I am emotionally disconnected from my husband: Advice?

There are some people that are incapable of loving children that are not biologically theirs. They do not belong in relationships where there are children from previous relationships. Not even for you, but for the sake of your children, leave him. Better yet, send him packing. There are 6 of you and only 1 of him. The reason that the behavior continues, is because he believes he can get away with it. When you leave, then take him back, it indicates to him, that you’ll eventually get over being mad and cone back. Or, that you need him.

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Just leave " this is not healthy for you & the children :unamused:

I would make the counseling appointment give him date and time and let him know that he shows up and starts working on the issues. If he doesn’t go then there is your answer.

Leave today! You are being used! Get out now!


When your sick & tired of being sick & tired you’ll change it. Please don’t let him abuse you kids they don’t deserve that.


Your children will have more trauma by you staying and accepting his treatment😞


Never stay for the children. Leave. Your time has come.


You and the kids deserve better. He’s using the kids as an excuse for you to stay. And as they get older they will learn that too. It’s hard. But you can’t let him use the kids against you. Especially if he doesn’t want to treat them nicely but somehow thinks he knows what’s best for them… yeah no


Leave…not good for you or the kids.


Just go… walk out and go straight to a lawyer and file separation at least. Then move on.


Quit saying they are not his kids when you adopt or marry into ready made family it’s his his kids too if he has anger issues and mean it’s abuse it needs to be addressed and stopped you need to decide if you love him enough to deal with his crap or you need to leave trust me it’s not going to stop and the kids they need therapy this is how it starts out when kids end up in mental and physical abuse they need therapy either they need to go with their moms or someone else because it’s not good for them to live like this .

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Leave and dont look back


Shoot, I would be too. Time for you to find someone actually worth the time and effort


Sounds like he is a narcissist and sticking around is damaging your kids.


Advice: Leave and let him do him alone and stay disconnected! You can do bad by yourself….if he is talking, texting etc other women he is cheating! Along with verbal & emotional abuse


‘Staying for the kids’?! You all need to stay and he needs to go. He is a bully and is abusing the children.


what you are telling your children is that his behavior by you staying and putting up with it, is ok and it is not, teach them better, they deserve better and so do you

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Leave and don’t return till you have hard evidence that he is in counselling. It’s manipulation to promise you will go to counselling to have a relationship and then go back on it when you get what you want.

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He is mean to his kids and you stay for the kids?


Make sure you go to your counselor even though he won’t go . They will help you come to a decision. It is quite concerning that he is also mean to the kids . That is uncalled for and unacceptable. Stand up for your kids because no one else will .

Leave him. You dont need advice, you just need to pull the trigger on a relationship you already know has zero future

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You don’t need that kind of abuse.If he can’t treat you all with love, then it’s time to split. You and the kids will be better off. He needs to find someone else who’ll put up with his crap.Life is to short to be treated like he is doing.

Looks like you’re the only one who can create change, not only for you but your kids. Those kids are counting on you to do right by them. Strongly encourage you leave him. Good luck :black_heart:


leave him tonight and take you children so that you all can have a nice life don’t continue to put you children or yourself through the abuse or your children will grow up doing the things he does to there spouse. you are getting nothing out of that relationship if that is what you want to call it there is no reason to stay


Leave and don’t look back. And honestly he seem he doesn’t care about you if he did he do what he said he do.

Your going on Facebook for advice???

He says you should stay for the kids but he treats two of them bad. That is not good for the kids. You need to get out of this toxic relationship.

Divorce and run, block him and remove all contact from him, run before it’s too late and he gets physical

Wow leave when u can

I was abused by my step dad for 8 years and I always tell my mom how much I resent her for not caring about us enough to leave him before he left her. God I hated him and he ruined my childhood. I was raised off of survival and have very few good memories. Think about your children.


YOUR CHILDREN ALWAYS COMES FIRST!! He is not going to change ----You must leave so your children do not have to suffer any longer.

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It’s not going to change. Please build up the strength to go. Your children deserve to be in a healthy loving home. Even if that means ot just you and them in the home.

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You know what you need to do. Take kids

You said he guilt trips you into staying for the kids… but yet he is mean to them.
There’s your answer. Easier said than done… but I would most definitely plan to leave and give your kids a better and happy environment.

Just leave mama. Those kids see you going through all this. You guys would probably be much better off if you left. And honestly it sounds as if you already have one foot out the door. If he makes you feel guilty for trying to leave, just ignore it, because in the long run it’s what’s best for you and those kids. You probably have some kind of love for your husband but he sounds like an ass. Good luck!

Leave. Tell him to leave. You deserve 100x better. And so do your kids. THEY are what you need to focus on. He isn’t going to change. And the kids will resent you. He’s cheating, not helping but hindering you. It will be worth it in the end. Better for all of you! Please start making plans!!

Take your kids and leave

Staying for the kids is a horrible thing that needs to stop already. Your relationship is the first model your kids see for what love looks like; it’s better for them to see you separate and happy, than together and miserable.
If one of your children came to you when they’re grown and told you they were in this same situation, what would you want them to do?

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The only feelings, and person you can control are yours and you. Those kids are going to be grown in a blink! It goes by fast. Put them first and get out and take care of them. You’re doing it now alone, just with extra dead weight. You don’t stay in a relationship for the kids if one party is mean to them. You will never change the stripes on a zebra. Good Luck.