I am 6-weeks-pregnant and bleeding but my levels are doubling: Thoughts?

With my first baby I bled…at first i did miss my period and then the bleeding led me to believe I started but was late. I missed the next period when I decided to test and had a positive. I was told I was 3-4 months along (13 weeks) The obgyn couldn’t tell me why the bleeding occurred but my pregnancy was healthy and now I have a 10 year old son. I pray your baby is okay

I bled constantly with my daughter who is now 13 it was such a rollercoaster of emotions on a daily basis … just take every day one day at a time try to relax and look after yourself and get plenty rest time will tell the doctors can’t predict the outcome :two_hearts::two_hearts:

I bled my first month. Sometimes heavy like a period. My dr said it happens sometimes but it scared me to death. As long as you aren’t passing large clots you should be okay

I belles like that with my first child. I had a tear! But he is a happy, healthy 3 year old now :slightly_smiling_face: just gotta wait it out, I’m afraid! Best of luck

I’m bled in and off my whole first half of both my pregnancies and I had two healthy babies. As long as your numbers aren’t going down you are good.

I’ve had one pregnancy where I bled for a while like a period, cramps etc and sadly lost baby and I had another pregnancy where I bled for a day or so no cramps, didn’t last for long, at 8 weeks and again at 12 and baby was fine. If you go to a&e they can see if your cervix is open or closed, if it’s open it’s miscarriage if it’s closed hopefully all should be ok. Good luck x

#5. I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks 3 days, that night I started bleeding and bled for 12 weeks straight. Kept hearing it was a miscarriage, dr wouldnt see me till 8 weeks didnt have any answers. One day it just stopped. She measured 2 weeks ahead every visit till 25 weeks then she started measuring 2 weeks behind. Due January 9th, she decided she was wanted on on January 1st. Shes normal insane 4 yr old now

It happened to me. This is a bit tmi but it happened after we had some really good sex. The e.r. doctor did ultrasound baby was fine. He said it happens sometimes. Baby is 8yr now. Also my Grandma said she bleed during all 6 of her pregnancies. I hope it helps.

I really hope your okay? The only time I’ve bled in a pregnancy is when I have miscarriaged, In saying that though my mum got her period as normal while she was pregnant with me and apparently it’s more than common than you realise. All the very best to you x

Have they said u have a subchorionic bleed? Those are quite common.

I also had a very large one with my daughter and bleed HEAVILY (like I did with my miscarriage) from 13 weeks and on. I was on bereft 13 weeks - she was born at 39 weeks

Happened to me too. Didn’t know I was pregnant then. When tested was a month further than I thought
I kept thinking…I just hD a period.
If levels are rising no worries

I am RH- and with my first child I bleed I went to the hospital every other day they would say your miscarrying just prepare after like the 6x going I got a girl doc did labs and goes you are RH- the baby is a + we are going to give you the rhogam shot at 7weeks pregnant an I had to take it easy after that!! I did have many complications with the pregnancy after that but now I have a health strong headed 7 year old girl!!

it is normal that early to bleed for some. i did! its bleeding that happens when the egg implants. totally normal in all pregnancy. some women never have this happen and some women do. with both my sons I did. and I have an almost 16 year old and a 8 yr old

Unfortunately it really is a waiting game. It could be miscarriage or it could just be typical bleeding. A lot of women have bleeding 1st trimester w no threat to the pregnancy but therea not a lot of ways to confirm what’s happening

I have heard of women having bleeding throughout pregnancy. In fact, a former friend of mine had a “regular period” throughout her pregnancy. She actually didn’t know she was pregnant until she went to see a Dr about something else and was told she was indeed around 9 months pregnant. Two days later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She never thought about being pregnant due to the fact that she was a big girl to begin with and just thought she was gaining weight from having a sit down job. It’s not really common, but not unheard of either.

