I am afraid my boyfriend is going to leave me for a dog....advice?

Sneak the dog some doggy weed.


I’d say grow up and go get the dog help. You are having a baby with this man, so that dog is yours too, it would also pick up on that you hate it vibes which would make things worse. TAKE THE POOR THING TO THE VET!

Sounds like he needs to get his doh & go


In our culture . We try n hold back and not let what annoys us. Because if we let it bug n annoy us the baby will come out with the same trait .
Advise. Get close to the dog , comfort it. Because it could be the dog is sensing the baby

You should try and bond with the dog too. That way he won’t be so crazy when the bf leaves. Also, huskies howl and whine, that’s what they do.

Tell him to put the dog in a doggy day care. It’s his dog he needs to find someone else to take care of it while he is away if he’s not willing to get the dog help.

For sake of baby, ask BF to train his dog and deal with the anxiety. It’s not worth being a single parent and walking away over not liking a dog when there’s so many things you can both do to improve the situation. And now with a baby on the way, you will need to tell him that the dog needs help and try to be on board with being part of that to make it easier.

If he had his dog before u than I’d definitely chose the dog, u can’t ask him to get rid of his dog (that’s like asking someone to get rid of their kid, if u want to be with this man than u accept the dog also) just because the dog whines doesn’t mean it’s a bad dog

I don’t want to sound harsh but hon your about to have a child. You need to take these 9 months and learn how to turn a whining dog into a happy one, learn how to love something that’s gonna cry all day. Open your mind and heart up, you may be surprised.


If the dog crying and howling annoys you. Just wait till baby gets here. Sorry that may sound mean but I think you may need to learn some patience. :person_shrugging::exploding_head:

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I hope he picks the dog. Sorry, but no one’s gonna euthanize YOU if yall break up… the dog probably won’t be so lucky :expressionless:

Ugh huskies. I feel for you girl. Surely he would not pick the dog over you and y’all’s baby.

My EX use to hate my husky too. :joy:

I honestly hope he walks away from you before you harm the dog, he and the dog will be much happier with a woman who loves dogs, and loves the dog and is willing to work with the dog and not be a “dog” by requesting he get rid of the dog, or harm the dog. Please just dump him before he dumps you

So obviously you cannot handle a husky. A huskies are known for talking and being very talkative and they are also known to be a high energy dogs that if not worked properly will create anxiety on top of that. That dog knows you hate it and that also contributes to the anxiety. If he’s not going to choose you over the dog then you might as well leave because the resentments going to build and what kind of dynamic is that bringing your child into

Make friends with the dog and give him attention. If he likes you and your company he won’t be crying all day. He senses you.

Sounds like he doesn’t like you either

Translation, I was using him for a free place to stay and never bothered to bond with the dog. I am an expecting mother and have shown my colors as how my future child will be treated. Do everyone a favor, move out, get plan b.


I’m sorry but I think that he might love the dog but he might as well not have a dog if he’s going to work all the time. The dog should be with a couple or family who have time for the dog. He’s probably not going to give the dog up though. I think that I would leave.

Maybe you should try showing the poor dog some attention. I would leave as well if you hated my dog :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

If you really hate the dog I pity the poor animal having to spend so much time with you. Have you tried bonding with the poor dog and helping him with his anxiety? I’m sure your feelings for him are making his anxiety even worse. You say you can’t stand being there. Not a good situation to bring a child into. I think this is set up for failure. You wanted to leave… it may be a good idea to do so.

How can you have a kid if the two of you can’t properly train a dog :unamused:


You and the dog seem to complain just as much. If didn’t like dogs or this dog why invest time with a man who does?

Poor dog. I sure hope you’re not mean to the poor pup


We get it…you hate the dog. Just move out and co parent. Clearly you have no intention of bonding with the dog. It’s a dog…it’s need exercise and attention, esp being a husky. That dog should not be cooped up in the house all day long. That’s just cruel…the answer is to medicate it ??? The answer is to be a decent human and both you guys are cruel to the dog.

