I am a single parent and pregnant again: Advice?

I would advise an abortion and birth control, tbh


I came from a single parent household. My mum did an amazing job. We all grew up and we all live happily ever after. She had 6 kids. All work all own homes not one in jail or have an addiction. We don’t even go to church. So don’t stress youre already a mum you know what to do and congratulations on the pregnancy xo

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Birth control… :woman_facepalming:


Do you know what a condom is ?


Do your best. Ignore all this hateful stuff. I have 2 boys five years apart. Be thankful for what you have & keep going.


Oh stop judging her nobody is perfect to do so she ain’t here to hear your negative comments! She will be ok I bet half of you are single moms too!! I am and I’m proud mama and my kids are proud of me too I’ve raised them myself !! You got this girl !

First off Happy Mother’s day and second if you can handle 2 that third is a charm. We that have more then 3 all know by the third you have been trained well by the first 2. Good luck and relax little momma you got this.


I have 3 & it is hard!! 2 is completely different than 3🤦‍♀️good luck

Damn, the post that brings ALL the stupid out into the open. All proud to be there and everything. SMH


Be excited about the new life you are carrying who gives a fck what the peanut gallery thinks or feels. The nasty opinions are windows into their miserable hearts.

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You really have nothing to worry about… I’ve done it by myself working a full time job and paying for child care with my own hard worked money. Motivation is them babies. If you keep your head up which I bet you will, it’ll be easy. When you give birth have a close friend or fam with you and a sitter while you’re admitted when you give birth. I can’t even tell you how much blessings will come your way . Hard work pays off and you’ll see day by day. Keep yourself busy :slightly_smiling_face:

Keep your legs closed…


Y’all are assholes. My first was a birth control baby and my second was a broken condom and birth control fail. It happens

These fan questions are ridiculous…


& happy Mother’s Day. You are loved and appreciated by your blessings :100::100::100::100::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Single parents do it hard but for the life of me I can understand being a single parent of 1 child by accident. A single parent of multiple children in result of a relationship breakdown between parents. But for the life of me I don’t understand being already a single parent and adding additional children. It’s not like contraception isn’t available or there’s always the option to stop hoing around


The pill, an IUD, abstinence.


I’ll say it again, there’s a bunch of c u next Tuesdays on here. Smfh.


You will do great!! Happy Mother’s Day!!

Do people not realise birth control can fail? So many uneducated people


She literally didn’t ask for advice on birth control she asked how big of an adjustment it would be with 3 kids. Yall fr need to stfu talk about annoying


Alot of y’all on here acting like y’all the saints of the world…let this woman be…yes she asked for opinion and advice but not judgement…smh what ever happened to supporting other women jeez…sosad that ppl would rather tell her to abort a baby instead of just saying do what you feel is right honey…smh it’s really sad


As a parent you just do it - even when you feel like you can’t somehow somewhere you have the strength you never knew you had!


Wow so many nasty comments :flushed:


Don’t have unprotected sex untill you’re in a real serious relationship or married.


Just let the kids know that you love them and your relationship with them won’t change.


Really do you not have a clue in out to prevent getting pregnant again.
Yes babies are a gods blessing but wait until you have your life together


Ignore these hateful comments. I’m a single mom of 3 and, while it has its days of being monotonous and I want to rip my hair out, it is not much harder than having two. As long as you take care of your mental health and have a support system, you will be ok.

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Do you remember who all the people involved where?

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It’s going to be hard just pray and hang in there u got this stay strong I’m a single mom too

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If you want actual help and not fu**ed up responses add your question to a mommy page you’ll get more support

Congratulations to you and your babies embrace it it will be hard specially being a single parent I’m not a single parent but its so hard having a unsupported parent is present but at the end of the day you stay strong for your babies and as long as you give your babies the love and strength they need you’ve got nothing to worry about theirs support out their to help you you just have to reach for it kia kaha mamma you’ll be ok


Such ignorance here, its 2021 and people are dumber than ever🤦‍♀️ I was on the depo injection and took 2 morning after pills and still ended up with a surprise baby. And that was only the once.


I am a single parent with 3. My last relationship was a nightmare and my child’s father left for his ex wife right after finding out about the pregnancy. I’m not here to judge any situation. It’s hard, but you can do it.