My good friend just went through this… It’s been hell for her… I forget what they said the reason was for rising levels… It had something to do with the type of pregnancy it was called… She ended up having a d&c several weeks after the bleeding started

I had bleeding with both of my pregnancies, it started at about 6-7 weeks and continued till about 12 weeks. I carried both to full term without any problems other than high blood pressure.

I always bled early in my pregnancies… always thought I was gonna miscarry. One of my babies my bleeding was so bad… I knew I was gonna lose him. It was placenta previa and resolved itself. As long as your hcg levels are doubling, you’re probably ok.

I bled everyday from 7-10 weeks with my youngest son. I had an ultrasound and bloodwork and it was always fine. They told me to take it easy and hope for the best. I went in and talked to my Dr one day and she told me it happened to her with all three of her kids and they turned out perfectly healthy. It’s called “threatened abortion” but it can just stop or it can lead to a miscarriage but there’s no way to stop it if that’s what is happening. I think mine was due to messed up hormone levels and my body must’ve just gotten it straightened out and I now have a healthy 7 yr old. I hope everything works out for you. Try not to stress about it. It could very easily stop as quickly as it started.

It may be subchorionic hemorrhage of the placenta. It’s a normal thing that can happen. If you aren’t doubled over with pain and your blood work is showing normal rise in beta hcg, you are most likely fine.

I bled until 20 weeks with my son. They told me that there was nothing they could do until after the 20 weeks but also said I wouldn’t be the first woman to have a normal period while pregnant. My son will be 22 in November so I’ll say a prayer🙏

I had light cycles for the first two months of my first pregnancy it can be completely normal. Best I can say is breath take it easy and pray.

My mom said she had four periods with my brother she didn’t even know she was pregnant until late in her fourth month when he started moving around a little. He came out health and is now 37 years old

I had bleeding at the times of my period for several months. I would prepare for a miscarriage but not give up on hope. I wish I could reassure you more. I had a healthy baby.

I bled for a couple weeks with one of mine and he’s fine. If you have a negative blood type, I would request a Rhogam shot though.

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I bled with 2 of 3 of my pregnancies. One was the first pregnancy which was because of placenta prévia. The second time was 3rd pregnancy and was early on (about 6/7 weeks) it ended up being nothing at all. Just a “little bleeding”. I bled twice with that pregnancy like that.

When I was pregnant with my first child I had the exact same thing happen to me I was also 6 weeks They saw the sac my levels were doubling but I was also Cautioned that I could miscarry I was so emotional but everything turned out good and I did stop bleeding and now that baby I was told I could lose is 14 :blush:

I baked my last pregnancy (6th child) from 12wks to 29wks big clots tons of bleeding. My placenta wasnt fully attached. I needed up being on bedrest the whole time until 30wks when it healed :heart: goodluck

Hi, sorry you are experiencing this. I know it is nerve wracking. I had bleeding for several weeks at the beginning of my second pregnancy. Everything was normal for me too. It stopped after a few weeks, no explanation. Best wishes to you.

I definitely bled in all my pregnancies, the cramping would definitely be concerning to me, but if you cramped normally during PMS, try to breathe and roll with the professionals. Don’t let the stress do something that has not already happened!!! Look at some beautiful roses if you need to calm your nerves, I sure did, sight for sore eyes!!!

I was told I miscarried my son because I was bleeding so heavily. My numbers were doubling and I now have a 12 year old. I bled with both of my children but everyone is different

I had this happen come to find out I had a blood clot on my cervix that was slowly emptying and the pregnancy was fine. If you feel like something is wrong make them listen to you girl.

