I am concerned for a family members baby: Thoughts?

Hi there! Not a mom here, but a concerned family member and I need some advice. A family member and her husband had their first baby. It is less than eight months old. Let me preface this by saying: said family member and I had a falling out a little over a year ago, and we are not close. Both she and her husband are extremely overweight (talking 400+ pounds each) and don’t really seem to grasp what is “healthy.” Regularly, she will post photos and videos of her baby on social media doing/eating things that really concern me. She feeds her infant (again, less than eight months) chocolate snack packs; full freeze pops, ice cream, ice cream sandwiches, veggie straws, chips, sour skittles, and full cookies. She has applied a full face of makeup to the baby and will put lip gloss on her on a regular basis to promote the products she sells. There are also a few more things that I can’t quite remember. This poor baby sleeps with TONS of blankets/stuffies and is left sitting alone with their dogs on a regular basis. She has posted photos of the baby in a single cab truck with her husband (in a car seat, but still unsafe. They have vehicles with a backseat but don’t want to use them because her husband just “loves his truck”), and take the baby in an enclosed off-road vehicle up large dirt hills on their property without a car seat – just sitting on the seat next to dad with his hand on her to keep her in place. She did “photoshoots” of the baby outside on top of said vehicle in 30°F weather with a thin long sleeve shirt and a thin blanket layer underneath it. The poor thing was so red and looked so cold in all the photos. I’m very worried about this baby’s general health, on top of the fact that my family member’s husband is verbally abusive to my aunt and physically abuses one of their dogs, and is overall a very impatient person. He refused to even hold his baby until it was around five months old, even at family functions when mom was busy, and nobody else wanted to hold the baby, he would simply state “I don’t want [baby’s name], give the baby to baby’s mom.” Babys’ mom is also extremely manipulative, and a compulsive liar who will not respond to concerns brought up about how she is taking care of this baby. I’m sorry that this is so long, but any advice you have on what to do/how to handle the situation (or if I should even step in) would be really great. Thank you so much in advance.


If you truly believed she was hurting this baby would you really be bringing it to facebook to see what we all thought? If you believed that baby was in danger, common sense tells me you’d have already called child protective services. So what’s this really about? If you’ve voiced your concerns then what else can you do? Because obviously it hasn’t risen to the level where you feel the need to get baby help. It sounds like you are being nosey and picky otherwise I assume you’d have already gotten help for this baby.


Call the ministry get them to do a wellness check

I mean none of those things you listed are great, but at the end of the day, you still need to just mind your business. You call CPS, the kid could end up in foster care, or nothing comes of it. Focus on your own shit and get off her FB.

I think it’s none of your damn business what she’s doing with her child. It’s not your place to tell anyone how to raise their child and some of the things you’re using as examples of her bad parenting are laughable. Oh wait the baby had ice cream holy shit better call cps immediately. Sounds like you’re the one who needs help.

Facebook is not the 1st place to be coming to with these concerns. If you can’t speak to them about it then just ring the right authorities.
Also it kind of sounds like you just don’t like them. You can’t control what they feed their child.


You need to mind your own business, little girl. Baby doesn’t sound in any danger you just sound nosey.


Also did you not say at the top your not a parent? So you don’t have a clue what it takes to raise a child.


Get a check done on them… i dont think shes being petty people. I would be concerned if i saw this as well…


If you are truly concerned then say something to the parents. If that doesn’t help or change anything maybe get someone more serious involved if you think this baby is really in danger.


Shes not a mom maybe this is the only place she knows to go to find out where to go from here.


Call cps hotline, and ask for a wellness check


The kid is clearly doomed, not sure there is anything you can do though :woman_shrugging:t2: car seats are safe in single cab trucks and cannot be used in atvs/off road vehicles, so basically ypu don’t have a leg to stand on with cps


Whatever the “falling out” was obviously has you still mad and vengeful…


If you are really concerned call family services.


It’s pretty scary to watch how some people “care” for a child. However, unless the child is actually in danger I don’t think there is much you can do. Possibly voice concerns to a family member that is closer to these people and who they may listen to?


You sound petty AF. You freely admit to having a falling out with the mom. Leave these people alone. You are looking for revenge, not to protect a baby.


