I am afraid my boyfriend is going to leave me for a dog....advice?

You’re horrible. Just leave.

Exercise the dog, he won’t be as needy if he’s tired. They aren’t the type of dog to be cooped up all day inside.

I’d bring the dog to get anxiety meds myself. If you can’t raise a dog together and compromise then how will a baby go?


I literally just went through this. I ended up moving out because the dog eventually went after my toddler. I’d say take it to the vet and try while pregnant. See if he needs fixed sometimes that helps? Mine also chose his dogs but there was more to it. I’m sorry sweetie hang in there you have a new baby coming. It’s just a dog :wink:

Does the dog have to go pee or poo ?

Hates a very strong word. The way I see it… it’s like taking on a man with other children. You either love them all or none at all.
He came with the dog so either learn to love the dog or move on. If I’m honest, I dunno how anyone can hate a dog… quite sad to read. If you was to give the dog you hate some love and maybe walk it most days things would probably be different. Only you can decide this. No1 else. Good luck and give the dog a virtual hug from me :hugs:

If you were going to leave before Prego you probably still should. Amicably but clearly that’s what you had decided. Baby is gonna change that.

Idk if anyone has said this but if he refuses to appropriately care for the dog he loves so much I doubt he will take on a caregiver responsibility for the child either.


Take him on a few walks a day and buy some calming treats from the pet store.

I would never choose a relationship over my dog. You feel like the problem here, honestly. Shouldn’t have stuck around years ago if you couldn’t tolerate his dog so that’s on you.
As far as advice, leave. I’m sure the dog doesn’t want to live with you either. Clearly you bring it no comfort. Stay with the boyfriend if you want but live separately.

:rofl::rofl: my hubby hates my dog i always say don’t let the door hit you on your ass on way out.
Husky are high energy dogs take it for a walk bond with it. They vocal dogs anyway if not move out on option you have really

Dogs are smart, the dog can probably sense you don’t like him so it makes the separation anxiety worse…best thing you can do is try to bond with him! Maybe bring him to a park to play, get him toys, extra snuggles and pets when he’s scared so he knows he is in a safe place and his dad will be home soon!

I feel like he should just be a good owner and treat it’s anxiety…and make an effort to crate train it and what not. Especially if a baby is gonna be added to the equation, I don’t blame you. That dog is gonna wake up the baby constantly. Boyfriend needs to just get the dog what it needs to help the separation anxiety.

Omg don’t get me started!! Are you f*cking for real!!
Did YOU ever think you are the problem? You hate a beautiful animal that gets zero respect, love and the right training!! Wow!!!
I wonder if you will love,respect and raise your baby when he/she has separation anxiety!

You’ve already made your mind up that you hate the dog and your BF has to chose between you and the dog and now a baby.

How horribly you set up this relationship for failure and then expect to get your way because all that matters is how you feel.

You give nothing but expect something back in return.

Narcissist comes to mind……

This baby is already starting its life in a negative environment.

So sad, so very sad.

And before anyone says “what about the BF?,” I agree he needs to stand up and take accountability instead of ignoring what’s going on around him.

Sounds like he isn’t taking very good care of the dog if he is leaving all the time and not worried about the anxiety the poor dog suffers with. I agree with the bond you should try and form with the dog. I understand not liking a dog. I’m not a huge dog person but as soon as the dog has a bond with you he might chill out and be comfortable with just you there.

I suggest gets close to the dog forming a bond before baby gets here you don’t want him to be jealous of baby. Dogs are just big babies that want love like everyone else. :two_hearts:

There’s things you could have done for the dog like get it calming gummies at pet store, took to the vet or tried bonding with the dog so he felt the need to cry less. Huskies are really wonderful actually and very protective and loyal.


Huskies are extremely high energy dogs. You said its a small house so it probably needs exercise. Ours loves to play in the sn w and run around in fenced areas playing with other dogs. So not only is he cooped up in a
small house all day but knows you don’t like him ( He knows) Take the dogs for walks, give him rubs
& treats and start forming a bond here.

You’re gonna be real sad if you ask him to choose :rofl:

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Just leave no guarantee that dog will except baby either for your sanity and baby’s welfare go solo with living arrangements for a while while he puts breaks on 1 job to attend to his fur baby

Work on training the dog. To not whine and to relieve the anxiety it has.

