I delivered two months early due to bleeding and cramping my baby is currently in the nic u .they had given me and ultra sound my placenta was coming apart from the uterus.which caused them to do an emergency c section.they called a placenta irruption.

I bled, and yes it’s so scary. However, once it’s all said and done your gonna wish you wouldn’t have worried and enjoyed every moment. Trust the doctors. Especially since your #'s are good and ultrasound looks good.
((Hugs))from one mom to another.