You can call for a welfare check if you are honestly concerned for the babies safety. If you aren’t worried about the baby being safe, then there’s not much you can do without confronting them directly. Honestly the food thing is just your opinion on the matter. The “dad” is a deadbeat, you can’t change that. The only thing you should really be concerned about is the sleeping with blankets/stuffed animals. Are you friends with them on social media? It seems you are if you see them share things. Maybe you need to share an article about how unsafe it is for infants to sleep with items like that, though not tag them. Just share it. Start sharing articles about kids eating junk food and how it affects them. Start sharing articles about how fathers so step in when mom needs help. Can you drop a letter in their mailbox at night letting them know how they should correct their behavior now before it’s too late? Don’t sign it. Just write a letter, put it in an unmarked envelope and drop it in their mailbox at night. I do believe that parents can parent how they want, and even if most of us see these things as wrong, it is still a parenting style and there are no laws to enforce how to parent, just that we can’t abuse or neglect our children. If the baby isn’t abused or neglected, you must decide if you believe their “wrong parenting” is worth stepping in for.


I think the baby is fine. I’m worried about the poor dog!


Call it in if you’re that concerned

You sound petty AF in my opinion, Facebook wouldn’t of been your first point of contact if you were really concerned, just sounds like you want to take a stab at the mum for the falling out you had.
Unless her doctors/paeds/ etc were concerned, im sure they would get authorities involved.


You may not agree with how the baby is being raised and I’m sure thats hard for you but you really need to mind your business unless the baby is in danger or being abused. Unfortunately we can not tell someone how to raise their own children because we see unhealthy habits.


You can request a wellness check on said baby or stay out of it. Realistically those are your only 2 options. Once you state your concerns on why you are calling in a wellness check they will determine if one is needed. Some things you would consider to be child neglect could be something that CPS doesn’t deem to be.

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Looks like that falling out has you feeling petty Seem to be looking for a reason to be spiteful


Mind your own business. No wonder you all had a falling out. Obviously the dr isnt concerned.


Are you just basing your suspicions on facebook posts? Do you actually have first hand knowledge? As far as the babies diet, that is a conversation between the baby and doctor.


The child’s dr would calls cps or say something if a health issue. If you have a problem get a wellness check, Its better to see a child eating then starved. But I don’t see much of a concern just you still being mad from the fallout.


You must be a karen.

You said you weren’t a parent, so until you are maybe you should mind your own buisness. You seem bitter about your “falling out”


It’s none of your concern what their idea of “healthy” is. Mind your own business


Looking at these comments I’m guessing yal skipped over the part where it said it was 30 degrees and the baby was out for a photoshoot with thin clothes on that looked to be freezing. I’d call on that to be at least checked up on


I wish I had some of that baby’s snacks.


U could try dcf if its really worth it or needed. But if they don’t physically see damage or abuse nothing will happen

Ring child services and make an anon complaint…I would have dome it for everyone of those things, every time…


You sound like a hater who’s mad. Call cps and move on with your life. If there’s anything they’ll deal with it.


Its just not the way you would parent if you were one so you see it as wrong. You can address it most likely nothing will change but you cant control how someone parents. Also the eating thing I would have drove you insane my kiddos hated baby food at that age so we skipped it and went straight to food (and of course we still kept up with the milk needed at that age) and if I snacked they most likely ate it too if it was something they could chew


Spiteful ad disgusting. Mind your own business


If you TRULY feel that baby is in SERIOUS danger, contact local authorities or CPS. However, if you’re just mad because of your relationship with her, get over it and move along.


I’m shocked at these responses. I would definitely report a baby that you are worried about. So many people turn their head and then the baby ends up harmed or worse.


Call social services !! Report it if ur concerned .


If the child is not being physically harmed/ abused. Has food regularly and is not malnourished, has proper sleeping arrangements such as a crib there is nothing you can do. It is their right as a parent to raise their child however they want, within the boundaries set forth by the government. The child seems to have everything it needs and doesn’t seem to be in any danger of any kind other than potential health issues due to poor diet but that is not something CPS or DCF could help with. Best to leave the parents alone and allow them to parent how they see fit.


You seem to know a lot about a family who you are not very close to. Sounds like a personal vendetta to me.