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: definitely red flags you need to leave and leave that Man and his husky live in peace :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: how can anyone be in a house with a dog for more than a day and not bond with it never mind a few years, sounds like poor dog is nervous to be left with you he just wants attention and love and to be taken for a walk, I don’t know how you are going to cope with a baby crying all night


You sound ridiculous, wait until you have a child that whines and cries all day. You stated twice that you “hate the dog”, so why did you start a relationship with his dad? Pets are our kids too. You’re not giving the poor pup attention and I’m sure you treat him badly, of course he’s going to whine. Respectfully, grow up and get it together. You’re about to bring a child into this world.


This woman is the type to say the dog got out and got lost. She will also use the baby against the guy and his dog. I hope for the sake of everyone, and dog, involved, you split up.

Sounds like a you problem . Walk him play with him make him yours .

Sounds like you are already going to make him choose between you
And the most faithful and loyal constant in his life
You come across as being very manipulating
Perhaps it’s time for you to move on
He will be sad , but at least his best friend will always be there to comfort him

I’m NOT a dog person, and when I started talking to my now wife she said she had a dog and I thought it was going to be a deal breaker. The first time I went to her house to hang out I was concerned about dealing with the dog and I knew it was a bigger dog at that so that worried me too. Once I got there, I fell in love with the dog. I always tell her if she leaves me I’m keeping the dog lol.

Don’t expect anyone who had a pet before you to choose you over their long term pet. Most of them look at them like children.

If you moved in with him knowing he had the dog, you should bond with the dog and take care of the dog too. You accepted that dog. Much like step parents accept step children in relationships.


So why can’t you still leave?

Do you mean over a dog? :joy::joy::joy:

When are we going to start bashing the bf for not taking proper care of HIS dog? :thinking: sad that she hates the poor pup but I haven’t seen anyone say anything about him not taking proper care of the dog. Just too busy bashing her for not doing what he should have been doing.

You were already out the door. I think you should still find your way out. You sound horrible.


Abort the situation Why are Dog People like this?

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Lol no beating around the bush for you aye

Lol maybe try bonding with the dog and taking care of him while being “stuck with him” instead of complaining about him. He’s a husky who needs lots of exercise so take him for walks etc to expend his energy

Your unborn child and this dog are/will be the same in many aspects when it’s born, you wouldn’t leave your child or get rid of it for wanting attention and to be around you all the time especially when the baby gets older…I think of my dogs as my kids and if I was ever lucky enough to have a child of my own I’d still feel that my dogs are my kids. See if you can set up play dates with the dog or training sessions or if you have a fenced yard or a dog park take him to play and wear him out. Or get him a friend. I bet things will change when the baby is born especially when the child is older and can play supervised with the dog.

Get rid of the dog when he’s working! Problem solved.

The dog needs exercise… it’s a husky, they were literally bred to run hundreds of miles lol. Get it a treadmill if you don’t want to put in the work at the very least.


Leave if you aren’t happy.

But it sounds like there is more going on than you being upset over the dog. It doesn’t sound like the boyfriend is around much and it’s going to be worse trying to care for a dog and a baby.

Huskies are known to have separation anxiety and it doesn’t sound like your boyfriend is taking it seriously.

Don’t just stay because you’re having a baby, then you’ll just be miserable.


Worst grammar and not that hard to walk the dog, exercise get involved

Girl you’re whining. I’d choose the dog too.

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What’s the problem? Leave u mentioned u were already going to before u found u pregnant. If u truly love someone u accept their pets too. My brother in law HATES cats but she loves them. Guess how many they have? 3.

You don’t have to live together to be together. Or to coparent effectively.

Accept his furbabie…or leave.

Try cbd for dogs, maybe try taking him on a walk or giving him one of your boyfriends t-shirts?