Girl first off when you get with someone that has bond with their dog, you either love the dog or leave. You are just spewing hatred on this dog. I would choose my dog over you for sure :rofl::rofl:

Literally below this post in my feed.

I’d take it as a sign….

Seems like someone is jealous of the dog, pro tip: he’s going to choose the dog.

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Huskies are actually loving family pets had one for 14yrs my son grew up with him we lost him to old age broke my heart try bonding with the dog they are actually very smart

While your boyfriend is gone, take the dog on walks, reward him with treats, get him a lick mat, toys to keep him entertained. Build a bond with the dog! Dogs aren’t disposable and like you said he’s had the dog longer than 3 years so he’s probably extremely attached to him! My dogs are my world and my boyfriend hates my boy most of the time and I remind him often that I would get rid of him before I ever got rid of my dog!

I’d get rid of you too :rofl::person_shrugging:

He had the dog before ypu and him got together… ypu knew he had the dog. Ypu got knocked up and expect him to get rid of his best friend?! Also… if ypu can’t stand a dog cause it wine’s and cries all day ypu sure aren’t ready for a child.
The only helpful thing I can say is maybe work with a trainer on how ypu can help the dog with its anxiety… but I really think any animal would have anxiety being left home with someone who dosnt Like it

If I were your boyfriend I’d choose the dog. The dog cries and whines because he senses you hate him. Try being nice to the dog.

Your better than me. Huskies are sooooo needy and demanding. Fur everywhere! Theyre good dogs but not everyone thinks an animal is a child. If you dont want to be stuck with the dog. RUN! It will only get worse.

So, like, what if he had a child before you? That’s his baby and he should be home for them. But it’s not the case. Train the dog or hire a trainer or go get a new place. :sparkles:

Oh no. Do not come between a man and his dog

I don’t think it’s fair to ask him to choose between you and his dog. That dog is his fur baby. I suggest you try and bond with the dog. Huskies are such sweet, intelligent dogs and they are very vocal. Just give him a chance and if it doesn’t work then leave

The dogs scared and alone. I would say to bond with the dog. But maybe is not the right place for you right now.

Get some cbd gummies for the dog. Chill it iut

sorry, if you didn’t like the dog to begin with, you should never continue going out with him, And now that you are pregnant, I am sure you want him to get rid of the dog!!! Personal if the situation was reserved & it was me…you really don’t want to know what I would do…but you are right, he just might leave you :slight_smile:

Sounds like you need to try and bound with the dog…

You both need to compromise. You make friends with the dog. Realise that the dog is doing it for a reason and it’s not the dogs fault it’s the way he’s been brought up. And your bf needs to accept the fact that it’s a problem and look into a trainer to help you guys fix the dogs seperation anxiety. It will be a team effort but it certainly isn’t the dogs fault.

Honest opinion if you can’t care for that dog, your gonna be seriously overwhelmed with the baby. They do everything the dog is doing now and much more. Want to prepare to be a mom? Be one to the pup.

Dogs definitely know who likes them and who doesn’t. Your warmth and willingness to bond with the dog speaks loudly. Maybe that’s why the dog whines so much when left with you.

Take the dog to the vet, find out what it needs and buy it! Problem should be alleviated.

Walk the dog and he will like you

You wouldn’t ask him to get rid of his annoying child…how could you ask him to get rid of his pet…we’ve had our dog 11 years and he’s moved 12 times with us. Was there as all our kids grown up too. That’s family honey and your gonna have to make it work because there won’t be a choice…he’s gonna pick the dog cuz that really shows what kind of person you really are. I could understand if the dog is aggressive or dangerous…no the dog loves your husband and is going through it. Maybe see it from someone else’s perspective. That dog doesn’t understand why this strange person is suddenly around. Always mad at them yelling at them. Pushing him away. Telling him no all the time. Imagine how you would feel/Why don’t you take some time to make a good relationship with your husbands dog as you would your husband’s kids…it’s the same thing. Take him out for walks you both need the exercise. Play with him, love on him and give him to time to adjust

:raising_hand_woman:t2: I have a husky and she’s AMAZING!! They can be EXTREMELY vocal dogs, but they’re an incredible breed! You just have to have patience. They’re the very definition of a “pack animal.” If he/she is acting that way when the BF is gone, it’s more likely because he/she doesn’t feel accepted into the pack by YOU.