Y’all really gonna call cps cause that baby had a puddin cup at 8 months?? :sob::sob::sob::sob:


The baby can eat icecream and things that are soft …you have no idea what her doctor has said to be ok …you need to mind your own …just bc you don’t like her doesn’t mean you need to call CPS that is crazy …and for the photoshoot you have no idea what was going on she could of had her in the truck with heat on and took her out to do the photos you have no idea …so mind your own


Either call CPS or just ignore it like for real

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I would call the mother and try to be friends again and try to introduce a healthy diet. And tell her about your concerns. Just nicely show her a healthier way. You could send her pinterest recipes or something if you don’t want to be direct.

I think you have a right to be concerned and the child is more than likely not being abused, but the problem with our country is that attitude of mind your own business and then we wonder why USA leads the way w/ so many horrific child abuse cases. Please follow your heart and if you’re truly concerned and believe there’s child abuse, then call the hotline to share your concerns. FB is not the place. Hopefully if you call, You’ll be thrilled to know your wrong and the child is safe, or if you’re right, you may have saved a life


Sounds like she is just a social poster for likes. How do you know so much about a families life of you had a falling out before the baby was born?


Ok, “Nelly”, back off a little bit, there. I’m hearing jealousy, pettiness, and retaliation in your remarks. You seem a bit consumed with monitoring/stalking this family. You can’t control how others raise their children. If you are truly concerned for the child’s welfare and safety, contact your local dept. Of human services/child welfare office. Then LET.IT.GO.


There really isn’t much that you can do unless the child is being abused. I know plenty of people that have different parenting styles than mine and that I don’t agree with. I feel for the child and wish the best for them but you aren’t the parent… maybe you could help resolve whatever falling out happened and become a good role model for said child…
I’ve been at the pediatricians and my sons pediatrician told me that I wouldn’t believe the things that people feed their children that were younger than my son at the time (8 months).


You had a falling out and are not close so stop looking at her social media. If you have real concerns then deal with them


As unfortunate as all this sounds it’s not neglect. You and many others may choose to parent differently than they do but technically they’re not harming the child. If I were you I’d bud out. You could try DCFS but I highly doubt they’ll do anything because it’s not neglect or abuse.


They can raise their baby however the way they want. What she feeds her child is none of your concern r U fucken kidding me. If your not going to make a complaint then keep your nose out of there business. U must have alot of time to go through all there photos , in saying that. Please whatever U do make sure your intentions for narking are 100% correct because so many people get called on and wrongly accused of doing things all because people nark out of spite ! So go and look at yourself and search deep down and say do I actually care about the kids itself or am I just being a negative Nancy . You know majority of kids in the state end up much much worse off then the current situation there in.

Sounds to me like she was just looking for some validation on her concerns and as a mother of 4, I would say she’s definitely right in being concerned.


You could call CPS and express your concerns and they can handle it from there


You know all this amd haven’t called CPS?? They could also be abusing her that you dont know of. Sound like shitty parents that are negleting and purposely endangering their infant. Call CPS and tell them everything. I can’t believe you havent already honestly.

They are feeding that kid so many unnecessary things I’d be appalled too but unless you calling dcf I’d let it go. I know that may be hard cuz it seems like you care about the baby but again unless you involving a higher up then nothing is going to get done and the mom won’t stop

Call cps and tell them what’s going on.

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Soo what ur saying is… the baby is feed,clothed,has a roof over her head,and has a car seat but u wana call in on them :thinking::thinking::thinking: bye felicia


I didnt kno this was a CPS hotline… :woman_shrugging:

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If you’re concerned, call CPS and make a report. Then mind your business from now on.

Mind your damn business :ok_hand::100::woman_shrugging:t3:

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Someone should suggest parenting classes

You certainly can’t do anything about someone’s diet and how they raise their children. I see things like this on a regular basis on social media, super messy houses, kids sleeping in onesies in the winter etc. yes it bothers me, yes I think it’s irresponsible but it’s none of my business. Unfortunately being a parent now I see that many people shouldn’t be parents and some animals take better care of their kids then some people I know, but unless it’s a child’s life at risk, it’s none of your business. And also to all the people yapping about how she’s not a mom so she doesn’t know anything? STFU, I was an aunt 3 times over before I became a mother myself and u better believe I helped raise those babies like my own and knew how a child was supposed to be raised, saying anything else is ignorant.