I had this with my 3rd pregnancy and around the same gestation as you, I held on and prayed, but sorry to say my final scan shown my baby had no heartbeat :sob:
Hold on in their, everybody is different x

Try to go home and relax. Take a hot bath or shower and pamper yourself and try to let everything go. The stress and worry definitely won’t help and maybe your body will relax and get to normal. I bled horribly and went to the ER early in my pregnancy and I was told I was over exaggerating and I was just having my period when I definitely wasn’t because it wasn’t the right time or anything and I bled through an entire box on tampons and pads in 3 hours. A week and a half later after I tried to relax and get out of the house and rest, I went to my OBGYN and found that I was pregnant and levels were great and I just gave birth to my very healthy baby boy 10 days ago. My best friend had a heavy flow every month for 8 months with her daughter before she found out she was pregnant and had her 3.5 weeks later.

Yes, I had a blood clot under the placenta along with placenta previa. Took 16 weeks to resolve and she was born at 38 weeks. The dr did recommend bed rest until it resolved and absolutely no intercourse.

I had spotting and had a completely normal healthy pregnancy. Have they checked for a subchorionic hematoma? Those seem to have happened frequently in my due date group.

I was bleeding for the first three months of my pregnancy and I was told many times that I was miscarrying after three months I would still bleed but just spotting so they told me to be on pelvic rest. Well they finally saw my baby with a heart beat but couldn’t tell me why I was bleeding. I was seeing a high risk doctor along with my regular OB and having weekly US I continued to spot till I delivered my baby girl on may 23rd and finally they found out I had a tear in my placenta that was causing me to bleed. Every day I prayed and thank God I had one more day I was still pregnant. And knowing the truth I am beyond grateful my babygirl was strong and I didn’t rupture. My angels were watching over me. I knew something was wrong but I was so disappointed they couldn’t figure out why. I’ll be praying for you and your baby. Hopefully they can tell you what is going on.

I had bleeding my first trimester, and it ended up being from a sub chronic hematoma*. My OB essentially said it’s just a bruise that forms behind the uterus, and it’s rare for them to cause any issues with the pregnancy. Mine’s still present, but baby boy’s heartbeat is strong :blue_heart:

i had a friend who had a “normal period” for the first 5 months. she went on to deliver at full term with no other issues.

I had periods with 2 out of 3 of my children. Some women can have a period while pregnant. Just listen to your dr. And try to stay as calm as you can . I know it’s hard . I had periods till four months along

My Mom had 3 pregnancies, 3 live births.

Me: she stopped periods and I was 6lbs 15oz and a 4 hours labor and delivery.

My sister: she had 5 normal periods. She was 7lbs. 2 hour labor and delivery.

My sister: didn’t know she was pregnant. Felt movement twice. Had all normal periods. 8lbs and 15 minute labor and delivery. The Dr. wasn’t even there yet.

I bled with my daughter, 14 years ago, thought i was having a miscarriage but she was perfect! I bled for 30 days straight. Praying for you, as it is scary waking up every morning worrying and being uncertain :heart::heart::heart:

I had a “normal” period until I was 22 weeks. Had no clue I was pregnant until one day it stopped and I finally took a test after I didnt have it.

I had something happen to me like that it was called a blighted ovum. Very painful and almost similar to a miscarriage as far as I remember it was 15 years ago

I’m 19 weeks has of 2day and I started having miscarriage symptoms when I was 6 weeks and it didn’t stop until I was almost 9 to 10 weeks and my baby boy is just fine I Kno how scary it is to have miscarriages and then get pregnant and then start having the same signs and b scared all over again just hang n there hopefully everything thing is and will b fine and I’ll keep u n my prayers

I bled my whole first pregnancy - from spotting to fairly heavy. She is 11 now, perfectly healthy and sassy as ever.

With my first I bled for 5 months as my regular period, 5 to 7 days each, and then I new I was pregnant, drs told me it was because I wasn’t making enough pregnancy hormones, he was born fine at 39 weeks, he is 7 years old now :sparkling_heart:

Just happened to me a month ago. It is very hard and emotionally draining. Hang in there though. You can make it through it

I bled and lost babies but I’ve also bled and she is now 14 this is why pregnancy is a miracle. Only your baby can decide. Just relax take it easy.