“No judgement” is what you asked for? Seriously? You sound awful and your boyfriend not that much better. You got one of the hardest dog breeds to own and both do absolutely nothing to make the poor dog healthy and happy. It doesn’t need medication for anxiety, it fucking needs an owner who exercises it and freaking hangs around the house with it not just in the same house at the same time, big difference. Your home all day long? That means your man has to to work to pay for your ass to live there so maybe you leave and he wouldn’t need a second job side hustle. Or get a job so he can be home more with the dog and soon new baby. I hope he dumps you even with having his kid, seriously you sound so high maintenance I can’t believe you made it this far with the guy.

Give the dog a treat every time he’s quiet. Not even kidding. He’ll figure it out. Huskies are smart.
Also lots of walks, play, and affection. Create a routine to replace the behavior.
Example. When dad leaves, give the dog a treat. This way he knows “when dad leaves good things happen”
Then go for a walk. Play fetch. When you get back from the walk, another treat.
Incorporate the dog in things you do. Teach him to lay on the floor outside the kitchen while you cook. Give him treats. (Did this with my Scotty. He’s great company)
Cuddle while watching a movie.
Train him to do little helpful things like pick up his toys, grab your shoes or keys, shut doors, or turn on/off lights. Etc.
huskies need stuff to do and things to occupy their minds.

I will be the outcast :
That Dog is NOT her responsibility. It is her Bf dog and his responsibility to take the dog out, to train the dog :dog2:, to let the dog run its energy out. I have had plenty of animals in my time, plenty of children and grandchildren. I have went out of way to accommodate everyone all the time. No more its not worth it. It’s that man’s dog not hers she choose the man not the dog, the child is her responsibility she is taking on . No where did she say she agreed to taking care of a whiny dog all day, i wouldn’t either, he needs to tend to the dog, have proper training and outside time or that is neglect on his part and then he doesn’t need the dog. His dog and his time needs to poured into this dog making this dog comfortable and happy or give this dog to someone who can. It is no way shape or form her responsibility . You don’t know what her life consists of or how busy she is or if she has a physical disability. His dog his problem. If he chooses to leave both his dog and his girlfriend the mother of his child miserable and is not willing to put in the work then he does not deserve either one of them. I said What I said :woman_shrugging:.

So…I’m guessing you hate the dog?!

If u feel this way about a dog how u gunna feel when your child cry’s then gets older and follows u around the house whinging an crying about anything an everything

It doesn’t seem like there is an easy answer. How old is the dog? Does he pay attention to it? Do you not work? Coming to an agreement should be decided between both of you. Before you moved in, was the dog alone all day? Relationships only work when both persons take responsibility. Did you move in before he got the dog? He gets angry probably because there is no easy answer. Once a baby comes, you both will have another situation to work out; especially if the dog continues to whine all day. You will be even more stressed.

You’ve been in this relationship for a few years & the dog is just now getting on your nerves or is just now starting to whine? Could it be your hormones setting the dog off?

I recently adopted a dog who whines while I’m gone. I sleep in a t-shirt & give it to her when I leave. I guess it helps some. I’m also getting her a heartbeat dog. I plain on holding it awhile to get my sent on it. Maybe 1 of those will help. If you make him choose be prepared for him to choose the dog. I’m sorry but I’d choose an animal over a person other than my children any day.

He was there first. I had two Pomeranians when I started dating my now husband. He once didn’t want me to take my male pom to the beach in his new truck. I gave him the stink face and said “ no problem, I don’t mind going on seperate cars”. He immediately said he was joking and well he knew my dogs came first and if he would of kept making comments I probably would of left him because I love poms​:heart:. My pups passed and now we have another pom :joy:. you should of just left if you didn’t like him.

Maybe you guys should consider what the dog needs instead of what YOU want. Sorry, but the dog needs meds. Your boyfriend needs to get him some CBD or have the vet put him on trazadone. Have you thought about getting him a friend? If you guys are gonna let the poor dog be miserable you should find him an actual home with good owners who care about the dog’s well being. Sorry, it’s not just about you. I feel incredibly sad for your poor dog. No offense, but you guys sound like terrible owners. I work for a kitten rescue as an adoptions coordinator. I would never adopt an animal out to someone like you. No offense, I know it’s harsh, but seriously, it’s not about YOU and how miserable YOU are. Have some compassion for the poor dog.