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You could call CPS anonymously, but without visible proof of neglect I highly doubt they would do anything (they actually have to see for themselves in person that said child is being neglected). Plus you don’t know what the doctor says to them about what is okay for child to eat and what is not because you are not at doctor appointments

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You don’t have kids. This child isn’t being beat or abused. Mind your business


CAll child protective services


I would never let my child eat those things, my child is 4 and doesn’t even drink soda… but unfortunately you can’t do anything about any of that… maybe try to patch things up and just be the best encouraging person you can to influence that child to eat better things… probably doesn’t even know what veggies are… sending positive thoughts…

Yeah she might be a karen but at least someone is looking out for that child. Keep doing what your doing that child might be lucky to have you some day, when their parents die of a heart attack or diabetes because they are unhealthy.


Mind your own fucking Business. It’s not your child!

If you’re concerned then report them! It’s better to be safe than sorry


If the parent doesn’t have access to another vehicle, single cab trucks are ok.
You have access to the pictures, save them to your phone/ computer, create an inconspicuous email address, email them anonymously to CPS with the parents’ information etc. If the local CPS doesn’t have an email address, call it in anonymously.
You clearly know what they’re doing is very wrong.
No, it doesn’t sound like you’re being vindictive based on a falling out with the baby’s mother. Please do the right thing. If CPS finds nothing wrong, then you’ve done your best. But keep on them if you find that the child remains in danger- it’s easy for parents to lie until they get caught or something worse happens.


Mind your own business.


Call the correct services and make a report but don’t do it just because they parent different than you assume you’d parent.

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all these “mothers” saying nothings wrong with how these overweight parents are. if youre a mother you should KNOW that baby under 8 months shouldnt be eating all the JUNK food theyre feeding their baby.


All these people saying the lady should mind her own business WTF is wrong with you all… A child is everybody’s business… How many times have we seen news reports about babies dying due to negligence and we all said ’ If only someone stepped up and helped that poor baby ’ 8 months old is to young to be driving in a car without a car seat, eating those kind of solids and she has no voice to say she’s cold… Step up. Call the right authorities, be that babies voice!!


if u dont see anything wrong with what these parents are putting their baby thru maybe u shouldnt be a parent yourself.


Gee sure are some hateful people on this post you don’t sound bitter or petty or any of the other names you have been called. You sound like some one who cares. Pray for the child and the family. Thanks for caring.


If you are this concerned turn them into welfare

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CPS is only a phone call away


I’d ring if your really concerned.
None of that crap food is good for a baby and if it ends up excessively fat like them, they could lose the kid in more ways then one, I’d worry if any parent would want to send their kid down a path of having horrible weight issues in ife. Being unrestrained properly in a vehicle is illegal, also promoting the baby with making up on that she wants to sell, isn’t good either…

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Let her raise her kid how she wants. Your judging bc of a fall out. Fuck off to people like you. Let them be w.e. weight they wants

Thank about if you call CPS and say the kid gets removed, do you think foster care will treat the child better? It’s easy to point out how parents do things wrong if you don’t have kids. I grew up eating junk food, I seen it was bad for my health and I didn’t want to grow up to be a fat slob like my family. So I started eating healthy at 13 and never stopped. I raise my kids on healthy food, but I don’t judge other parents. It’s my job to raise my own children not worry about if other parents feed there kids crap. If the child was being beaten or starved or left alone sure call CPS. But other then that leave them be, if it really bothers you delete them from Facebook.


You need to mind your own damn business. Especially if ur not a parent. You need to get over yourself.

As someone who grew up in the foster care system, leave that family alone! You have no right to call cps and put the baby in danger. Unless that child is being neglected, beaten, or abused in some way then mind your own damn business. I wish I could say that CPS has the best interest of the child in mind but they don’t. Children in CPS are treated like luggage that comes with money. No one cares about the child just how much money they can get. Being feed food that you don’t approve of is not abuse. An infant in foster care is like a foster parent hitting pay dirt and that poor child could be sent from one home after another. You will cause that child severe emotional damage. I am not saying that all foster parents are bad. Maybe five percent of them are good but the other 95 percent just want the money. I went through 13 families in 3 years and I was abused in many of them. I then spent ten years as an older lady’s personal maid. Leave that family alone if the worse they ever do is let her eat candy then belive me that is heaven compared to the hell of foster care.