I had an extra-uterine pregnancy (in my cervix) and bled a lot from about 7 or 8 weeks until they could figure out what was wrong. It was horrible, I got pretty anemic. My hormone levels were going up as normal too. We had to terminate the pregnancy, there was no way it could have made it to term.

I know when I was pregnant with my youngest son I bleed with a period for several months and still was when I found out I was several months pregnant. He is 42 this October 22. So I hope you have as much luck as I did.

Unfortunately all you can do is wait and see. If your levels are doubling than that is a hopeful sign. Will be praying for you and your baby!

Easier said than done but try not to worry. I bled at 7 weeks & was put on bed rest. Some people bleed the whole way through there pregnancy with normal periods. Good luck. X

I bled with all my pregnancies. They are all healthy and normal.

Happened to me… Had an ultrasound every other day… Got to see the heartbeat and 2days later my body pushed the fetus out. If your cramping is really bad go in!! I felt like I was in labor

I bled through my entire last pregnancy. Sometimes it just happens. If your levels are good don’t worry too much

Happened with Daughter. Hang in There and wait. They see the Sac, then the fetal Pole, wait until they can see if fetus is developing. Too early to see right now. Good Luck to You.

Have they ultrasound? It will answer questions right away if there’s a heartbeat. I miscarried last Saturday I bleed but no cramping it’s just the way my body is. Have you tried going to other doctors to really help you?

Happened to me in January, doctors kept saying I was having a miscarriage but 2 weeks of ultrasounds and exams later I was taking methotrexate for an eptopic. :broken_heart: best wishes

My daughter went through this she had many ultrasounds and was even told she will miscarry by an emergency room Dr,but she didn’t and had a beautiful baby girl . Prayers to you.

Similar happened to me. I bled off and on during my first trimester. No explanation. All was well and we have a Dec’16 boy.

I sure hope you have been to the doctor hours without the best people to help you out. I don’t think there’s anything anyone of us can do to help

I bled with both my youngest children, both girls I had a ruptured egg, the doctors told me the same … try not to worry both my girls are fit and healthy ones now 16 and the other nearly 12.

Praying for you to keep strong. Hang in there, and take one day at a time. Everything may still be on schedule with little hiccups.

I woke up 3 or 4 times with major bleeding all in my bed and was sure I had miscarried every time. My son turns 10 this month :slight_smile: Keep up the hope, and I’ll be praying for you

My first pregnancy was like that I ended up losing the baby with a sneeze and the hospital kept telling me the baby ok but when I went to my regular doctor for a check up they couldn’t find a heartbeat and I was told I had lost my baby 2 days prior to the appointment

I had the same and the bleeding lightened around 8 weeks but lasted up until I was about 20 weeks… I was considered high risk just because I was bleeding but I delivered healthy and on time

Missed miscarriage, chemical pregnancy, blighted ovum, molar pregnancy…there’s a few reasons why it could be happening but hoping that everything is okay.

My best friend bled first 6 weeks then had a monthly period after that. He’s a 30 year old man! She was so mad because she was looking forward to no periods!!:joy:

My aunt had her regular heavy period for all 3 of her pregnancies. So it doesn’t necessarily mean a misscarriage!

I had bleeding but it was ok my son is 13 now but you need to be in bed rest and dr apt lot its complicated

It happened to me with my last two pregnancies and I ended up carrying full term beautiful baby boys

I bled from 6 to 14 weeks when I had a miscarriage turns out there was a massive blood clot between the placenta and my womb so when the blood clot went the placenta detatched

I’ve had bleeding in many pregnancies. Some were ectopic, some were miscarriages and 2 were healthy pregnancies. Bleeding doesnt always mean miscarriage, and a lot of women have bleeding.

I started bleeding when I was about 6-8 weeks pregnant with my third. I ended up having a sub chorionic hemorrhage. I bled a LOT constantly until I was about 16 weeks. It was something they had to constantly monitor and I was put on pelvic rest. My pregnancy ended up being normal once the hemorrhage stopped. Easier said than done, just try not to stress too much.


