so why don’t you take him to the vet since your home all day with him? or buy him an anxiety coat…. you can’t ask him to get rid of him because he whines. that’s just ignorant. spend some time with the dog, they can sense when you don’t like them….
Did the dog whine and cry before you knew you were pregnant? Dogs can hear the babies heartbeat way earlier than you’d think and they can hear it through your entire pregnancy, it only gets louder for them. I’d say try to bond with the dog. He may end up being very helpful after baby comes in calming the house. My daughters father had a malamute when I was pregnant and we hated each other and I’m very much a dog person… after I was about 30 weeks she and I really bonded, after that she was my shadow and become very protective of me.
Dogs are an excellent judge of character and four years with no bond I’m sorry that says something . I wouldn’t give up my dog , but get training for the whole house with the dog !
Well… I hate to break it to ya but a baby whines and cries too and your boyfriend will definitely pick the baby over you. Practice getting over yourself on the husky and try growing up a little before that baby gets here.
I’m sure the dog hates you as much as you hate him. It would love you more and wouldn’t whine so much, if you would fill in as his person while your boyfriend isn’t there. Learn to love the dog or leave. Would you make your boyfriend choose over you or your baby? Who do you think he would choose? There’s your answer. Sorry to be blunt, but making him choose would be the worst thing you could do.
Get the dog separation anxiety treatment would be the best option. It’s treatable……
CBD for dogs and anxiety your with the dog train him
I’d choose my dog over a man 100%
Either move out or put up with the dog ,I would take my dog that’s just me.try becoming friends with the dog.
I hope he chooses the dog lol
I’d leave you for the dog.
Thats 100% your boyfriends fault! Husky’s are a breed that needs ALOT of exercise! If it’s not happening regularly it builds up and turns into misplaced energy in the form of whining and anxiety. I’d hate the boyfriend not the dog considering he has directly caused this.
I would choose my dog what I don’t understand is why you don’t try to bond with the dog at all? You can’t deal with the dog whining but your having a baby… you do realize babies cry a lot more than this dog does I’m sure.
A husky is a working dog. He needs to be active to let out his energy. That will also help with the separation anxiety.
Not to sound like a b. The dog probably doesn’t like you either, maybe help by building a relationship with the dog. You are with child but the dog sees itself as his child. Show the dog some love and maybe it won’t wine. You’ll be surprised how you can love the animal. Sounds kind of bad you saying you hate the dog, hate is a strong word. Husky breed need a lot of attention and working out. How about take the dog for walks so you guys can have some bonding time. Nothing worse than being jealous of a dogs relationship with your boyfriend.
The dog sounds like it’s neglected, it’s cooped up all day without getting out? That’s not how Huskies personalities are. I feel bad for the dog, honestly.  Dogs don’t cry and whine for no reason, it needs some thing.
You hate how the dog whines and cries but you’re pregnant? You’re in for a rude awakening.
Look in to doggy daycare for a break & training programs as well.
There are colors that will put off a high pitch noise if the dog barks/whines to much. We use it for our jack russel terriers when we leave for work and kennel them. Could you take the dog to the vet for calming medication? Our local pet store let’s you buy calming stuff too, but it’s not medical grade. Normally cbd or hemp type dog treat.
He sucks as a dog owner. And you…well. I’ll say nothing. But if his dog is having issues, he needs to address those and quit ignoring the needs of the dog.
I have three dogs and they whine and talk constantly. To me, to the cats , to each other. If my boyfriend ever said a word about my dogs he would be gone. When we decided to live together we knew we would have separate bedrooms because my dogs sleep with me. We call him the “ spare human” I am the primary caregiver. I feed, bathe, walk ect he just helps when needed.
The dog is a package deal ! At least with me
I’ve got 9 dogs…… 5 highly highly trained & the others have advanced obedience….