I found the change from 1 to 2 kids was more noticeable than 2 to 3 kids. I had 3 boys in 3.5 years


How can you be single and pregnant :thinking:, ok. Good luck anyway


Stop being pregnant and single that’s the best thing you can do for your kids :100::metal:

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The comments are brutal. Hands up women if you’ve been in a relationship and you fall pregnant and he bails straight away, half way through their life or starts fucking around after you have the kid because “you weren’t there for him”. Welcome to being a single parent! Leave her alone, how does it make your day or life better by making her feel worthless for something she didn’t do alone?


I’ve been raising 4 kids by myself for almost 5 years. It’s hard but your kids have to be your first priority. There are plenty of people who do it every day.


You have mommy magic, it will be ok… we always think our hearts can’t possibly love anyone else as much, and then we see how easy it actually is… it takes no love away from your other kids to love this baby with your all. :heart:


I don’t think mn really have a leg to stand on saying anything. Lol. Y’all can wrap it. Also, if everyone practiced abstinence and listened to you, you would be begging for them to ignore what you had previously said, when you finally realized you were never going to get lad again. :rofl::woman_shrugging:


I am a single Mum with 7 sons ,you got this and it so much easier these days I had cloth nappies lol but love is main ingredient .Birth control is a joke that is why I had so many lol


There only u that can make the Choice u know in your heart and mind if you can do it with or without the father x

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Single mother and preggo again. Advice? Have you tried closing your legs? :thinking:


I lived this exact seniro. Single mom 2 kids…oops it happened. I got prego. We all were fine my kids were fine my family was fine. Nothing changes except you will now have 3 kids…BTW…3rd childs daddy walked so ivwas still a single mama. Would not change anything

I am literally in the same boat!

My advice would be to stop having kids with men who are making u a single mother.

How come you don’t know about birth control.


I’m just here for the comments


Another thing, some of y’all are calling her a ho, telling her to keep her legs closed etc, umm… How do y’all know that they aren’t all by the same man? Maybe they split and she’s a single mother now.🤷🏾 So many ugly,hateful, and judgemental comments on here. It’s quite repulsive. Meanwhile none of you mfrs are saint’s. :roll_eyes:🤦🏾


It’ really sickening the amount of rude ass comments on here


This has to be a joke!! Pregnant again?? Really?? You didn’t figure out how it happened the first 2 times?


Ever heard of a condom?


Just ignore all the judgmental people…only you can decide what to do but like many many people say ‘you got this’ all the best x


The oldest one is already used to sharing the time I feel it’s the other one will have a hard time now just get them involved when the baby comes

Honey i have 3 and my last one was born this past December. All 3 werent planned and theyre all about 4 year difference. 8yrs 4yrs and a almost 5mnth. Its overwhelming because the baby is no longer the baby but they are all your babies in your eyes. I was content with the 3 i had and i did talk to my dr about having my tubes removed and i had that done april 16th. Its hard for me because the db dont have anything to do with em and my son and youngest have the same dad and hes not fit to even take care of them (better in my books to keep him out). Its a job yes but they are all rewarding and worth it in the end because none of them were mistakes to me. Society makes it harder on a woman because we end up pregnant but we carry them, birth them, and care for them. They are the ones who know your heart beat better than anyone else. Youll know what you need to do just keep your head up :heart::heart:

I have 3 kids you will be fine, I work full time too any new addition will be an adjustment keep your head up

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What is your problem besides stupidity??


Who nutted in you again? Not a spirit for sure. I believe the nutter has a name, right?


My advice…come to terms with the simple fact that you haven’t learned a damn thing.

It’s a bittersweet thing. Stop making babies with people that aren’t there.


If you are a female, learn to keep your legs closed
If you are a male, learn to wack it or wrap it


Is it going to be hard yes but the best things in life always are . Just keep in mind it’s okay to walk away and allow them to cry . It’s okay to ask for a break beyond going to work or food shopping.

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Maybe stop picking guys who knock up and split?


All these foos clowning you for being pregnant again ,maybe they should turn that hate against the father who made you a single mother. It takes two . And I’m sure you didn’t wake up and say " you know what I think I’m going to be a single mother again" shit happens. The only thing you can do is just make it work, because unlike the POS dad’s good mothers can’t walk away


Ya’ll are the biggest bunch of cunts honestly :roll_eyes: she’s asking for advice on how big of a change it will be not whether you think she should be using birth control or not :roll_eyes:


Next time get a man who will stay with you and not take off when he finds out your pregnant


So after 2 kids you still didn’t know what would happen without protection?