If he doesn’t have time to tend to a dog, then maybe he shouldn’t have a dog🤷🏻‍♀️

If you can’t bond with the dog, how are y’all gonna bond when a child is involved. You got more options then you think, maybe you should hold off on starting that part of your family right now . Untill you at least make a choice to bond with the dog or move on!

I think the dog knows you hate it, seriously try to accept and like the dog. He will.protect you and the baby. Dogs are amazing protection for babies. Rethink your position.

I mean I myself don’t like dogs I don’t like the way they jump on you and I don’t like dogs in the house full time. So me and someone with a inside dog more than likely wouldn’t work out.

So move out then! His dog is his family so it comes with the package

Is this dog getting any mental stimulation or physical excersie??

Welp, that dog senses that you don’t like him! I hate to tell you this, but this probably makes the dogs anxious behavior worse! So in a way, well, both ways, it’s your fault! You need to ease up on the dog! He doesn’t ask for you to watch him! He knows you don’t like him! Maybe get the dog some good juicy treats! Get the dog to be more comfortable and he will lay down! It’s not his fault

The dog probably hates you as well!! Then leave him and find a place of your own… You would be dead wrong if you asked him to pick in between you and the dog…

Don’t take it out on the dog not his fault why dont u work with the dog @ try to keep him busy while the boyfriend is working there very good dogs he’s lonely that’s why he acts like he does play with him he won’t act like that

Your boyfriend should have never dated someone who didn’t like his dog.

Put it outside in a doghouse when he’s gone.

If you are not committed to bonding or forming a relationship with the dog and you know your partner won’t do anything either, then just end it now.
It’s clear he isn’t giving the dog the attention it needs, meaning: Huskies are high energy and need a lot of ways to release their energy. They need a lot of attention and they need daily walks or outdoor exercise. It’s likely that the Huskey is feeling cooped up and hasn’t been able to get the proper stimulation he needs. He also is bonded with his owner (as lazy as he is) and definitely needs training and treatment for the separation anxiety.

Again, Huskies are a lot of work and if this is too much for you, then I would recommend leaving the relationship-baby or not.
Also, it is TOTALLY OKAY if you do not want to handle the dog. Don’t feel shame or guilt for deciding to leave over this. It is 100% a big deal. :heart: Goodluck girlie.

Im sorry but I had to LOL at this cuz girl, what ?

I personally would not want you to stay if you hated my dog. It’s just a break up waiting to happen and you said it yourself, you were about to move out until you found out you were pregnant. If you truly hate the dog, sadly you will likely raise your baby to dislike the dog as well, whether you mean to or not. It sounds bad all the way around. If you like dogs but you are just disliking this dog’s behaviors, do something about it, there are options. Vets, dog walkers, day cares, is the yard fenced for exercise, etc. He’s probably a lot worse than he would be, picking up on all of your negative energy. A Husky is a handful for sure!! I would 100% choose my dog over a boyfriend. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Walk the dog and then when baby comes walk with baby and dog . Conway home dog should nap.

Be a big girl and TRAIN the dog. Go to a trainer if you have to.
Or You are an Adult? Move out, You aren’t married. I’m not bashing you just good ole straight up answer to your (Gripe)

Why don’t you take the dog to get him medication?
Try taking him out and bonding with him and walking him?

Im gonna be honest. I have a husky now that i absolutely adore hes my baby. But at 1 point of my life i had adopted a husky that did just this. He would whine kenneled or eating or laying down… i dont think he ever slept for more than 2 hours. Im an extremely patient person but my god. That drove me mad. I tried CBD doggy gummies everything. Vet said only thing that would help him would be medicine injections . I ended up having to rehome him unfortunately cause i couldnt keep up with the cost and both of us were suffering but i understand what your saying… youll probably have to take him into the vet yourself and get it handled

So if the dog came before you they you have no option but to put up with the dog. Make the best of it. Try figuring out what things the dog likes then do those things bet with time he and you will grow to be amazing friends and he will be amazing with your child. Way I see it ain’t no different then him having a child before you came along. You gotta learn to deal with what you got or leave.

Sounds like you need to try and bond with dog , take it the vet and work on the issue instead of just expecting the boyfriend to do it when he’s always working. If you’re “unable to because it’s not your dog” then you should definitely move out and you really shouldn’t be having a baby with him

How old is the dog? They don’t live forever. Personally, I won’t even date a guy if I hate his dog, or he hates mine. I’d dump someone that wanted me to ditch my dog, and I’d never ask them to jettison theirs. I realize it’s too late for you on that, so how many years does the dog have left? Can you deal with that?

