I am a single mother but want another child

What did i just read?


Does he know you are using him to have a baby??


Guess what? You dont even have to lay down with a man to get pregnant anymore. And then you’re not using some poor sucker either.

Too bad this is anonymous, every male should steer clear from you.

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If you’ve decided to become single parent, maybe it’s best to find a donor for 1. Healthy, attractive genes. 2. No strings attached legally. If you want to be a parent within a significant relationship, you need to build that relationship before you get pregnant. But if you don’t make up your mind, this guy might give you the worst of both worlds: petty custody battles, unattractive genes, meaningless/forced relationship, and a very sorry model of parenting/love relationships for your baby :face_with_raised_eyebrow::broken_heart:


Coming from someone who had a crazy baby daddy. Make sure you choose a good one lol


What you are proposing sounds vary unfair to the man. Sperm banks are made for that and if you can’t afford that , maybe you shouldn’t be considering another child?
You know it’s just not possible for us to have everything we want in life, maybe for you, this is one of those things…JS

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Or sperm bank. Don’t do that to a house man being or child Heartless

Go find a donor.
At least talk to this guy and let him know where your heads at.


Find a random guy on tinder or whatever app :woman_shrugging:t5:

You are a walking red flag. Get some therapy please. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Just go to a sperm bank and stay away from men SMH

There are sperm banks if this dude don’t work out? Idk maybe adopt. Just trying to stay positive

If you want another child. Consider looking a sperm donor vs hoping for a meaningful relationship.

Oh wow. Have you asked HIM if he wants a child? You don’t just get with people to make a baby, there needs to be love in a relationship. That’s using him. If you don’t want to be with the guy, go to the fertility clinic and pick a donor. They don’t have to be there for you or the baby. I can’t believe I just read that.


Wait for the right person or ask the guy what he wants

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Some people shouldn’t be allowed to breed. I feel sorry for your 3 yr old. You are selfish (evil) and imature, grow up.


Adopt sperm from a bank… at least you can pick the genes. You won’t be using this guy either.

Why keep bringing kids into this world without loving parents. Selfish, let’s knowing put a child through the heartbreak of parents not being together. Get your life together. If you want another one, go to a clinic and pick sperm out. Don’t drag a kid or a man through h3ll because you have baby fever. Better yet worry about your 3 year old!

Wow all I heard was me me me I won’t I won’t grow up! this is a child your talking about


I’d say hurry up before your :egg: are hard boiled!

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It’s not your age that’s a problem. I had my last at 41. It’s that you are dragging this guy in without him knowing. You need to tell him everything up front or go to a clinic and get a donor.


Literally you need to
Do it the right way , Go to a sperm bank :bank: Do not trick some guy into thinking you like him ! That’s ridiculous and immature!

It sounds like she wants a baby but she doesn’t want to be a single Mother.

Yo I’m not going to be rude like I clearly normally would but do sperm donor I guess. Don’t justify and trap men it’s sick af

Sperm donation. It doesn’t cost too much and you wouldn’t have to get into a messy situation with someone else.

You can do an at home insemination or even with your doctor.

Adopt or do sperm banks

All I can say is eww to this post​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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No he deserves better.


So you just want to use him to get pregnant? Wow​:ok_hand: :clap:


Use a sperm donor or adopt/foster. You’d be a foul person and a complete and utter AH to use this man just to get what you want. It’s so selfish. There are other ways of getting what you want without hurting or using somebody smfh. Idk what gender your child is but how would you feel if somebody did this to your son or if your daughter did this to somebody else?

You cannot have a meaningful and honest relationship with someone you are not attracted to. Go to a sperm bank for fuck sakes. Don’t play with his feelings, you immature twit.

Just ask him to knock you up


Don’t trap that poor man you want a kid so bad go to sperm bank

Everyone is different I wanted to be done having kids by 30 I am 29 now and I got my 4 I always wanted to have so lol

Go to a sperm bank or adopt. Why fake a relationship with someone you don’t like or care about :woman_facepalming:

I feel like this post may just be worded poorly. Yes it sounds like she’s planning to use the guy for a baby, but I think maybe it’s more of a ‘biological clock is ticking’ kind of question.

Like she wants to find the right guy and have a family. She’s almost 40, already has a little one but knows she wants another. So knowing she doesn’t have much time left to wait on having another baby, she’s wondering if she should settle for the wrong guy that she doesn’t love and hope it works out, or keep waiting for the right guy who may never come, or at least not in time to have another baby.

My opinion, don’t settle. I’ve tried dating guys that I know I don’t have feelings for because I thought they were ‘good for me’. You can’t force yourself to feel something if you just don’t.

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Ask him if he wants a baby. If not then don’t trap him with one and find a man who does.


so you are willing to deceive, just so you can have another baby??? Sure, makes prefect sense

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Get a donor men aren’t worth the hassle


Only if you are honest from the start, maybe you guys could remain single and have a child together instead.

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Imagine being that kid


Is this a joke…sounds like teenage thought process


So you want to trap a guy because you want a kid :woman_facepalming:t4: can you financially support them both? Taking child support off would be a low act


It happens when you’re not looking

Do not deceive to conceive. Does he want a baby? Ask him.


maybe your having a baby fever :face_with_thermometer: :smirk:, focus on you and your three year old for now. You don’t want to be single with two babies.

Get a donor! Don’t knowingly trap someone who may not even want children themselves. That’s so low.


Im in the same exact boat I want one more kid but know I am to ugly and to fat to have anyone else want to date me

Then go to a sperm bank you fucking jerk :sob::rofl:

Think of your child, the guy and the one you’d want.