1- that dog knows you don’t like it & doesn’t want to be with you either & he’s whining for his daddy because in his mind he knows you’re evil. You put off a smell to him that oozes annoyance & aggravation…. Daddy is alpha and you are his mate…. That dog only feels secure when his daddy is home. You illicit fear from that dog. Which is a shitty thing to make any living creature feel…
The answer is to bond with the dog. Get him some treats, lure him by making 2-3 treats start with getting him to snuggle on the couch, make him part of your pregnancy, met him lay his head on your belly…. It’ll bond him to you both before baby gets here if you can get past your annoyance & get calm with the dog…. The dog will stop the howling when he no longer feels uncomfortable.
None of that would matter with most dog owners…. Most dog owners would’ve been listening to their dog’s anxiety & body language around you from jump street & you’d already be gone. A dog is a damn good judge of character.
Again unpopular opinion but get rid of the dog
I would definitely leave you for the dog.
That is his first baby, try to bond with the dog. Walk him,n, feed him, give him love. I would absolutely leave someone who didn’t like my dog.
My husbands husky Has separation anxiety. When he’s not around I take him for a walk, pet him, give him treats. He doesn’t cry anymore when he leaves. But i never thought about asking him to get rid of a living being. That dog is family. I adjusted like he’s a kid, he still prefers my husband lol but he tolerates and knows he’s safe with me. He cuddles and enjoys my company until his dad gets home, then I don’t exist
He probably feels the tension and that you hate him. I mean you said it 17 times in this post lol. Spend some time with him try to bond
No wonder the dog whines with your terrible behaviour and disposition.
Hope they both do better moving forward.
Geezus… instead of throwing drugs at the dog, get him some real help with training. How about you be pro-active rather than re-active.
Ok so you’re with the dog all day? What are you doing to help the pup? How are you contributing to easing his anxiety? What are you doing to bond with him and alleviate his stress? He’s a dog. He’s at your mercy. You are a grown adult with the capability to remedy the entire situation, you’re simply making the choice not to. This isn’t a dog problem, this is a YOU problem.
he SHOULD leave you for the dog. Seriously you knew he had the damn dog before you met him. Ain’t a single living breathing human being I’d get rid of my dog for. A package deal, you don’t want to accept the package? Don’t let the door hit ya where the lord split ya
Just leave then if you can’t handle it. I don’t mean for this to come out mean or anything but if you can’t help him out and play with the dog or anything then you probably just need to leave. It’d benefit both of y’all.
They’re incredible dogs. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years & he has 2 that he’s had for several years before we met. Are they mouthy and sometimes annoying?? Yes!! But they are also extremely loyal and very loving & I love them both so much!!
For entertainment inside, get him a snuffle mat and put treats in it or get one of those Kong toys that they have to work around to get the treats out of. It is mentally stimulating for him and less frustrating for you
Build a better bond with that husky so he doesn’t have separation anxiety
He should get rid of you not the dog
That dog knows you don’t like him,try making friends with him.walks,treats,play fetch,may get you brownie points with boyfriend,and maybe a 4 legged friend and protector.
I’d pick the dog too. I mean, you could get a job and not be home all day. Or you could be nice to the dog. Maybe the dog cries because he doesn’t like you.
Live with it or move out. Sounds like those are your only choices. How about trying to pay some attention to the dog by petting or playing ball with him instead of hating on him. If you choose to stay you really have no other choice so why not try to keep the dog company and he will stop whining.
Sounds like you’re moving.
I’ll be the odd one here… poor doggy! try to bond with him!! But if that doesn’t happen, then you got your answer. He cares more for his dog than you or his child. Leave and he can pay child support and live with his dog.
Why don’t you take him to get some anxiety medicine? I know you don’t like him but maybe if he got some help it might change between yall
If you tell him “ me or a dog” I don’t blame him for picking the dog. You not likely the dog is a you problem.
Give the dog treats, teach him some commands, earn his respect. Huskies are talkers.