I had a friend that said she had a regular period until she was 7 months didn’t even realize she was pregnant until it stopped. Hang in there!!

Well bleeding in your pregnancy is alot more normal than u may think but I do agree the fact your hormones are still.doubling is definitely a good sign

I did my last 2 pregnancies. The entire way through them. They never gave me an explanation as to why.

That happened to me with my last pregnancy doctor said I had a uti

She had s subchorionic tear that healed. That could be your problem. Take it easy until you find out what is going on.

Bled a little when I was pregnant with my son but all went well and he is grown now. Prayers for things to go well with you.

I was told that I had… had an miscarriage but it turned out i didnt as I’m now 15 weeks pregnant try not worry too much x

I bleed with my second pregnancy… its hard not to be scared. Positive thought.

This happened to my daughter. I would ask for them to do a sonogram,then they can actually see the baby better and see what’s going on

i had the same thing happen in nov of last year and my numbers kept doubling but the sac never got fertilized and i went through this for 5 weeks the waiting sucks. i hope everything works out

This happened to me with my second daughter. I bled hard for 3 weeks. She’s going to be 14 years old in three days. All the best to you.

My mom bled half her pregnancy with both of us girls. My youngest I spotted around 7 weeks but was good.

My sister continued bleeding almost all the way throughout her pregnancy. Sometimes this just happens. It sucks but hang in there mamma. You got this.

Back in the day my mom had her period the whole nine months never gained weight or showed never even felt anything at nine months she started having bad stomach and back pains went to the hospital and they told her you are pregnant and ready to deliver and out came my sister healthy and she is now 59

Just rest as much as possible and hold on. Don’t let them give you a pill or anything to “speed up the bodies process”.

I had a full period with my pregnancy and was not miscarrying. It’s a good sing that your hormones are doubling.

It happened to me and I was scared as well, I had a healthy baby boy

I bled with my third… needed to have a Rhogram shot due to my negative blood

Bled 2 weeks straight at 6 weeks pregnant with my son. Everything else was normal and progressing great. After 2 weeks it stopped and pregnancy was normal after that. My sone was born on time and healthy.

Some women have their period while pregnant. As long as the Dr still sees the fetus and hears a heartbeat you’re good.

I had a subchorionic hemorrhage with my daughter, bled like a period for the first 2-3 months and she was fine. It was very scary though!

Implantation bleeding. I had bleeding around the same time with both pregnancies, confused it with a normal “period” until the nausea kicked in a week or 2 later

I bled with my 2nd pregnancy and ended up with a healthy baby girl. With my 3rd pregnancy I would spot for a bit then it stopped and would come back a couple days later, stop and then came back but was heavier and continued. I had labwork and my numbers were going up, not doubling like they hoped but up a good amount. I ended up losing that baby, I had a visible sac and something in it but not a visible viable baby and no heartbeat. You could be fine and just bleeding for an unknown reason. Try not to stress because that can make things worse. Take it easy, lay down and drink alot of water as much as you can. If you start cramping or heavier bleeding comes you need to call your dr. Theres nothing they can do to save it that early but you still need seen if things get worse

It’s happened to me :frowning:
Miscarriage happened at 8 weeks. I started spotting at around 6 weeks too :heart: hope it settles out for you honey, and whatever may be— you can overcome it and grow from it :cherry_blossom:

Always go with your gut feeling. I had my daughter 19 years ago the doctor told me.in the hallway of the office after an ultrasound that I was miscarrying (my 6th child) I said no I feel it thats not the problem I refused a DNC left the office sought out a high risk OBGYN that would see me the next. In fact I was carrying g a baby with an awesome heart beat yes on bed rest for 7 months delivered a perfectly health baby girl 6 weeks early! GO WITH YOUR GUT