I am afraid my boyfriend is going to leave me for a dog....advice?

Move out and then report him for negligence

i always stand by if a person doesn’t like animals stay away from that person same goes if a animal doesn’t like a person stay away from that person
animals know who can be trusted and i believe in them

The poor dog is bored and not getting the proper energy outlets and stimulation it needs. It’s not an annoying dog, just sounds like he has owners that are clueless about the breed and not providing it the right care. I would honestly find someone who can give the dog what it needs or step up. Dogs aren’t made to just lay down in a house all day and do nothing. This is such an ignorant post.

She hates the dog!
Bond with it for what?!
Girl leave!
Cause now you’ve got a whiny dog and a crying baby and no support!

1st if your home all day why dont you take the dog to the vets to see what medication he can have if your partner works
2nd take him for a walk use that energy up and distract them from being anxious as your partner not home. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress just like in us humans
3rd you need to bond with him. Fron what you said youve never liked the dog and he has probably picked up on that too
He is part of your partners family you knew that when entering the houshold

You shouldn’t be afraid he’s going to leave you. You have already checked out. Hence the “I don’t want him to choose me over the dog.” You may have meant that u don’t wanna put him in that position. But that’s not what was said, so I can only go based on the wording you did choose.
Ok, so. I agree that would be rather annoying to have to deal with. But you probably aren’t a dog person, so u couldn’t possibly understand what the dog is going through during those times. You can only tell how it makes you feel. Maybe try some CBD treats. It helps my pit/heeler when we leave. She has separation anxiety. It’s not the dogs fault. It is the breed and or the owner. You could try to walk the dog bond with the dog, give the dog a companion for when his owner is gone. Dogs can be amazing with new babies around, too. Especially if they’re mild mannered and imprint on the baby. Which most family dogs do. He needs to be a more responsible dog owner, else someone else should take him that can give him the attention he needs and deserves. Huskies are extremely high energy dogs and they’re clingy AF to their owner. He is likely not getting the exercise and stimulation the dog needs. And it manifests in these ways. It’s not so much a relationship issue between the two of you, much as his being an irresponsible dog owner is causing you to live in hell. I think that you should break it down to him in a way that he needs to take more responsibility for his dog, or find him a new home. My dog is a part of my family, and I plan my days around her as much as I do my husband and daughter. She deserves comfort and activity as much as my family does, as she is part of us. But if I couldn’t give her the time attention and proper care she needs, then I should not have her to begin with. You have a baby growing you have to worry about. It’s not your dog, yes he’s your man, but that was already his dog before you. And I personally don’t really bond with dogs that I didn’t have and raise from a pup. But that’s not ur problem. It is his and if he isn’t willing to change or even make efforts to change the situation for ur, his, child’s and the dogs benefit, then I’d say he made the choice in silence

Get an abortion and leave! Lol I mean :woman_shrugging:t2:

We had the same problem with my husbands German, except he was aggressive with my kids! I was like nope! If he can’t figure it out he can go live with my husbands parents again. Due to my husband working a lot and him leaving the dog with me all the time, I just made sure I pet him and let him lay under my feet and rub him with my feet, I’d play chase him in the house. He started to ignore my husband and go for me :joy: he started to get adapted to family life and shortly before our sons first birthday he passed away. I will say this though, it took two years of constant BS from that dog, with my oldest two. And in those two years I stated that if the dog wasn’t going to leave, or be put down that I was gonna off it with kindness. I fed that dog every food scrape that was so unhealthy just in hopes it would shorten its lifespan. Like I wasn’t gonna deal with this dog for another 5yrs. Sadly though he died of spleen cancer. We have another German and I’ve come to find that I’m not a dog person, she annoys me but she’s not aggressive so I can deal with that.

Sounds like you are the problem to be honest. A dog has feelings too and for you to say you hate the dog disgusts me. What will you do if your baby if colicky??? Hate the baby??? Sounds like you need to grow up. Also if you’ve been with the boyfriend for two years it’s your dog too. You’re about to have a family together and you’re going to decide to take away the child from its father because you don’t like the dog??? :rage: Grow up little girl.

I stopped reading at CANT STAND! You would be gone!

Have you even tried to bond with the dog?? What if your baby is a cryer and he just yells all day from being colic or something?? You going to get rid of the baby too?? What would you do if you were in your bf position??

These are all things you should have thought about BEFORE getting pregnant.

Leave him n that stupid dog. U d9nt need to live together just bc ur pregnant.

Why are you stuck with a dog all day? Are you a stay at home girlfriend literally bi+ching about a pet? Sounds like you should get a job or a hobby other than nagging your baby’s father before you’re a single parent over your hate for a helpless animal. Take the dog to a vet/training yourself since he can’t, help the dog :woman_shrugging:

When I first started dating my fiance he had a German Shepherd rottie mix dog who was just annoying. He would follow fiance everywhere and when we tried to cuddle or anything the dog would end up between us. I hated that dog he protested when I moved in my shredding stuff all over he also had anxiety. After moving in I had to try to meet the dog half way so I tried being the one to feed him walk him.etc which helped but we really bonded when we decided to get him.a friend as he had so much energy and always wanted to play he had interactive toys which helped keep him busy amd occupied while fiance was away but he seemed bored after he had a friend he was like a new dog and was not annoying and we actually bonded great.