If you were going to leave prior and you’re only staying because you found out you are pregnant (your words). The relationship will end eventually anyway. He won’t give up the dog. And he shouldn’t. As you said, your home all day, so take the lead and get meds for the dog or spend time with the dog
He should just get rid of her…I’m not a huge dog person per se but I won’t make my husband choose. And I actually love our dogs
Can the dog go to daycare a few days a week? Or maybe a husky family nearby to get some energy out? for walks.
Sounds like you had already decided. A baby is no reason to stay, obviously you didn’t love the boyfriend enough to make it work. Just leave. Sounds like you should’ve done it a while ago.
I feel sorry for the dog . You both suck
I would suggest an abortion for the baby’s sake then leave for the dogs sake
Why don’t you take the dog to the vet an get it medicine?? Or exercise him? They to b8nd with the dog. Or better yet, go get a job so you aren’t hone with the dog all day.
Huskies should not be kept in apartments they are high energy animals and NEED lots of exercise otherwise there WILL be anxiety and bad behavior. I know I’m from Alaska where they are running in dog sled teams in winter!!!
I’d get rid of you too. You sound miserable.
I’d choose my dog. I am very cautious with people who don’t like animals. I hope you have a good baby and it doesn’t whine or cry too much.
He needs attention and also walked twice a day. I’m sure he also senses your feelings for him so that makes his anxiety worse. Poor dog.
Just move out and coparent with him as an ex.
If you can’t deal with a whinny dog how do you think you will handle a baby?
The dogs anxious because he’s stuck with someone who hates it and won’t give it what it needs to thrive
It’s you, you’re the someone
I mean, I would leave you for my dog, so there’s that……maybe it’s just not a good fit for y’all.
You were going to leave before you found out you were pregnant, so it sounds like you hate the dog & don’t love the bf. So leave.
I would choose my dog over any person that hates dogs. They are loving souls that sense emotions & need exercise.
How are you going to be a parent when you can’t even give a about a dog? You do know kids WHINE??
You don’t seem to have a lot of empathy or willingness to learn about the dog and his behavior. On top of all that the dog probably senses you’re not his friend.
Honestly idc that you’re pregnant, you should go before the dog. He’s not new around here. You’re just looking for an excuse to ditch him. I hope your child survives you. You think you’re annoyed now by a dog no less just wait.
4 years? At this point either get it training, take it to a vet yourself or just get over it. You are about to have a baby, if your willing to break apart your relationship over a dog, u have issues.
Senses your energy most likely. Wouldn’t want my baby around this dog because of that.
that sounds like normal husky behavior, newsflash babies whine and cry all day too lol
I chose two Dobermans over my ex.
Smaddy hole me dey:rofl:
Play with the dog, your child and the dog will be mates for life.
Wow. I would never date someone that hates my dog you should either try doing something for the dog or else leave. I would of kicked you to the curb for saying you hate my dog.
If he had the dog 1st met him then you knew what you were getting into. It’s like a guy with a child; it’s a package deal. Maybe should have thought about not getting pregnant if you don’t want the dog because if he gets rid of the dog to make you happy he will never forgive you and your relationship won’t be the same.
Hi, its you, your the problem, it’s you.
The dog can sense your dislike of it. Talk to it, love on it and it will feel comfort and maybe not be like that any longer.
Bro tbh I’d leave you. No reason to hate the dog. He’s upset and you apparently aren’t doing your part in helping him feel more at ease. Don’t have to love all over him but can treat him like a part of the family atleast and try…maybe the dog doesn’t wanna be home all day with someone who hates him. I’m sure that gives him more anxiety. Take him to the vet if he needs it then? If your man is working all the time then why can’t you? You’re both to busy to do it? Pick up the slack. Your in a relationship together…so act like it.
Sooo you were ready to up and leave because you can’t stand the dog, but you’re afraid of him choosing the dog over you? I’d choose the dog too
How do you bond with a dog that is up the owners ass? And if he’s not helping the dog get better with separation. Dog should go.