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Kids are more annoying than dogs (i have 6 children) so use this as an opportunity to work on your patience and parenting skills. Try to fix the issue before you jump ship. Try getting friendly with the dog, try to interact with it. Go for walks, play, engage.

My question is why would you have been risking getting pregnant recently when there are issues you needed to work out or leave prior to conception? You knew what sex would lead to even with birth control, especially if not using condoms. You hated his dog. You wanted out before It’s likely not just the dog for him, either. This home is already broken, regardless of you being together/living together.

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So just to be clear you hate the dog right? :sweat_smile::rofl::rofl:

The dog is annoying you, wait til you have a kid :joy:…think of it as a warm-up to what’s coming.


Hear me out
Your boyfriend deserves better.
Leave him

Dog stays, you go…why would you stay and get pregnant by a person whose lifestyle you don’t like. The dog howls and whines because he knows you don’t like him, and they are a good judge of character. Make the attempt to bond with the dog or get the ( )out!!! Get a job and move out, you were going to anyway so obviously neither of the 2 are important 2 you.


That’s normal husky behavior. They are very vocal. They are super high need, they need constant exercise, or they’ll go crazy. Honestly I would pick my dog over anyone, so don’t force him to choose, you won’t like the answer. My current husband claimed the same back when we first moved in together. He didn’t like my dog and the dog picked up on that and didn’t like him either. He said me or the dog, I took me less than an hour to pack all his things, mind you we had a baby. :joy::joy::joy::joy: dog was there before you. I suggest you find a way to train and bond with the dog, or look for new accommodations.


Imagine complaining about a dog and you’re about to have a baby… lmfao just wait :skull:

I don’t do whiny loud dogs either. He needs to get his dog under control or just leave and get some peace.


1 id choose my dogs and I’m pregnant 2 have either of you looked into CBD for him huskies are also very vocal so he may never stop with the whining even with meds


Dog probably knows you hate it, put some effort into being a friend with the dog. Your bf shouldn’t have to give his dog up if the dog was there first and it doesn’t sound like you’re even trying to help the situation.

Honestly. Take the dog on a nice walk multiple times a day, don’t have to be super far… They need exercise. Get said dog some treats and start working with him… it don’t matter what you teach it. He will start to bond with you and it’ll help make him more tolerable. Buy dog toys and treat puzzles to stimulate his mind and keep him busy. So many things you can do to help the situation be better. If you need any more ideas cause those don’t work for you. Feel free to pm me. (I’m currently going on 32 weeks pregnant and raising 2 puppies)

Dog knows he can get no loving from you! You were ready to leave both of them before getting pg! Must not like your boyfriend very much either. In a committed relationship it’s a team so if you’re not a team player, I suggest you keep on stepping!


Husky are an extremely vocal breed so get use to it lol

Sounds like your boyfriend should have actually researched the breed before he got himself one. Huskies have to be stimulated or they will destroy things out of boredom.

If you aren’t willing the bond with the dog and your bf leaves it for hours with someone who doesn’t like the poor dog maybe actually find someone that has the time and love for that poor baby.

Lol wait until you have a baby. I would suggest working on your patience. Babies cry and whine too-Especially toddlers. If you interacted with the dog more, he would probably be comfortable and not get so anxious when he leaves. I’m sure he can pick up on the fact that you don’t like him, too, which only serves to make it worse. Good luck.

Anyone else wondering whats gonna happen to the baby when its also “whiney “ :flushed:

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I feel bad for that poor fur baby.Neither of you,ate really caring for this dog.If you love your SO,I’d get that baby some help.

I’d pick my dog. If you can’t handle the dog you can’t handle a crying baby.

Poor pooch. The dog doesn’t understand where your partner is going and can probably sense that you “hate” it. Poor wee thing is looking for attention. Give the dog a hug if you give the dog attention it will love you and will settle cause it will trust you. I will never understand anyone who doesn’t like animals.