No judgement here but Tbh, You’re kinda sounding like the “annoying” one, not the dog. Either do something about the situation and help ease it’s anxiety and show it love and understanding or leave and don’t be around it :woman_shrugging:t2: also welcome to motherhood, you’ll hear more whining soon so you might wanna get use to it :baby::grimacing::neutral_face::expressionless:

Good luck to a child if you find the dog “whiny” and can say you hate it.

Who hates a dog??? I don’t have a dog but if I did you would not be around my dog. I do not trust a human that doesn’t like a dog but, I will always trust a dog that doesn’t like a human

And the next episode of Judge Judy- girlfriend causes injuries to boyfriends dog. Suing for vet bills. Girl vent away…… it’s a dog and probably feels your hate towards it. Good advice given here- try some methods. When the baby is here…… good luck!! I would do anything I could to bond with that dog. Huskies are great loyal and very smart. They need attention and to be moving. Google the breed and see what they were originally breed for. It should make sense

Maybe pet, love, and give that furbaby a chance. I’m sure the dog knows you hate it, therefore it don’t want to be alone with you and no one can blame him/her. I’m telling you now… if my husband made me choose between him and my furbaby…I’ll help him pack. Dogs love unconditionally, humans just up and leave for the most ridiculous reasons.

Did he have the dog before you? If so then he will pick the dog over you usually if not then you should be used to the dog and its both of your dog and you should have got it help from the vet together
If you don’t want to be around the animal you need to start making big decisions before baby comes along

The dog doesn’t need medication he needs proper training and the adults need proper educational training for how to care for a working dog like a husky. You my dear are acting childish over an animal that looks to humans to care for it. Please take a step back and look at yourself and how you’re acting. You are about to bring a child in this world and you’re giving a man a hard time over his best friend that is a dog?!?!

He’s not going to get rid of the dog. It’s just not going to happen. You are pregnant and obviously you could do it yourself but it seems like you love your BF. With a baby coming soon you should bond with the dog since you’re home. I have a half husky that our family got a couple years ago. I get it. She’s a lunatic. Lol. And honestly she’s like my sister wife in the house because my husband loves her so damn much. :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl: But when she plays and get love and she’s great. Go for a walk with the dog every morning or get a walker. Get some gummies to calm him down. You should try to put the effort forward to make it work otherwise you will be the odd one out. Change the narrative and just make him your dog. Do what you think will change your relationship and by the time the baby comes you’ll be a team. Dogs are truly wonderful and if you make the effort you’ll enjoy him and not “hate” him.

Either stay and continue to be unhappy. Pregnancy is never a reason to stay and put up with a relationship
Or pack your things and move. If you cannot talk to him about this, then there is no reason to stay. It will not get better once baby is here.

Huskys are working dogs. A husky in a small house even with a fenced yard needs to be walked. A lot. These dogs need lots of exercise and because they are highly intelligent they also need mental stimulation. There is nothing wrong with the dog and medicating it without trying to adjust its environment is in my opinion cruel. It is the equivalent of medicating a child who behaves like a child for ADHD. Making a living, feeling, thinking being a zombie because it makes your life easier is abuse. He doesn’t have time for the dog, you don’t want the dog, things will only get harder when your baby comes. That’s understandable. So find a suitable home for the dog with a huge yard and some older kids to play with him. There is nothing wrong with putting that animals welfare before what your bf wants and doing what is best for that dog. He is miserable living this way. Find a family who has the time to care for him properly.

Id leave you for the dog too… sheesh

I can imagine I would be full of anxiety if I was stuck with someone who hates me all day too.

you or dog. that’s ridiculous. he needs to get that dog some help.

Girl, that man IS NOT going to chose you over his dog. That dog is his baby and friend. Maybe the reason the dog behaves as it does is because it KNOWS how you feel toward it. PG or not either leave or look for the good in that dog and chose to love and care for it. Once you do the dog anxiety level will decrease and the whinning will to. Huskies are very loving, caring and loyal dogs.

Give the dog some THC edibles

Huskys are loveable tho. Is it your just not a animal person?