Listen its hard being a single mom the first time no one has a kid under the assumption you will raise that child alone. So yes the first time it is shocking the second time which happened to myself 10 years apart was not intentional but I was promised differently. Here I am raising two girls alone and doing it very well. But there will not be a third period. So with that being said you made your bed now three times. Secure that it doesn’t happen again if you can’t deal with it financially alone. And if u choose that again you better be Damn sure there is commitment a ring marriage or all of that and no child as he should love the three you have as his own. Im not an expert here on dating. But I will not have anymore children or wasted relationships 13 years of my life wasted dead end relationships. Focus on you and self love and those kids. And you can always opt to have your tubes cut and burned to end this.

All you fucktards in here commenting hateful shit should be ashamed of yourself. You don’t know her situation fully, only what she chose to share. She isn’t asking for all that judgemental mess.


Youve done it twice before sweetie you will do it again

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Adoption please i was n have a wonderful life.

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You spelled “I let losers cum in me” wrong


Tracy Gabrielle Lopez Pajes

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How women find out sey she pregnant??

Been there! Single mom 4 boys ! I loved every minute of it! It was not a pleasure cruise, it was a great time! My children are grown now with children of their own! I did work my ass off and had no family near! But we had a good time growing up

4 of my kids were conceived on birth control. Fack off

It will be good love, I am a single mom of 7 daughters and although I miss having help, I also don’t have to share or ask opinions on big decisions.


Bella Baldwin these comments

You guys are so weird in these comments. If you’re reading this by any means it will get better, it sucks fir the moment but when you have that baby everything else is going out the window !! be the best mother you know you can be and know that baby will always be there when no one else is. If you take a different road that’s fine too it’s your life! don’t let anyone tell you different


Motherhood is hard period whether single or not. It also depends on how old your 2 kids are. The older they are yes it will take some adjusting but you gotta remind them it wont change relationship between them.


Keep your legs closed. :man_shrugging:t3:


You should try joining Girl Talk Original :kiss: !! Much better place to talk about these things. There’s absolutely no judging and those who do just simply get :sparkles:𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍:sparkles: :relieved: There’s nothing but love and positivity!


Your relationship with your older children shouldn’t change. There’s more than enough love for all of them


Imagine being an adult and not acknowledging that no protection is 100%


Being a mom is hard enough without all these hateful comments I am in the same situation u are except this is my fourth all from the same dad but this time I was on birth control at the time so this pregnancy was a shock to me but my kids dad really isn’t around for my other kids so all they have is me it is an adjustment but my kids are excited to have a younger sibling someone they can share their love with too u just have to let them know how much love a mother has can’t be limited and just because ur having another baby doesn’t mean u won’t have enough love to go around but that with every kid ur love grows more u got this momma don’t worry about any of these rude ass people who im sure aren’t perfect and most likely don’t have their shit together any way

Reading is fundamental. She says quite clearly “I am a single parent and pregnant again”


Yep. Going to be hard. You will have more kids than you have hands. But it’s doable. You sound like a strong Mama. Hoping you have support in the form of friends or family to give you a break when you need it.


Well yea it’s gonna be hard 1 is a handful yet alone 3 but hey its possible it’s been done before so yeah ask god the guidance and strength.


It shouldn’t be a major change include them in the pregnancy and like name choices and stuff they will adapt to the situation I’m a single mum too and sometimes it’s better. Yes sometimes it’s hard on ur own but if ur willing to make the hard work pay off it’s all worth it in the end keep strong x

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To give advice about the relationship with her other two kids depends on How old are the other children.

Did your relationship with your oldest child change when you had your second child? Why would you think child would change that? They’re all family


How do women get pregnant when there is birth control ?


Yeah it probably will. I swear I really dont understand the majority of adult women & I am one until someone can explain to me why having children ever is a good idea in 2021. I’ll never understand. Its really easy to not get pregnant and also not have an abortion.


It’s gonna suck until it don’t. Literally you’re going to hate life until you get a routine that works for you.

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Don’t get pregnant! Use contraceptives. U do know that don’t u??


Yeah it’s a shit show … but it’s worth it


This USED to be about lies and cheating page. Now it’s more like Dear Abby.

They’re going to have questions and if you have a daughter, prepare for rebellion. You can’t be mad at her for being mad at you for poor decisions.

Use birthbcontrol till you get married