You’re home with him all day? Every day? Then take some initiative and walk, run, play with the dog. You’ve lived together for years? That’s your dog as well. If you were ready to move out due to a dog you “ hate “ but then found out you were pregnant I’d strongly suggest you take a very hard look at your situation/ relationship because it sounds like you were over it but are staying for the child….

Joy Shafer the boyfriend by her own statement is always gone working, and the dog is at the house with her all day roaming around whining, she also admits to knowing the dog misses her boyfriend, but you want to blame the boyfriend who is gone working? She’s there at the house she could attempt to bond, walk it, play fetch, something to help relieve its anxieties, and her own frustration. ( I’m sure the dog senses her pregnancy, and also her dislike of it, the dog.)
Besides all that, she knew he had a dog, and which dog before she moved in.

Not to compare a baby to a dog for those who find it offensive, but how’s she going to handle/feel when her baby is whining and needs her attention and comfort?

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That’s why I don’t date anyone who has dogs… Or if I do the dog stays at theres an doesn’t come anywhere near me and mine…
If you’ve been there for a while shouldn’t things have been said or done prior to this…

Maybe take the dog to the vet yourself and get the dog some meds. Or get another dog to give the husky some company. Or try to bond with the dog so he’s okay being home with you. It’s crazy y’all have been together a few years and are saying “his dog” not “our dog”. Dogs don’t live that long so if you can’t put up with or try to bond with the dog for a few years then maybe you don’t love your boyfriend as much as you think.

Take him to his vet yourself and have them prescribe something for him. After that, take your boyfriend for the same. This is a recipe for disaster. You have a baby to raise.

You sound like you just don’t like dogs…leave so he can find someone who will.

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There are many places that offer dog training. Petco is one of them. They teach the people how to help their dog. It might be fun to take him to train together. Once he’s trained and you know why he’s doing the things he’s doing, you just might start to like him. At least be fair and give it a try… The other thing is being in early pregnancy- there are things, like smells, etc…that can make being with the dog unpleasant. My 6 yr old’s body odor, even though not bad normally made me feel sick especially after she went outside and played. No fault of her own but I tried lots of different soaps or lotion that wasn’t offensive to use on her. Even my husband would make me queasy when he came home from work! It had something to do with the spice smelling cologne he wore. These things can be pretty powerful; perhaps between hormones and morning sickness the dog seems to be making it harder. The second and third trimester this usually goes away. If it were me, I would go to pet smart or pet co and talk to someone about what is happening. They can give you good advice from dog shampoo to training for the dog. I hope you and the dog can both find something that helps.

I’m sorry for your boyfriend and his husky…

Maybe try bonding with the dog ? Soothe his anxiety when his dad is gone. My husky mix pit has same issue, he’s a talker, he does it all day long it can be quite annoying but it definitely is a easy fix, dogs are 15 plus commitment. He probably looks at his dog like his child as I do mine. I suggest just bonding with the dog, he can probably sense the way you feel about him and makes him anxious when his dad leaves.


I’d maybe try tak8ng him to a dog park. If you be a positive thing to him then he won’t feel so alone. Dogs are VERY VERY VERY AWARE of our feelings by the energy we put out. He k ows you hate him and he is stressed more by it. Also I want to take the time to add IM NOT BEING RUDE IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. I HAAAAAATTTTEEEE WHINEY AND/OR BARKING DOGS. CAN NOT STAND IT EITHER YOUR SITUATION WOULD BE JUST THE SAME FOR MYSELF. SO PLEASE KNOW NONE OF THIS IS RUDE :blush:. But as hard as it will be. Try to get him more time outside. Huskys are made for pulling sleds. He is going crazy and honestly isn’t meaning too do the things he is doing. The dog park would be better than a walk because being pregnant then having the baby it will be too much to walk him I would say just .are sure there is high fences. They jump

Take dog to vet yourself an get him med.something is wrong with dog

Take it you mean the 4 legged type

If this dog annoying you and what ya do with the baby
Babies and toddlers act like that
Just saying
Maybe try looking at it from that angle
The dog knows you don’t like him why would he try not be with the one person that does
Over a dog lady really