You are selfish. Get a dog trainer. If the bf wont do it, i am 100% sure you could take the lead and do that yourself. Maybe you should have considered the situation as a whole before you moved in. He had the dog already.

I’m about to be bashed by all these moms. Feel free to ban me from the group. This is a mom group right? Well stating you hate the dog like 4 times won’t help. Try bonding with the dog like you would be with a child. Huskies have a high separation disorder. Like a child does from parents. Maybe start by comforting the doggo? Take a different outlook. Fur babies need love too and can sense negativity. Hope it works out. But the Dog may not be the issue… Take a hard look in the mirror.

Dogs are family like your unborn child.

poor dog :frowning: ad chose the dog tbh

Imo it’s not fair that he has this dog if he works constantly and the dog has anxiety over his being gone all day. He knows you don’t like the dog but he leaves him with you all day. That’s not fair. If he loved the dog he’d want it to have a home where those who loved him had time for him.

Ohhhh good grief. And now you’re pregnant… I feel bad for dog and that baby

Girl please bye if I were him I’ll support you throughout the pregnancy and then once they baby is born. Don’t stay because you’re pregnant. If that dog hasn’t done anything to cause it being removed from the home than pack you’re bags and bounce. That dog didn’t ask for u and its not fair to they dog that it’s stuck with u too. Hopefully they bf chooses the right dog to rid of!! Smdh

U can’t stand that the dog whines? And ur about to have a baby? I myself had a very high energy dog during my pregnancy that made it EXTREMELY hard to walk him because he pulled me all over the place. So i had him and myself walk-trained properly and that changed…some effort needs to be put in with any animal you choose, and u chose ur man knowing this dog was his fur baby. And knowing his dog was a husky at that. You and Your boyfriend need to get on the same page, support one another because this is the perfect time to get some of that practise in - becoming parents is not easy, and get this dog some real training and some help from the vet in regards to the separation anxiety. It will take some time, definitely patience on everyone’s part, and you will see how wonderful it is to have a dog as a part of your family. Your baby will never be so protected and loved by anything else on this planet other than you and baby’s dad. :heart: good luck and congratulations on your baby!!

Oh my goodness really why don’t you bond with the dog pet him love on him take him for a walk get to know him you’re jealous of a dog well let me tell you and someone gave me a choice them are my dog guess what my dog would win and that dog is probably going to win too unless you decide to buy with that dog and be decent a dog can can tell if you’re a dog person or not good luck with that one

Take the dog to the vet and get him anxiety meds? This seems like a no brainer.

Have you tried anything to help the dog? Or just complain? Have you tried actually liking the dog so when he leaves he is fine with you? There are many things to try instead of waiting for your boyfriend to try. ……

He should of made you leave long ago and you should of left as soon as you realized you didn’t like the dog. This is so sad for that poor dog.

Seems like they are a package, if u don’t want to put up with the dog for ur man then baby u need a new man. If the dog has proper care I think it would be fine but I’m no professional, there’s not much options for u hun. And u seem to be the one that wants to leave

This post makes me feel bad for the dog

This has to be a piss take seriously​:joy::joy::joy:

Try playing with him. He’s whining because he misses his owner and he’s stuck with someone who “hates him”. Take him on walks. Give him treats. Search YouTube for anxiety videos for dogs. Medicine isn’t always the answer - it’s just a quick fix and it might make the dog feel awful. I wouldn’t be giving my dog medication to satisfy someone else’s needs and frankly if you didn’t like the dog before then you should’ve reconsidered staying with someone with a dog.

Harsh but true :woman_shrugging:t4:

You are aware of the fact that this furbaby ( yes I know to you he is just a dog ) actually picks up on your dislike of him , which makes him feel even more insecure and even scared of you , I genuinely feel if you could try just a little bit to bond with this husky you might be pleasantly surprised… instead of giving of negative vibes of dislike …try to make friends with him…because if your boyfriend loves this furbaby as much as I think he does…I don’t think you should try to make him choose …because if any of my partners previously had tried to make me choose over my furbabies,they would have gotten the short end of the stick …and now I am waiting for the backlash because of my response …

Get a job, then you will not have to listen to the dog.

You say you dont want him to choose between you and his dog but you’re basically making him choose you or the dog based on you not liking the dog. I would never give my dog up because someone don’t like him. They don’t have to like him he know he’s loved by me. The dog gets a vibe off you and he probably hates you to because of your shit ass attitude towards him.