Start taking him on walks dog sounds bored. You all are family now. You either stay n bond with dog and raise a family. Or you move out to be a single mom
That’s normal for Huskies honestly if you got with him and he already had the dog that’s on you try maybe bonding with the dog or interacting with it huskies are just naturally loud high energy dogs honestly girl you sound really Petty if you got with him with him already having that kind of dog then you’re going to have to accept the dog someone came to me and said I don’t like your cat or I don’t like your pet I’d be mad honestly you need to try to bond with the dog
Apparently he has made his choice but if you don’t want to split up then you should take the dog and get him medicated. If your man isn’t home much anyway then he would never know. I don’t know if weed works on dogs but it sure helps humans.
You still have time to move out
Send him to doggy day care
He should give up the dog obviously he cant look after it and give it what it needs but in saying that you could always step up and take the dog for a walk or you could take him to the vet and get some medication. If you want to have his baby you better start putting your big girl pants on.
Babies are whiny and needy too. They often cry for no reason.
Set up a nanny cam so he can see how much the anxiety is actually affecting the dog. He may not realize how bad it is because the dog only does it when he is gone. Anxiety stinks for people or animals.
You were going to leave but got pregnant and now afraid he will leave you ??
Getting rid of his dog is out of the question you need to get over yourself he is missing his dad when he goes to work guess since you can’t stand the pup you ignore him are you gonna get rid of the your kid if he or she whines constantly grow up
Dont tell him and get the dog sum antianxiety medicine yourself!
And give it to the dog. Withput him. Knowing it. Specially if his home with you all day.
Does the dog like you??
I would choose the dog over you.
Why don’t you become friends with the dog? Huskies are the best. You hating the dog doesn’t make it any better.
Maybe pay attention to the dog💁♀️ seriously if you cannot stand the dog then do your boyfriend a favor and leave. That poor dog does not deserve to be pushed aside like it’s nothing. Sounds like the dog was there first so you knew of it before moving in?
Pick your battles. Because I guarantee this is one you will lose.
Don’t make him choose. Keep pushing the anxiety meds.
some of you guys have never experienced being with someone who would choose a dog over their pregnant significant other.
been there done that.
we have been divorced for 6 years & he hasn’t seen his daughter since she was 2 months old & shes 6 now.
Take him to a doggie daycare to get some energy out. That way you aren’t with the dog all day and he will come tired.
If you have this much issue with a whiny dog, you are going to hate motherhood. Babies are annoying, whiny, cry all the time and are super needy!
I’d get out and think long and hard about what kind of mother you want to be. Adoption might be a good option to consider. If you’ve been with him this long and still won’t attempt to bond with the dog or take responsibility for the dog which became yours as well when you moved in, how are you going to care for your child?
Go ahead and move out like you originally intended. He is not going to give up the dog.
Huskies are high energy. I would suggest either exercising the dog or hire a dog walker to come do it. Some Dog walkers will take the dog to a dog park , play with the dog, and sometimes offer training.
I’d choose my dog over any man any day.The dog obviously gets no attention and no exercise which is so sad.You could also take the dog to the vet and get it some medicine for anxiety yourself,or even take it for a walk.I’d never stay with someone who hated my dog
You are the one that’s too lazy to do anything with the dog while hes at work, he needs to keep the dog and rehome you. Pregnancy is not an excuse to be lazy. The dog isn’t being annoying intentionally, it needs attention and exercise and if you’re not willing to put any work in then the issue will continue and you should find another place to live.
Don’t stay anywhere just cause you’re pregnant.
You do know a baby will cry all day too. Hope you can stand that
Try to bond with the dog instead of just complaining. Take him for walks. Play ball. Do some training. Huskies are pretty cuddley dogs, try cuddling him when he’s having his separation anxiety. Sounds like the boyfriend would be better off being single than with someone that wants him to get rid of his dog dogs are lifelong commitments just like babies are. You know babies cry a lot right? I’d hate to see when that happens
After a few years it’s time to take some responsibility for the dog as partly yours as well Take him to the vet and get him some anxiety meds, they can work wonders. Do you take him outside? Does he have things to keep him busy like bones, busy toys, etc?