Seriously think you need to mind your business. Y’all had a falling out a year ago? Why are you still on her social media. I’m not saying they are doing right or wrong, I’m saying that it doesn’t sound like anything that is actual abuse. I’m not saying the parents are in the right, or that obesity isn’t a problem, child services is not going to do anything with the complaints of “I don’t agree with how they raise their child”


You must have a Lot of free time.


Nothing worse then a nosey nancy! If the child isnt abused or negelected leave them be! Its a first child and and just cuz they post pics doesnt mean a thing.


First off, if you cared so much you would call CPS not ask the interweb people for their advise. Also the food she feeds is unhealthy but also not your child. If you care what she feeds the baby buy the baby healthy food. Mine only ate apple sauce till age 1. Also the single cab ordeal is not illegal nor can cps take a child away for riding in a single cab truck. That’s all I have. My fiance aka my daughter’s father drives the diesel. Our daughter is 5 and has rode in my 2 single cabs since she was a baby. As long as the air bag is off. It’s totally legal. If you’re truly concerned. You would voice your opinion to the mother or father and if nothing is done. Then contact CPS. But it really doesn’t sound like the child is in danger. Idk i don’t know the whole story. But I know if a child was in serious danger, this post wouldn’t be here an cps would have stepped in. Also for someone to not be “close” you sure as hell know alot.


All you can do is report her to CPS and if you have any pics of her not in the carseat and stuff she feeds her. If she feeds her hotdog without cutting it into little pieces also would be a great danger. You don’t have to tell them your name. At least they can check on it and command them to go to parenting classes.

Ima just say this , because you blew me when you kept calling the baby “it” . Like I understand the you don’t have kids part but nah . That kinda gave me you might not like kids vibe . I think you bitter off the fall out and now you wanna find anything little thing to pick at so you can say she doing something wrong . Why would you come to fb ? You could have had a conversation with her in private and let her know your concerns . But you can’t tell people how to parent either . If you feel the child was in real danger you wouldn’t had came here . If the child is not in danger just fall back and mind your business


If you really feel concerned, call CPS for a wellness check.

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Worry about children who are ACTUALLY abused…


Guys, stop being so hateful towards this woman! It is NOT a bad thing if she’s concerned about a child, regardless if she’s a mother or not!


The child is 8 months old and it takes you to complain after you fall out with her

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Unfriend them and move on.


You can suggest a welfare check but to maybe a family member that she is talking to. Also at that age the baby should not eat anything she could possibly choke on. Should eat baby snacks only . Pudding and applesauce is ok. Mashed potatoes are ok at that age but not too thick or lumpy. Vanilla ice cream ok but nothing else. They need to be sure the baby is not allergic to anything that is why the doctor suggests one baby food at a time to make sure. Good luck. Prayers for some guidance. :pray:

I have to say that you won’t know what it’s like to be a parent until you are one and that leaves no room to judge. The food thing is not a big deal as long as the baby is healthy and being fed what is your concern… The car seat is an issue and that is something to be concerned about. Maybe the mother needs to be educated on proper car seat safety.

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Fuckin Karen. If your that concerned call Cps. Otherwise mind ya damn business.

They should ask for a wellness. check …

Mind your business. It’s not that serious. The babys not being abused. But ur trash if u call cps that will make things worse on u n u might get ur ass wooped

I think the eating habits are something to be concerned… but there isn’t much you can do, the baby is being fed. And you don’t know what the baby eats outside of the photos, it could just be a cute little snack time for the baby, we don’t know.

And I also see the concern for the car seat. She is a bit young to just be bopping
around in there in my opinion, but if they are just driving her in the yard and not on the actual road like that… again there isn’t much you can do. My grampy used to ride us on his front lap to catch the mail down his long driveway.

The best advice I can give is keep doing what you are doing, watch the baby and if something serious comes up, that you can prove, then make the call.
Your heart is in the right place. :heart: good luck.

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