Dogs can sense who like them. You knew your man had a dog before you moved in. A dog is family. If your BF gets rid of his dog he will in time resent you. You BF will most likely choose the dog. What kind of person has their SO choose over an animal ? You are so selfish and untitled. You should move out. Let your guy find someone that loves him and his animals. Since you were going to leave anyway before you knew you were pregnant

My partner had a dog when we first got together I wasn’t even an animal person before I got with my partner the problem for me wasnt the dog it was the ex partner haha I love my boy he is part of the family. My boy was the same when his dad went to work. I would take him for walks, have cuddles on the couch while watching tv and if I did go out without him I would bring home his favourite treat for us that was our way of building a bond. Now he isn’t even worried when his dad goes to work.


You should try to bond with the dog. It’s not the dogs fault he’s annoying. Why can’t you take the dog to get medicine?
What are you going to do when the baby cries a lot and your stuck at home with it??
Not trying to be mean, but my spouse had a dog when we got together. That damn dog, ate our entire house, non stop. Especially when he was gone she was very anxious (a husky also) they need a ton of exercise and training. Start taking it for walks, and trying to bond with the dog then maybe the poor thing will chill out a little when he’s not home.

Don’t be immature. It’s your dog too if you’ve been living there for a while. Take some responsibility and take the dog to a vet, a trainer, etc. have you tried to play with the dog? Pet the dog etc? Be warm and loving? If you can’t stand the dog, the dog can sense that. At this point the feeling is mutual I’m sure as dogs have a good sense of character. So maybe it’s you :woman_shrugging:t3:js


Eewwww. I would’ve left you at “I hate the dog”.
Maybe the dog has separation anxiety because he doesn’t like you.


Dogs are an excellent judge of character :grimacing:


Don’t make your boyfriend give up his dog… that’s selfish af. My boyfriend made me give my dog to my parents because he thinks my dog is annoying. I miss him so much and it’s caused me to feel resentment towards my boyfriend. And that’s exactly how my boyfriend kicked my dog out. Said that our place was too small and we’d take him back once we found another place. Now that we’re in a big enough place to take him back, he says that he doesn’t want him messing up the new place. Even though my dog is potty trained and has never caused damage before

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So huskies do well in packs! They need lots of exercise mental and physical. The best thing u can do is get the dog either a walker you, him or a professional that can take the dog on hikes and stuff or a play group. This will really help cut that whiny behavior. As someone w several huskies the behavior will settle w consistency. U can roll food in a towel then tie in a knot throw on floor so he has to use his brain to unravel to get food. Look up other ways to mentally exercise the dog also plenty of free ways w stuff u already have at home. It’s also not fair to the animal to be home all day while he’s at work without getting in the level of stimulation needed. Not sure how old the animal is but this behavior won’t just go away. Best advise is a tired husky is a well behaved husky. Huskies are not like regular dogs they have much higher needs and require that level of attention and exercise daily along w training. Look into biking w him, having him tethered to the bike they sell devices online u can attach to seat of bike to secure the dog safely is a great way to tire him out if u not a runner. They also are major shedders and with a baby on the way the massive amounts of hair can be an issue as it will get on toys, clothes all over. Start exposing the dog to young kids NOW w a proper trainer or behavior specialist this is a critical step that can not be skipped as huskies are typically not fans of smaller things and I’m not calling a baby a thing but it’s a general way to say anything smaller human or animal as it can be viewed as prey if they not exposed and trained properly which can be disastrous for obvious reasons. This is a serious Convo you both need to have and if he loves the animal he needs to take it serious w a baby on the way. Good luck. Plenty of husky groups u can join for more resources

Wait you don’t like being around whining and crying all the time?
And you’re pregnant?
Boy have I got some news for you :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I hope he chooses the dog
Please continue with your plans to leave, a baby is a horrible reason to stay with someone

You should focus on you leaving prior to being pregnant. Keep leaving . You’re doing him and the dog a favor

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