Are you using him to get a child? Or do you actually want to be with someone?..

So you are going to use this poor guy as a sperm donor. Now I understand why some guys claim women use them.

what you look like find someone your intersted in

She didn’t say she didn’t like him. She stated that he’s not her top picks. But she can see having a meaningful relationship with him. I hope your Mr. Right don’t come around a year later though.

Just get a donor, or find someone in your situation that’s willing to coparent. The second option is becoming more and more popular. Singles are creating coparenting relationships out of thin air. Why not! Just make sure your parenting styles and expectations line up.


My ex loves to impregnate random women and dip


I’m 33 and have a 2year old. Decided I wanted another one and came on FACEBOOK, searched SPERM DONORS… and used a Private Donor so that I don’t subject my children’s mental health to any bad relationship I may end up in just wanting to have another child. The term “Single Mom By Choice” or SMBC. You are a strong independent woman, so go roar :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: best of luck mama! And if you need a suggestion, my donor was AMAZING.

Maybe you should look online or something for a guy with mutual feelings about wanting to find someone who wants to have a kid asap and who youre actually attracted to lol I’m sure there’s things out there like that. I personally would never have kids with someone I didn’t think was attractive your kid will literally share genes with him don’t do that to them🤣

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If you are planning on trapping this guy you need sterilized.


Wait, and forget about the additional child!


Do t be in relationship with somebody your not attracted to that’s so unfair on the guy and ultimately will end in breaking his heart. Especially if you end up having a child with him and you split up and he doesn’t get to see the child everyday, this is taking it to the extreme but this is how suicide in men occurs when there whole life come crashing down. Please don’t be with somebody because they like you and they could give you a baby


You “WANT” another child, but can you afford one, do you have anything to offer the child other than just fulfilling your want?


Sperm donor… why are you trying to consider messin with someone’s life you arent that into?!

Shouldn’t finding and being in love the right man come before wanting to have a child with them🥴


Never said anything about loving this man

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Seems really selfish in my opinion. He deserves better.


Entrapment is never a good answer. Being a single mom of 2 young ones is no walk in the park.


Try spicing things up with him to see if you become attracted to him before you ever even think about having a baby with this man

Why not look into insemination if it’s that important to you?


How can you be physical, and serious in bed with someone your not attracted to?


You are a single mom, can you afford to support two children? I hope you are not depending on Welfare to support the family.


Go don’t need a man, if you are financially independent you can do IVF.

Get a sperm donor instead of worrying about using a man

Have you looked at sperm bank options

Personally I wouldn’t stay with a guy to get pregnant and see where it goes
Especially if your not really into that guy

This will not only have an impact on your life But also
The babies father and your child

Those kids deserve a father figure. Do better. You sound crazy.

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are you kidding me??? Find a guy and get him to get you pregnant??? Not a wise thing to do


You need to call a Therapist immediately if not sooner. You are listening to your biological clock. Not a reason to get pregnant. Leave that man alone, so he can find someone who will love him. You are being selfish and destructive, playing with another person’s emotions


Sarah OPrentice Vic Vic Vic :joy::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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You need a therapy. Why bring another child in this world?


I’ll be the first to say it. You wanting to find a man to have a child with is perfectly fine and perfectly normal. I’m 31 and I’m in fear I will never get to have another child because of my age so i definitely understand where you’re coming from. Just don’t “trap” anybody just because you want another baby. Find someone who will willingly and happily give you a child. I don’t think it should be the man you’re talking about in this post, considering it doesn’t seem you actually like him. But knowing that, you now have time to let him go and move on so you can possibly find the right man to have a family with. Again, this is coming from a woman who KNOWS HOW YOU FEEL.


Just get artificially inseminated

I wouldn’t use some guy just to have a child, another option, you could sign up for fostering and then possibly adopt? There are plenty children out there needing love.


Jesus Christ some of the posts in this group :rofl::rofl:


Try fostering to adopt. Cheaper then adopting and most places you don’t need a man.

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I have two children a 10 year old and a five-month-old my ten-year-old dad has never been in his life my five-month-old his father is in his life actively even though him and I aren’t together possibly working on that we’re figuring that out but we still keep it as simple as possible for our child having a baby with somebody is definitely one of the biggest bonds you can make and it’s not necessarily always about sexual attraction if that’s the thing that matters to you then you’re looking completely wrong and you won’t suffer but your child will because looks change personality doesn’t there are programs out there that you can have a baby by yourself but I don’t know why you ever would you already have one child my suggestion honestly is if you are really looking adopt so many kids out there that need a good loving parent and you sound like you would love your child completely and provide for your child but don’t base having a baby off of the man or a man.

Artificial insemination or adoption. Let the poor fella your stringing along go.


You don’t need a man to get pregnant. Go get donor sperm.

Ask dude if he is down to give you a kid no strings attached lol


If you don’t have feelings for this guy let him go


Please do that man a favor and leave him alone.


Why not just concentrate on the blessing you have?


Get a sperm donor if you want a child so bad.

Why do you people think being a single parent means you can’t afford your kids???:flushed:


What does your heart tell 8you?

I give you a lot of credit. I’m almost 40 and the baby train has left this station looonnngggg ago and has passed stops nah bruh, nope city and headed for when hell freezes over township before I would have another kid. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Go buy some sperm…or find someone that’s willing to give and also sign legal paperwork saying they give up all future rights.

Omg no don’t get into a relationship just to have a baby. Foster or adopt. There’s a lot of children who are already born who need loving homes.


You just as much as said he isn’t the right one. Don’t lead him on.

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